Authors: Francine Pascal
"Let me out of here!"
"Oh, no, you don't. You're going to give me what I want, what you promised."
"I didn't promise. I couldn't have! Get out of my way."
Bruce grabbed her and pulled her close. He tried to kiss her, but she turned her face away and pushed with all her strength against his shoulders, trying to free herself. Roughly he seized her wrists, and she was helpless.
"I've got real strong hands, Liz," he said. "From tennis, see? Now, you listen to me. You give me what I want, or I'll tell this whole thing all over school. You want that? What would all your friends think of you then?"
He forced her closer, and with one hand he held her head and kissed her again. Then suddenly he gave a cry of pain and let her go. "Ahhhhh! You bit me!" he wailed, holding his lower lip.
Elizabeth leaped past him to the door, then turned to glare back at him. Bruce Patman was whimpering and holding his lip, in no mood to cause any more trouble.
"I never really knew what a coward you were until now," she cried. "Is that what all your big love stories are about, Patman? Taking advantage of girls who either don't know what they're doing or are too drunk to care? I don't know anybody lower than you are at this minute. And, listen, you want to tell this story all over?
Go ahead! Because I've got one to tell, too, and you won't look very good in it. You're a coward, Bruce Patman!"
Elizabeth ran, finding her way down the stairs, through the front hall and out onto the porch. She kept running until she felt sand beneath her feet. It was wonderful to know who she was and where she was again. A brilliant moon sailed through the dark sky, and she wanted to yell, "Hi, there, you old moon!" She wanted to thank the stars for still shining. The sound of the surf crashing on the beach was a symphony.
The lights of the beach club shimmered ahead of her. She raced toward them like a homing pigeon. She'd find people there, but more important, she'd find a telephone.
Elizabeth took the wooden steps two at a time, almost tripping at the top, but strong arms saved her from falling. She looked up and her eyes met Todd's.
"Todd! Oh, Todd, I've never been so glad to see anybody in my entire life!" she said, collapsing against him.
Todd was, to say the least, startled.
"Todd, help me!" she implored.
Todd stepped back a little, his hands on her shoulders, and looked for a moment into Elizabeth's eyes. Those beautiful sea-colored eyes were the ones he knew, the tearstained face was the one he loved.
"It's you, Liz," he cried. "It's really you!" He pulled her into the warm safety of his arms.
Elizabeth shuddered and held on for dear life. "Oh, Todd, I don't understand what's happened."
"It's all right, Liz. Everything's all right." Todd held her closely, stroking her hair with a comforting hand. "You don't have anything to worry about now. You're safe, Liz. You're safe."
"I didn't know how I was going to get away from him. I don't know how he got me into that awful place."
"Don't worry about it. You haven't been yourself for so long." He looked into her eyes again anxiously. "You are back to being Elizabeth, aren't you?"
"Todd, of course. Who else would I be?"
"Never mind. There'll be time enough to talk about that later. But if Bill Chase did anything ... I mean, he's supposed to be my friend. I can't tell you how jealous I was when I saw you on the beach with him."
"It's all right. I saw you with Bill. But that doesn't matter as long as you're back."
"But I wasn't with Bill Chase. It was Bruce Patman. How I could have spent a second with him is beyond me."
"But I saw you two on the beach together. If you were with Bruce, who's with Bill?"
They looked at each other, and the same name popped out. "Jessica!"
Todd laughed with relief. "How do you like that? It was only Jessica."
Elizabeth shook her head, trying to straighten out her thoughts. Jessica with Bill Chase?
"What's the matter?" Todd asked.
"Bad news," Elizabeth said.
"You mean he's up to no good?"
Elizabeth shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid it's Jess who's up to no good. Bill Chase turned her down one time, and she's always sworn to get even with him if she ever got the chance."
"Well, it's probably nothing serious," Todd said. "I'm just so happy to have you back!" He grabbed her and held on, his powerful hands gripping her trembling body tightly against his. Elizabeth felt herself overflowing with love and appreciation for this strong, safe boy who held her with such passion.
"Todd," she breathed, and her mouth was on his in a deep, long kiss that she wished would last forever.
Bill and Jessica had reached that special sand dune he had mentioned, and now they stood in the moonlight, locked in each other's arms.
"Look at me and tell me again," Jessica told him.
"I love you."
"And not my sister?"
"No, never. I couldn't possibly love anyone but you."
"What's so special about me, Bill?"
"Your smile, your warmth, the sound of your voice, the touch of your lips, the feel of you in my arms. I've never been surer of anything in my life."
Jessica smiled. "Then you
love Jessica Wakefield, Bill, because that's who I am!"
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