Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series) (13 page)

Read Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series) Online

Authors: Mariel Grey

Tags: #romance, #horses, #historical, #regency, #thoroughbred

BOOK: Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series)
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His eyes swept along her low neckline and
lovely shoulders left uncovered by the small puffed sleeves. The
simple, elegant gown accentuated her bosom and small waist.
Chalifour smiled approvingly at her.

"Good evening. Would you care for some wine
before dinner?" Chalifour would rather have asked if she would care
to be carried off to his bedroom, but thought that might have been
in poor taste.

"I think perhaps I will wait a little while,"
Lucy responded, blithely unaware of his carnal thoughts.

"While we wait for Lady Elizabeth, tell me
about your family."

"What would you like to know?"

"Is it true your father started out as a
groom for the Duke of Tellerton and rose to become his Master of

"Yes. It's all true. He always had a good eye
for horses. He helped members of the ton select the best horses to
breed and race. Naturally, he earned huge vails, and well, he was a
good business man. He worked hard and was able to start his
breeding business."

"You must be proud of him. Do you miss him

"Terribly," Lucy said with a sad smile.

"What of your brother? Is his eye as good as
your father's was?"

"Yes, I think that it is. Maybe even better.
He had the benefit of my father's tutoring, whereas my father had
to learn the hard way."

"What about you?"

"Me? They taught me a great deal about
breeding and racing. You must understand, my mother died when I was
seven years old. My father was busy grieving my mother and trying
to provide for my brother and me. Unfortunately, I didn't have much
of a choice but to become involved in learning the business. I fear
I never learned all of the things that most men desire in a

"What would those things be?"

"You know, being accomplished at needlework,
poetry, music, proper behavior for a lady! Things like that. I can
tell you everything you want to know about a horse, but I fear I
can't sew a stitch."

Chalifour laughed at that. The thought of a
needle and hoop in her hand did seem out of place."I daresay many
men might find your knowledge of horses more interesting than your
knowledge of sewing."

"It's kind of you to say so, though I'm not
sure it's true. Most men have certain expectations of women I fear
I fail to meet." Lucy’s eyes met his. "So, now that you and my
brother have entered into this business arrangement, when will you
actually begin to breed the horses?"

"Immediately. I've already begun arrangements
to bring my mares to your stables for the spring and summer rut. Do
you think your brother will receive me at your home from time to
time, or will I need to make arrangements at a nearby inn?"

Lucy gaped at him open-mouthed for a moment
before finding her voice. The pitch of her voice was an octave
higher than normal. "You mean, you will be visiting regularly?"

"Yes, I'll want to check on the progress of
the horses on occasion. Since I quite regularly travel to and from
Town, it should not prove to be a hardship. It will be more
advantageous for the foaling to take place at your stables. Your
brother, and of course, you, are so knowledgeable in these areas,
not to mention your family has the reputation. Your stables are
also much closer to Town and to Epsom Downs."

"I suppose you and my brother corresponded as
to these details."

"Actually, we haven't. We were to do that and
finalize some of these details when I visited your home and met you
for the first time, which is why I was a little startled that he
signed the contract without further discussion."

Lucy didn't respond and her face paled.

"I'll be bringing the mares next week."
Chalifour’s eyes held hers."I will insist on meeting with your
brother at that time, even if it is in his bedroom. I cannot leave
the horses until I do so, and we must introduce the mares to the
stallions without further delay."

Lucy’s eyes dropped to her hands. She refused
to meet his gaze. Chalifour's internal warnings flared.

"Miss, Goodwin, you never said, but what did
your brother say when you presented the contract to him?"

"Well, he ... " Lucy was interrupted when
Lady Elizabeth breezed into the room.

Chalifour was almost positive a look of
relief washed across Lucy's face. Something was not right, he felt

"Have I missed anything? I was reading and
fell asleep. I apologize for making you wait. I didn't realize the
time until the maid woke me."

"It's quite all right. Miss Goodwin and I
have been conversing and keeping each other company. Now that you
are here, shall we adjourn to the dining room?"

Elizabeth nodded. Chalifour tucked both
women’s arms into the crook of his elbow and they adjourned to the
dining room where Chalifour helped seat Elizabeth and Lucy at the
massive dining room table. The servants began serving the courses
of dinner while they chatted about the estate, events in Town, the
war with France, and various topics of general interest.

