Read Sweat Equity Online

Authors: Liz Crowe

Sweat Equity (10 page)

BOOK: Sweat Equity
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When he released her, his breathing ragged, he pressed a kiss to her hand and tugged it down to his lap. She grinned at the hard heat under his zipper. "Is that a yes?"

He groaned, let go of her and squealed out of the parking lot. "You're impossible, you know that?" She giggled, the slow burn spreading, making her thighs tingle. She put a hand on his neck, laced fingers through his hair.

"No, I'm not. Just horny. So what?"

"Yeah," he laughed. "Me too."

They made their way downtown, and he pulled into the underground lot of a tall condo building. The elevator eased them up to the top floor and Sara allowed herself to admit how wrong this was, but that she could not wait to see what he had to offer.

 The doors opened onto the top floor, revealing a glass canopy over a large blue pool. The entire place sparkled with candles. She gasped, and glared at Craig. "You were gonna do this anyway? And still made me say it?" The twinkle in his eye made her gulp.
God he was cute.
"What do we do when anyone else wants to swim?"

"I've lived here for nearly two years and I have never once encountered another soul in this pool, so I'm locking the door behind us." He showed her the changing room, and she put on her bikini, amused at his modesty. He stared at her as she entered the pool area again; dragging his eyes from her toes to the top of her head, then looked straight into her eyes.

"Wow," he said, softly.



She was just what he had been imaging for weeks–firm, fit, not too thin, her breasts a perfect match for her body type, her nipples rock hard under the thin material of her suit, and her skin glowing in the soft candlelight. He couldn't get enough of her, just the sight of her, her lower lip caught in her teeth… he smiled, forcing himself to stay calm, to keep his desire in check–for now.

He had his regular spandex trunks on and made no effort to hide the bulge there. It would have been impossible without a towel anyway. She ran her fingers over his shoulders, as if measuring him for a suit, lightly touched the skin of his biceps, forearms, wrists, and hands. He remained still for her, not moving or touching her, as her fingers lingered on his chest down to his abs.

She stepped back then, seeming to wait for him to make the first move. Something inside him snapped. He scooped her into his arms, reached his hands into her hair and kissed her, kissed her like he'd wanted to do for months, since the first time he'd seen her in that sales meeting. The soft noises she made nearly drove him insane, but he broke away, reminding himself to go slow. Stepping back, he took her hand and led her to the edge of the pool. Then, without another word turned and plunged in the deep end, rising to the surface to break through for breath, trying like hell to bury the lust and the "something else" burning a hole in his gut.

Sure he could be friends, fuck buddies, whatever. But he knew he would want more–a lot more. He didn't know if going down this particular road would be good for him in the long run. Tonight, he had no intention of holding back.



She watched, mesmerized by his lithe body as it cut through the water. When he resurfaced having completed a back and forth lap in no time, he grabbed her feet and forced her to the edge.

"Come on," he said, "let's see how in shape you really are!"

She squealed, embarrassed. Swimming had never been one of her favorite forms of exercise. Something in her wouldn't relax enough to feel comfortable with the water up her nose, pulling at her limbs, forcing her down while she struggled to remain afloat.

She jumped in and hung on to the side.

"You go ahead," she told him motioning for him to swim away. "I like watching you," she laughed. "I'm a terrible swimmer."

"I'll teach you," he said, running a hand through his hair.

She tensed up, almost told him this wasn't exactly the sort of "exercise" she had mind, but decided to humor him. He pried her fingers off the edge. "C'mon, I won't let you drown, jeez." When they got to a shallower spot, he took her wrists, formed her hands into cups. "Like this, push the water away from you with your hands." She shuddered when he pressed a kiss into each of her palms.

"Kicking keeps you buoyant, your hands and arms move you forward. Now show me." He pulled himself up with those amazing arms and sat on the side of the pool.

