Surprised by Love: A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: Surprised by Love: A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 4)
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Chapter 16

Douglas’ heart was racing, but that didn’t compare to the flames of desire that roared through his entire body. He could barely restrain from taking her right here and now, when her body went rigid in his arms and he heard the sound of steps.

Damn shit!
He quickly let go of her, hiding his huge erection behind her body, and smoothing her skirt down her thighs, a touch that pulled another one of those sexy sounds from her lungs.

She had a deep rose blush on her cheeks, not only from the imminent threat of getting caught, but also from the heat Douglas’ kiss and touch had aroused in her. The blush deepened even more to a dark red when they recognized Patrick’s voice. “Here you are. Ryan just called. They arrived at the airport and are heading to the apartment building.”

Thankfully, Patrick didn’t dare to leave the staircase. His hand was clasped to the handrail while shouting out to them.

Douglas tried to hide the signs of agony on his face when he asked his brother, “Now?”

“Yep. Three days early. They caught a last-minute flight and wanted it to be a surprise.”

Damn shit! I could have done without this surprise
. “Okay. We’re coming. Can you go and round up Tricia?”

Patrick couldn’t get away from the rooftop terrace fast enough and didn’t bother to ask any more questions that might have exposed them. Toni had already followed him and he mentally cursed both of his brothers for the interruption.

Toni remained quiet on the drive back to the apartment building, and he could see her worry despite the darkness in the car, which scared the heck out of him. He physically sensed the wall going up around her again.
Damn shit!

He wanted to pull her aside to speak with her once they’d exited the car, to make sure she wouldn’t pull back from him again. But his plan was hamstringed by the arrival of Ryan and Kendra. “Sorry to just show up like that,” Ryan grinned at them.

“No problem,” Patrick answered. “I can crash on Douglas’s couch for a few nights and you and Kendra can have my apartment.”

The sleeping arrangements all worked out, Patrick led the way to the elevator with Ryan and Kendra, helping to carry up their luggage.

Tricia said her goodbyes in the lobby and made use of the offered company car to give her a ride home. That left Douglas and Toni to take the elevator up together.

Finally, he’d get a few moments alone time with her to talk about what had happened on the rooftop terrace. He put his arm around her shoulder, but this time she didn’t lean into him. Her body stiffened and, before he could open his mouth to say a word, his worst nightmare came true when she said, “What happened back there on the roof was a mistake. Let’s just forget it ever happened, okay?”

He was about to mount a response when the elevator door opened and Ryan, Kendra and Patrick showed up. “Elevator sure takes a long time, doesn’t it?”

Douglas could only nod his reply. Fighting hard to contain his anger at Ryan for ruining his make out session with Toni. It wouldn’t be fair to be angry with a brother who flew half way around the world to save his sorry ass.

He hugged his brother, not having done so earlier and then his gorgeous soon-to-be sister-in-law, Kendra. Even in her flat slippers that she’d worn for the flight, she almost reached up to his nose. Instantly, he compared her to Toni who was small enough to rest her head against his chest. He’d loved the way Toni had leaned against him with her soft and curvy body.

“Hi, Kendra. It’s good to see you again. Ryan looks a lot happier since you are with him.”

Kendra smiled and looked at Ryan with love in her eyes.
I really like this girl. Ryan is one lucky man. I’m glad they found each other again after such a long time.

He introduced them to Toni, and she politely asked about their trip and how they were enjoying things so far. Soon enough, they were standing outside Douglas’ apartment.

“I’m going off to bed myself. Ryan and Kendra, it was really nice to meet you. Patrick. Douglas. I’ll see you both later.”

“Why don’t you come in for a few minutes?” Douglas asked her.

Toni shook her head. “No thanks. I’m awfully tired.”

Douglas wanted to argue with her, but his brothers were oblivious to his inner battle and had started to catch each other up on things in their lives. He pushed the door open and soon everyone was settled on the couches. Everyone except Toni.

“So, tell me about Nepal,” inquired Ryan.

“It’s absolutely different from the life we know. The village where I lived is in a valley surrounded by mountains up to twenty-two thousand feet. While the village itself has a hot and humid climate, almost like Kuala Lumpur, the farther you walk up, the colder it gets. Not that I climbed very high though, you know my fear of heights.” He grinned when he said it, but Douglas knew that it bothered him a lot.

“Sounds interesting. And dangerous.”

“Not really, it’s exciting though and sometimes gruesome. But it was worth every minute. I got some of the best shots of my life. I’m going to put things together in the next couple of days and send it out to a few of the major publications. I’m pretty confident someone will want to buy it.”

