Survive Infinite Dangers: The Family Survival Guide of 21st Century Dangers (29 page)

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Authors: Gary Yantis

Tags: #Reference, #Science, #Mathematics, #Biology, #Nonfiction, #21st Century, #Heath & Fitness

BOOK: Survive Infinite Dangers: The Family Survival Guide of 21st Century Dangers
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Chapter 27

Natural Disasters and Emergencies


This book is primarily written for man-caused disasters and mostly ones of magnitudes unthinkable today. The disasters are probably caused by terrorism (meaning on purpose) but accidents like Three-Mile Island and Chernobyl do happen. It doesn’t matter how it happened, it happened and now you have to get you and your group through the “eye of the needle” to safety so when civilization returns all of you are safe and well to help rebuild the world!


Virtually every bit of information in this book is useful in protecting yourself and your group from any disaster. Earthquakes, floods, extreme snowstorms, mudslides, forest fires, tornadoes, hurricanes and so on are all products of nature. Nature is neither good nor bad; we just happen to get in the way sometimes when natural disasters occur. Our job is to get out of the way to a place of safety then wait out the storm, earthquake, the fire or whatever is happening or happened. For instance, the 201 page FEMA “Are You Ready” book downloadable for free along with many other helpful documents from not just FEMA but other government agencies and NGO’s such as the Red Cross spend as much space/time on natural disasters as man-made ones. The “Are You Ready?” booklet has chapters devoted to floods, earthquakes and all of the disasters I’ve already mentioned. I encourage you to prepare for natural disasters just as much and be just as dedicated as you are in preparing for an attack from a foreign country run by a really evil dictator who wants to do to us what he does to “his” own people every day.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.
An awful lot of “doing nothing” has gone on by millions of “good men” for many thousands of years with no signs of that changing. Nature, as beautiful as if is, can bring forth havoc of unimaginable death and destruction. Preparing for man-made destruction and disasters will almost automatically prepare you for the elements of nature causing you great distress. Do not ignore these dangers – thus the title of the book – “Infinite Dangers”. Name all you can think of and others can add hundreds more. Life is very fragile and those who seek to do others harm use that fact to their advantage.
When that magical day (never) arrives when no man wishes to do other men harm this book will be just as useful except helpful to prepare for disasters of nature. I sometimes think “it would serve the many evil to the core people right to who spend their lives taking the lives of millions of their own countrymen, impoverishing their country for generations only to have their “efforts” be aborted by a huge solar burst that turns earth into a charred ball within a few seconds. Solar bursts (flares) of such intensity have occurred and are documented but none have ever come close to hitting earth. See, there is one more “Infinite Danger” to think about! What can you do to save yourself from such an earth frying flare? Absolutely nothing and we might even have notice of just a few seconds – “Boy, the sun sure is bri---!” End of our spinning globe.
Some natural disasters and what to do in the disaster of being affected by one come to mind naturally. These include floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and hundreds of other natural disasters. I refer you back to the excellent (and free) downloadable 201 page manual named “Are You Ready?” found on
. The document includes far more good information than I can add to this book. Obtain a copy of that document. It may be available in print form (contact FEMA). Get it, read it (several times) and have it as part of your disaster survival book library. Virtually every “become prepared” tip and information in this book equally applies to natural disasters.
I won’t dwell on natural disasters further. Just remember, it doesn’t matter why your house is on fire or what caused it. You need to douse the fire and protect yourself and others. Leave the questions for later. Leave the questions for later on most everything written about in this book. Think “survival”, don’t think “gee, why did it happen?” You’ll be wasting valuable time. On to the next chapter!



Chapter 28

Panic and other People-The #1 Danger!


I’ve already written so much about human nature and how thin the veneer of civilization really is do I really need to write more? Well, maybe just a bit more plus a summary to tie everything together.


Always expect the unexpected. You cannot be too prepared. The more prepared you are for all possible dangers that can be thought of the more peace of mind you and those in your group will have. Just like that security system you had installed in your home; you did it to provide you more peace of mind. Peace of mind is a wonderful thing especially in a world that is becoming more unstable virtually every day. You can’t save the world but you can create a “survival insurance policy” for you and your group. Your blood pressure will drop every time you walk by your storehouse of survival goods and think of all of the knowledge and training you now possess that others do not. If you’re like me, “survival” will not be a destination but a journey. You’ll always be adding something new, changing items to something better or sturdier, and adding to your goods when you spot a shortcoming. Reading the many survival web sites and blogs will always bring forth thoughts of “gee, I hadn’t thought of that! I’ll add it to what I have, obtain the training, build something or whatever. It’s always “work in process”. As serious as it is, it can almost turn into a hobby; a serious hobby but a hobby nonetheless.


Last but most important, expect to learn things about yourself and about others you would have never thought possible. Such situations bring out the best and the worst in people. Don’t be surprised when the one person who you always thought was the most stable, most reliable and most secure person in the world just totally “loses it” even if the disaster is a minor one. How do you avoid that happening to you or to someone else; prepare! As I say, you cannot prepare too much. Being overly prepared will bring forth so much peace of mind that “losing it” becomes something that does not occur to you or anyone else in your group. Above all, remember after a long-term major disaster where law and order stops even for a few hours your GREATEST DANGER is almost always your fellow man. I hate to say that but you know it is true. Starvation and other deprivations can turn the nicest people into wild animals. Blunt but true. Maybe you will retain your kindness and humanity no matter what but don’t expect everyone to do as you do. I’ll take a .38 special in my pocket over an expectation of kindness from my fellow man every time! On the other hand, assume others are good and kind people until they show themselves to be otherwise.



