Surveillance or Security?: The Risks Posed by New Wiretapping Technologies (9 page)

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When Cerf and Kahn were initially developing TCP/IP, security was
about reliability and availability, not targeted attacks. Security was not
actually needed. Each computing company was using its own proprietary
protocols on their internal networks. This provided a modicum of security:
problems on one network could not easily propagate to become problems
on another.' This is an instance of security through obscurity, a method
of making attacks difficult by hiding how a system works. Security through
obscurity is not considered a wise way to proceed, because experience has
shown that the best method for finding a system's security flaws is through
public examination.' The adoption of the TCP/IP protocol by a wider audience occurred in several steps. First TCP/IP was the protocol designed for
transmission on the ARPANET. Then the National Science Foundation
(NSF) decided to build a network to link scientific researchers with supercomputer centers around the country. This proved to be the tipping point
for the Internet, though no one foresaw this at the time.

"We were building a research network for the U.S. research community,
and perhaps also for the research community in industry," explained
Dennis Jennings, who had been the program director for networking
within NSF's Office of Advanced Scientific Computing during the building
of NSFNET.6 "Our budget was limited. What every researcher wanted us to
do was build a network to his or her computer or workstation, but that
didn't scale." NSF proposed a three-level hierarchy of networks: campus
networks, regional networks, and a backbone network. This was a network
of networks, as it were. While individual researchers were not pleased about
connecting to a campus network, "interestingly campuses were thinking
about networks and they all seized on this [idea]. The stuff took off like
wildfire," said Jennings.

Only one protocol could link the networks in a way that allowed computers running different networking systems to communicate: Cerf and
Kahn's TCP/IP. Some objected: researchers running IBM mainframes
wanted to use the IBM networking protocol, while those running DEC VAX
sought the use of DEC's protocol, and so on. NSF prevailed and TCP/IP
was adopted.

No one envisioned that NSF's decision would lead to the Internet
becoming a national network. TCP/IP's utilization by the larger constituency did not prompt any work on improving the protocol's security.
DARPA's focus was on protecting communications on the Internet, rather
than on protecting the network infrastructure itself.'

The security services that preoccupied DARPA at the time were confidentiality, protecting communications against eavesdropping; integrity,
ensuring that communications had not been tampered with; and authenticity, ensuring that the sender being claimed is in fact the originator of
the message.

A principal user of encrypted communications was the Navy, which
found it far cheaper to use the Internet for communications between
Washington and Hawaii than to rent a leased encrypted line.

There was no focus on such attacks as spam, viruses, and the like.' Trust
was built in, in the sense that the network was a network for research and
education, and everyone was viewed as everyone else's friend or colleague.
This turned out to be a mistake. Or as retired NSA technical director Brian
Snow9 put it at a scientific meeting in 2007, "[With the Internet] there's
malice out there trying to get you. When you build a refrigerator, you have
to worry about random power surges. The problem is that [Internet] projects are designed assuming random malice rather than targeted attacks.i10

Security was simply not viewed as a serious problem for the new communications systems. No one anticipated needing to protect the network
against its users, and so no explicit mechanisms were built in to protect
the network. After all, attacks had never been a serious problem on the
telephone network. The fact that this did not carry over to the new
network was because of the differences I have discussed in the two communication networks, but this was not considered at the time.

Essentially the only devices that could be connected to the PSTN were
telephones. Because telephones are not multipurpose devices and cannot
be programmed to do other tasks, the only serious network attacks the
phone network suffered were "blue box" attacks: users, or devices, whistled
in the phone receiver at the correct frequency,11 tricking the network into
providing free long-distance calls.12 Signaling System 6 thwarts this through "out-of-band" signaling, in which the call-signaling information is transmitted through a different channel than the voice communication.

In contrast with telephones, computers are "smart" devices capable of
being programmed to do many interesting things. That tremendous benefit
can, however, be a problem when this malleability is turned against the
network itself. This was not something that the ARPANET designers

The PSTN designers opted to handle the problem that systems for data
transfer, whether human speech or file transfer over an electronic network,
are unreliable13 by building a system out of highly reliable components.
Early Internet architects went in the other direction and opted for reliability achieved through redundancy. TCP/IP assumes an unreliable data
delivery mechanism, IP, and then uses a reliable delivery mechanism, TCP,
on top of it. TCP has various mechanisms to ensure this reliability, including congestion control, managing the order of packets received to ensure
none are missed, and opening the connection in the first place. The latter
is worth discussing in some detail.

There is a handshake between the two connecting machines establishing their communication; there are messages that flow back and forth
establishing that packets have been received; and the two machines
measure the time elapsed between such acknowledgments, resending if
there has not been a timely response.

Suppose user Alice wants to view an article from Scientific American on
how magic fools the human brain.14 Her machine, the client, makes a
request to the computer hosting the Scientific American web page stating it
wants to establish a connection (figure 3.1). This is the synchronization
message, or SYN. The Scientific American server then responds with a synchronization acknowledgment: SYN ACK. If all is working correctly, Alice's
machine replies with an acknowledgment of its own, ACK, and the connection is established. The server downloads the Scientific American home
page onto Alice's client. The Scientific American home page contains more
information, and this step is actually a sequence of many small steps: a
large number of packets have to flow across the network from the Scientific
American server to Alice's machine.

