Surviving The Dead: Heartland Zombie Apocalypse Vol. 1 (22 page)

BOOK: Surviving The Dead: Heartland Zombie Apocalypse Vol. 1
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The sun hadn't been up long when Matt pointed out the smoke billowing on the horizon and the flocks of crows and buzzards circling in the sky. 


“Doesn't look good Blade.”, Matt exclaimed.


“We'll know soon enough.”, Blade said grimly.


The caravan slowly drove by the long line of corpses littered across the road.  Shortly after the wreckage of the blown trucks Matt called out for Blade to stop and pointed out Colonel Osgood seated against a jeep.  Matt and Blade quickly, but cautiously went up to the Colonel.


“Bryan”, Matt said quietly.


The Colonel's eyes fluttered open, “Matt never expected to see you here.”


Matt explained, “The young woman you sent our way said you were expecting trouble.  Looks like you were right.  Bryan you don't look so good.”


Bryan told his story, “That group has been hounding us for weeks.  Kept losing good soldiers to them.  Every time we moved they would show up again with even more of them.  If we had just a thousand more rounds.  I lost my whole command Matt.  I was going around making sure that none of my men would turn.  It got dark and I got careless.  One of those things got blew in half.  Not much more than a head and arms, but it crawled up and took a bite out of me.  I know I'm a dead man Matt, but I would like to see my Grand kids before I go.”


Matt nodded, “They miss you terribly we'll make that happen.”


“Its a long drive I wish we had something fast.”, Blade observed.


“Might of been stupid of me Blade, but I commandeered a vehicle a while back.  Just north of the intersection is a farm that had been owned by the Cook family.  Matt fill me in on how the group has fared while we wait for our ride.”, Bryan stated.


Blade had been with Colonel Osgood for several years and thought he knew the old man pretty well.  When he saw the white Challenger parked at the Cook's residence he had to laugh.  Blade left the other men that came along with them to bury his comrades and headed back to the compound with Matt and the Colonel.  The hemi loved the even flat roads and zero traffic and they made it back to the compound in half the time.


Even with the A/C cranked and Matt keeping the Colonel in cold compresses, the Colonel's fever continued to rise.  Having radioed ahead they were met at the clinic by Amy and the twins.  When the Colonel was situated in a room, Doc Linderman addressed him and his family.


“Colonel”, Doc started.


“Bryan please, no need for formalities now.”, Bryan said.


Doc explained, “Bryan, I can't lie to you,  there is no light at the end of this.  We have had a couple survive a bite.  Their limbs were immediately amputated though.  I don't see amputation as an option in your case.  Too much time has passed.  With your permission I would like to try whatever we got.  Broad spectrum antibiotics and antivirals.  Pack you in ice to keep the fever down.  Hazel Thurman here is a herbalist, skilled in Native American remedies.  We might buy you some more time with your family.  Maybe learn something to help others.”


“Doc I don't want you wasting meds on me, but as long as I can be with my Grand kids and family, I'm your guinea pig.”, Bryan responded.


As the Doc and Hazel worked on Bryan, Travis held his right hand and Cassie his left.  Matt stood behind Travis and Amy slipped her arm around Cassie's shoulders and Cassie put her free arm around Amy's waist.


Bryan looked at Amy, “Landers, Amy looks like your part of the family now.”


“Its a good family to be part of sir”, replied Amy wiping tears from her eyes.


“None of that now.  I  never expected to see any of you again this is a bonus.”, Bryan replied kindly.


“Matt, kids your old enough to hear this, unless the Docs Hail Mary works the clock is ticking on me.  Don't let me turn Matt”, Bryan stated.

Travis cleared his throat, “Grandpa, I don't want this to sound weird.  I've been thinking about this when the time comes it should be me.”


Bryan smiled broadly at his grandson, “Travis I would be honored son.”


Bryan survived another twelve hours in that time his family cried with him, laughed with him, and for a time just sat with him.  The whole time Travis and Cassie never let go of his hands.  Two hours before his death the fever broke, but his body was so ravaged by the disease that he slipped into a coma.  When he finally passed they rolled him onto his stomach and Travis placed his knife at the base of his Grandfathers skull.


“Travis wait I should help to.” Cassie kissed the back of her Grandfathers head, placed her hand on the knife and the twins pushed the knife in cutting the brain stem.
























Chapter 8 - Strike Back


Joe Gant had worked in construction for more than twenty years.  He had seen many fire traps in his day.  Even rebuilt a few after they had burned.  This was the first time he was asked to build a fire trap. He had five days to get the job done, which means working crews around the clock.  The whole time the construction noises will be ringing the dinner bell for any dead in the area.  If that wasn't bad enough he was going to be babysitting this kid Crystal who was around to 'coordinate'.


Unlike Joe, Hazel was pleased to be heading out and to get back home for a bit.  Her place was going to be used as a base and she was going along to provide medical assistance.  They were expecting mostly routine first aid and Hazel was more able then Doc Linderman if things got rough.  Hazel appreciated the security that the compound offered, but she had lived so many years away from crowds that she found it to confining there.  Even with all the people that will be coming and going from her homestead it was still familiar.  It was still her home. 


