Swan Peak (43 page)

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Authors: James Lee Burke

Tags: #Montana, #Suspense, #Private Investigators - Louisiana - New Iberia, #Louisiana, #New Iberia, #Police Procedural, #Mystery Fiction, #General, #Hard-Boiled, #Fiction, #Robicheaux, #Private investigators, #Political, #Dave (Fictitious Character), #Mystery & Detective

BOOK: Swan Peak
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Jimmy Dale had abandoned the boosted car up by Ravalli, on the Flathead Indian Reservation, and buried the hot plates in a hillside and hitched a ride to a ranch a short distance from the Jocko River. The ranch was owned by a Salish shaman who was married to an aging hippie white woman. The couple sold jewelry on the powwow circuit and belonged to that group of non-ethnically defined gypsies who still wander the West and somehow manage to live inside its past rather than its present. Jimmy Dale slept in their barn that night without ever notifying them he was there, and in the morning they welcomed him into their clapboard house as though it was perfectly natural for someone to knock on their back door at five-thirty A.M.

Their water came from an overflowing cistern elevated on stilts behind the house. Most of their vegetables came from a half-acre garden whose wire fence was strung with aluminum-foil pie plates and tin cans to keep out the deer. The barn was a two-story desiccated shell, the faded red planks glowing magically when the early sun broke through the cracks. The house and the wide gallery were buried amid poplar, willow, and apple trees. The valley where the house was located was a long alluvial slit among greenish-brown mountains on which there were no other structures. The entire valley, as far as the eye could see, was unmarked by human activity, except for the two-lane state road and a train track on which a freight went through every evening at seven o’clock. In the false dawn, just before the stars faded over the hills, just before the breeze stopped blowing in the cottonwoods along the river, Jimmy Dale believed he was standing on a stretch of America that hadn’t changed in seventy-five years.

He showered and shaved in the couple’s bathroom and put on fresh underwear and socks and clean blue jeans and a purple-and-white-checked cowboy shirt with puffed sleeves and red stars brocaded on the shoulders. Then he and the couple ate a breakfast of pork chops and fried eggs and talked about an upcoming rodeo in Reno, one in Calgary, the big dance down in Vegas, and a half-dozen powwows strung across the Southwest.

His hosts were kind and gentle people and spoke with him as though the three of them shared the same future. But in truth, they knew his future was not theirs and perhaps not anyone else’s except Jimmy Dale’s. The shaman was an overweight, jolly man who wore his hair in pigtails and clearly did not like to speak of harsh realities in front of his wife, who still believed the year was 1968 and the flower children had never ceased dancing on the edges of San Francisco Bay.

“You need some money, Jimmy Dale?” the shaman asked.

“No, I been working pretty reg’lar. I just needed a place to sleep and freshen up before I get on my way,” Jimmy Dale said.

“Where might that be?” the shaman asked.

“You know me, just a rolling stone.”

“I ever tell you I spent two years in Deer Lodge when I was a kid?” the shaman said.

“Wasn’t aware of that,” Jimmy Dale said.

“Always swore they’d never get me again.”

“Yeah, them jailhouses ain’t no fun.”

“A man can develop certain attitudes about jail. It’s either the worst thing in life or it’s not. I’d hate to go back, but I’d probably let them do it to me if they wanted. What about you?”

“I don’t study on it.”

“I guess that’s a good way to be.”

“Is there cutthroat and rainbow in that stream out there?” Jimmy Dale asked.

“It’s full of them,” the shaman said. “Come back and we’ll throw a worm in. Make sure you come back, Jimmy Dale.”

“Yessirree,” he replied.

Two hours later, Jimmy Dale had hitched a ride on a flatbed truck boomed down with big bales of green hay, and was riding north up the side of Flathead Lake, past cherry orchards and expanses of shimmering blue water so vast they could easily be mistaken for part of the Pacific Ocean. The Swan Valley was to the east, just over the mountain, and soon he would have to make choices that would place him in immediate jeopardy. The Wellstones’ hirelings would have no qualms about killing him if they were ordered to do so, and if the cops got their hands on him again, he would be on his way back to Texas, where he would get an extra five years for running and probably another twenty for the attempted murder of Troyce Nix, all of it to be served under mounted gunbulls at Huntsville prison.

