Surrender: Keeping Her in the Dark Vol. 4 (5 page)

Read Surrender: Keeping Her in the Dark Vol. 4 Online

Authors: Leslie Sansom

Tags: #Keeping her in the Dark

BOOK: Surrender: Keeping Her in the Dark Vol. 4
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“I have a very clear view of the kind of man you are, sir. Last night Kelly told us that this girl, Holly, isn’t 16 years old. She’s actually 21.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter!”

“No it doesn’t! He doesn’t get to kidnap you and then try to have me arrested and put away, and then get to live happily ever after! Not while I’m alive!” I was getting pissed now.

“Can I ask you something?” she said calmly. “Why is it you want to punish Nick so bad for his offenses against you, but not everyone who offends you?” she crossed her arms against her chest.

“What are you talking about?” I went back to my seat. “There aren’t many people in this world who would offend me on purpose. So who in the Sam Hill are you talking about?” I took my seat and pulled myself up to my desk.

“Will Chambers,” she paused as I rolled my eyes. “He grabbed me, shoved me, felt me up and then held me while he kept asking about Jane. Then I return from the states and you two are the best of friends!” She raised her voice at the end there. “Did I miss something or was that an offense against you that you let slide?” She had a point.

“I admit what Will did was out of line and he knows I have still not forgiven him. If you remember correctly we separated after that, and during that time he and I came to an understanding.”

“What kind of understanding?” she asked.

“An understanding that if he offends me again I will end our friendship and his employment with me…and if he hurts you again I will kill him. While we have this understanding he will do whatever I ask of him,” I paused and put my fingers to my mouth.

“Liam, this is ridiculous! This whole thing is ridiculous!” she stood up and put her hands on her hips.

“You think I don’t think it is ridiculous! Of course I think this is ridiculous! But this is my life right now!”

“Well I think this has more to do with the girl and not so much with Nick,” she said and looked down at her nails. Her nails that were perfectly manicured and painted red to match her lips and shoes.

“The girl?” I snorted. “A girl I have never met or seen in person. A girl that is rumored to be 16 years old. Since when do you think I am into children, Norah?”

“She isn’t a child, she’s 21, 3 years younger than me! She’s young, beautiful I’m sure and apparently she likes being a submissive. She is the kind of girl you thought you were getting when you bought me. She’s perfect for you!” she shouted.

“You’re perfect for me,” I tried to pull her close to me.

“Don’t try to flatter me,” she put her hands on my chest and tried to keep me from her.

“Norah,” I sighed.

“I think something has happened to you over the last few months. Something happened at the sex club with Will, seeing Will adding another girlfriend to his relationship, with this auction and this auction coming up,”

“How can something have happened at an auction that hasn’t happened yet,” I said.

“It has you thinking. It started with the sex club and you have been thinking ever since.”

“About what?” I asked.

“About that kind of life, being with other women, having a submissive, maybe even this girl.” She stepped away from me and I let her go. I couldn’t believe what she had just said. She really thought I was thinking about these absurd things? I just stood there in amazement. I didn’t know what to say to her.

“I’m not asking. I said I wouldn’t ask about that party so I won’t. But I think you have been thinking since before that. Getting Nick is just icing on the cake.” She lowered her eyes to the floor.

“You think I want this girl?” she didn’t say anything. “This girl I have never met, you think I want her or any sub for that matter?” she still didn’t say anything. “Norah, look at me,” I commanded. She looked up.

“How long have you thought this?” I asked. She didn’t answer me. “How exactly is that supposed to work?” I paused. “My wife sleeps in my bed and my girlfriend sleeps in the basement? Or maybe you think I want what Will has and we should all just sleep together?” I raised my hands and shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t want that, but I think you might,” her voice was as quiet as a mouse.

“Have you lost your mind?” I asked.

“Oh please,” she huffed. “Don’t try to play the devoted and faithful husband!” she was shouting now. “The trip to the sex club, getting a hand job from the stripper, whatever happened at the auction, watching Will bop around with Jane and Josie,”

“Stop this now, please,” I turned my back to her and went to the window.