“You didn’t do any of that over there?”

Patrick shook his head. “No internet. That was one of the main reasons I needed to come somewhere civilized. Even in the capital, Kathmandu, the internet service is deplorable.”

“I don’t know how you’ve survived out there without any of the amenities the civilized world has to offer.”

“I didn’t think I would last that long either, but once I got the hang of it, I actually enjoyed it. The majestic nature makes you humble, and the bad conditions make you appreciate what you have back home.”

“So are you through now?” Douglas asked.

“No. I need maybe another month to finish up the story and get my notes straight before I start putting the pieces together.”

Patrick turned to Ryan, “So mom told me you were commissioned to do some sculpture work for an art gallery?”

“Yeah, just a few pieces to start. Hopefully, it will grow into more.”

“Hey guys,” Kendra interjected. “I’m headed to bed.”

Patrick handed her the room key. “Here you go sugar.”

“Thanks,” she flashed him a smile and gave Ryan a passionate kiss. Douglas once again echoed his earlier opinion that she was the perfect addition to their family.

Once Kendra had left, the talk turned to girls. “So Patrick, any hot girls in Nepal?”

“You’re kidding, right? There aren’t that many Nepalese girls in the highlands, especially for an outsider. Most of them are married off once they turn sixteen.”

“Sixteen? Gosh, that’s way too young,” Douglas said, being almost twice that old.

“What about Tricia? The two of you seemed to hit it off tonight?”

“She is attractive, and …” he gave Ryan a glance, “if you two hadn’t shown up, she and I would now be rumpling my sheets.”

“Sorry about that.” Ryan tried to make a sorry face.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get to that another day. It’s nothing more than a hookup anyways. She’s a city girl, through and through, who’d never understand my need to get away and out into nature.”

Ryan and Douglas both nodded in unison. “Not many people would.”

Then Ryan turned the questions to Douglas. “So, any hot girls in Kuala Lumpur?”

Douglas hesitated so long that Patrick finally spoke up, “Well, he kind of likes Toni.”

Ryan asked, “The girl we met?”

Douglas nodded. “She’s the loan manager from Asia bank.”

“Uh-huh, a finance girl. Isn’t that exactly down your line?” Ryan teased.

“No it isn’t.” Douglas growled. “There’s nothing between us.”

“It sure didn’t look like nothing when I saw you kissing on the rooftop,” Patrick chipped in.

Ryan raised his eyebrows. “I guess our arrival ruined your plans for the night, huh?” He grinned salaciously and used his hands in a juvenile gesture indicating sex and before he knew it, Douglas was jumping him.

Douglas had barely gotten his hands around Ryan’s throat when Patrick pushed his way between them. “Hey guys, let’s not fight.”

He turned his attention to Douglas and said, “You better get your shit with Toni together. This is the second time today you’ve tried to strangle one of your brothers.”

Shame poured over Douglas and he backed off, shaking his head. Patrick was right. Douglas usually didn’t fight, especially not with his brothers. But the unreleased sexual tension between Toni and himself had him on the edge. His unfulfilled longing for her already got into his way of properly functioning.
Not good
I have to end
that one way or the other.

“I’m sorry, guys. I’m a bit overworked.”

Both of his brothers gave him a doubtful glance, but kept their mouths shut. He shot them a last warning stare and then pointed his finger at Ryan. “Don’t you dare talk like that about her ever again.”

Ryan nodded. And as fast as their tempers had risen, the fight was over. This was nothing new, it was as it always had been since they were kids. They fought. They made up. A quarrel never lasted long.

Ryan touched his shoulder and said, “Sorry Doug, I didn’t know you were serious about her.”

When Douglas denied it again, both his brothers laughed and he knew he was truly screwed. He had it bad for Toni. Real bad.

He needed to find a way to cut through her armor of steel. Maybe a chainsaw would work?

Chapter 17

Toni woke up the next morning after a night of hot dreams featuring Douglas and their interrupted make out, ready to explode. The sexual tension between them had been rising to unbearable dimensions and she wondered why she hadn’t gone up in flames yet.

She had tried to relieve herself the night before, but this time it hadn’t worked. Instead of relaxed and satisfied, it had left her even more unfulfilled, wondering about how much more pleasure he could give her. Judging by the way he kissed, she was sure he had some more boiling pleasures hidden behind that businessmen façade.

