Read Suspicion At Sea Online

Authors: Amie Nichols

Suspicion At Sea (25 page)

BOOK: Suspicion At Sea
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“We'll get that all doctored up,” she says, leaning down and kissing the terry cloth fabric. Her lips move up my arm, kissing as she goes. I watch her, her beauty so breathtaking. I am so proud of my girl, so strong, so amazing. Nothing in the world could ever change the feelings I have for her.

“I love you,” I whisper when her lips reach my neck. Next her mouth is on mine, our kiss so deep, so passionate. Her tongue in my mouth, I suck on it, wanting every inch of her.

All pain is forgotten as I reach around her, grabbing her ass and lifting her to me. Her legs wrapping around my waist, I reach down positioning my cock at her pussy. She's so wet that I slide right in. Her tightness swallowing my cock. Her arms wrapped around my neck, she arches her back with moans of pleasure. Her firm tits in my face now, I kiss in between them. Moving to her hard nipple, my thrusts quicken. I bite lightly on her nipple, making her moan even louder. Her pussy tightens even more around me, telling me she is getting ready to come.

“Give it to me, beautiful, come for me please,” I beg, my orgasm not far behind.

“Yes, fuck,” she screams and I feel her wetness drench my cock. She drives me wild, I can't control myself. I shoot my load so deep inside her that it makes her moan even more.

“Oh my fucking God,” I groan, her legs trembling. I push her up against the wall to give her more stability, because I don't want to leave her yet. I want to stay inside her as long as I can. I rest my forehead on her shoulder, her hands everywhere, on my back, on my chest, in my hair. It's like she has to touch every inch of me.

“I love you so much,” she moans. I lift my head to kiss her; her lips wet from the water pouring down on us. Her hands fisting my hair, pushing my lips harder on hers. Our teeth clash as we fight to get into each other's mouths.

“I will never get tired of this beautiful mouth,” I hum next to her lips when we break the kiss.

“Mmmm, baby,” she smiles against my mouth.

We spend the next half hour washing each other until we are both water logged and ready to get out.

“I think they got the sizes wrong.” She laughs, putting on jeans that are really tight and too long, and an over-sized sweatshirt.

“They got mine right.” I pull on the jeans that fit just right, and a t-shirt that is a little tight.

“Yeah, they did.” She gives me a wicked smile running her hands over my chest and shoulders, the shirt tight enough to show everything. She licks her lips then bites the lower one.

“Fuck, don't do that,” I scold her. She is making me hard again.

“Okay, let's go eat then.” She pouts at my scolding at first, but the thought of food perks her right up.















Chapter 53





We find the conference room and Cody is just pulling out Styrofoam containers from a large bag. It looks like there's enough food to feed a small army.

We all sit and dig into pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

“Oh my God, I can't believe how good these are.” I put a big bite of pancake in my mouth.

“It's Friday, so we officially have not eaten for three days,” Cody enlightens us. “Here are some burner phones until we can get new ones,” Cody remembers, getting up and grabbing two phones out of his coat pocket.

“Good, I want to call Suzy.” Justin takes the phone and calls her right then.

I know something is wrong when I hear her wailing on the other end of the phone.

“Calm down, Suzy.” Justin looks up at me with panic in his eyes. I push away from the table to stand beside him so I can hear.

“They just came in and tore the place apart,” I hear her shrieking, and Justin pulls the phone away from his ear. She is so loud even Cody can hear.

“Who were they?” Justin asks calmly, but when his eyes meet mine I can see he is really pissed. I glance at Cody who also is getting worked up. Cody pushes away from the table and runs out into the hall.

“I thought you had a car on her?” I hear Cody shout at someone in the hall.

Cody walks back in with Denny as Justin gets up and goes to the corner of the room. I can hear him talking her down.

“There was, there is,” Denny answers. “Why?”

“She said two FBI agents came in and wrecked the place looking for something,” Justin says after hanging up. He walks to the table and throws the burner phone down.

“Nelson,” Denny shouts, and an agent comes in the room almost immediately. “Who is on the girl?” he asks the short, spiky-haired agent who comes into the room.

“The girl?” Justin says with disbelief, slamming his hand down on the table. His wrist is bleeding again, and being on the inside it is bleeding a lot. He doesn't seem to notice or care.

“I need a first aid kit,” I tell a woman agent who has since entered the conference room. She nods when she sees what I motion to, her eyes wide as it has really started bleeding now. The agent runs out of the room and I grab a napkin, pressing it against his wrist. He turns to me for a second to see what I am doing. I don't know how he doesn't notice the gushes of blood coming out of him.

“Jesus, get a paramedic in here,” Denny yells, to who I don't know.

“What were they looking for?” Justin ignores the fact he is bleeding to death as the napkin is soaked in blood. I grab another, putting pressure on it to try to stop the bleeding.

“Justin, calm down,” I ask, pleading with my eyes. Him being upset is not helping. “Just for a minute at least,” I answer his look that tells me he's not going to be calming down. My statement does soften him a bit. I'm thankful when a medic comes in and takes over sitting him down and raising his hand.

“I'll tell you everything, Justin, let's just get you fixed up first.” Denny motions to the medic, telling us that he's not going to be talking in front of him. Justin nods and sighs loudly, glancing at the poor paramedic, who can no doubt feel the tension in the room.

“This will stop the bleeding,” the man says, applying an antiseptic of some kind on the wound. After a minute he has the bleeding stopped and his wrist wrapped. “If you get too excited it could start bleeding again, I will leave you with some of this quick clot and fresh bandages.” He pulls out some supplies from his bag and I take them from him. “It's too wide for stitches, so you are going to have to be diligent.”

