Surrender: The Greek Affair Series Book One (9 page)

Read Surrender: The Greek Affair Series Book One Online

Authors: Diana Karezi

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Surrender: The Greek Affair Series Book One
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Jason allows her some space, a space that he needs too. This is not as easy as he thought it would be. She looks so delicate, that the thoughts of fucking her have gone to making love to her. He wants to hold this woman and feel her warmth, hear her heart beat, touch her soft velvet skin, run his fingers through her curls and kiss her all over. He is out of his depth here and is aware he does not want to be a dickhead. He wants to handle this with as much sensitivity as possible. Even without having tasted her yet, he already knows that he wants there to be a next time. He is adamant this is not going to be a one-night-stand. Jason is swept away by these foreign feelings; this scares him and derails any logic about what he wants from this woman. But he must have her now. It’s too late to go back. He should have stopped when he first saw her. He should not have gone back for more. He should have stopped thinking about her and continued with his life as it was.

He moves carefully, close to her from behind, lifts his hands to her beautiful shaped shoulders. She stands and feels him and savours his touch. He kisses her neck tenderly and he can feel her tighten. “Relax
morό mou
(my baby) we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” With this she turns around to face him. He can see her thinking and says, “don’t over think this.” He holds her cheek with one hand, while holding her shoulder with the other, she turns her face into his hand and kisses his palm. Jason lifts her chin up and bends, kissing her tenderly, licking her lips softly, hoping she would open up to him and she does. Their tongues collide, dancing around each other, building up the intensity slowly.

Hope gives herself permission to touch him. She puts her arms around his neck, inciting him to embrace her fully, holding her closer against his body, their kiss building slowly into passion. Their bodies are touching, her nipples harden and she feels him becoming very hard against her, all the while her insecurities are playing in her mind: “Why me? Why is he not with someone his own age? Why? Why?” and then she gives in to him and these thoughts are dismissed. It’s now just her and him.

They are swept up in a sea of need, a need for each other. Neither of them had any idea where it was coming from, but this is not the moment to analyse, but rather, to give to each other.

Hope is swept away by feelings she did not know she possessed. He kisses her neck, her ear lobes and her décolleté finding his mouth on the edge of her breasts on top of her bra and all the time she can smell him, trying to work out what he smells of, but it is just him. He smells of Jason, Jason pheromones, soap; he smells like the Aegean. He is silent except for his breathing and she allows him to take what ever he wishes from her. He lifts his head, looks into her eyes, while holding the hem of her top, as if asking permission to take it off and she nods, yes. He begins to peel it off and she can hear him whisper.

“I have wanted to do this from the first time I set eyes on you. To undress you and look at you.”

This is all she needs to hear to expel any doubts about what she is doing with this Greek god-like creature. She wants to fuck him. But she has a sense there is something else here that she has not yet grasped; something much more than fucking.

He slowly undresses her, peeling all her clothes off, one by one, unzipping her skirt and letting it fall in a puddle on the floor. He unclips her bra so expertly she can tell he is well practised. Her panties are still on and Hope now stands facing him, with her hands across her breasts, her eyes on him and his eyes on her. He steps back and looks at her. “Put your hands down.” And she does, “you are so beautiful! I have imagined this moment many times.”

Jason stands fully dressed, looking at Hope, riveted on the spot, not wanting to spoil this feeling he has inside of him, while his heart is beating off the scale and his erection throbbing. He is trembling from nervous energy and from arousal. Hope says something, but he can only hear it far away. His mind has stopped and in a lucid moment it registers what she is saying. “Undress please.” And he does, wanting to undress only for her from now on.

Hope watches as he slowly unbuttons his shirt. She is riveted, watching the slow strip he is doing for her benefit. He throws his shirt on the ground, he unbuckles his belt and begins to unbutton his trousers, adding to the pile down on the floor, and leaving him with white cotton boxer underwear. He has her full attention. She can’t take her eyes off him, where a few minutes ago she was too shy to look into his face. She sees the full glory of his beauty, his body is like the glorious bronze statue of Poseidon housed at the National Archeological Museum of Athens. No one is allowed this perfection - only the gods on Mount Olympus. It is sheer beauty to inspire art of the highest form.

Her shyness has vanished and she can’t take her eyes off him. She scans him with her eyes and lets out a sigh. He moves towards her, holds her by the shoulders, he walks her gently towards the couch and even more gently, lies her down, kissing her, licking her and growling softly and erotically, as he travels all over her body in the way she has already fantasised. He brings his head up and looks into her eyes and she feels a wealth of intimacy she has never felt before with any other man, and her breath catches. She can hardly breathe; they look into each other’s eyes and know that there is no going back. Only forward.

As he looks at her face and holds her head up with one hand the other travels down towards that place where it has become swollen and needy. He puts his hand inside her panties and pulls them down, gently and slowly. She helps him by lifting up her bottom to discard them from her body. His hand is slowly travelling from the back of her leg to her knee pushing her thighs open, spreading them, he slowly goes further up and he is there, in her most sensitive spot and she moans.

He plays with her folds, driving her crazy. She is lost in a sea of ecstasy, two fingers go inside her and every fibre of her body is trembling as she lets out a loud moan and she is almost ready. She can feel his erection next to her hip and she knows that he is hers today and she doesn’t care about tomorrow!