Chapter 29

The Future


The future will be more of the same but more so! How’s that for a clique! I’ve been involved in high technology all of my adult life. As involved as I am (my name is even on a few patents of electronic breakthroughs – if you ever received a speeding ticket “clocked” by radar you can partially blame me but the invention also made aircraft radar one hundred times more useful improving the safety of millions of people who fly every day) it never ceases to amaze me at the breakthroughs in all fields of science. New technology comes at us at light speed. I fear at a speed way too fast for human nature to keep up. Human nature is unchanged from 50,000 years ago while technology has advanced from the new invention of fire to “nanomachines” (also called the field of nanorobotics) with uses in many sciences. One is medicine where millions of nanorobots are injected into a patient to rebuild, reproduce themselves as necessary, measure and maybe even cure a patient of an illness that would have been otherwise fatal. Isn’t that amazing!


Some of the nanomachines viewed through an electron-microscope (Google the word if you wish) are often actual miniature machines with tiny gears, levers and the same as a drill press might have except a million could fit on the head of a pin. But for every amazing invention for the good I turn the page of a scientific magazine only to read about a theoretical weapon called “Rods From God” (Google the term) that if means could be developed to lift many millions of pounds of metal rods and other apparatus into space an evil dictator could rain death and destruction from space within seconds obliterating entire countries before they had the chance to strike back.


Human nature needs to advance 50,000 years and do so in less than a decade but, of course, it will not. While we look back on the horrors of the 20
century it will be a miracle if the world makes it to the next century, Sorry, such thoughts come from spending too much of your life too close to high technology as I have. I spent time working in the nuclear weapons industry standing next to a bomb that could kill many millions but easily carried in the trunk of my car. I KNOW both the good and bad of technology. Actually, it is neither. It is what man chooses to do with it.


The more knowledgeable you are of the possible dangers of new high technology the more prepared you will be to survive the worst cases scenarios – you’ll have peace of mind understanding technology and its limitations plus how to avoid being affected by it! I know it does with me. My Web site
is a constant state of “work in process” including discussing newly discovered technology that can and will find both good and evil uses. As I say, technology, like nature, is neither good nor bad. Properly harnessed and directed it can be used for the good – or the bad. Think of the Hoover Dam and think of a terrible flood. They both involve water but one (Hoover Dam) is where water is harnessed and directed providing benefits to millions of people for the last 80 years that is beyond belief.


What will the future bring? Your guess is as good as mine. But, as the old saying goes: “hope for the best but prepare for the worst”. Now read this book and the others a few more times while you begin the preparations with each step providing you one more bit of peace of mind. Isn’t that what you want – peace of mind? I know I do!



Chapter 30



Fiction Books


These will put you in the proper mindset to take this book and others related to it seriously so you do NOT put this book aside planning to “get to it when I have time”. Most of what is in this book you should have done a year ago (at least). Time has more
than run out. You must start “preparing” NOW!


Fiction Books
"Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse” by James Wesley, Rawles

One Second After” by William Forstchen

Non-Fiction Books


Note: this book contains some of the same information found in this book. While it probably has less in-depth coverage of high technology it picks up where this book leaves off for “the end of the world” – true never ending Armageddon where civilization as we know it may not return for hundreds of years or perhaps never. It’s amazing to think anyone could survive through such an disaster but Mr. Rawles’ book will get you there if any book will. Be prepared to “prepare” times ten compared to this book in time, dedication and money. Still, excellent additions to this book even if you just read them. They will provide you knowledge of what true Armageddon preparation is like.

Where There Is No Doctor – A Village Healthcare Handbook”

Where There Is No Dentist”

Note: When you look at these medical books on Amazon please note the many other medical books not just for humans but for pets and animals in general. If you need them, you’ll wish you had bought many more. Read through the list and pick out a few more besides these two. Books that emphasize 19
century “home remedies” are especially useful. Everything from antibiotics to pain killers can be made with ingredients you can buy and stock. Whether to take first-aid classes up to, and including, the EMT level you’ll still find having these books a must.

You’ll also find other “basic living” books handy. Remember your old Boy Scout handbook with all you needed to know to survive in the woods? They still print it (Amazon)! A survivalist book library was not included in the must have list for nothing! Knowledge can save your life but there is no way you can remember 10% of what you read! Just remember where to find it.

Web sites

Government Agencies

(Federal Emergency Management Agency)

(Department of Homeland Security)

(Department of Defense)

The White House

Government Emergency Information
(everything from flu shots to helping in disasters world-wide)

Other books

The Dark Defiles by Richard K. Morgan
The Legend by Shey Stahl
Blood and Circuses by Kerry Greenwood
Edge of Hunger by Rhyannon Byrd
The Immortal Game (book 1) by Miley, Joannah
The Fourth Crow by Pat McIntosh