“Not to mention running into Samantha! I mean come on, that had to bring back memories, make you re-think your life,” she walked up behind me.

“Everything that has happened since we got married tells me you don’t want to be married. That maybe you made a mistake,” I turned to face her.

“Now I don’t want to be married! Norah, what in the world! Talk about overacting or jumping to conclusions! Where is all this coming from?” I shouted back at her.

“Liam, please you have to listen to me. You have to drop this stuff with Nick,” she stated again.

“You think I don’t want to be married anymore and that isn’t something we need to talk about instead of Nick Meyers?” I grabbed her by the shoulders.

“Norah, this is crazy as I have stated. All of this submissive, slave, kidnapping stuff has finally made you insane. You have gone round the bend, my love.” I kissed her forehead and when I pulled away she had tears in her eyes.

“Well I tried,” she said and then started out.

“Please stay so we can talk about this,” I walked behind her.

“I can’t.” She wiped her face. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I am such a baby over this but I have been over emotional lately,” she picked up her purse.

“Don’t go like this,” I grabbed her arm.

“I have to. I have a doctor’s appointment,” she said.

“Are you alright? I wasn’t aware of a doctor’s appointment,” I asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. Just the normal checkup and prescription renewal.” I nodded because she was referring to her birth control medication and anti-anxiety medication. She had been taking pills for anxiety since Nick kidnapped her.

“Ok. I will talk to you tonight,” I gave her a kiss on her forehead and then a little one on her mouth. “I love you,” she gave me a small smile.

I had just a little time before my lunch with Will, so I pulled out my cell phone and called Marcus. He happened to be down the street shopping so he was in my office 10 minutes later.

“Mr. Hastings,” Marcy buzzed. She rarely called me Mr. Hastings, well only when she wanted to sound official.

“Yes,” I answered.

“Mr. Marcus Williams is here to see you,” she paused. She sounded giddy. I was sure it was because Marcus was so handsome. I’m a man, secure in my feelings and in no way am I attracted to men, but I can look at a man and tell you if he is attractive or not. Marcus was an attractive man.

“Thank you. Send him in please.”

Marcy opened the door and Marcus walked in.

“Please sit down. I want to talk to you,” I said. He took the seat in front of my desk.

“Tell me your story,” I leaned on my elbows.

“What would you like to know?” he asked.

“Start at the beginning.”

He went on to tell me he graduated from Columbia University and was supposed to go into teaching. He traveled Europe for about a year, after he graduated, with his little sister. She was a genius at math and taught him to count cards.

“She use to come visit me at college and she would clean out all of my friends! She made so much money she paid for her first year of college all herself. Then while she was in school she continued to hustle people.” He shook his head. “She ended up dropping out so she could backpack around Europe with me,” he tapped his fingers together.

“How did you get into trouble with Randall?” I asked. But he shook his head.

“I let my ego get the best of me. I was playing in one of his casinos and was doing pretty well for myself. They gave me a warning, gently telling me to watch myself. I took it as they knew I was counting cards and if I didn’t stop they would throw me out,” he shrugged. “But I didn’t listen. When I won a $200 thousand dollar pot, they hauled me away.”

“So what do you plan to do now?” I asked.

“I don’t have any plans. I was thinking of going back home and trying to get a job at a high school or something,” he laughed. “Kelly seems nice. She’ll probably come with me and we will be roommates. Like Will and Grace.”

“How would you like to work for me?” I asked but he didn’t say anything. “I’m serious. I have a legitimate business, we do good things here, and business can be very interesting,” I smiled a little. “It wouldn’t be as fun as hustling in a casino or working as a slave for a human trafficker.” We both laughed. “But seriously, it would be honest work, a regular job. A job you could quit at any time you saw fit.”

“You don’t want the gay guy that met you at a sex auction wearing only some leather underwear and a dog collar, working at your company,” he said.

“Marcus, please. I have already told you I bought my wife. You know my worst secrets and I have known you for about three seconds. I have no room to judge other people for their life choices.” He started to say something but I went on.

“You are a college graduate, very personable, and you have this x factor I require to work for me, so what do you say?” I asked.

“What is the x factor?” he asked me.

