Suspending Reality (71 page)

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Authors: Chrissy Peebles

BOOK: Suspending Reality
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“Where are you?”

“I’m sitting here at McDonald’s in my bathrobe, if that’s any indication how not okay I am! There was something in our house, so I got creeped out and bolted. I’m not sure whether to call my parents or the police.” 

“You were home alone?”

“Yeah. Mom and Dad are on a date, at a late movie.”

“Okay. Just sit tight. I’ll be right there.”

“Okay,” I said, then hung up.

It seemed like it took forever, but he finally showed up. When he pulled up next to me, I ran out of the car and into his arms. “Oh, Jesse!”

“Taylor, you’re shaking.”

“I was so scared,” I said, sobbing.

“What happened?” he asked.

I explained the entire story, and he listened intently, never doubting me once. “Do you think somebody tried to rob the house?” I desperately asked. “Maybe the intruder was shocked when he heard me taking a shower. Maybe he wasn’t expecting anyone to be home, so he just ran out and left the door open, and some wild animal came in.”

“Did you notice that the door was open after you took your shower?”

“I came down the back stairs, so I didn’t notice.”

“Maybe you’re right, to some degree. Maybe you did spook a robber, and he left in a hurry without shutting the door behind him and something got in by accident. But what I don’t understand is why he’d come back. If he was scared off, he shoulda been long gone, so why would he come back and look through the sliding glass doors? If he wanted back in, why didn’t he just use the open door?”

I smoothed out my robe. “You must think I’m crazy.”

“No. We’ll figure this thing out. I’m here for you, Taylor.” He gave me a long hug, and I was sure he could feel my entire body trembling.

“I know I look ridiculous, but I was too petrified to put clothes on. I just wanted to get out of there.”

“I know. And you just look…cuddly, if you ask me. Let’s go back and take a look,” he said.

I sucked in a trembling breath. “I don’t want to, Jesse. I’m scared.”

“It’s your house, and I’ll be right there with you. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you, Taylor—not ever.” He paused. “Unless you want to go inside for a shake or a burger or something.”

I laughed. “In this? No way.”

He smiled. “Trust me, I’ve seen worse in McDonald’s after dark. Anyway, if you think you’re up to driving, I’ll follow you back.”


Back at the house, I didn’t notice anything out of place, and my parents weren’t home from their date yet. I held on to Jesse’s arm as he glanced around, using the bright moonlight to guide our way.

“The door is still wide open,” I observed. 

We walked into the living room, and I flicked on the switch.

“Hey, at least the lights work now.” I glanced around but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, no mud or footprints or overturned furniture or broken glass or anything to prove I wasn’t hearing things or going crazy. There was nothing to support my claim. I shut the door and locked it.

We walked through the downstairs and into the kitchen. Jesse told me to wait at the table while he bravely checked the upstairs. After a minute or two, I heard him yell, “All clear up here.”

“You must think I’m crazy,” I said when he walked back in the kitchen.

“Not at all. Something was here. I can smell it.”

“You think it was a wolf? Because I heard howling, clear as day.”

“Definitely a wolf…but there was something else too.”

“What?” I asked, not sure if I wanted to hear the answer.

“There were two intruders,” he said.

“I thought so. The robber and the wolf who decided to take advantage of an open door.”

“It’s complicated, but I swear I’m gonna find out what happened. You weren’t imagining things, Taylor, and it was smart for you to bolt out of here when you did.”

“What if it was Jonathon?” I asked with a shudder.

“Not possible. He’s…out of town.”

“Maybe he was, but what if he came back?”

“Like I said, not possible,” he said, sounding absolutely sure.

“You’re right. He probably would’ve killed me in the shower, just like Norman Bates.”

A car pulled in the driveway. 

When I opened the door and recognized the vehicle, I was relieved. “Thank God. It’s just my parents.” I threw my arms around them as soon as they stepped in the door.

My father looked at me, noticing that I was in a robe and slippers, then looked at Jesse and raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on?” he shouted, absolutely livid. “We leave you alone for one night, and you invite a boy over? Why are you dressed—or rather, undressed—like that?”


He looked at Jesse again, this time with anger washing over him. “Go home, young man. Get out of my house!”

“Mom,” I said, “please make Dad stop. He doesn’t know the whole story. It’s not what you think.”

“I trusted you, Taylor,” he said, shaking his head.

“Let her explain,” my mom pleaded.

I touched my dad’s arm. “Please, Dad! Jesse just got here. Somebody broke in, so I called him over to help.”

“What?” he asked in disbelief. “Someone broke in? With you here by yourself?”

I explained the entire story to my parents.

My dad’s tone softened. “I’m sorry, Jesse. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. I-I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.” He then turned his gaze to me. “You’ve been through a horrible experience, and I shouldn’t have accused you of anything. I apologize.”

“It’s okay, Dad. I know it didn’t look very good.”

My mom wrapped her arm around me. “Baby, you’ve had a rough evening. Would you like me to make you some hot chocolate?”

“Mom, I’m not ten anymore, but thank you.”

“You stayed up late with Julie last night watching horror movies,” my dad said. “What if you imagined the robber? Are you sure it wasn’t just a shadow?”

“Dad, the door was left open, and the power went out,” I retorted.

“You’re tired from work, hon’. It’s easy for a tired mind to wander and—”

“I would have remembered leaving a door open. I heard a wild animal howling.”

“We live in the woods, dear. If the door was left open, something probably wandered in.”

I swallowed hard. “Dad, I didn’t leave the door open,” I said again. “Like I said, the power even went out. I had to get the flashlight out of the drawer.”

“We’re in a remote area, and the wind really picked up tonight. It could’ve easily knocked the power out temporarily.”

“I’m gonna go, now that you folks are here with her,” Jesse said.

