Read Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7) Online

Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7) (22 page)

BOOK: Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7)
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Sid left and Nikki released him. Racing to her wing, he said, “I’ll have this off in a second. Then once you shift back, tell me what you want to do or need, and I will ensure it happens. Because I’m not done taking care of you until you’re cleared for duty.”

He undid the ties and fasteners holding the splint to Nikki’s wing bones. The second he undid everything that needed to be undone, he stepped back and watched. Glowing a faint purple, Nikki’s snout shrank to a nose while her limbs became arms and legs, and her tail and wings shrank into her back.

Within a few seconds, Nikki stood long and lean in her human form with her dark hair tumbling around her shoulders. She whispered, “Rafe,” and rushed into his arms.

Holding her close with one arm, he used his free hand to explore her shoulders, her back, her arse. “I love your dragon, but I’ve missed you.”

She snuggled into his shoulder. “I’ve missed you too. Not being able to talk to you was pure torture.” She pulled back. “And yet, you stayed. The whole time, you stayed with me and kept me up-to-date on everything happening with the trip to Ireland and the weapon you confiscated.” Tears filled her eyes. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

Lightly caressing her cheek, he murmured, “I can think of a way for you to repay me. After all, you still owe me for Kai ruling in my favor a week and a half ago.”

Nikki frowned. “You’re going to call that in now?”

“Yes. Because I don’t want to hear any excuses about you brushing your teeth or needing a shower.” He squeezed her even tighter against his chest. “Kiss me, Nikki, and then I’m going to claim you. Because after the last week, I’m never letting you go.”

His dragonwoman’s face became unreadable and he wondered if he’d made a mistake. Had the last week done the opposite to her? Had it only highlighted the differences between them to the point she thought it could never work?

If she had, he would only have to work harder at convincing her that they belonged together. Because Rafe couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.

Then the corner of Nikki’s mouth ticked up, and his heart started beating again. “Then you’d better hurry. Sid wasn’t joking about walking in exactly thirty minutes after she left. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not give her a free show. Especially since I’d have to chase her away from your naked body.”

Cupping her cheek, Rafe murmured, “So jealous and possessive. You act just like a dragon-shifter.”

“I am one,” she growled.

Grinning wide, Rafe leaned down and kissed her. The instant Nikki’s lips touched his, a sense of rightness settled over him. But it was quickly replaced by heat and the need to do much more than touch her lips.

Breaking the kiss, he scooped Nikki up in his arms and gently laid her down on the bedding on the floor. Despite the fact the clock was ticking, he leaned back and lightly traced Nikki’s collarbone, down between her breasts, her abdomen, and finally teased the slit between her legs. “For one so dismissive, you’re already fucking drenched for me.”

“Rafe, stop wasting time—”

Her words morphed into a moan as he plunged a finger inside her. As he continued moving in and out, he watched the flush spread across Nikki’s chest and her cheeks. “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

Opening her dark brown eyes, Nikki met his gaze. “So are you.” She reached a hand to his arm and lightly scratched her nails against his skin. “Strip and show me.”

Rafe wasn’t a fool, so he removed his finger, tugged off his shirt and wiggled out of his trousers. Just as he was about to lean down and cover Nikki’s body, she placed a hand on his chest to stop him. He frowned at the action, but Nikki traced the defined muscles of his torso and her voice filled the tent. “If we have a boy, I hope he looks just like you, even if it means we have to chase away the unworthy females when he’s older.”

Rafe stopped breathing. “Nikki?”

She met his eyes with a smile. “I’ve had a lot of time to think over the last week. And with each passing day you spent at my side, caring for me and sharing the latest Protector-related news, it became harder and harder for me to justify my fears about raising a child. You’re dedicated, loyal, caring, and protective. Regardless of what the future brings, I understand now that you will never abandon our child willingly.”

Covering her body with his, he framed her face with his hands as he searched her eyes. “Are you sure about this? You’ve had a trying week, and I don’t want you to feel cornered into this decision.”

She rubbed her cheek against one of his hands. “I didn’t make the decision because I felt cornered. I made it because of you, Rafe Hartley. I want you to be a father to our child.”

Unable to resist any longer, he kissed Nikki and slid his tongue between her lips.