Crystal knew Joe was going to be difficult.  Even when they were planning the build and setting work priorities Joe had to deride every suggestion she made.  The only way they made progress was for Crystal to identify which were non-negotiable and for Mac to back her up.  Mac wasn't along though so it was up to Crystal to keep Joe on task.


At the Thurman homestead half the construction crew and one militia patrol stayed behind.  The majority of which were to get some rest before the night shift.  The remainder proceeded to the ambush site.  At the ambush site the initial plan wast to establish a perimeter, put up prebuilt watchtowers at each end of the site, and clear brush.


Joe tried to argue that it would be quicker to use the dozer create the fire break and clear the brush at the same time. 


“Come on Joe if you scrape off the grass now and we get a rain we will waste more time struggling in the mud.  Just stick to the plan.”, Crystal reasoned.


“Yea maybe, but we better get some materials here pronto if you want this trap built.”, Joe countered.


Crystal took a deep breath, “Joe we brought more than enough supplies for you to get started.  As soon as we are unloaded I'll take out a detail to a local ranch and dismantle a barn for more wood.  Just like we planned.”


The trap was going to be a thousand feet long and as wide as the road, with a divider down the middle.  Crystal was glad for the opportunity to get away from Joe and to vent her anger on some of the dead.  Joe was going to continue to frustrate her until she figured out a way to keep him from jerking her chain.


At the end of the day and the night shift came on Joe went to the camp, but Crystal decided to hang around the ambush site.  Night time security was completely different than daytime and she wanted to make sure the guards were comfortable with the routine.  More than that though she wanted to experience this place at night.  She could use the solitude of the night to visualize the dead drawn to the trap. 

Close to dawn Crystal headed back to the camp to try and work things out with Joe.  However, she wasn't there long and she could tell something was off.  When the trucks pulled out for a morning supply run Crystal got in front of them and raised her baton to stop them. 


Joe came a running cursing up a storm, “God Damn it let my men get to work.”


As Joe closed in Crystal shifted the baton to her right hand, shifted her weight on to her right foot and hit him square in the jaw with her left, “Dead men aren't going to build jack.  No one leaves with out a guard.  It is just that simple.”


“Well shake your guys out of bed then and lets get to work.”, Joe fussed.


“Jason your crew ready?”, Crystal asked.


“You betcha Captain.”, Jason replied.


“Then what the hell are we standin around for.  Get them on the road now.”, Joe bellowed.


Crystal's left fist lashed out again this time catching Joe in the nose.


“Damn would you quit hitting me.”, Joe complained.


Crystal leveled an icy stare at the man, “When you quit fighting me.  I can keep this up all day.  What's it going to be Joe?”


Jason chimed in, “I'd give it up Mr. Gant.  She is smarter and tougher than both of us put together.”


“Joe go see Hazel have that nose looked at.  Unlike you I've been up all night.  I'm gonna catch some rack time.  In three hours you and I are going over to the ambush site and we are going to agree on what gets done and who goes where and when.”, Crystal said.


As Hazel looked to Joe she spoke, “Your in luck its not broken and I think your ego will survive too.  She is an impressive young woman.”


Joe smiled and nodded, “That she is and she has quite the pair of brass balls.”


Blade arrived at the Thurman homestead the day before, the last day of the trap build.  Before allowing the construction crews to leave the Captain had him review the site.  If the plan goes as it is supposed to this part will be easy and the danger low.  The problem is things never goes as planned.  The press of thousands of the dead against the trap could tear it apart before they were all in.  The incendiaries wouldn't be able to do their job and thousands of dead would be loosed on the base camp. 


Blade was no engineer, but things looked good.  The trap was back braced, anchored to the rock and rabble was piled against the base.  A long fence lead to the trap to funnel the dead in.  They had captured some cattle and planned to butcher them in the trap to give the dead additional incentive to enter and hold their attention as they waited for the stragglers to flow in.


“Looks good I'm impressed.”, Blade said. 


“The hard part is on you though Blade you got to fill the trap.”, Crystal replied.


Planning for contingencies if things went sideways could go on forever.  Amy would command two  Patrols on the rise.  Blades patrol would draw in the dead and then hold in reserve.  The last two patrols, placed in Percy's command, were to hold back at their base camp, the Thurman homestead.  Crystal had gotten very close to Percy these last few weeks. The call to ask him to hold back the flood if the trap failed was a difficult choice.


The troops were gathered together the night before the plan was to start. Crystal was not in the habit of giving speeches, but made an exception tonight, “Colonel Osgood and the brave men and women of the 154
gave us a precious gift.  They gave us time to prepare.  They gave us the chance to choose where and how we take on the dead.  On this eve of what will be a very long day, I am reminded of Genesis 32.  Jacob spends the night wrestling with God's messenger.  Even when Jacob's hip became dislocated he continued to fight and earned God's blessing.  For those we have lost, for our friends and family, and for the 154
, we must struggle on and one day the world will be safe again.”


