Swallow This (33 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blythman

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Veos globin: http://www.vepro.biz/en/globin-52.htm

‘Sold through a worldwide sales network’:
Food Ingredients Daily Europe
, 2013, page 17

‘A recipe for hot dogs’: Interfiber®, Fibers of nature brochure

‘A recipe for bacon brine’: Dr Harnisch, Better bacon on the table, http://www.harnisch.com/uploads/tx_harnisch/fmt_4_12_14-16.pdf

Tumbling/injecting meat equipment: FAO meat processing technology for small-to medium-scale producers …, http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ai407e/ai407e14.htm; http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ai407e/ai407e04.htm

‘Without the hassle of blisters’: Sabofa, Flavour jet, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC6qJWe5Ul4

‘12,000 chickens an hour’:

‘When the
… calculated’:
, 7 December 2013, Supermarket customers buying frozen chicken pay 20 per cent for water and additives

Daily Mail
Daily Mail
, 9 December 2013, How supermarkets charge you £1.54 a kilo for water added to bulk up chicken

Chapter 11

‘Since their development in the 1940s, modified food starches have become a vital part of the food industry’: ‘Modified Food Starches, Why, What, Where and How’, Joseph M. Light, National Starch and Chemical Co., adapted from a presentation at the symposium on Modified Food Starches at AACC’s 74th Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, 29 October to 2 November 1989, http://sa.foodinnovation.com/pdfs/modified.pdf

‘adhesion, antistaling, binding’:
, http://www.intechopen.com/download/get/type/pdfs/id/34060

‘Food manufacturers generally prefer starches’: ‘Modified Starches and Their Usages’, Abbas, Khalil, Hussin,
Journal of Agricultural Science
, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2010, http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jas/article/viewFile/4069/4919

Various techniques for modifying starch, Neelan/Veejay/Lalit in
International Research Journal of Pharmacy
, 2230–8407, 9 March 2012, http://www.irjponline.com/admin/php/uploads/1061_pdf.pdf

‘The starch in canned soups [and] … a factory pizza’: What is modified starch? Roy Ballam, British Nutrition Foundation,
, 11 October 1998, http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/food-drink-food-for-thought-what-is-modified-starch-1177698.html

Methods for modifying starch: Physical and/or chemical modifications of starch by thermoplastic extrusion, Clerici, March 2012, http://www.intechopen.com/download/get/type/pdfs/id/34060

‘Speciality starches continue to outpace unmodified starches’: Speciality starches for snack foods, M.G. Sajilata, Rekha S. Singhal, Department of Food and Fermentation Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai, http://www.aseanfood.info/articles/11020956.pdf

‘Like you, we’re committed to keeping costs low’: National Starch, ‘Consider the secrets of cost-effective innovation’, http://www.foodinnovation.com/valuematters/index.html

‘The addition of starch allows opulently labelled ‘all butter’ biscuits or croissants to contain less butter’: Ulrick&Short Ingredients, ‘Making the biscuit’, http://www.ulrickandshort.com/news%20pdfs/PR57a%20Biscuit%20World.pdf

Delyte: What is Delyte? http://www.ulrickandshort.com/delyte.html

‘Once you’ve created the structure with your base starch’: National Starch N-dulge co-texturiser brochure

‘Our specialty solutions mimic the organoleptic qualities of fat’: National Starch, Starch-based solutions for cost effective convenience, http://www.foodinnovation.com/Downloads/Company/100034VMSavoryR0.pdf

‘Starch can stand in for 30% of the cream in a ready-meal spaghetti carbonara’: Precisa cream substitutes product brochure

‘And make redundant at least 25% of the tomato paste’: Tate & Lyle press release, 28 October 2013, http://www.tateandlyle.presscentre.com/Press-releases/Pulp-Performance-Tate-Lyle-Launches-PULPIZ-Pulp-Extender-Delivers-Key-Replacement-Advantages-in-43f.aspx

‘It allows manufacturers to reduce the margarine in puff pastry by a fifth’: Culinar Volume; Speciality starch for puff pastry margarine brochure; Cindy Haze,
Food Product Design
, 19 October 2009, http://www.foodproductdesign.com/articles/2009/10/ingredient-economics.aspx?pg=5http://www.dairyreporter.com/Ingredients/Emerging-market-processed-cheese-starch-demand-up-Ingredion