As he stroked and explored, he also gently held her jaw in the palm of his hand. There was nothing more he wanted than to have Nikki as his woman and raise a child with her.

Refusing to let doubt cloud his mind about the future of the DDA, Rafe focused on the positive. He was closer than ever to having the family he never knew he'd always wanted. And he’d fight to keep the gift Nikki had just granted him.


Once Nikki had made her decision about taking a leap of faith and keeping her child, it had been pure torture not being able to tell Rafe while in dragon form. Maybe she should’ve waited until later. But as she traced his hard, muscled body, the words had just slipped out.

Rafe had since started kissing her, devouring her mouth as if he was starving and she was the only thing that could sate his hunger. His ardor stoked her own fire and she dug her nails into his back as she met him stroke for stroke.

One of Rafe’s hands brushed between her legs and Nikki moaned into his mouth. She’d missed his firm, possessive touch.

Her dragon hummed.
Me, too.

Gone were Rafe’s fingers; instead, his cock thrust into her. She cried out at how full and good he felt inside her. Rafe never ceased his attentions to her mouth, though. Raking her nails down his back, she gripped one of his arse cheeks. At the contact, Rafe moved his hips slowly, increasing with each motion.

He finally released her lips. Nikki never broke eye contact as he continued to roll his hips. Desire mixed with intensity, as if he were looking down deep into her very being, to both her human and dragon halves. Never had she thought a human would be so understanding of her dual personalities.

Running a hand down to her breast, he plucked her nipple a few times and all serious thoughts fled her mind as her body heated and grew even wetter.

When he stopped his attentions, she cried out and was about to demand why. But as his hands cupped her arse and lifted, his cock reached even deeper inside, and her protest faded from her lips. “Rafe.”

“You’re mine, Nikola Gray.” He pounded harder. “And I’ll use every tool I have to keep you.”

In any other moment, she would argue. But the pressure was building. She was too close to care about his alpha statements.

Gripping his forearms, Nikki moved in time to his thrusts. “I’m so close. Harder.”

Not missing a beat, Rafe moved faster, as if their lives depended on it.

Rafe leaned down and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. He bit her lightly before twirling the sting with his tongue. If he would only do it again...

When he then bit her nipple harder, lights dance in front of Nikki’s eyes as her orgasm hit hard. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body and Rafe’s movements only intensified the feeling.

Just as she started to come down from her high, he stilled and roared out Nikki’s name. His orgasm sent her spinning into a few more of her own.

When the last spasm wracked her body, Rafe collapsed on top of her. His heat, weight, and scent settled her mind. Somehow during the last few weeks, Rafe had become a rock in her life.

Wrapping her arms around him, she listened to his racing heartbeat. She only hoped she would be able to listen just like this for the rest of her days. Because she wanted much more than to keep their baby; Nikki wanted to keep her human.

The trick would be in finding out how to do it. Especially since it was becoming harder to ignore the growing feelings she had for him. Nikki was far beyond the mere fancies of a young woman. With enough time, she could easily love him.

But would she have the chance to reach that point, or would human laws tear them apart?

Not wanting to ruin the moment with doubts of the future, she nuzzled his shoulder and decided to lighten the mood. “You’re aware everyone in a half-mile radius probably heard you scream my name.”

A chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Good.”

Sighing, she hugged him tighter. “You act like such a male.”

He turned his head to meet her gaze and traced a finger down her cheek. “That’s because I am one.”

She laughed. “And as much as I may regret saying this later, I’m glad of it.”

His grin melted her heart further. Although the stubble on his cheeks reminded her of his constant vigilance and the fact Dr. Sid would be back soon.

“I see wheels turning in your head, Nikki. What are you thinking about?”

She frowned. “You know, I think you’ve become a little too attune to my body language now.”

“And that’s a problem, why? I thought women wanted men to better understand what’s on their minds.”

She couldn’t fight off her smile. “Sometimes. But a female needs to have some secrets.”

Rafe gave her a slow, gentle kiss before answering, “Good luck with that. Remember, I’ve spent most of my adult life finding out secrets.”

Rolling her eyes, she pushed against Rafe’s chest. “You might be good at it, but my hearing is better. I hear someone approaching the tent. So unless you want to be caught in the act, you should toss some clothes on.”