“I want to make love to you all night.” He whispers in her ear while finger fucking her and his words send her over the edge and she climaxes without expecting to; she calls out all sorts of incoherent words, losing herself in his embrace, his body and his aroma. Her inner muscles are clutching on his fingers he does not take them away till she stops vibrating. He takes his fingers out of her and smells them slowly, licking her insides she is amazed at the intimacy of that movement. How much do you have to want a woman to lick her like that. He lies on his side looking at her. “I want to go inside you now and I’m not going to come out tonight, are you on contraception?” Caressing her face.

“Yes, I’m on the pill. But don’t you want to know if I’m clean?” He is now licking her nipples.

“I somehow think that is a question meant for me. I am clean, I’m in the army and they test us, but I’ll wear a condom if you feel better.” She looks at him without replying. “Tell me what you want Hope. It’s up to you.”

Hope looks into the green pools that are his eyes and can only want him inside her now but she knows that it’s important to talk about this. “I know I’m clean too. I have always had sex with condoms before, as I was not on the pill, so I’ll let you decide.” She knows she is crazy. She has never allowed a man without a condom to come near her before, but now she does not care about anything and she allows this man to take her life into his hands.

He lifts himself and pulls his boxer brief down and she sees the glorious cock that he wants to fit inside her. He places himself in between her thighs and pushes her open with his knee. He looks at her and says in an aroused, soft raspy voice. “I’m going to go inside you now and I’m not going to come out tonight.”

And with that she feels his cock touch her and tease her swollen folds, as he starts to ease himself inside her, and she calls out in rapture, something in Greek, calling him by his name. He moves slowly. He intends to stay there for a long time and she wonders, “How long can my insides take this sensation?” They find their connecting pace and rhythmically, they move together. Looking into each other’s eyes, disconnected from anything but their bodies that are now one, overwhelmed by the sensation that is their lovemaking.

Jason turns them both sideways with their legs wrapped around each other, slowing down their pace, their bodies entwined their faces into one another, the closest possible intimate range that two bodies can be. It is the most intimate sexual moment of Hope’s life and she never wants it to end as he moves slowly inside her.

“I’m inside you at last. I was afraid it would not happen.” He says with staggered breathing, kissing her as he moves. “I want to take it slow, make it last”.

Jason looks at Hope with tenderness. It almost brings tears to her eyes but she holds them back. She does not allow anyone to see her cry. Not now. Not like this.

They have no idea how long they have been like this, but they move like a sweet tango, while they kiss and tongue fuck. Hope finds herself building again, Jason can feel her tightening and as he holds her in his embrace he whispers in her ear, “Come for me Hope, come now.” And she explodes once again and as her tender muscles contract around his penis, he lets go and follows her orgasm calling her name. “Hope,
mόro mou,”
(my baby). They are spent and breathing hard. He pulls his head back and looks at her while still inside her and she can feel that he’s still full. He smiles at her, and kisses her mouth while he is saying, “I’m not finished yet.”

“Oh I can feel that,” she smiles back at him with their mouths together, and the kiss becomes deep and ravishing as they hold on to one another, embracing, and their bodies bound.

And now he begins to move again, building his cock up to that hardness that made her insides roar. Jason moves his body without leaving hers, so he can be on top. She wraps her legs around him and once again he is pumping rhythmically into her without force. She feels his wondrous fullness and tells herself how lucky she is to have such intimate contact with this ravishing man; yes, she does want to ravish him. He whispers sweet words in Greek to her,
“kardoúla mou”
(my little heart), and her heart melts as her libido soars again and he says to her, “come for me, sweet girl.” and she comes at command and she calls him other sweet Greek names, as he keeps pumping and pumping. She feels her insides becoming raw, but it feels so good. It’s the agony and the ecstasy all at the same time!

Hope has lost all sense of time, but he is still inside her and she has come again and again. She is amazed at his control and wonders where he learned to control his body like this. He moves her so they are now spooning, while he is still inside her and she can feel him swelling and getting harder. He has his mouth in her ear and he whispers to her while his beautiful hand is spread over her belly and the other one underneath, embracing her.

“I’m coming for you
kardoúla mou
, all for you.” And he lets go and pumps himself inside her, he tightens his hold and she can feel him squeezing himself inside to the last drop.

They lie like this until they finally fall asleep, sticky from sweat and their lovemaking.

Chapter Nine

It feels hot. Hope wakes up to find Jason sleeping in her arms, wrapped around her body on the couch, which is not conducive for two people, especially in the hot summer. She looks at his beautiful face, feeling tender in the place where he has been most of the night and wonders again at his beauty as he sleeps next to her; his lashes are long and brown and she knows they are covering expressive emerald eyes. The light is coming through the veranda and she searches to see what time it is, only to find it’s only 7am. She’s surprised she slept at all considering she never sleeps well, especially with the light in her eyes. It’s the end of any more sleep for her now. She will have to survive on two hours of sleep on this day. She looks at the beautiful creature next to her and she has no idea how to unwind from his body without waking him, but she is desperate for the bathroom.

It’s early and the heat is still bearable, and she needs to pee and have a cool shower. She manages to untangle herself from his arms and legs, and he moans but does not open his eyes. She gets up, goes to the bathroom, closes the door, runs the shower lukewarm, and gets under it. She stands there with the refreshing water running over her and contemplates last night, or was it this morning? She’s tormented about the need for this exciting man but she knows she has to put a stop to whatever is going on here. The left side of her brain tells her to send him back, but the right side tells her to keep him for the summer at least. Hope suspects the right side will win.

Jason feels her and hears her get up and go to the bathroom. He does not open his eyes, wanting to give her some space and to contemplate on what transpired between them. In his hazy brain deprived of sleep and nicotine, he knows he is way over his head, as he knows he would not be able to leave her alone. He now wants her more than ever.

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