‘Up to 40% of tomato/vegetable solids in soups and sauces’: Introducing Precisa, http://www.foodinnovation.com/Downloads/Company/090061_PRECISA_Cling_flyer.pdf

‘Food technologists are a creative, but miserly, crowd’: A ratio of up to 10:1, National Starch, Lower cost liquid foods, http://www.foodinnovation.com/valuematters/sauces-soups-dressings-dips.html

‘As the spokesman for one dairy company notes’: Torben Jensen, Application Manager at Arla Foods Ingredients, http://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/news/2013/01/arla-nutrilac-protein-solution.aspx

Arla Foods Ingredients: Less milk more cheese, http://www.arlafoodsingredients.com/applications/application-overview/cheese/cream-cheese/

Arla Foods Ingredients; Tap into the trend for Greek yogurt http://www.arlafoodsingredients.com/upload/arla%20ingredients/applications/fmp/greek%20yoghurt/arla_greekyog_infographic_v2.pdf

Ingredion: Achieve rich, creamy texture in Greek-style yogurt with a cost effective approach: http://www.foodinnovation.com/foodinnovation/en-us/RegForms/Documents/Ingredion%20Greek%20Yogurt%20White%20Paper-Final.pdf

‘“Cereal-based starches such as corn and wheat”’: AACC International Starch Handbook, chapter 5, Matching starches to applications http://www.aaccnet.org/publications/plexus/cfwplexus/pub/2012/StarchHandbkCh5.pdf

‘“They are used as bland-tasting functional ingredients”’: Novozymes brochure; Enzymes at work http://www.novozymes.com/en/about-us/brochures/Documents/Enzymes_at_work.pdf

‘“The bland taste of potato starches”’: Application improvements, Emsland potato starch brochure

‘Rather than avoiding starchy foods, it’s better to try and base your meals on them’: FSA Scotland, Starchy foods, http://www.eatwellscotland.org/healthydiet/nutritionessentials/starchfoods/index.html

‘Starchy foods … have been hyped by public health agencies’: NHS Choice, Starchy foods, http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/starchy-foods.aspx

Asda Extra Light Mayonnaise: Ingredient listing taken from Asda website, 7 October 2013

Chapter 12

‘Enzymes … are one of the leading “green chemistry” technologies’: Enzyme Technical Association, Environmental/Sustainability, http://www.enzymeassociation.org/?page_id=91

‘Enzymes are best known for their industrial applications’: Enzyme Technical Association, Enzymes: A Primer on Use and Benefits, Today and Tomorrow, http://www.enzymeassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/benefits_paper.pdf

‘The Enzyme Technical Association … explains the “enzyme advantage”’: Enzyme Technical Association, Enzymes: A Primer on Uses and Benefits, Today and Tomorrow, http://www.enzymeassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/benefits_paper.pdf

‘Nearly all commercially prepared foods contain at least one ingredient that has been made with [enzymes]’: Enzyme Technical Association, Food, http://www.enzymeassociation.org/?page_id=44

Enzymes as catalysts: Enzyme Technical Association, About enzymes file:///Users/joanna/Desktop/About%20Enzymes%20Enzyme%20Tech%20Assoc.webarchive

‘Some of them perform their task up to five million times a minute’: EUFIC, ‘Food without enzymes?’, http://www.eufic.org/article/en/page/RARCHIVE/expid/review-food-without-enzymes/

‘Enzymes … do “the work of a small factory”’: Biocatalysts brochure, Our Vision

‘By using certain amylases during fermentation’: Enzymes in the fruit juice, wine, brewing and distilling industries, Enzyme Technology, http://www1.lsbu.ac.uk/water/enztech/fruitjuice.html

‘High fructose corn syrup … is now produced using enzymes’: Enzyme Technical Association, Enzymes: A Primer on Use and Benefits, Today and Tomorrow, http://www.enzymeassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/benefits_paper.pdf

‘To ensure that bakery goods’:

‘Fruit salads are often processed with pectinase’: Health Canada, List of Permitted Food Enzymes, http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/securit/addit/list/5-enzymes-eng.php

‘Amyloglucosidase will give industrial bread an evenly brown crust’: Enzyme Technical Association, Enzymes: A Primer on Use and Benefits, Today and Tomorrow, http://www.enzymeassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/benefits_paper.pdf