Rather than wait for the servants, Chalifour
refilled the wine glasses himself and frequently toasted each of
the women. Chalifour ensured his sister's glass was overly filled
and regularly replenished. He almost felt guilty. Almost. Chalifour
knew Elizabeth's tolerance for wine was low. She enjoyed it, but
would soon feel a need to retire.

Glancing at his sister, Chalifour noted her
bleary eyes. Not wanting Elizabeth to retire to her room just yet,
he steered her and Lucy into the drawing room where the light from
the fire continued to flicker and dance around the room. If
Elizabeth left the dining table for her bed chamber, Lucy might be
inclined to do the same. It would be harder for Lucy to extricate
herself from the drawing room if her hostess was present.

"Elizabeth, can I pour you more wine? Miss

Turning sleepy eyes upon him, Elizabeth said,
"Perhaps I have had enough."

"Nonsense! We are celebrating a new venture!
One that should prove profitable and enjoyable for both of our
families. Besides, Lady Elizabeth, you always accuse me of never
receiving company. You need to take advantage of Miss Goodwin’s
company this evening because I believe she plans to leave early in
the morning. Is that not so?" Chalifour turned to Lucy.

"Yes, I do need to return home tomorrow."

"I am sorry, but I fear I must beg your leave
and retire to my bedchamber." Elizabeth held a hand to her brow. "I
have greatly enjoyed your company Miss Goodwin, truly I have. I
hope I have the opportunity to see you again."

Elizabeth rose unsteadily from the settee on
which she was seated and swayed through the doorway, leaving Lucy
alone with him.

Chalifour arose from the chair he had taken
and walked to the heavy doors of the drawing room. He closed them
slowly behind Elizabeth and turned to face Lucy.



Chapter Fifteen


Chalifour was in the hunt and Lucy was the
prey. He studied her, her eyes never wavered from his. Lucy's eyes
widened and her nostrils flared almost imperceptibly. The image of
a spirited filly danced across his mind again.

Chalifour leaned against the door, arms
folded across his chest, and allowed his eyes to feast on her. Lucy
appeared as a Greek goddess would in her dress. Holding her gaze,
he moved across the heavily carpeted floor toward her, each step
slow and deliberate, until he stood before her.

Lucy's divine, cherry red lips were slightly
parted and the green pools of her eyes were wide. Chalifour reached
down and, using his strength, hauled her up from the couch where
she was seated. He wrapped his muscular arms around Lucy's delicate
frame. Her heart beat rapidly.
Such fire and passion in
something so frail.

Chalifour eyed Lucy's succulent mouth before
he leaned in and possessed it. His lips caressed hers, softly at
first. He deepened his kiss and pulled her more firmly against him.
Soft curves pressed against his body for a moment before stiffening
against his hard length. In response, he hugged her more tightly
against his body and demanded even more from her lips, giving her
no opportunity to protest.

The tide of Chalifour's desire nearly
overwhelmed him. His arousal made him ache with need, but he had to
be careful with Lucy. He kissed her until she was breathless. She
sagged in his arms, resistance ebbing. Chalifour lowered his lips
to her swan neck and ravished her with butterfly kisses and
experienced a certain satisfaction at her sharp intake of breath.
He meant to have from Lucy the same unrestrained joy and passion
she displayed when she was riding. He wanted to drive her wild so
her need equaled his.

Chalifour slipped one finger beneath her
chemise and began to knead her nipple, feeling it harden instantly.
Lucy yelped and rocked backward in surprise. He used the
opportunity to free her breast from the confines of the chemise.
Her breast popped out in its swollen glory, golden in the
flickering light of the fire. Chalifour's mouth quickly covered her
nipple and suckled greedily with his growing need. Lucy cried out
and arched her back in his arms, offering her succulent breast to
him and giving him free access to her décolletage.

Holding the nipple of one sweet breast to his
mouth in one hand, Chalifour used his other hand to free Lucy's
second breast so both globes were now free for his pleasure.
Closing his palm over the other soft breast, he kneaded it, gently
squeezing the flesh, reveling in the silken texture of her skin,
smooth velvet in his hand.