“Well, it’s unknown, so that’s why it’s an x factor,” I stated.

“Mr. Hastings,” he started.

“Marcus, you can be my assistant. You will work directly with me. You can be the catch all here in the office and at my beck and call when I am home.” I motioned to the door in my office. “Marcy runs a pretty tight ship here, but she is leaving on maternity leave soon, and I am sure the other girls could use some help.” He still looked unsure. I opened up the top drawer to my desk and wrote down “80,000 euro”, and handed it to him.

“What’s this?” he looked at the paper and then back at me.

“Your starting salary. It works out to a little less than $90 thousand dollars. That is to do whatever is asked of you here in the office and at home.” We both stood up and shook hands.

“I’ll have Marcy arrange for you to go down to human resources and get an orientation in everything,” I motioned to the door again and we both started walking toward it. I opened the door and the girls were just cackling away about something but they quickly stopped when they saw Marcus and me at the door.

“Marcus let me introduce you to my personal team.” I held out my hand to Marcy. “This is Marcy Green, my right hand and the catch all. She runs the office and you will be helping to fill her shoes while she is out on maternity leave. I moved to Kim Gayle’s desk and pointed down the line as I talked.

“This young lady with the short brown hair is Kim Gayle, the blonde is Kim Roberts, and the other blonde is Kim Jacobs. One handles the schedule, one answers the phones, and I have no idea what the other does to be honest,” I let out a deep breath.

“So Kim, Kim, Marcy and Kim?” Marcus pointed at each of them. “Is there a chance that your middle name is Kim?” he asked Marcy. The girls laughed.

“Now I have 3 Kim’s, 1 Marcy and a Marcus. The names are so similar and yet I will still do a roll call whenever I need any of you,” I patted Marcus on the back.

“Marcy, please get Marcus to HR so he can be briefed. Kim, please call Linda in Supplies and get another desk and chair up here. And Kim, can you call IT to get a computer and then raid the supply closet for paper clips and post it notes, or whatever it is you need out here.” I looked at Marcus.

“They will take good care of you.” As I walked back into my office I heard the girls squealing. “He’s gay ladies,” I yelled. Then I heard a collective ‘Aww.’

Chapter Three


I had no idea why all these thoughts were going through my head. I started off just thinking Liam was mad for wanting to get revenge and ended up convincing myself that he might not want me anymore. My thoughts were random and all over the place.

My doctor’s appointment didn’t make me feel any better. It just gave me more to think about.

I went back to the office. Kelly was dusting the shelf displaying our cake supplies. She had removed everything and had it sitting on the floor behind her.

“Don’t worry boss, I’m going to clean this up. It was just a little dusty back here and I had the time,” she said.

I just stood there looking at her but not really looking at her. My head was in a haze and I actually felt a little dizzy. I started to sway so I grabbed one of the chairs from the dining room display to steady myself. It didn’t help much so I scrambled to sit down pulling the table cloth over and knocking some silverware to the floor. When she heard the clanging she turned.

“Norah? Are you ok?” she jumped down from the step ladder and ran to me. She knelt in front of my feet and looked up at me. “You look green. Did you eat at that new sushi place for lunch? I have heard bad things,” she said. “I’ll get you some water.” She walked to the back room and came back with a cool bottle of water. I opened it and drank some of it down.

“I didn’t have lunch today.” I touched my stomach. “But I had a headache earlier and I took one of my migraine pills. I shouldn’t take those on an empty stomach,” I gave her a half smile.

“Not eat lunch? I wish I could be one of those who forgets to eat,” she laughed and went back to dusting.

“Since I’m not feeling well I’m just going to head home. Do you want to go with me or should I have John pick you up later?” I asked.

“Just let me finish up here and I’ll come with you. No need in making John make two trips.” She started putting the stuff back on the shelves.

“Oh, I don’t think he will mind. I think John has a little crush on you,” I winked at her.

“Oh stop,” she said.

“It’s true. I have seen his eyes falling on you and staying for just a little too long. He even asked me about you,” I added. It was true.

This morning on the drive to work John asked me who she was. I just told him she was an old friend. Then several times today before my meeting with Liam I saw him watching her move around the shop.

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