Toni wasn’t sure if she should be disappointed or not. She’d probably have ended up sleeping with Douglas if it hadn’t been for the interruptions. But now, she wasn’t sure if that would have been a good idea. Douglas was like a volcano, ready to erupt and tear everything into pieces, including her self-control and her comfort zone.

It was better to cut him out of her life and heart once and for all. But how should she do that? May be a chainsaw would help?

Thank god it was Saturday and she didn’t have to face him in the office, her muscles tensed by the sheer thought of confronting him. In her despair, she called Tricia and like always, her friend had the perfect answer. A shopping spree!

Tricia healed every sorrow with shopping. Kuala Lumpur was one of the best places in the world to go shopping. And of course, Tricia knew all the fanciest places, and got prime service in each one of them.

They met over brunch in a fantastic new restaurant, chit chatting about nothing and about everything.

“Spill it. What happened with Douglas? And why do you have a face like the end of the world was near?”

“We kissed.” Toni blushed as she remembered their heated make out on the rooftop. “I don’t think—”

“Why are you still thinking?” Tricia asked her. “I say you should go for it. And forget all of the logical reasons you shouldn’t that just popped into your head. It doesn’t have to be forever; it can be just for fun while it lasts.”

Tricia’s words echoed through her mind and struck a chord, somewhere deep down. But still, she wasn’t sure she could adopt her philosophy that easily. Tricia’s motto when it came to men was – take them, have fun, throw them away.
That’s not how I do things.

But a shadow of doubt had entered her mind, maybe, just maybe her girlfriend was right? Should she consider doing what Tricia and apparently everyone else did? A bit of flirting, a night of pleasure, and never look back. She felt her heart squeeze. No, that was definitely not what she wanted to do, especially with someone she worked with.

“So, what about Patrick?” Toni asked, deflecting the questioning from herself.

Tricia laughed. “He’s hot and we’d been planning to spend the night together, but then he got that phone call from his brother. I’m not worried though. I know where he lives. I’m sure we’ll make up for it later in the week.”

“So, you would have a one night stand with him?” Toni asked curiously.

“Or a one week stand. You know I’m city girl through to the bone. I wouldn’t stand a chance for even one minute out there in the countryside.”

When Toni laughed, Tricia leaned over to her with a serious face, as if she had some big secret to tell. “You know, nature is dirty.” With an exaggerated gesture she used her perfectly manicured fingernails to flip away some imaginary dust.

Toni looked at Tricia’s petite frame, perfectly made up face, manicured fingernails, and her immaculate clothes. That woman looked perfect. Like always. Toni couldn’t remember having ever seen her when she wasn’t all put together. Tricia didn’t seem prone to all the mishaps other women had to face like deranged hair, a crinkle in her suit or even a chipped nail.
God, it must be amazing to be that perfect all the time!

After brunch, they spoiled themselves with a visit to the spa. Massage, manicure, pedicure, new haircut. The full program. Compared to prices one would have to pay back in the States, the cost was cheap. Even considering they went one of the fanciest salons in the city.
Another great perk to living in Asia.

The massage finally worked some magic and Toni started to relax. Sipping champagne while having her muscles rubbed didn’t hurt either. Soon, her mind quieted down and by early afternoon they were giggling like teenagers.

“So, what’s after this project?” Tricia asked.

“I don’t know. I love my job, but I’m starting to get tired of waking up someplace new every couple of months. You know it would be nice to have a home to go to at the end of the workday, instead of some apartment. To put down roots. Make friends.”

Tricia said, “I’m your friend.”

Toni nodded. “Yes, But I only see you every three months, when I’m in Kuala Lumpur. I want a normal life. A home. A garden barbecue on the weekend. Yoga class on Tuesdays. A family.”

A shocked look spread across Tricia’s face, and Toni covered her mouth with her hand. “Did I really say that?”

“You did, my dear. You are in trouble up to your nose. You either go all in or all out with your man.”

“What are you talking about?” Toni asked.

“You need to get Douglas out of your system, or permanently into your life. And I know the perfect place to give you a little boost in deciding which way to go.”

“And what would that be?” Toni asked with the suspicion that she wouldn’t like the answer.


Toni raised an eyebrow at that. She had heard of the new upscale luxury boutique, advertising they carried the most daring and provocative underwear. Toni was normally very down to earth and even worse, a practical black or white bras and panties type of girl. Allure lingerie was the exact opposite. Daring. Provocative. She shook her head. “No way. I am not going there.”

Tricia didn’t insist, and while that fact alone bothered Toni, she was relieved enough not to question it.

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