Chalifour licked and suckled on her other
breast. He alternated between teasing Lucy's nipple with his tongue
and his teeth. He had to restrain himself from taking her right
then on the couch. He was swollen and throbbed painfully. He wanted
nothing more than to bury himself in Lucy this very minute.

"Oh stop, please stop," Lucy whispered.

Chalifour lifted his head and stared at her
half-closed eyes which glittered like emerald slits in the
firelight. "Is that what you want?" His voice low and raspy with
passion. "You want me to stop?"

She didn't respond.

"Lucy, tell me and I will stop. Is that what
you want?"

Lucy shook her head, "God help me, no." Her
whisper was nearly inaudible.

Lucy's arms slid up around Chalifour’s neck.
Chalifour pulled her closer against his muscular body, his fingers
kneading her lower back and neck, tangling in her hair. He buried
his face in her mane, the scent of wild flowers enveloping him. She
groaned and leaned into him, molding herself to him.

Chalifour had never taken a woman to his bed
here in Chalifour Manor before, but that's precisely what he
intended to do with Lucy. He had made assignations with women here
during some of the house parties his sister forced him to host, but
he had always gone to their guest room, never vice versa.

Chalifour lifted Lucy in his arms and walked
to the door. Kicking the door of the drawing room open, carried
Lucy out and up the staircase toward his room. His lips continued
to probe hers. Lucy shivered, her breath ragged in his ears.

Chalifour had earlier instructed the servants
he was not to be disturbed after dinner. He wanted Lucy and he
meant to have her. Chalifour would not tolerate interruptions from
his staff tonight.

Entering his bedchamber, Chalifour kicked the
door closed behind him and walked to the bed, dropping Lucy on it.
He stood over her, willfully restraining himself. Lucy's face was
suffused with desire, drugged almost. Her eyes were half closed and
her lips swollen. Her breasts were exposed to him, begging his
attention. He wanted to see her as he had in his fantasy, with her
auburn hair cascading over her shoulders, her breasts peeking out
at him, teasing him, tantalizing him.

Chalifour reached down and pulled a pin from
her hair and slowly unraveled one long, curly tress, brushing it
across her breast before bending down to kiss her nipple to make it
stand at attention. He removed a pin from the other side of her
head and uncoiled a curl across her other breast, brushing her
nipple with her own hair.

Lucy groaned and shivered again. "Tell me
what to do."

Wordlessly, Chalifour reached over to the
wash basin on the table beside his bed, dampened a cloth, and left
it there. He then bent forward and unbuttoned Lucy's gown. "Stand
up, Lucy, and take off your gown. I want to see you." His voice was
raw with need.

Lucy stood and slid her gown and petticoats
to the floor. Chalifour untied her chemise and Lucy let it fall
away. Chalifour's breath caught at the perfection of the loveliness
standing before him.

He pulled his tight breeches off and his
erection, freed from the confines, sprang to full attention. Lucy’s
eyes widened. It was likely the first time Lucy had seen an erect
penis. He pulled Lucy against him and they both gasped. The smooth,
warmth of her bare skin against his swollen cock was exquisite

Chalifour kissed Lucy again, a deep, slow
penetrating kiss. He lowered her gently to the bed, and pulled the
remainder of the pins from her hair, tossing them behind him to the
floor. Her hair cascaded down to obscure parts of her breasts, just
as he had imagined. He pushed Lucy back against the pillows and
began to cover her flesh with kisses.

"I don't know what to do," she said.

Chalifour took her hand and guided it to his
shaft. "Rub me here," he said hoarsely, gasping when her fingers
touched him. He bucked, a raw sensation from the base of his belly
welled up and he nearly came. "Oh, God, never mind, no more of
that," Chalifour said removing Lucy's hand.

Lucy sat up, her face anxious. "Did I hurt

"Oh no, Lucy, you've done nothing wrong. I
just can't handle that right now. There is so much more of you I
want to enjoy." He pushed Lucy gently back onto his mattress and
moved leisurely along the length of her body, showering kisses,
savoring the taste and texture of her skin. Lucy's body quivered.
Chalifour worked his way lower, reaching the ginger hair of her
pubic mound.

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