Surrender (22 page)

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Authors: Amanda Quick

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

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Victoria gave a small start and a drop

of pink splashed on the page.

I beg your pardon, dear?"

Nothing, Aunt Cleo. I just had a small

accident with my paint. Do you think

Lucas will be interested in the iris?"

Certainly. Haven't you noticed how

enamored he has become of horticulture?

He is learning everything he can about

such matters in preparation for taking over

his estates. But he is particularly fascinated

with the new species of plants that are

arriving in this country from America. I

imagine that at the rate he's going, his

gardens at stone vale will one day be a

great attraction," Cleo said.

Victoria concentrated on putting a faint

shadow on the pink blossom.
He does

seem to have developed a strong interest

in the subject, doesn't he? Does that strike

you as odd, Aunt Cleo? The man has been

a soldier most of his adult life."

I don't find it in the least odd. Only

think of Plimpton and Burney. Two ex

military men who have settled down on

their estates and produced magnificent

results both in their gardens and in

their crop production. Perhaps there is

something in the business of gardening

and horticulture that appeals to men who

have witnessed a great deal of violence and


Victoria recalled Lucas's refusal to

discuss the circumstances surrounding the

injury of his leg.
I wonder if you might

be right about that, Aunt Cleo."

Speaking of Lucas, dear." Cleo paused

again to examine another plant that was

putting forth shoots.

Victoria caught the slight change in

her aunt's inflection and braced herself.

Cleo rarely lectured, but when she did,

Victoria had learned to pay attention. For

all her scattered scientific interests and her

unending social life Cleo Nettleship was a

wise and intelligent woman.

What about him, Aunt Cleo?"

I hesitate to say too much, Vicky, dear.

You are, after all, a grown woman and

you have always given every indication of

knowing precisely what you are about. But

I must confess I have never known you to

spend quite so much time in the company

of any one man. Nor have I heard you

mention a particular male acquaintance

quite as frequently as you seem to mention

stone vale. And one cannot help but notice

lately that he seems to be underfoot a great

deal of the time."

Victoria's fingers tightened around her

I thought you liked Lucas."

I do. Very much. That is not the

point, Vicky, and I think you know it."

Her aunt spoke gently as she poked a

finger into a bedding tray to check for


If Lucas seems to be underfoot much

of the time, I expect it is because you are

constantly inviting him to attend lectures

and demonstrations you think will interest

him," Victoria declared defensively.

True, I have extended a number of

invitations and he has always accepted."

Cleo looked thoughtful.
But it is not just

at our natural history and horticulture

meetings that he appears, is it? Lately

he seems to have put in an appearance

at nearly every soiree you have attended."

Victoria swallowed uneasily.
He is

a friend of Lady Atherton's. She has

introduced him into her circle."

Cleo nodded again.
Very true. And

Lady Atherton's circle of acquaintances

does include us, does it not? But all the

same, I think perhaps you should consider

exactly what it is you wish to have happen

next, Vicky."

Victoria set down her brush and looked

at her aunt.
Why don't you come out and

tell me what it is that's worrying you. Aunt


I am not worried so much, dear,

as concerned that you understand your

position vis-a-vis the earl. You have

always insisted you do not wish to


- Victoria stiffened.
That has always been

true and still is."

Cleo's face softened as she regarded her

niece's stubborn expression.
Then, Vicky,

you have a certain obligation, one might

even say your female honor requires that

you do not give false hope to your male

acquaintances. Do you comprehend what

I am trying to say?"

Victoria stared at her aunt in outraged

You think I have been

leading the earl on? Allowing him to

believe an offer of marriage might someday

be welcome?"

Not for a moment do I think you have

done such a thing deliberately," Cleo said

But lately, my dear, I have begun

to wonder if stone vale might interpret

some of your interest in him as a signal

that you might be willing to entertain

an offer. He could hardly be blamed if

he had."

Victoria bristled.
And what about your

interest in him? How is he supposed to

interpret all your various invitations, Aunt


It is not at all the same thing, dear. If

he is misinterpreting my invitations, it is

only because you always choose to attend

the same lectures and demonstrations he

chooses to attend," she explained evenly.

There is hardly anything to remark

upon in that. I have always attended the

most interesting of the lectures and talks

given by your friends."

I cannot help but note, dear, that until

recently you rarely attended the talks on

crop rotation, orchard management, and

viticulture," Cleo pointed out dryly.

interests have always focused more on

animals, electricity, and exotic plants."

Victoria felt her face growing very warm.

I assure you, Aunt Cleo, stone vale is very

well aware of my opinions on marriage. I

am certain he would not misinterpret our


What about you, Vicky?" Cleo came

closer and smiled down at her niece.

Is there any possibility you may not

be quite so certain of your own feelings

on the subject of marriage as you once


Believe me, my opinions on marriage

have not changed in the least," Victoria

said with absolute conviction.

Forgive me for asking, my dear, but is

it possible that you are toying with the

notion of another sort of liaison with

stone vale?"

Victoria's eyes collided with her aunt's.

You think I am contemplating a
an affair

with Lucas?"

Cleo held her niece's gaze and spoke

very firmly.
I am not blind, Vicky. Nor

am I lacking in intelligence. Furthermore,

I am a woman who has been out in the

world for a good many years. I have seen

the way you look at stone vale when you

don't think he is aware of your regard. Add

to that his obvious interest in you and the

fact that you are a normal, healthy young

female who does not wish the chains of

marriage, and I fear we must conclude

you are treading on treacherous ground.

I would be extremely remiss in my duty

as your aunt if I did not warn you."

Victoria's hand clenched into a small

fist in her lap. She stared blankly at

the half-finished flower in front of her.

I appreciate your concern. Aunt Cleo."

No, you don't, you resent it, and I

cannot entirely blame you for that. But

we must face facts and it is not only

your own reputation you must consider

here. stone vale's is in jeopardy as well,"

Cleo said.

Victoria's head snapped up.
stone vale's


You know very well, my dear, that a

man of his position has an obligation

to his name and title. Some day he

must marry a socially acceptable woman

from a good family. He cannot afford to

be known as a seducer of respectable,

innocent young females. Such a reputation

would immediately ruin his chances for

a proper marriage and cast him out of

Society. Nor would he wish for such a

nasty reputation. He is a decent man,


It is all so very unfair."

What is unfair? That your status as a

young, unmarried woman of good breeding

makes it completely impossible for you

to even consider a romantic liaison with

stone vale? Yes, it is most unfair. But

Society is very strict about such matters

and you must heed most of the unwritten

laws if you wish to survive in our world.

You flout enough of the rules as it is. Be

patient. And as you grow older you will

be able to get away with disregarding more

and more of them."

I am four and twenty. Quite on the

shelf and you know it. Aunt Cleo."

Cleo smiled and shook her head.

know as well as I do that is not completely

true. Society still views you as eligible and

the size of your inheritance guarantees that

you will remain so for a few more years.

You must be careful."

If I were widowed like Isabel Rycott, I

would be free," Victoria muttered tightly.

Cleo grinned, breaking the tension.

you by any chance contemplating marriage

to the earl and then doing him in so that

you can gain the freedom Isabel Rycott


Victoria's answering grin was reluctant.

stone vale asked me very particularly not

to consider that course of action."

Cleo stared at her in astonishment

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