Sweet Beginning (13 page)

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Authors: V. M. Holk

BOOK: Sweet Beginning
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Yesterday was a long, emotional day. I am so thankful, Wyatt
was there with dad when he had his heart attack. Once I saw him and knew that
he was alright, Jaylah drove me to the airport to pick up Jack. The ride to the
airport is a little over an hour away, so on the way I made my phone calls.
Jack was waiting for us once we got there, we drove him right to dad's house.
Being such a long day for all of us, I showed him where everything was, then we
said our good nights. 

There is so much to do today, that I have to try to stay
focused to get it all done. I make a pot of coffee before I hop in the shower.
I make it a quick one, knowing that Wyatt is going to be here soon. I told
Jaylah to meet us at the new house, to help unload. No reason for us to be
walking on top of each other. 

Right when I finish making my cup of coffee, there is a
knock on the door. 

"Good Morning, Wyatt."  I say with a smile.

"Good Morning, Anne.  Mmmmm, that coffee smells

"Let me get you a cup before we start."

I make him a cup and hand it to him. I hide my smile behind
the rim of my coffee cup. It isn't right how yummy he looks. He smiles back at
me and inhales the aroma of his coffee and takes a drink. I hear him groan his

"Do you like the coffee?" I ask, smiling at him.

He chuckles, "Yeah, it's really good. I needed some,

We stand there silently for a moment, enjoying our coffee.
"Thanks again for coming and helping me today. Also, for all the help

"Anytime. I think of Tom as more than a boss."

I nod my head and smile back at him. Of course, he is doing
this to help my dad. He doesn't think of me that way. Everytime I am around
him, I get these feelings. I am drawn to him. I shake myself of these thoughts
and refill my coffee.

"I thought we could start on all the boxes first.
Jaylah is going to start unloading at the new house. As she is doing that, we
can come back for more."

"Sounds like a good idea to me."

Wyatt refills his coffee cup, before we get started. I see
him looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Could there be something to
that look? I get to taking boxes down to the truck and try not to think of him
that way.

We load up the truck and drive it over to the new house.
Jaylah is there waiting for us, with coffee and breakfast sweets. We stop long
enough to have coffee and snack on something. We leave her to go get another
load of boxes and furniture.

We bring back pizza and beer, after one of our loads. During
that time I call Jack, to see how dad is doing. He tells me that dad has spent
most of the day sleeping and the doctor thinks everything is going well. They
are looking to do another surgery on Monday. I am thankful, that will give me
time to get my stuff done.

We have only one more load to get at the apartment. I have
been trying not to steal to many glances at Wyatt. I'm pretty sure, Jaylah is
laughing at me behind my back. She is quite aware of what's going on. I have
been trying not to be anything but friendly with Wyatt. Yet there is only so
many times of brushing against him, that I can't deny the pull. A few times, I
felt him stiffen when I touched him. 

I look up from my beer and pizza, to see Jaylah smiling at
me. I give her a confused look, in hopes that she doesn't know what I'm

"So, we only have one more load to pick up." I say
in way of conversation.

"Good, I have plans for tonight. I hope you don't mind,
Anne." Jaylah says with a smirk.

I see Wyatt looking between the two of us, and smiles. 
"No that's fine, what do you have going on?"  I ask.

"I am going out with Josie, there is a band we want to
check out."  she replies.

"Sounds like fun, you go get ready. We got the rest,
right Wyatt?"

He clears his throat, "Yeah. I am all yours this
weekend, Anne."

Jaylah chuckles, "You kids have fun, I will see you
tomorrow toots." she says.  She gives me a hug and kiss, then whispers in
my ear, "
I left your house warming gift in your nightstand drawer, have
fun, tiger.

She says goodbye and gives me a wink, as she walks out the
door. I turn to see Wyatt smiling and shaking his head.

"Well let's go get that last load." he says.

I nod and we head out the door.  Once we have everything
loaded into the truck, I have Wyatt stop to get more beer. We get to my house,
then finish with the last of my stuff. We both throw ourselves onto my couch. 

"Would you like a beer?" I ask him.

