Susan Amarillas (29 page)

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Authors: Scanlin's Law

BOOK: Susan Amarillas
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Rebecca tried again. “Edward, this is hardly the time.” Her voice was firm and low as she tried to defuse the situation before someone said the wrong thing.

But Edward wasn’t listening. Unbelievably, he took a menacing half step toward Luke, who never moved, just stood there looking calm and relaxed, as though it were the most natural thing in the world for him to be bleeding.

“Don’t even try it, Ed. Bad as this hurts, I can kill you and not even think twice about it.” The .45 was still in his blood-soaked hand.

No one moved.

Rebecca’s hand flew to her throat. “Luke!”

Edward’s hand clenched into fists, and he took another step. “You don’t scare me, Scanlin.” His eyes locked with Luke’s as he continued to advance.

Violence, like a strong electrical current, flashed between the two men. Rebecca had never seen Edward behave in such a manner.

Luke’s voice was low, and deadly cold. “Well, I oughta scare you, Ed. I oughta scare the hell outa you. You see, I had a nice long chat with your lawyer, Frank Handley, this afternoon.”

Edward froze.

Confused, and more than a little angry, Rebecca shouldered into the middle. Eyes blazing, she pushed at one, then the other. “Are you both out of your minds?” Her tone was incredulous. “Stop this at once, do you hear me? Luke, we’ve got to get you inside.”

“Rebecca, stay out of this,” Luke ordered hotly. His gaze riveted her. “It’s between me and—”

“No!” she shouted.

“Becky, get the hell out of the way! Old Ed here has something in his craw, so let’s have at it. Go on, Ed.” Luke motioned with his arm, and was rewarded with a stabbing pain through the ribs. Clenching his jaw, he continued, “Tell everyone about what you and Frank have been up to.”

Edward straightened. “Don’t try to change the subject, Scanlin,” he countered smoothly.

Luke didn’t miss the furtive way Edward scanned the crowd.
There’s no escape this time, Ed.
He kept his pose calm. “I’m not changing the subject, Ed. Go on and tell these folks how Frank’s been fronting for you all these months.”

“Fronting?” Rebecca questioned quietly.

The other men echoed her.

“Yeah,” Luke continued, shifting his weight to his other leg. He could feel the blood oozing down his side, along his leg under his trousers. He knew he was losing a lot of blood, but he’d be damned if he’d pack it in now. Not now!

Gritting his teeth, he said, “I had a nice long talk with Frank. Seems he wasn’t ready to go to jail for kidnapping and bribery and falsifying government records, among other things. Seems Frank has been working for Ed here.”

Edward took a carefully measured step backward, and several men closed in around him cutting, off any retreat.

“Go on, Marshal,” Merl Gates said.

“Well, it seems that Ed here has been extorting money from the saloon and gambling-hall owners down on the Coast, in exchange for protection. He made sure that licenses were granted and renewed, and that new licenses were approved. He even made sure that the police weren’t too interested in what happened down there.”

Shock and disbelief colored Rebecca’s face as she turned to face him. The night was deadly quiet.

“It’s a lie,” Edward shouted defiantly. “It’s all a lie. Scanlin’s trying to win you over, Rebecca. Surely you can see that!”

Rebecca didn’t say a word.

Luke did. “Shall I have Frank brought around? He’s over at the hotel. One of my deputies is keeping him company.”

Never taking her eyes from Edward, Rebecca said, “There must be some mistake.”

Luke shook his head. “Sorry, Becky. There’s no mistake, and I’m afraid it gets worse.”

Her eyes flew to Luke. “Worse?” She felt cold inside.

“Frank tells me that it was Edward who was behind Andrew’s kidnapping. He did it to get control of the paper—and, I suspect, of you.”

“Oh, no. It can’” She had to grip herself to stop the sudden trembling, to control the sickening feeling deep in the pit of her stomach.

Every man there was silent, watching, waiting.

“It’s a lie!” Edward shouted. “There’s no proof.”

