Surviving The Dead: Heartland Zombie Apocalypse Vol. 1 (4 page)

BOOK: Surviving The Dead: Heartland Zombie Apocalypse Vol. 1
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Percy straightened noticeably when he was referenced as Gunny, stood up and waved to the crowd.


“Percy is a veteran of the Vietnam war and career Marine drill sergeant.  Percy has volunteered to help us as we build our militia.” 


While Percy sat down Mac moved on, “For the sake of expediency Sgt. Andrews and I have asked some individuals to be our interim council.  If you each could stand up as I call your names.  Sgt. Andrews of course, Dr. Lindermann, local expert Mick Canales, hydroponics and alternative energy expert Matt Brenner, construction foreman Joe Gant, farmer and township supervisor Bob Ryker, history professor Hester Williams, and chemist Lois Schmidt.”


Mac paused to give everyone an opportunity to get a look at the council members, “As you can see we have a pretty diverse group if you have any questions or concerns please speak to any of us.  We caught a breather and we are going to use that and get ahead of this thing.  Our main focus is on fortifications and defense, but there are plenty of other things to jump on as well.  We will be asking you all to help and if you think there is something we've missed we are here to listen.”


The room was a mixed state of emotions.  Some were confused thinking this was a stop gap until order was restored, some were getting angry, thinking there needed to be more debate and consideration before putting the council in charge, but most were pleased that somebody was making a plan. 


All of a sudden Myles stood up and began applauding and better than half of the people joined him.  As the applause died down Myles went on to say, “I just want to commend Mr. Mcpherson and these other fine people for taking the proverbial bull by the horns and plan ahead.  When we left to come here I was of the belief that this was something that was going to blow over in a few days and we would all be getting back to our lives.  I understand that this may very well be our life now and our best chance to get through this is by working together.”


As things were beginning to end for the night, Sgt. Andrews got a report on his radio.  He stepped out of the room and when he came back he announced, “Everyone I just got word that the perimeter guards have dispatched two Dee's.  My men are doing a sweep of the compound and once we have the all clear we'll get you back to your buildings.” 


After ten nervous minutes the all clear came in.  A line of armed guards was posted from one building to the next and people moved quickly to their rooms.


Tobin and Crystal weren't slated to be bused to the range for weapons proficiency until after lunch.  Part of his culinary studies involved  managing a food budget.  So after breakfast Tobin asked Crystal to help him inventory their food stores.


As they counted boxes Crystal confided in Tobin, “Are you having as much trouble as I am getting your head around this.  It still seems so unreal.  I never saw my parents bodies, I never said good bye to them, I haven't even had a chance to get a good cry.”


Tobin took Crystal in his arms, “I know.  I know.  I was there when my parents and sister got ripped apart.  I froze. I...I didn't know what to do. How to help them.  If the national guard hadn't arrived to save my ass, I wouldn't be here.” 


“Oh my God, Tobin how horrible.  I had no idea.  I was so wrapped up in what I was going through I never gave any thought as to what it was like for anybody else.”


“No its okay.  We all got our stories.  I am grateful you are here.  I'm not sure I'd be doing as well without you here.”


Crystal took a step back and looked at him quizzically, then raised a hand and wiped back a tear from from the corner of his eye, “No matter what Toby I promise you I will always have your back.”


After lunch the transport came by to take the next group to the rifle range.  In addition to Crystal and Tobin, the group consisted of Matt Brenner and his twins, the McPhersons, the Cavendish's, Ed, and a handful of others.  When they got to the range Amy and Blade were conducting the testing.  They divided into two groups.  Blade handling melee weapons, knives, machetes and hatchets.  Amy covering pistols and rifles. 


Amy saw that Matt had the Colonels pistols strapped on, “Nice looking pistols do you know how to use them.” 


Matt just stepped forward drew a pistol into each hand took aim at a couple of targets fired the pistols almost in unison and knocked over both targets.  Matt holstered the revolvers and said, “The Colonel had some requirements if I was going to marry his daughter. ” 


Amy turned to the twins,  “and what about you two did your grandfather teach you anything.” 


The twins stepped forward and each picked up a rifle and then Cassie started, “This is the M16 it has three modes semi-auto, burst, and safety.  It comes with a 30 round magazine.” 


Travis took up the instructions from there, ”Insert the magazine and slap it home, chamber a round, sight in your target,” 


Cassie picked up again, “Select semi-automatic and squeeeeeze the trigger.” 


The two fired in unison, both hitting their targets and Travis started again, “Set to safety, remove the magazine and clear the chamber.” 


The twins set down their rifles, turned to Amy and asked, “Any questions?” 


Amy laughed, “Brenner family passed.” 


The rest took their turns at the firing range, the Mcpherson's seemed as comfortable with the military weapons as the Brenner children.  The majority of the rest more used to hunting rifles, were a little clumsy with the military weapons, but handled them passably. 


As the groups switched over to Blade, Amy pulled Crystal aside and nodding towards Matt Brenner, “ What do you know about him.”


“Join me for dinner tonight and we'll talk then.”, Crystal replied.


Over with Blade the Brenner twins again demonstrated an almost scary familiarity with knives.  The  Mcpherson's as well.  Surprisingly Tobin was also adept with a knife, but he just passed it off as a chef thing.  However, watching Blade demonstrate his knives showed us a whole new world of uses for a knife.