"Sure. Do you want me to help you move all the
furniture into the right place?"

"That would be great."

I walk into the kitchen to grab us some beers. I walk back
into the living room and hand him one. He takes a long draw on it and sighs. 

"Thanks. That hits the spot."

"No problem. How about we set up the living room

He nods his answer, then downs the rest of his beer. I keep
drinking from mine, look around the room to decide where to put everything. I
go get Wyatt another beer and hand it to him. We start moving everything to its
place. I realize after quite a few beers and a few hours later that most of the
furniture is done. The only room left is mine.

"My bed needs to be set up, then we are done. Want
another beer?"

"Sure. I'll meet you up there."

I walk into the kitchen, grab the beers. I lean against the
counter to steady myself. I am actually nervous about being in my room with
him. I take a long draw on my beer and shake myself. I walk upstairs slowly and
into my bedroom. I actually feel a chill down my back. I walk over to Wyatt,
hand him his beer. He is putting the frame of my bed together, I can see the
muscles in his back. God, he is so good looking. 

"Do you need me to help?"

"Yeah. Hold these tools for me, hand them to me when I
need them, okay."

I grab the tools he is handing to me and our hands touch. I
swear I felt electricity when we touched. I look into his eyes, I can tell he
felt it too. He takes his hand away from mine, then continues to work. 

I remember that Jaylah left me something in my nightstand, I
turn and open the drawer. I start to laugh when I see the box of condoms.  I
look over my shoulder to see Wyatt looking over at me. I smile back at him and
quickly close the drawer.

I move my night stand where I want it, and look to see that
he already moved my dresser against the opposite wall.

"It's ready, we can put the mattress on," he says
with a smile.

I nod, then we both grab the box spring put it on, then we
grab the mattress and put lay that on top. I grab sheets and begin to make my
bed. I look over my shoulder to see Wyatt watching me. God he looks so sexy
leaning against the wall. He takes a drink of his beer, then marches over to me
with purpose. I gasp, as he takes me into his arms. I look into his eyes, as he
looks into mine for approval.  I can't seem to speak, so I simply nod.

He takes my lips to his, in a hard passionate kiss, I groan.
I wrap my arms around his neck and wring my fingers through his hair. My lips
part, his tongue invades my mouth. I hear him groan, along with me. He tastes
as good as he smells, his hand digs into my hair. I feel the beer bottle
digging into my back, then he fumbles to get rid of it. We fall back onto my
bed, as he kisses down my neck.

I grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it over his head. I
run my hands down his chest, then kiss him all over. I see his tattoo's, which
are beautifully done. On his bicep is a celtic cross, and I trace them with my
fingers. The one on his chest is a saying, which I don't take the time to read.
The ones on his back, I will have to look at later. I love a man with tatoo's,
they are so sexy. A small groan escapes him, I capture it with my lips.

He takes my shirt, pulls it over my head. He sees my
tattoo's, he traces them with his fingers and kisses my back, then down my
neck. He undoes my bra, then works his way down to my pants. I work frantically
to get his pants down, then step back to admire him. We both look at each
other, he smiles at me then takes me in his arms again.

I step away from him and open the drawer to my nightstand,
then throw my gift to Wyatt. He looks at it with surprise, then raises his
eyebrows at me.

"My house warming gift from Jaylah." I reply with
a laugh.

"Why does that not surprise me." He shakes his
head and chuckles.

He rips the box open, takes one out. He throws the box on
top of the nightstand, then walks the few steps back to me. 

"Come here you," he says with a smile.

I wrap my arms around his head, then dig my fingers through
his hair. I love the feel of it through my fingers. He gently pushes me down
onto the bed, as he kisses down my body. As he works his way back up to my
lips, I am shaking with anticipation.

He begins giving each of my breasts attention, I feel as if
I might explode. With my hands in his hair, I pull him up to my lips. I wrap my
legs around his middle, digging my fingers in his back, as he enters me. We
both groan with pleasure, he crushes his lips to mine. I move with him, as the
excitment builds in me.

