S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND, Season One Omnibus (76 page)

Read S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND, Season One Omnibus Online

Authors: Saul Tanpepper

Tags: #horror

BOOK: S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND, Season One Omnibus
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What the hell's going on?” I hear Reggie ask. His face appears in the screen of my Link, red with anger. “Why is Ashley crying? What are you yelling at her for?”

It's nothing,” Micah quickly tells him. “The girls are… Look, we've all had a stressful night. Stephen attacked Jessie and nearly choked her to death. I had to… I had to kill him.”

Was he turned?”

No, just his usual asshole self. But now we heard about what happened there and Jessie's worried about Kelly.”

Reggie's face darkens. “He's fine.”

You don't know that!” I yell.

No, but there's no way in hell that zom could've gotten down the elevator.”

Then why isn't Kelly coming back up? Where is he? Why is he so late?”

But instead of answering, Reggie turns away. He looks like he's listening to something. I strain my ears, but there's nothing.

And then there is: the distinct sound of a bell dinging once.

Reggie turns back to the screen and says, “The elevator's coming back up.”


Chapter 15

The screen of Ashley's Link
blurs dizzyingly as it swivels around. It finally settles unfocused on a spot of blue that has to be Reggie's dirty jeans.

Hello?” Micah calls out. “Reggie?”

The elevator bell dings again. The view through the Link doesn't change.


The scene shifts and Reggie's face comes into view, but he's looking away, presumably toward the elevator, which we can't see.

Another ding.

How many floors are there in that place?” Micah asks me. I shrug out of habit. I know he doesn't expect me to answer.

We hear a clacking noise and another ding. Then Jake's voice, cursing. “What the fuck is going on in there? Is the door stuck or something?”

Reggie!” I shout into my Link, desperate to be able to see. “Ashley!”

The Link jostles. Flesh colored haze covers the screen. Then Ashley's face appears. She alternates between glancing at the screen and away. “Hold on, guys. The elevator door isn't opening.”

She disappears, and by the way the background slides past, I guess that she must be walking over to the door.

There's a knocking, someone's palms slapping a surface. Reggie calls, “Kelly? Are you in there?” The bell dings again. Another series of slaps. “Kelly? Can you hear me?”

The door won't open,” Ashley repeats, whispering this time.

Micah and I turn the volume up on our Links and strain to hear.

Slap, slap!


What's going on, Ash,” I ask. “Why isn't it opening? Where's Kelly?”

Shh!” someone says. “Did you hear that?”

It's the muffled sound of something inside the car thudding against the doors. It's followed by a low moan.

What was that?” I demand. “Ashley, what the fuck was that?”

The screen goes dark, but we can still hear. She's covered the cam with her hand. There's a series of muffled cries, more banging, then Reggie shouting for Jake to help him.

Micah turns his terrified eyes to me. I try to move, but I'm frozen in panic. Ice-cold fear overtakes my body. I can't feel anything but this mind-numbing horror of what must be happening three and a half miles away. My vision closes in and my mind threatens to shut down, like a vise squeezing in on me from all sides.

Kelly's face comes to me then—not on the screen, but in my mind, and not the way he is now but the Kelly I knew when we were thirteen. Back when I first realized I might be in love with him. His young, open face that rarely smiled, but when it did, it lit up the room.

We'd met the year before, right around the time his brother Kyle was born. I remember because it was right around the time my own brother, Eric, came home from the Marines and announced that he was taking me out to Seattle for a visit. He didn't actually come out and say it in so many words, but I knew almost instinctively that he wanted to move us all as far away from the East Coast and the outbreaks that had happened here—that were
to happen.

We'd only known each other a couple weeks by then, but already Kelly was my best friend.

It wasn't until after Eric and I had returned, right before the first cases of the virus were announced in Seattle, that I realized how I felt for Kel. I would've been devastated if I'd had to leave him behind.

He's the only boy I ever seriously dated. The only boy I ever kissed or loved, or made love to. He still has that serious boyish look to him, and his smile still makes my heart rush a little faster, but he's become so much more solemn these past five years. Kyle's illness has weighed heavily on him.

It's only made me love him all the more.

And then there's a clatter and he's gone and the view in my Link returns. I blink, startled, my eyes focusing, on what appears to be a tiled ceiling. My chest is heaving as I gasp for air.

Someone's fingers reach for the Link, blurry and fat, and I hear Ashley say, “Sorry, guys. Reggie's getting something to pry open the door.” I hear her curse under her breath.

The scene swivels again and we get our first glimpse of the elevator. The doors are painted a flat avocado green, the walls beige. There's only one button beside the doors, the arrow pointing down. No lights. No numbers.

There's another ding. A muffled thud and the door actually seems to shudder. Jake appears, but Ashley turns the Link before I can get a good look at his face. “I need to put this down,” she whispers into it.

No!” I shout, breaking out of the spell. “Don't you dare disconnect us!”

Okay. Hold on. Just… I'm going to set it down on its kickstand.” The ceiling slides dizzyingly past and she disappears for a moment before reappearing. The image stabilizes.

I found a screwdriver,” Reggie's voice comes to us from somewhere off-screen, breathless. There's a pause, then, “What are you doing, Ash?”

Setting this up so Jess and Micah can see.”

Reggie's face comes into view. He looks grave. “Look guys—”

There's a louder bang coming from behind him. He looks away for a moment. Another thud and another moan.

I don't think it's a good idea—”

If you disconnect us,” I spit into my Link, “I will personally come there and knock you back into last week.”