"Okay fine." She pushed off from the side, concentrating on propelling herself forward with her lower body, forcing her arms to move independently and to turn her head to the side at every other stroke to catch oxygen just as he'd taught her. Her brain went immediately into what she recognized as her zone, that place she retreated to after five miles of running or the first hour of hot yoga. She continued to stroke, kicking, breathing comfortably and not panicking as she had when she tried to swim laps before. She reached the side at Craig's feet and stopped.

"How's that coach?" she asked, smiling and batting her eyelashes.

Without a word, he walked around to the deep end again, motioning for her to follow him. She climbed out, feeling strong, relaxed, and happy.

He showed her how to dive in, bending down deeply first, and then holding her hips up, in preparation for the exertion.

"Okay, but I know you're using this as an excuse to touch my ass." She smiled then gasped as he yanked her back up and slanted lips over hers. He broke the kiss, keeping his arms around her waist. Her head buzzed and her core resumed its slow meltdown.

"Maybe, but it sounds like I don't need an excuse." He released her, smacked her ass so hard she yelped as he dove in. Her inner competitor reared up, and she followed him, hands and head first. She caught up with him, then turned around and swam back. She kept up for nearly six laps, then slowed, her heart pounding and her breath coming in gasps. Finally she stopped, clinging onto the side, watching as he slid back up to her. He smiled, placed his hands on either side of her arms, staying afloat by kicking his feet.

His face was near, his lips hovered over hers, his eyes closed, his breathing ragged. She sighed as he pressed her against the edge, the hard, lean planes of his bare body sliding against hers.

"Look up Sara," he whispered, sending shivers through her whole body.



Craig couldn't remember a time when he felt so alive. The steam from the pool, the familiar chlorine smells enveloped him as he moved closer to her. His pulse raced but he kept his movements slow, relaxed, determined, and ready to fulfill whatever she needed from him. He was winning this one, he knew. Jack Gordon would be a distant memory once he was through with her, maybe not tonight, but very soon.

No, she said it herself. Friends. With lovely benefits.
He grinned, and yanked a mental pillow over the voice reminding him he was likely already halfway in love with the woman.

She tilted her head back then gasped as he put his lips on her collarbones, moved up her neck, and took her earlobe between his teeth. Her body arched into his.

"Is this a good idea?" She breathed into his ear.

He sighed, bent his head down to her bikini top, pulled it aside easily with his teeth, pulled a rock hard nipple into his mouth. His entire body pulsed when she moaned.

"Craig," Her hands were in his hair, threaded through the wet strands. "Are you sure? I mean, don't want to…oh dear God." He pressed against her, cutting off her protest with his lips and tongue. Her arms shook as they wrapped around his neck but broke their kiss. He stared at her. "I know you're right, what you said. I owe it to you to get him out of my system," she began as he pulled back and watched her brush the tears away.

"No," he said firmly. "You owe it to yourself to get him out of your system, and I've decided to dedicate every waking hour to helping you do just that."



Sara's brain slowly closed down as she gave into the burning need for something, anything, denying to herself that she could be using the incredible man in front of her to get over one who wasn't worth carrying his guitar case. He leaned in and took her lips, caressed them with his, explored her mouth with his tongue. She wrapped her legs around his waist, held on, felt his cock pulse under the thin trunks. He reached down to release one leg, and placed his entire hand against her pussy, rubbed through her bikini bottoms exerting just enough pressure against her mound with the heel of his hand.

"You game for that plan, Thornton?" He whispered, using his teeth to graze her skin along her jaw. "I mean, if you wanna think you're deflowering me you can, but you'll find me fairly talented for a beginner."

 His incredibly fit swimmer's physique held them up as he plunged his tongue between her lips again. Her body arched, and she pressed herself down into his hand, willing him to reach inside, to fill her aching emptiness.

He reached around her waist, and down into the back of her swimsuit, feeling his way with his fingers, and touched her engorged clit, passed by her lips, and over her tightest hole before repeating the process, the entire time holding her up with his arm wrapped around her.