The Scientific American server starts sending packets and Alice's machine
acknowledges receiving them. If the server does not receive packet acknowledgments within a fixed time window, the server resends the missing
packets. Both machines have timers operating; if appropriate acknowledgments are not received in a timely fashion (a matter of milliseconds), then
the packets (or request for packets) are automatically resent. Once the Scientific American server has received an acknowledgment that the last
packet has been received, it closes the connection to the client; that connection session is terminated.

Figure 3.1

Client/server interaction. Illustration by Nancy Snyder.

Now that Alice has received the web page at her machine, she starts to
search for the article she wants. Alice types in the appropriate keywords
(e.g., magic brain) in the search field on the Scientific American web page.
When she clicks on the "search" button on the web page, the connection
process starts afresh. Alice's client opens a connection with the Scientific
American server, sends it information ("Perform a search query on 'magic
brain"'), and the connection process begins (handshake, connection establishment), followed by packet exchange and then connection teardown.

Note that the Scientific American server did not "know" Alice before
establishing a connection with her machine. TCP does not require any
form of authentication of the user before connections are established. For
the research environment for which TCP was developed, this made good
sense. The network's purpose was sharing information and authentication
was an unnecessary complication that would have been difficult to implement. (By contrast, the phone company did care about authenticating the
call originator because that is who pays for the call.) Authentication would
also not easily scale. Requiring an introduction before a connection could
be made would have prevented the growth that the network experienced
between the early 1990s and the present.

The real point here is that while the Internet is a communications
network, it is a communications network that behaves nothing like the
telephone network. For some applications such as email, IM, and Voice
over IP conversations, an introduction prior to communication might
make sense. But many other applications function more like a store or library (a library with no requirement for signing out borrowed materials).
For those, an introduction is not only not valuable, it is actually disruptive.
Alice's browsing of the Scientific American website or her browsing of books
and their reviews at Amazon, do not-and should not-require an introduction before the connection is established. Even the first examples I
mentioned, email, IM, VoIP, would have difficulty with an introduction
prior to establishing a TCP connection because of Internet-enabled mobility. The IP address Alice's machine has today in the coffee shop is different
from the one it had yesterday at the airport, and it will be different again
tomorrow even if Alice frequents the same coffee shop (unless the coffee
shop has only one IP address available, an unlikely situation). Yet it is the
IP address that is the identifier in the TCP/IP protocol. By contrast, Alice's
mobile telephone has the same number15 regardless of whether she is in
Paris, Texas, or Paris, France.

In deciding to adopt TCP/IP for NSFNET, "Our ambition in 1985 was to
have all three-hundred-and-four research universities connected to NSFNET
by the end of 1986 or early 1987," said Dennis Jennings, who ran the NSF
program that built NSFNET. In that respect, the NSF succeeded spectacularly. "Had we any idea that this would be the network for the world, we
probably would have had to go to the PTTs [Public Telegraph and Telecommunications] or ISOs [International Standards Organizations]. Certainly
the PTTs would have designed a hierarchical system and would have built
in authentication."

Had that occurred, it is likely that the result would have been more
secure than the current Internet. It is also likely that the resulting network
would have lacked the openness and capability for innovation that have
made the Internet so remarkably fruitful. Jennings observed that "had
we known [what was to come], we'd have been terrified and the Internet
[would never have happened]." Jennings paused as he reflected on those
decisions made in the mid-1980s. "And we would have said, 'That's
not within scope; we're building a research network for a research
community .....

3.3 Cryptography to the Rescue?

For a long time people believed that once strong cryptography was available, the solution to Internet security would be at hand. While this is not
true-security is much more than simply encryption-it is the case that
cryptography is a basic tool for many Internet security problems. I will
take a brief detour to describe aspects of cryptography that play a role in Internet security; for learning the material in appropriate depth, the interested reader is urged to consult one of the large number of books on the

Cryptography, encoding messages so that only the intended recipient
can understand them, is nearly as old as written communication. A Mesopotamian scribe hid a formula for pottery glaze within cuneiform symbols,
while a Greek at the Persian court used steganography, or hiding a message
within another, to send a communication. The fourth century BCE Indian
political classic, the Arthasastra, urged cryptanalysis as a means of obtaining
intelligence. The Caesar cipher, used by Julius Caesar to communicate with
his generals, shifts each letter of the alphabet some number of letters "to
the right." Thus a Caesar shift of 3 would be: a - D, b - E, ... , y - B, z -> C.

Cryptography holds within itself an inherent contradiction: the system
must be made available to its users, yet widespread sharing of the system
increases the risk that the system will be compromised. The solution is to
minimize the secret part of the cryptosystem. A nineteenth-century cryptographer, Auguste Kerckhoffs, codified a basic tenet of cryptography: the
cryptosystem's security should rely upon the secrecy of the key-and not
upon the secrecy of the system's encryption algorithm.

The difficulty of breaking a secure system should roughly be the time
it takes for an exhaustive search of the keys. The Caesar cipher, with its
simple structure and simple key-if one can call the "3" of "shift three
letters to the right" the key-is easy to break. More sophisticated ciphers,
including transposition ciphers and more sophisticated substitution
ciphers, were developed in the fifteenth century. By the nineteenth century,
cryptography had become part of popular lore, turning up in such literature as "The Adventure of the Dancing Men" by Arthur Conan Doyle and
"The Gold Bug" by Edgar Allen Poe. Despite its long history, cryptography
was more a curiosity than a valuable tool. Radio and its transformation of
warfare made cryptography important.

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