‘Maltogenic amylase will delay the rate at which it stales’: Andrew Whitley,
Bread Matters
, Fourth Estate, 2009, p. 12

‘A dash of pectin methylesterase will make your frozen raspberries and green beans firmer’: The use of enzymes in improving fruit firmness, Novozymes product brochure

Lipases and cheese flavour:

Juice and pectinase:

Pectinase: Biocatalysts: The use of enzymes in improving fruit firmness, Company factsheet

‘Fresh peeled citrus fruit segments destined for ready-to-eat fruit salads are often processed with pectinase’: Novozymes, Enzymes at work 6.7.3, http://www.novozymes.com/en/about-us/brochures/Documents/Enzymes_at_work.pdf

VERON® xTender: AB Enzymes, http://www.abenzymes.com/products/baking/veron-xtender

Maxipro HSP: Fi Europe Excellence Awards 2013, http://www.healthgauge.com/read/fi-europe-excellence-awards-2013/

‘DSM says that Maxipro HSP has “excellent gelation and waterbinding properties”’: DSM press release, 9 October 2013, http://www.dsm.com/content/dam/dsm/cworld/en_US/documents/2013-10-09-maxipro-at-fie-innovation-in-protein-isolation.pdf

‘Subtilisin is another enzyme employed to reinvent red blood cells’: Applications of proteases in the food industry, Enzyme Technology, http://www1.lsbu.ac.uk/water/enztech/proteases.html

‘One feed enzymes company commentator explains’: Alex Ford, Enzymes and their use in animal feed, BioResource International, Inc., http://briworldwide.com/enzymes-and-their-use-in-animal-feed/#sthash.AYD8sGM5.ZLpFOT4G.dpbs

‘Chickens fed a two per cent lower protein diet’:

‘Enzymes also improve the profile of cheaper animals feeds, such as ‘feather meal’: BioResource International, Inc., Valkerase® brochure, http://www.briworldwide.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Valkerase-Brochure.pdf

Produced from coarse and fine scrap-bone residues from the mechanical fleshing of beef, pig, turkey, or chicken bones, Novozymes, Enzymes at work 6.6.2, http://www.novozymes.com/en/about-us/brochures/Documents/Enzymes_at_work.pdf

‘“The meat slurry produced,” one authority explains, “is used in canned meats and soups”’: Applications of proteases in the food industry; Enzymes in the fruit juice, wine, brewing and distilling industries, Enzyme Technology, Available at: http://www1.lsbu.ac.uk/water/enztech/proteases.html

Papain enzyme injected into their jugular vein:

‘Over 150 enzymes are now in being used in the food and drink industry’: European Commission, Collection of information on enzymes 4, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/archives/dansub/pdfs/enzymerepcomplete.pdf

‘The importance of enzymes in everyday life is one of today’s best-kept secrets’: Enzyme Technical Association, Enzymes: A Primer on Use and Benefits, Today and Tomorrow, http://www.enzymeassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/benefits_paper.pdf

‘“They shall be present in the food in the form of a residue”’: Europa summaries, Food enzymes, http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/consumers/product_labelling_and_packaging/sa0004_en.html

‘“The industry will kick and scream”’:
Food Manufacture
, 9 August 2012 http://www.foodmanufacture.co.uk/Regulation/EU-enzyme-scrutiny-could-open-up-GM-can-of-worms

‘Purified enzymes do not lose their properties’: EUFIC, Enzymes make clean green food, http://www.eufic.org/article/en/artid/enymes-clean-green-food/

GM enzymes: European Commission, Collection of information on enzymes, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/archives/dansub/pdfs/enzymerepcomplete.pdf

Created by fermenting microorganisms, or extracted and purified from plant or animal sources: Enzyme Technical Association, About enzymes

Sources for lipase: Health Canada, List of permitted food enzymes, http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/securit/addit/list/5-enzymes-eng.php

‘Some of the most common GM enzymes in our food’: EUFIC, Modern Biotechnology in Food, Applications of food biotechnology: enzymes, http://www.eufic.org/article/en/rid/modern-biotechnology-food-enzymes/

Asparaginase and E. coli: Sources of enzymes; Enzymes in the fruit juice, wine, brewing and distilling industries, Enzyme Technology, Available at http://www1.lsbu.ac.uk/water/enztech/sources.html

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