The shaman had asked Jimmy Dale his thoughts on a man returning to jail. No, that wasn’t correct. He had asked Jimmy Dale his thoughts on an Indian going back to jail. When Jimmy Dale said he had given the question no study, he had answered truthfully. For him, the question had never been up for debate. Before he’d do time again, he’d eat a Gatling gun.




they were moving their “situation,” as he called it, up to the Swan, where he’d worked out an arrangement with some people who owned time-share units on the shores of the lake. The cottages had been built of stone and gray-painted shingles during the Depression, on thirty-six acres that sloped down through birch trees to a shoreline that offered a magnificent view of Swan Peak. In the hottest days of summer, the thirty-six acres were always cool and breezy inside the shade of the birch trees, and guests played tennis on a court stained by leaves that had stayed wet and gold under winter snow.

It was a grand place to vacation, and that its grandeur had in part been created by impoverished craftsmen hired by people with Midas levels of wealth seemed of little significance today. But Candace could not keep her mind on the loveliness of the setting or its arcane history or Troyce’s endless conversation about pike fishing and the fact that this was a glacial lake and right beneath the water’s surface were the peaks of mountains that could slice the bottom out of an aluminum boat.

“Will you shut up?” she said as they pulled into the shale driveway of the cottage he had rented.

“You shouldn’t ought to talk to me like that,” he said, cutting the engine.

“You shouldn’t ought to lie.”

“Lie about what?”

“Why we’re here, why you’re set on ruining all our plans.”

“If I don’t deal with Jimmy Dale now, I’ll have to deal with him when we get our café. It ain’t me what’s writing up the itinerary. He’s gonna come for Ms. Wellstone, and I’m gonna be waiting for him. Maybe they done took off already, but at least I can say I give it my best.”

“I believe what she said. Jimmy Dale doesn’t want to hurt you, Troyce. If he did, he would have pulled the trigger in the park. He stopped Quince Whitley from throwing acid on me. But that doesn’t mean anything to you, does it?”

“Of course it does.”

“But not enough. You know why? Because you won’t face up to what’s driving you. You did something awful to Jimmy Dale to make him cut you up the way he did.”

“How about what
done? Like open my face when I was unarmed and bust off a shank in my chest?”

“What did you do to him?”

Troyce’s hands rested on the bottom of the steering wheel. All she could see was the side of his face, but in his right eye was an intensity that she could compare only with a bee trapped inside a glass. “I had certain kinds of sexual problems for a long time, least till I met you. When I try to sort them out in my head, I always think back on Cujo and the towel we wrapped around his face and the water we poured from a bucket into his nose and mouth. There was gasoline in the water, and when I think of Cujo and the towel and the water breaking across his face, I can smell gasoline, just like I could smell it on them men that raped me when I was little.

“Out in the desert, after we killed him and everybody was drinking beer and smoking dope, I could hear these vultures up in the sky. Their sounds was just like the gurgling sounds Cujo made before he died. Other people might hear mockingbirds in the morning, but I hear them vultures.”

She stared out the passenger window at the lake. An elderly man was showing a little boy, probably his grandson, how to spin-cast off the end of the dock. The water looked blue and deep and cold, and in his concentration, the little boy seemed about to fall in, until the elderly man steadied him and pulled him back by the hand.

“You hurt Jimmy Dale Greenwood because of your own guilt, Troyce. Till you own up on that, it’s gonna keep eating on you, just like a tumor growing inside your chest. It’ll squeeze everything good out of you till one day none of the good man I know will be left.”

She went inside the cottage with her suitcase and began unpacking in the bedroom, throwing her things onto shelves, not bothering to pick them up when they fell on the floor.

“Maybe I got another reason for being up here,” Troyce said from the doorway. “Maybe you don’t know the whole story about everything.”

“I’m not the one hurting all our plans just so he can get even for something he caused to happen.”

“When we went up to talk to the Wellstones? When I left my shades inside and had to go back inside for them?” he said.

“What about it?”

“The door was still partly open, so I went in the living room and got my shades without knocking. Leslie Wellstone was telling the Spanish woman to wipe down everything you touched in the bathroom and to put all the tissues and cleaning towels in a bag along with the cleaning gloves and burn them in the incinerator. He’s a cripple man, or I would have twisted that ugly head of his off the stem and stuck it on a pike.”

