Surge (6 page)

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Authors: LaMontagne,Katelin;katie

BOOK: Surge
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Same goes for Akio’s physician skills and to a lesser extent, Tommy’s. Tommy’s more of an introvert, so he keeps to himself, but I’ve seen him upon multiple occasions with his nose stuck in one of Akio’s medical books or his journals. The Doc had me retrieve these from his apartment a few weeks back, so there’s now a duffle bag full of books, medical supplies like tubes for IVs, prescription painkillers in needle form, stitching equipment, scalpels, and all kinds of things that we didn’t have before.

Before, we couldn’t treat more than a headache or a paper cut with our Tylenol and SpongeBob band-aids. Shut up, we love SpongeBob in this house. I happened to find my cartooned best friend on a supply run months ago, and he’s been with me ever since. Shaking away thoughts of SpongeBob square ass, I turn my focus back the group. That’s when hear

“I’m talking to you, Jarry!” Kelly shrieks.

Oh hell no, this bitch didn’t just use PITA’s childhood nickname for me. Sarah couldn’t say my name until she was five, but could say
when she was only a year old, so it stuck like
did, which was obviously her name for John. I don’t mind it coming from my baby sister, but I sure as hell do when it comes from the blonde harpy in front of me. I glare at her, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Sarah do the same.

,” I hiss at her. “Now, what the hell do you want?”

“I’ll call you whatever I feel like,

“You won’t,” I promise, or else I’ll tie her to the front gate like the ceremonial pig I was contemplating earlier. “Get to fucking point already.” Kelly sniffs and raises her nose in the air before replying.

“How do we know you aren’t lying to get your way?” Kelly asks with no small amount of disdain, a common occurrence since Victoria’s arrival and my repeated denial of her charms. I meet Kelly’s eyes and send her a look that dares,
‘You really want to go toe to toe with me?’
I mentally curve my fingers in a most welcome invitation.
‘Bring it on, bitch.’

“You wanna see them?” I inquire casually with arms crossed and leaning back against the wall behind me. “I can personally escort you downstairs and give you an up close encounter with them, that is if you’d like me to. Believe me, it would be no hardship on my end. Hell, they might even grant you an autograph in blood.” Kelly huffs and rolls her eyes, but I can see her shaking in her stilettos as she steps back. Yeah, that’s what I thought. “Anybody else need to see some evidence? No? Are you sure?” I pause. Going once, going twice annnd gone!

“Alright then,” I announce to the group at large. “You’ve all had your say and now you’ve heard ours, so if you’ve changed your mind and will be joining us, be ready early Thursday morning.”

With that, I leave the room.


Chapter Five:


The next morning, I wake up to the beeping of the solar watch I use for an alarm. Reaching around blindly in dark to find it on the floor, I hear a moan and the springs whine as Victoria shifts. Reminding myself to speak with her about the no sleepover over rule when I get back, for the fourth time, my hand finally makes contact with the watch. Silencing that asshole, I wipe sleep from my eyes with a long yawn. I’m getting too old for this shit.

Groaning all the way, I leave the comfort of a warm bed, since it’s crowded with 130+ pounds of bed hog anyway, and get ready for a day of scavenging. After slipping the watch back on my wrist, I get dressed in some relatively clean smelling cargo jeans, black army issue boots, a short sleeved t-shirt with a light rain jacket for some protection from teeth, while lowering the risk of dying from heat stroke. Then I head down to the hallway, pass through the great room, and into the kitchen for breakfast. John’s already dressed, sitting on the counter and munching on some sort of dry oat cereal straight out of the bag.

“Morning, dickhead,” I mutter as I make way in. Some nearly expired instant coffee; which admittedly tastes like ass, is my destination. You learn to appreciate the little things, like horrible coffee, when there’s little left in the world.

“Good morning to you too, sunshine,” John replies with a smirk. The fucker’s been a morning person his whole life, while I’m a night owl who would rather sleep ‘til two in the afternoon. Fucking wheezers. They just had to ruin everything, the greedy bastards. “I see that even a night with Vixen Vicky can’t cheer up your sullen ass.”