“Yeah, I got it. Thanks,” Justin says, practically shooing the man out the door.

“Thank you,” I say to him and he nods, leaving the room.

“So...” Justin says. I can tell he is getting worked up again.

“We don't know who was at your sister's house, but we do know what they were looking for,” Denny answers.

“This is how you protect her? Two men were able to tear her house apart.” I put my hand on Justin's leg hoping this will calm him down a bit.

“They did it before our man arrived, everything was chaos. We thought she was still with your father,” Denny explains.

“What were they looking for?” Cody asks.

“One hundred million dollars in gold bullion,” Denny answers, and everyone is silent. “That was the last thing the McGill brothers hauled for Fausto, and has been missing ever since. Then they went missing, and that is what brought everyone out of the woodwork.”


“Yeah,” Denny agrees with Justin. “We still have no idea where it is or the brothers.”

“Is Victor or Carl talking?” Cody interjects. That means Carl is in custody. God, I want to get my hands on him.

“No, they are both exercising their right to remain silent,” Denny sighs, scooting back from the table. “That's what we need you gentlemen for...and lady,” he corrects himself, motioning to me.

“Sure, put me in there, I'll get the information out of them.” Justin beams at the thought of torturing the men who have made our lives hell.

“You and me both, brother,” Cody nods, also seeming to be chomping at the bit at the chance. Can't lie, I wouldn't mind it either.

“So many lines have been crossed, we are trying to keep this as by-the-book as we can,” Denny answers.

“Fuck that, we need answers and they have them,” Justin spits.

“Trust me, I agree with you.” Denny stops when there is a knock on the door.




Chapter 54




“Yeah,” Denny says.

In walks a tall, skinny, awkward looking young kid. Or at least he looks like he is really young, early twenties at most.

“Tommy.” Ellie jumps up all excited and runs around the table, throwing her arms around his skinny, little waist. The boy towers over her.

“You have no idea how good it is to see you. I was worried sick about you, gorgeous,” Tommy says, enjoying the hug. He is getting a little too much for my taste.
Jesus, Justin!
How can I be jealous of this string bean?

“Tommy worked nonstop until he found you guys,” Denny says, after Ellie lets go of him.

“You found us?” Ellie strains her neck to see Tommy's face, and he is blushing.

“I will always find you,” he says. The boy is love sick. When he puts his hand on her cheek that's when I've had enough.

“I guess I owe you a thank you, too, then.” I jump up. I don't intimidate him at all, he doesn't move his hand from her face as I walk around the table. I know he knows who I am, and he doesn't seem to care. I hold out my hand so he has to let go of Ellie to shake it.

“Thanks, brother,” Cody joins in, slapping Tommy on the back. He doesn't give a shit about either of us. He can't keep his eyes off Ellie. I can't blame him, I guess, she is breathtaking. She's beautiful and she's mine. I don't care who he is, he needs to keep his hands off her.

“Tommy's going to get started on the warehouse computer, hopefully we can find something that tells us where the gold was supposed to be delivered. We think there is another high ranking key player we don't know of.”

“As you know, nothing on a computer is ever truly deleted,” Tommy says, and we all make our way back to our seats, Tommy sitting opposite Ellie.

“You're not seriously jealous of the bean pole are you?” Cody leans over, whispering to me with a low chuckle. I just shrug, ignoring the comment.

“Obviously we know there are others looking for the gold, as poor Suzy just found out,” Denny adds.

“How much would that much gold weigh?”

“We’re guessing between one and a half to two tons,” Denny answers Cody’s question.

“What can we do?” I ask.

“You know Bailey Island and the islands around it more than anyone. We are still trying to decipher the maps on Jade's computer, but we would like you to go on a treasure hunt. We are hoping that finding it might lead us to where the brothers are and who else is involved,” Denny explains.

“Why would they risk it?” Ellie inquires.

“This is their largest payday, what they've risked everything for. And now that we have Fausto in custody, it's their last payday.

“Yeah, but they have to know we are onto them. Why wouldn't they lay low for a while?” Cody challenges.

“Either way, we want that gold.”

“Are we thinking the brothers are still alive?” Ellie says when the room goes silent again.

“Maybe staged the whole thing? Hide the gold, stage their own death,” Cody thinks out loud.

“I don't think they smart enough for that, although, they were treasure hunters before they got into the lobster business,” I recall. They never found shit, but were always bragging about how they were so close to the big find. “Max McGill had a knack for reading maps, one of the only things he was good at actually.” My mind starts wondering as to where around the island they could hide something that big.

“How big would that much gold be?” I question Denny.

“A large truck load, give or take. Do you have any thoughts,” Denny perks up.

“Not yet, but I know I won't find it hanging around here. We need to get back to the island.” I'm suddenly very anxious to leave. If Jade is still alive, nothing would make me happier than finding his gold.






Chapter 55





Justin and I head back to Bailey Island. Cody, Tommy, and Denny are also coming. They're going to stay at a small hotel in town. They will set up operations there, and we agree to meet that morning.

Before leaving Augusta, Justin and I stop at a mall so I can buy some clothes. All my stuff is still at the cabin and neither of us want to go back there right now.

I leave the store wearing a new jean skirt, V-neck tee, and new bra and panties leaving the too tight jeans and over-sized sweatshirt in the dressing room. Justin carries bags full of new clothes for me with a huge smile on his face, watching me intently as I search through racks of clothes.

BOOK: Suspicion At Sea
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