With weapons testing done plans moved rapidly for a supply run to fortify the resort.  Training of a militia to defend the resort   Blade and Slinger  oversaw the training of twenty of the men to go on the supply run.  Percy and Amy began the training of ninety individuals to form militia units.  When not otherwise occupied everyone pitched in preparing the grounds and planting crops for a fall harvest.


On her first day of militia training Percy took Crystal aside, “Crystal may I ask a favor.  As you could see my vife is ailing and it vill be hard for her with me avay so much of the day.  She mistakes you for our daughter that had passed avay many years ago and it is a comfort for her to be vit you.  I vas hoping you vould be able to spend some time vit her vhen I'm avay.” 


“I would be honored to spend time with Mae.  My own mother is gone now and I like having someone to call Mom.  I think it will be good for the both of us.”,  Crystal answered tearing a bit at the memory of her parents. 


Three days doesn't seem long enough to prepare to march against a city of the dead.  However, everyone would breath a bit easier once a bit of fencing separated them from the dangers of the world.  Tobin was part of the group going on the supply run and Crystal could see that as the time grew closer to them departing, the more anxious he got.


After dinner Crystal took Tobin aside to talk, “I got a weird offer today, Toby, I was asked to be patrol leader.”, then in her best western drawl, “So you better watch your P's and Q's boy there's a new sheriff in town.”


Tobin absorbed in his own thoughts barely heard her and answered out of reflex, “That's nice.”

“Tobin it is okay to be scared about tomorrow.  Lord knows I'm afraid for you.”, Crystal said quietly to him.


“I'm not scared.  Well, yes I am, but who wouldn't be.  Crystal, what if I freeze up again, like when my parents got attacked.”, Tobin confided.


“Tobin Grey I've known you all my life and I know the kind of man you are.  You know what to expect now, you know those are dead, mindless, creatures and not people.  I am confident Sgt. Andrews would not have picked you if he had any doubts about you and neither do I.”, Crystal replied as she held both his hands and looked him in the eye.


The next morning most everyone turned out to see them off.  There was an odd mixture of hopeful anticipation and nervous concern.  Mac was getting in final hugs with Ivy and his daughters and Matt Brenner was saying his goodbyes to his twins that he was entrusting to the care of Amy Landers.  Crystal spied Tobin anxiously milling about and went over to him.


Crystal slipped her shell casing from Slinger off and slipped the string over his head, “For good luck.  Bring it back if you know what is good for you” 


Tobin slipped a hand under her chin, bent down and kissed her, then with a wink he said, “That was for luck to.” 


The group, consisting of Sgt. Andrews, four of his men and twenty of the civilians departed taking two of the jeeps, a dozen supply trucks and a troop transport.  Those staying behind went back to their chores.  Trenching the perimeter and digging post holes, clearing fields and planting crops and cutting down trees for when the boilers were converted over to burn wood.   Those in the freshly trained militia not directly involved in the work details were assigned to stand guard.


At midday Crystal's patrol was assigned to stand guard as a crew cleared a pie shaped grassy strip between two of the buildings and Bob Ryker was anxious to get it planted in corn.  It was quite a large area and to plant it by hand was arduous work.  It was a hot day and Bob kept rotating people out giving them a chance to cool in the shade and get some water. 


Amelia Cavendish more used to lounging by a pool than working as a field hand pitched a fit when called back to work, “It is too hot I can't take this anymore.  I quit.  I don't like corn anyhow.  This is  just stupid.” 


Myles went over to make her get back to work, but Cynthia stopped him, “Amelia honey we are all hot.  Take a minute get some water and come help me over here it is a little shadier.” 


With all the commotion all eyes were turning towards Amelia.  Amelia walked over to the water and instead of getting a drink dumped the whole bucket over her head.  Her clothes now wet clung to her body showing every curve.  A couple of young men whistled and Amelia now embarrassed ran around to the other side of the building followed shortly by Cynthia and Myles. 


Nervous about anyone being out of sight Crystal motioned to Bill Parsons to take over for her and she hightailed it after the three of them intent on reading them the riot act.  Before Crystal could round the corner of the building a scream rang out.  When Crystal got to the other side of the building she saw that Myles had clothes lined two Dee's and was driving them back, but they were gnawing furiously at his arms.  Cynthia was curled up on the ground attempt to protect Amelia, while a third Dee was advancing on the two women. 


Crystal drew her pistol, dropped to a knee took a breath and fired a round into its skull and it dropped.  Myles kept pushing the two Dee's back as if he was pushing for the end zone.  Eventually the loss of blood and pain caused Myles to collapse, pulling the Dee's down on top of him.  Crystal let loose a whistle and when the Dee's looked up she fired twice more causing them to collapse onto the dying Myles.


Amy caught up with one of the other soldiers, “Keep going honey I got your back.” 


“Amy I'll take care of Myles.  Have Bill get everyone inside, then get Mick and our squad and meet me back here.  We need to figure out how these thing got so close.”, Crystal directed.


Amy looked at Crystal briefly before answering, “You got it, this is your rodeo now, tell me what you need and I'll back you 100%.” 


“Right now we need to calm people down a little military presence will help.  Let Ivy know what happened and have her help with Cynthia and Amelia.”, Crystal answered coming up with a plan on the fly.


Crystal watched Amy move away as she waited for Myles to turn.  She had to confirm for herself that he was one of the risen dead before she desecrated him anymore.  After a few minutes Myles began to twitch and then his eyes opened and his jaws began to open and shut.  He tried to get up, but the bodies on top of him kept him pinned.


BOOK: Surviving The Dead: Heartland Zombie Apocalypse Vol. 1
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