“You're up early”, Blade remarked to Amy as they readied themselves for the day.


“I've got lots to do today.  So, zombie bait what's your guess on how this pans out?”, Amy asked.


Blades response was cagey, “I'll let you know tomorrow.  I'll consider it a win if we can avoid getting caught ourselves.”


Like most small towns Lexington had a straight forward layout.  The Platte river was south of town preventing the dead from moving south.  Interstate 80 ran along the river with an exit leading to the south east corner of town.  The trap was nearly twenty miles north of town.  Blade needed to move the dead starting from the southeast and up Addams at the northwest corner.  The highest concentration of dead was at the northwest probably because that is where Tri-County Hospital was located.


“Its getting pretty hairy here Blade.  We ain't getting ahead of them anymore.”, Willis reported over the radio.


“I hear ya Willis, I'm going to call it.  Radio the others and have them swing around and meet with us on Addams north of town.  We'll have to hope they stay mobbed up for a couple of hours.”, Blade answered back.


Back at the trap Crystal checked on their status, “Amy how is it coming?”


Amy wiped her forehead, “I'm good Cap just double checking connections.  Whats the latest from Blade?”


“He says they are a couple of hours ahead of schedule.  He is waiting a few miles out of town before swinging back in to draw them here.  I let Percy know to keep it extra quiet over there we don't want half the horde to shift that direction.”, Crystal answered.


Amy nodded, “Blade will make sure to dangle a big carrot to keep them coming to the trap.  Speaking of the trap I got a surprise for you.”


Crystal squinted, “I hope its a good surprise.”


Amy smiled, “With that many bodies packed together I wasn't sure the napalm alone would be enough, so I asked Mick if he could come up with some shot.  Do you know what a claymore is?”


Crystal shook her head, “I've heard claymores mentioned in the war movies my Dad liked that's about it.”


“Think of it as a big shotgun blast.  I've lined the trap with a series of charges that will blow the shot Mick made up, into the herd.  It should take out a lot of them before we blow the incendiaries.  Easy Peasy.  I also set a series of claymores outside of the trap to catch the slow pokes.”, Amy informed Crystal.


Shortly before dusk Blade had his squad move slowly down Addams until they reached the fringe of the horde they had amassed.  Blade had been witness to some horrific situations since the outbreak.  None of that prepared him for the sight of the thousands of dead  that immediately focused on their vehicles.  The noise of their ceaseless moans drowned out the sound of their engines and Blade was forced to use hand signals to indicate when to stop and turn around.


Once turned around Blade had them hit their horns for a ten count and then move slowly forward.  The jeep in point had to periodically use the 50 cal. to keep them from being flanked.  The two trucks carrying the cow blood lure began releasing it initially in a heavy stream.  It had been so long since these dead had fed that some of them got down and began licking up the blood and were trampled by those coming from behind. 


As soon as the dead were well on the move they sped up.  Once a couple of miles away Blade and one of the trucks stopped to start the evening of cat and mouse.  The other vehicles were sent ahead to the halfway point.  Five hours later Blades squad reunited at the halfway point. 


“Willis there are some sprinters in that group.  We've been dropping any that get to far ahead of the main group.  Don't get cocky if that main group overtakes you they'll rip you to shreds.”, Blade warned.


“Understood boss.  We'll be careful.  I'll see you in a few hours. Cross my heart.”, Willis replied.


The herd was several miles from the reserves encampment.  Yet occasional flashes from the lure vehicles spotting lights could be seen and every once in a while the faint report of a rifle could be heard.  Percy put the camp on high alert, doubled the guard and made sure they could bug out at a moments notice.


Sam Arnst knew that things were different now and he was good with that for the most part.  He could be a folder and not a wadder if it meant avoiding having to use old magazines to clean himself with after a dump.  The thought of giving up his smokes though was a tough pill to swallow.  He really tried to cut back to make what he had last.  On guard duty that night he needed that fix bad, just a few puffs to take the edge off. 


“That's a deadly habit son”, whispered Percy as he plucked the cigarette from Sam's mouth and snuffed it out on the ground.


“Hey  What.  Sorry Gunnery Sergeant it was just a couple of puffs”, Sam whined.


“Back vhen I vas in Nam there was another guy that needed to take a drag or two vhile on guard.  One night a VC sniper vaited for him to light up and aimed a few inches above the ember.  Hit him right between the eyes.”, Percy punctuated his story by striking his forefinger between Sam's eyes.


Sam shivered at the thought, “Message received Gunny it won't happen again.”


Just before dawn when the sky was red from the rising sun, Willis came down the funnel with the rest of his team.  The funnel started about a mile from the trap consisting of salvaged vehicles lining the sides of the road.  The final portion of the funnel was fencing and metal siding with a gate to allow access past the trap.  As Willis pulled up to the gate Crystal opened it and led out the two calves they were holding as live bait.  After tying off the calves Crystal closed the gate and rode to the far end of the site with Willis.

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