“Goodbye, Jesse,” I said, gazing into his eyes. “Thanks for coming over and checking out things for me.”

“Not a problem.”

“Thanks, Jesse,” my dad said, swallowing his pride and his accusations.

“Yes, thank you, Jesse,” my mom said. “You take care of yourself, now, and have a good evening.”

After Jesse was gone, I turned to my mother. “I was so scared, Mom. My entire body was shaking.”

She looked at me with concern on her face, the way she had when I was little and had a fever. “I’ve never seen you this terrified before, sweetheart.” She turned to my dad. “Something scared her. If she says she saw an intruder, I believe she saw someone. Maybe we should call the police.”

“I’m sure everything is okay now,” my dad said. “Nothing seems to be missing or damaged.” As if he refused to believe the obvious, he turned to me and said, “Honey, maybe you’re just having a hard time adjusting to such an isolated life out here in the woods, or maybe you’re missing Sean. I know how much you cared about him.”

“Dad, I know I cried for over a month when we broke up, but I’m over him. Besides, this has absolutely nothing to do with him. Sean breaking up with me was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

My mom wrapped her arm around me. “How was dinner? I made spicy chicken. Did you like it?”

“I didn’t eat,” I said. “I was warming it up in the microwave when I saw that man through the glass.”

“That’s too bad, darlin’. Let me warm it up for you.”

“I’m really not hungry now, Mom.” 

“How about something to drink?”

“I’d love that. Surprise me.”

My mom smiled, and I headed up to my room. I replayed the entire situation in my head.
Maybe I did overreact, but I know that growl was real. It was so loud!
I was glad I didn’t check it out on my own, or I might not have lived to tell the tale.

With that thought on my mind, I slipped into a nightgown and crawled into bed. I usually kept the door closed when I slept, but this time, I left it open. 

A few minutes later, my mom stepped in with a steaming mug of cocoa.

“Hey, Mom,” I said with a smile.

“Hi, honey. Look, I know you’re not a child anymore, but I also know you still love hot chocolate, especially loaded with marshmallows.” 

“I have to work early tomorrow, so I hope it won’t keep me up.”

“It shouldn’t. At least have a few sips. Goodnight, honey.”

“Goodnight,” I said. “And, Mom…”

“Yes, honey?”

“Please leave the door open, just this once.”


Chapter 12

When morning dawned, I peeked out the window and into the woods. I didn’t see any intruders lurking around. It was actually beautiful outside, complete with all the shining sun and chirping birds the outdoors had to offer.

In hindsight, I felt silly for asking Jesse to meet me at McDonald’s when I was barely dressed and hysterical. I realized now that I should have called my parents and left him out of it. I was relatively certain he didn’t want to date a stark-raving lunatic, but the damage had already been done.

Realizing I couldn’t turn back time, I took a shower, put my uniform on, and left for work.

* * *

Again when I clocked in for work, Jesse was waiting for me.

He looked so handsome in his uniform and with his hair tied back, and I felt a flutter as he pulled me aside. “How did you sleep?” he asked.

“Look, Jesse, I’m sorry I bugged you last night. I’m so embarrassed. I should have—”

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he cut in, speaking with heartfelt sincerity.

“I beg to differ. I was at McDonald’s in a robe.”

“Technically, you were in the parking lot.”

I smiled at his attempt to make me feel better. “I guess. But anyway, I’ve had enough of the wild animals around here. They’ve gotta do something about their wolf problem.”

He smiled. “I totally agree.”

Ms. Aikers approached us, bid us a quick “Good morning, folks,” then handed us our assignments for the day.

“Looks like my job’s for the birds today,” Jesse said. “I guess that’s all right. I’ve been missing Beauty Queen.”

I glanced down at my assignment sheet. “Mine’s worse. She put me on cage cleanup.” 

“I can get my stuff done pretty quick, and then I’ll come over and help you,” he offered, ever the good Samaritan. 

“That’s so nice of you. Thank you, Jesse.”

“Not a problem. I’ll see ya later.”

“Okay,” I said with a big smile.

* * *

I was mopping one of the empty cages when screams echoed in the air. I quickly threw down the mop and hurried out to find a crowd of people gathered around the cage across from me, screaming in panic about a five-year-old who had fallen into the mountain lion’s cage. The child was unconsciousness in the enclosure, and the big cat was quickly approaching. Shouts and cries pierced the air, especially from the little one’s mother.

“Can you help?” the kid’s mother yelled at me, noticing that I was wearing a zoo uniform.

“Uh…” Not sure what to do, I began to scream and yell and try to get the animal’s attention. When that didn’t work, I reached down and grabbed several rocks, then started throwing them at the mountain lion. The animal didn’t even flinch, as its attention was completely absorbed by the child.

Suddenly, zoo workers entered the pen and desperately tried to get to the child as the mountain lion snarled at them.

Its menacing growl made me shudder, and when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I jumped like an NBA player.

“What’s happening?” Jesse asked.

“A kid fell in!” I said.

Without waiting for any further explanation, he took off in a flash to help the other workers. On the way over to help, I ran into my boss. 

“Taylor, stay back,” she said.

“But I want to help, and—”

“You stay right here,” Ms. Aikers commanded. “We’re getting tranquilizer guns.” The woman looked frazzled, more shaken up than I’d ever seen her before. 

My gaze shot to the pen. Just as Jesse hopped in, the mountain lion lunged at one of the zoo workers and sank its teeth into the bald man’s head, causing blood to gush everywhere. Somehow, Jesse managed to pry the animals jaws open and free the man, and the victim gasped for breath and crawled away. That left Jesse face to face and alone with the big, angry cat. The bald man was three times Jesse’s size, so I didn’t know how Jesse could possibly escape the animal.

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