When I think I can't take anymore, I explode. I groan with
pleasure, Wyatt starts breathing harder. I feel him explode with his own
release, then fall on top of me. He lays his head on my bare chest, as I play
with his hair. We are both trying to catch our breath.

He pulls himself up on his elbow and kisses me. He gets up,
I watch his gorgeous ass as he walks into my bathroom. I follow him in, to take
a quick shower. As I turn on the shower, Wyatt wraps his arms around my waist. 
He kisses the back of my neck, I groan.

"Your tattoo's are beautiful, especially your angels.
Are they your girls?"

"Thanks and yes they are. I love yours too."

I trace my fingers over his upper arm, the cross and then on
the other arm a tribal design. I look at his chest to read what it says.

It's not what the world holds for

It's what you bring to it.

"Beautiful." I whisper, and push him around to his
back to see the rest.

I take in a breath to see a large dargon wrapping around his
back. It's unbelievable how breath taking it is, done all in black. I have
always found tattoo's to be sexy. Kyle didn't have any, he never was interested
in them. He never understood why I wanted them. Wyatt wakes me from my trance
and pulls me back in front of him.

"Do you mind if I join you, beautiful." he says
into my neck.

I smile to myself, "Not at all."

We both get into the shower, there is more carassing than
actual cleaning. I never had a man clean me the way Wyatt was. It felt so good,
I was ready for more. As his fingers go between my legs to clean me, I groan
with pleasure. Our lips crush into each other and his tongue enters my mouth.
His fingers work over my clit, then enters me. He works them in and out, he
uses his thumb to play with my clit. He pushes me up against the wall, his lips
suck at my breasts. I pull at his hair, my excitement builds, then I scream
with my release. 

Thank god, Wyatt was holding me up, I think I would have
collapsed. We finish our shower, then fall into bed. I put my head on his
chest, he wraps his arms around me. We had such a long day, that we both fall
asleep in what seemed like seconds.


I wake feeling content and satisfied, as flashes of last
night play in my head. I roll over to see Wyatt sleeping soundly next to me. I
watch him sleeping with a stupid grin on my face, he is so damn good looking. I
get quietly out of bed and throw on his t-shirt. I inhale the smell of him, it
actually stirs excitment in me. 

I hurry down the hall to the kitchen to make coffee. As I
wait for the coffee, I run into the bathroom to brush my teeth, my hair and do
my business.  Once I am done, I go back into the kitchen and  find two coffee
mugs. I make my coffee. I lean up against the counter and savor my first sip. I
look out my kitchen window towards Jaylah's house.

What? Who is that? I lean over the sink to get a better
look. I see a very good looking man, giving Jaylah a kiss, then leaving. Well,
well. Someone else had a good night as well. As I am still looking, Jaylah
looks over to my house. She sees me, I wave and smile back at her. She laughs,
then walks back into her house. I laugh to myself, then feel Wyatt wrap his
arms around my waist. I close my eyes, sigh and lean back into him.

"Smells good. What were you looking at?"

"Jaylah, she had a guest last night." I turn, wrap
my arms around his neck, then kiss him.

"Wow, a fella could get use to that," he whispers
in my ear, as he kisses down my neck.

"Would you like some coffee?" I some how get out,
in a whisper.

"Sure," he answers, just as the back door opens.

"Well good morning, bitches!" yells Jaylah.

I think my face must have turned about 10 shades of red.
Wyatt starts laughing next to me, as he makes his own coffee. I look over,
realizing I am wearing his shirt, so he is shirtless. I look over at Jaylah,
she winks at me, then smiles. She comes over and makes herself a cup of coffee.

I shake myself, "Sooooo, who was that?"

"Who? What do you mean?" she replies.

"You know damn well, who I am talking about

Jaylah sits there taking long sips of her coffee, she knows
she is driving me crazy. I look over at Wyatt, he shakes his head and chuckles.
He walks into the living room, I hear the TV turn on.

"Ok, we are by ourselves, spill."  I say.

"Me? You need to spill." 

"I asked first, come on woman, SPILL!"

"Okay, Okay.  Keep your panties on, you little
whore." she says with a chuckle. "He was the lead singer from the
band last night, O."  she starts.

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