“Well, Ed, I think we’ll let a jury decide that. We’ll see if they believe you or Frank Handley. I think when we check on who really owns that syndicate that bought the
we’ll find your name.”

Edward tried to turn and push through the crowd, but they stopped him cold. The sudden sharp sound of a gun being cocked, stilled his struggle.

Luke’s voice cut through the night like a knife. “Mister, you better hope those men hold on to you, ‘cause if they don’t, then I’ll be real happy to blow you in half for what you’ve done to Rebecca.”

The men pushed in. “We’ve got him, Marshal, don’t you worry,” someone said.

“And we’ll see he gets locked up nice and tight, and not in the city jail, either,” Merl added triumphantly as they dragged Edward away.

Luke watched Rebecca. Watched the emotions play over her face. “I’m sorry, Becky. I didn’t mean for you to find out like this. I mean, there’s no easy way... It’s just that...” Damn.

“Marshal!” Andrew rushed in, his face pale, his chin quivering. “Are you dying?”

“No, Andrew,” Luke assured him. His fist curled against the pain, and he dropped down on one knee to look the child in the eye. He wanted to reassure him.

“Are you hurt bad?” Andrew’s voice was quiet.

“Not too bad,” Luke told him.

“My mom can make a bandage.” His face was solemn. “She’s real good at fixing things.”

“I don’t think she can fix this, Andrew,” he said, and Rebecca knew he meant more than his side.

Ruth stepped forward. “Rebecca,” she said firmly. “For heaven’s sake, you better haul off and marry the man before he up and bleeds to death.”

Rebecca didn’t move. “I...” Guilt and regret tore at her. She wanted to say something, to explain, but how? Even after all of this, nothing had changed.

Ruth looked at Rebecca, her gentle eyes searching her daughter-in-law’s, and she said, “Andrew needs his father.”

“Ruth, I...” She actually thought to deny it, her love for Ruth was so great, as was her respect for Nathan, and her gratitude for all he’d done for her.

As though sensing her thoughts, Ruth touched her hand and gave a knowing smile.

“How did you know?” Rebecca asked on a thready whisper, feeling all her defenses dissolve.

Ruth spoke quietly, so that Andrew would not hear. “I’ve always suspected. When I saw them together, playing baseball...” She cut them a glance. “Well, just look at them.”

Rebecca did. The men she loved, together. Her heart slammed hard against her ribs. Joy bubbled up in her. Could this be happening? Could all her fears be so easily dissolved?

What are you waiting for?

She hugged Ruth and then rushed to Luke. He stood and opened his arms to her.

He kissed her. When he looked up, he said gently, “I love you, Becky. I’ll never leave you. Marry me.” There. He’d said it all. It was all he had to offer. It was everything he was. He held his breath.

Andrew tugged on his pant leg, and Luke looked down. “Sir, are you gonna be my father?”

Luke glanced at Rebecca, then back to Andrew. “Would you like me to be your father, Andrew?”

“Oh, yes, sir.” The boy beamed.

“Then, Andrew—” his tone was rough with emotion “—I am your father.” It was enough, Luke realized.

Luke’s questioning gaze flicked to Rebecca. “You haven’t said yes,” he pointed out.

She hesitated long enough to look at Ruth, standing close by. At her confirming nod, she grinned and swiped at the tears streaming down her cheeks. “Yes,” she managed, though her voice cracked with the pure joy of loving him.

A wicked glint flashed in his eyes. “Yes, and...”

“I love you,” she told him, knowing it was true. She’d always loved him. Luke was her destiny.

He came to her then and pulled her more tightly into his embrace. She loved him. He’d heard the words he’d longed for, prayed for. He wanted to hold her now, and tomorrow, and all the tomorrows that God would give him.

Still in his embrace, he smiled down at her and said, “I think I know where there’s a newspaper for sale.”

She grinned back. “And I think I know who it will endorse for mayor.”

“I love you.” He hugged her to him fiercely, then hoisted Andrew up in his arms. “I love you both.”

* * * * *

ISBN: 978-1-4592-8344-2

Scanlin’s Law

Copyright © 1995 by Karen L. Amarillas

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