“What about you?”

“My nakedness shouldn’t matter, but if you give me your shirt, I’ll wear that to keep you from growling.”

Rafe reluctantly pulled away. Nikki wanted nothing more than to pull him close again, but the footsteps were growing louder.

He tossed her his shirt. Just as she pulled it over her head and Rafe zipped up his fly, Kai stood in the doorway. Not wanting the two to kill each other, Nikki stood in front of Rafe. “Hi, Kai.”

Her boss gave her a quick, chaste once-over. “You aren’t missing any limbs.”

Leaning against Rafe’s chest, she snorted. “If you have time to make a joke, then things must not be that bad.”

Kai’s expression turned neutral and Nikki tried not to worry. “I wouldn’t say ‘bad’ but they’re certainly not ideal.”

Rafe’s arms wrapped around her waist as he demanded, “What are you talking about, Sutherland?”

“Not here,” Kai answered with a shake of his head. “Once Sid does her final examination, I want you two to eat, clean up, and come see me at my cottage.”

Nikki eyed her boss. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

“We’ll talk more later. I expect to see you both in an hour and a half.”

Kai exited the tent without another word. Nikki looked up at Rafe over her shoulder. “Did he say anything to you over the week that you forgot to mention to me?”

Rafe shook his head. “I have no bloody idea what he’s talking about.”

“Me either,” Nikki murmured.

The pair of them stood in silence, both wondering what would happen. Maybe Nikki’s doubts about Rafe staying on Stonefire had been justified.

As if reading her mind, Rafe tightened his grip on her waist and leaned his cheek against hers. “Whatever it is, we’ll face it together.”

Not even for a second did Nikki doubt his words.

Chapter Nineteen

Rafe stood outside Kai and Jane’s cottage with his arm around Nikki’s shoulders and knocked again. “You would think he could hear us. You dragon-shifters brag often enough about your bloody hearing.”

Nikki poked his side. “It’s not bragging if it’s the truth. Who knows, maybe they’re finishing up and need to get dressed.”

“Ugh, no. I don’t want to think about my sister having sex.”

Nikki merely shook her head. With her dark hair bouncing around her face, it only highlighted the paleness of her skin. As he waited for someone to answer, he whispered, “Are you sure you’re okay for this? You lost your food shortly after eating it and look paler than I’d like.”

“I’m fine, Rafe. Sid said the baby is fine, and I’ve just had a spot of morning sickness. The only good thing about being in dragon form for a week was that I didn’t have to worry about throwing up. Our dragon sides don’t get ill when pregnant.”

He eyed her. “If you say so.”

Nikki opened her mouth to answer, but the door swung inward, and Jane answered the door. Rafe narrowed his eyes at her flushed cheeks as he said, “You took your time, Janey.”

Running a hand through her rumpled hair, she stepped to the side. “It’s not my fault you’re a few minutes early. Kai’s time is limited. Besides, usually you show up precisely on time.”

Nikki jumped in before he could. “Ignore your brother. He hasn’t slept well over the past week and is cranky.”

“I’m not cranky,” Rafe muttered.

Nikki turned her face up to him. “You are, but I wouldn’t trade the last week for anything.”

Rafe winked. “I would’ve sworn that not talking or being able to scold me would drive you crazy.”

“Way to ruin a nice memory, Rafe,” Nikki replied.

Jane turned toward the hall. “You two can banter later. Kai’s waiting for you and has news you need to hear.”

Rafe gently guided Nikki down the hall. “If you know what it is, then just tell us, Jane.”

“No,” Jane replied with a shake of her head. “Kai’s office is the most soundproofed place in the cottage. You can hear it in there.”

The fact they needed a soundproofed room didn’t ease any of Rafe’s fears.

Nikki squeezed the arm she had wrapped around his waist, reminding him she would stand with him, no matter what happened. Last month, it wouldn’t have mattered. But in the present, Nikki’s reassurance actually eased his worries a fraction.

Between caring for her in dragon form and the news about keeping their child, it was becoming harder to imagine his life without her. Hell, he was already falling for her. If Rafe wasn’t careful, he might actually start spouting romantic crap.

BOOK: Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7)
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