The doors thud and rattle. Reggie nods once then hurries over and gets the driver into the seam and wedges it to the side. There's one last
and the call button lights up.

And then, with a
, the doors slide open.


Chapter 16

I catch a glimpse of the back wall
of the elevator car just before Jake's and Reggie's bodies fill the screen, blocking our view. I want to scream at them to move out of the way, but I know they can't. They've got to deal with whatever's inside that elevator car, whether it's Kelly or something…Undead. Or both.

Ashley lets out a gasp and steps into view, her hand held up to her mouth. She's looking down at the floor in front of the three of them. Reggie shoves her back with his hand. Jake raises his and I catch a glimpse of something in it.

Is that a hatchet?” Micah asks.

Reggie places a hand on Jake's chest to stop him. Nobody moves. They just wait.

Guys?” I say, my voice trembling. “Reg?”

He waves his hand behind his back, urging me to be quiet. “Ashley,” he whispers. Then, shouting: “Get my backpack! Now!” He leans forward. “Kelly? Hey, brah, can you—”

There's a moan, some gurgling. Then I hear a weak cough.

Ashley, hurry up! And Jake, back up! Give her some room.”

Is it Kelly?” I ask. “What's going on?”

He's hurt,” Reggie says over his shoulder. Ashley rushes in with the pack. “Open it up and get the first aid pack out. I need a large bandage. Look for the burn cream.”

My hands itch. My arms ache. I want to reach right into my Link and through Ashley's and push them all aside. I want to leap through and go to my Kelly. I want to see him. But I can't do any of those things. And nobody will tell me what's going on.

Burn cream, I said,” Reggie snaps. “The white tube there. No, Ash, the white tube!”

Don't yell at me! I'm doing the best I can.”

Reggie looks to his left. “Make yourself useful, Jake. Get some water from the kitchen.
water. And something to drink.”

Guys, please tell me what's going on,” I beg. I don't know if they can hear me. “Ashley?”

He's burned,” Reggie says. He reaches over and snatches the tube from Ashley's hand. A moment later, he gives it back. “Bandage. Okay, tape.”

There's no tape.”

Yes, there is, Ash. Just look harder, damn it! Kelly? Hey, brah, can you hear me? What happened down there?”

There's a grunt of pain. I see a hand reach up and grab Reggie's shoulder and pull. The knuckles are white, the beds of his nails gray. I shudder. They look like the hands of a dead man.
, I pray,
don't let him be dead.

Electric…panel,” Kelly pants.

What the hell were you messing around with that for?”

No power…half the hallway…breaker.”

You shocked yourself? Damn it, Kel. What'd you have to go messing around with that shit for?”

Jake returns with a bottle of water and a wad of wet paper towels. Reggie takes them both, but I can't see what he's doing with them.

Can you sit up?” he asks. Then he bends down and helps Kelly sit. I see a shoulder. Reggie shifts and Kelly's face comes into view. He looks terrible. The hair on his head is standing on end. A line of blood trickles down his forehead and across his face. Reggie wipes it. Kelly winces.

Is he bit?” I ask.

Kelly hears and looks over. “Jess? Not…bit,” he says. “Burnt.” Then he frowns at Reg, asking without words why everyone is suddenly so uptight.

We had a breach. An IU got in.”

How,” Kelly manages to ask. His voice is rough, gravelly.

Don't know. Happened right after the power surge…which I guess was you.”

Kelly turns his head slightly to the side. Jake's behind him, but I can tell Kelly's next words are addressed to him. “You…supposed to watch…the fence.”

Never mind that,” Reggie says.

Did you stop it?”

I said don't worry. Just drink.” He holds the open bottle up to Kelly's lips and tilts. Water spills out and into his mouth. Most of it trickles out and down his chin. Kelly swallows, sputters, weakly pushes Reggie's hand away.

How long…was I down there?”

Almost two hours,” Jake snaps. “Damn it, Kelly! We've been waiting—”

Jake, knock it off!”


No. We're going with Ashley's fix. Don't worry about that right now, Kel. Just rest.”

Kelly?” I say. “Please, I need… I want to…”

Kelly turns his face to me and gives me a weak smile. “Sorry, babe. I screwed—” He swallows and winces. “I screwed up.”

You're alive. That's all that matters, Kel. But you scared the hell out of us!”

I'm fine. Just…need to rest a…moment. Five minutes.”

Five minutes, my ass,” Reggie says. “You just knocked the shit out of yourself. Looks like you banged your head. Again. What the hell were you thinking? No, don't answer. Damn.” He shakes his head and crumples the wrapper from the bandage.

How does it look,” I ask.

Reggie reaches over and lifts Kelly's right hand. It's just one big wad of white cotton. “Bad burns on his thumb and palm. Looks like the exit was his upper arm, elbow. Lucky it didn't pass all the way through your body.”

Was leaning my arm…on the panel cover,” Kelly says. “Knocked me across the hall.”

He raises his left hand and tries to smooth down his hair. It refuses to settle. Under different circumstances, I'd laugh at the way he looks, but I am so not feeling very amused at the moment.

The surge screwed something up in the elevator,” Kelly says, wincing. He rotates his head, trying to work out the kinks in it. A trickle of blood leaks from his nose. He absently wipes it away, leaving a smear across his cheek. “The doors are iffy.”

You fell against them. They couldn't open, that's all.”

There's stairs,” Jake says.

Reggie's head jerks up and over. “Stairs? Where?”

Kelly and Reggie turn to look. “Down the hallway. One of the unmarked doors.”

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