"Oh my God, Craig, please don't stop," she heard herself begging as her body started its slow, familiar dance towards orgasm. His lips remained on hers, not breaking contact, except to lean down and nibble at her neck. His lower body moved against her seeking contact. She gasped, and buried her hands in his wet hair, pulling him closer, feeling his fingers reach into her pussy, as light exploded behind her eyes. "Jesus, yes!" Her whole body pulsed, shivered, and tension she'd held for weeks released in a rush of lusty adrenaline.

He removed his lips from her neck, his eyes half closed, his nose flaring as he brought his fingers up to his lips to taste her. Then, without warning, he reached down to her waist and placed her up on the side of the pool.

 He yanked her bikini bottom down, tossed them aside, never taking his eyes from her body, then reached around her ass with both hands and pulled her to his mouth, flicking her still sensitive clit with his tongue.

 "Ahhh," Sara fisted her hands in his hair as he licked the tender nub, and spread her lips with the fingers of one hand. She bent one leg allowing him more access, willing him to take more of her.

"Oh God, Craig, yes, please, yes!" The room kept spinning and she couldn't stop coming. It amazed her, nearly bringing tears to her eyes. Finally, he eased his fingers out, pulled himself up out of the pool and stood over her. She eased back away from the edge of the pool, willing him to put his incredible body between her legs and fill her with that amazing looking cock. He continued to gaze down at her, the bulge in his trunks seeming to grow as ever larger. Suddenly, he knelt down.

"I told myself I would wait for you, as long as it took," Craig lowered his head briefly then looked straight into her eyes, boring into her soul. "I have never been so close to murder with my bare hands as I was the day of that damn picnic. It's probably not fair for me to say I'll just be your friend." He drew his fingers down her throat, to her breasts, cupped them gently, and trailed a line down to her navel, as if pondering her flesh, how it could possibly be here, in front of him, his for the taking. Then, wordlessly, he stood and walked over to a small table that held a bottle of wine, two glasses and a single condom.

He opened the square package, pulled off his trunks as he faced her, and her eyes were drawn to the beautiful sight of his cock as he drew the sheath down its length.

"That for me?" She licked her lips and smiled when he actually blushed.

He sat back on the side of the pool and slid into the water, and pulled her towards him again, easing her back down into the water with him. "Yes. It is. You sure you want it?" She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder, nibbling, licking, tasting water and sweat, the very essence of Craig. He pushed her against the side of the pool with his body, and she reached down to stroke him. He groaned and leaned into her pressure. "It might come with strings attached, no promises. Okay, Sara?" He tilted her face to his and covered her mouth, plundering her with his tongue. She broke away, wrapping both legs around his waist.

"Pretty sure, yeah," her voice was hoarse. She couldn't wait another minute to appreciate fully what he had to give and grasped his long and elegant cock in her hand. The water made her more buoyant, and she lowered her aching sex down his length, gasping as she felt length go ever deeper. "Dear God…" The sensation of his strong arms holding her up as he pressed in further brought stars to the edge of her vision. She moaned as he took her hips and eased her back up, then back down, slowly, steadily, his pubic bone making exquisite contact with her clit.

He grasped her around the waist and turned them around so that he was leaning against the wall, and she had her hands on the side of the pool, on either side of his shoulders. He took her face in his hands.

"Look at me Sara, now, please."

She opened her eyes, drank in his gaze, as his hips began to move against her, his lips found hers, their bodies wrapped together, no inch of skin going un-touched as his hands moved from her back, to her waist, to her ass, to her thighs.

 He moaned, his lips still on hers, as she sensed his thrusting increase in speed and intensity. She gripped his shoulders and rode him, the head of his cock reaching further inside of her than she had ever felt a man before. She let the orgasm roll over her like a soft wave, her whole body pulsing and throbbing with pleasure, her lips forming words she couldn't hear.

BOOK: Sweat Equity
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