Candace thought she would not be vulnerable to Troyce’s recreation of Leslie Wellstone’s insult, but the images Troyce’s words conjured up in her imagination caused the blood to drain from her cheeks and her eyes to water. She jerked open a dresser drawer, dumped the rest of her clothes on the bedspread, and began sorting out her underthings, unsure exactly what she was doing.

“Who cares what Leslie Wellstone said?” she said impotently. “Besides, what does that have to do with Jimmy Dale Greenwood?”

“Maybe that fellow Quince Whitley wasn’t after you with a bottle of acid just ’cause I give him a beating in a convenience-store restroom. Maybe he had permission from Leslie Wellstone to do that. Or Leslie Wellstone’s wife, the one who’s telling you to leave Jimmy Dale alone. A guy like Whitley don’t use the toilet less’n somebody gives him permission.”

“I think that’s crap,” she replied.

“Maybe it is. But that Wellstone woman ain’t no good. She dumped Jimmy Dale when he went to jail, and now she’s using him to escape that freak she married. Bet you as soon as they’re in Canada, she’ll get shut of Jimmy Dale again and find another hard-up rich guy who cain’t keep his big-boy in his britches.”

Candace shoved the rest of her garments in a dresser drawer and now had no other place to put her hands except the back pockets of her jeans.

“Are you trying to say something?” Troyce asked.

“Yeah, I guess I am. I just didn’t think I could.”

“What are you trying to tell me, little darlin’?”

“That if you hurt that guy, that Indian, Jimmy Dale Greenwood, I swear to God I won’t be around anymore,” she replied.


his Caddy down to our cabin and got out and looked at its maroon finish reflectively. He removed a soft cloth from the glove box and wiped dust off one fender, wetting a finger and touching a spot on the chrome molding around the headlight. But his attention did not seem concentrated on his vehicle.

I stepped out on the porch. The sun was shining through the trees on the mountaintop, and Clete had to squint to look at me.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked.

“Alicia told me the feds and the Sheriff’s Department found a box of Halloween masks in Sonny Click’s basement,” he replied. “They all look just like the one they found in Quince Whitley’s truck. They also found a photo in a scrapbook at Click’s place. It shows a bunch of college-age kids wearing the masks at a party two years ago. Alicia said the DNA inside the mask from Whitley’s truck isn’t from Whitley.”

“The feds have a vested interest in Whitley’s role as a CI. I wouldn’t blow him off as a suspect,” I said. “Remember that case in Boston when one of their CIs was doing contract hits?”

Clete shook his head as though a fly were buzzing around his face. “Yeah, I think Whitley is involved on one level or another. The Wellstones didn’t hire him just to shovel horse turds. A guy like that is a weapon you point at other people.”

“You want to have another talk with the Wellstones?”

He chewed at a piece of skin on the ball of his thumb. “Yeah, then we start over. We missed something. It’s real simple, too. Know why we haven’t seen it?”

“No, but tell me.”

He gave me a look. “The main players all have normal roles,” he said. “They’re not skells or grifters or junkies or porn addicts. They don’t have rap sheets. They don’t get picked up in shooting galleries or at cathouses or live-sex shows. They don’t give us the edge.”

“But sooner or later, they all go down, Cletus, edge or no edge.”

“That’s why neither one of us ever developed drinking problems,” he replied.

When Cletus was at the plate, your best slider usually came back at you like a BB in the forehead.


to the Swan Valley in Clete’s Caddy. An hour and a half later, we were rebuffed at the Wellstones’ front gate by none other than Lyle Hobbs. Even though Clete had ripped out Hobbs’s wiring at the park in Missoula, Hobbs was oddly detached and self-possessed. His recessed eye, the one looped by a chain of tiny scars, still looked as dead as a lead ball but no more lacking in expression than his other eye. “The Wellstones aren’t receiving guests right now,” he said. “You can come back tomorrow or the next day.”

Through the electronically locked gate, I could see the fortress-like structure the Wellstones called home at the end of the driveway. Deer were feeding on the lawn, their coats golden in the sunlight, like decorative ornaments. I got out of the Caddy and closed the door behind me, indicating physically that my presence was going to be a problem that wouldn’t disappear easily. “How about calling up to your boss and asking?” I said.

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