Victoria really isn’t all that great in bed, she just kind of lays there like a dead fish and her moans are so artificial, that it’s like I’m watching an extremely overacted porno. I have to basically tune out her,
‘oh, yes babies!’
and fantasize that it’s some other woman I’m on top of in order for me to come. But I don’t mention any of that aloud because I still get off in the end. So really, I can’t complain
since lousy sex is still better than no sex at all. I oughta know, with over a year of abstinence under my belt. And no, I wasn’t the slightest bit rusty in my technique, so don’t even go there with that,
‘maybe it was your fault’
bull shit. My penis may have not seen any part of the woman anatomy for over a year, but he still got action once a week.

Fine, every other day. Fucking alright already, every day, and sometimes multiple times were necessary. Are you happy now that you pulled it out of me? Pun intended there, but seriously, I’m a twenty-three year old man with a healthy appetite for sex. I was having it at least once a day, with a different woman every night for years, so I’ve had variety. Sometimes I even had the great pleasure of multiple women as bed partners at the same time. And every single one of them was still calling for more, even as I hustled out the door without leaving my digits. I’m an admitted manwhore, and they were told that before they took me home, so they should’ve known better. One night of fabulous fucking with mutual parties satisfied, was just how I rolled back then.

Take for instance the morning the world went to shit. I had just left two of my previous night’s conquests’ in bed, before trudging home to find a mandatory lockdown in order; meaning there was no way in hell that I could have just quit cold turkey. So, the beast has been stroked to keep him happy, or else Godzilla would have taken over and started humping furniture legs. Believe me, the dining room table’s legs were looking extremely sexy at one point, so I had to take action before I raped inanimate objects in front of Sarah and scarred her for life.

But let’s get back to Victoria. She sucks, not literally because she thought oral was
Isn’t it funny that she told me her opinion mere seconds
I went down on her and she screamed out her climax, the selfish twat? Anyway, Vicky sucks figuratively since she’s about a low 2 on a 20 point scale when it comes to rating her in bed. And I’m an excellent judge with a ton of experience, meaning I know what I’m talking about. So, while John gets to bury his cock between six sets of lips, my poor penis only gets one, and it happens to be wider than the Grand Canyon.

No, I’m not small or needle-dicked, you assumptive assholes, as I’ve said before, I’ve pleasured many women, so I know that it isn’t me. Victoria’s just been ridden hard and put away wet so many times, that her vagina is the equivalent of shoving a Q-tip through a doughnut hole. There’s absolutely no friction unless I force it in at an angle, nor do I get to feel those delicious ripples that squeeze my cock like a vise when she orgasms. And she does orgasm, since I know how to give it to her regardless that she’s inept at giving it back to me.

It’s sad, but true, to say that I got a more pleasure from pumping into my freaking fist. Or maybe I should just kick Vicky out, and sneak the table leg into my room when we get back? We’re only here for two more nights, and if I don’t take up the opportunity while I still can, then I’ll miss my chance at ever giving those smooth, rounded curves a try. Nah, someone will notice a three legged table and come looking, most likely catching me in the act of plowing a wooden post, or I could get splinters and I sure as hell don’t want Akio touching my dick. I shake my head and sigh with regret, I’ll just have to grit my teeth and deal with the red headed bed hog and her cavernous vagina.

Instead of saying all that, because John would only laugh his ass off at my miserable plight, or my table fetish, I wave away the
comment even if it’s more like

Just last night she huffed in disgust and whined her refusal when I dared suggest she turn over so that I could take her from behind. I mean, who does that? I just wanted to stifle the awful porn-like noises a smidge, and hide her pouty face, so that I could concentrate on visualizing someone else.

Like an actual porn star, who knows how to use her body, rather than sit there and not give an inkling of participation. Victoria doesn’t even wrap her legs around me, the lazy ass, even when she’s the one who demands missionary sex and turns her nose up to everything else. Fuck that, vanilla sex is boring.

That thought’s the one that seals it for me. I’ve finally decided, and table leg it is. At least it won’t complain at all of the different positions I want to do, hell, Diney won’t make a single one of those horrid noises. I’ll be breaking out the tool kit as soon as we get back, and I make a side note to remember to grab a crowbar to pry the evicted red head from my king sized mattress.

With that decided, I turn back to the present as opposed to yet another poor sexual encounter, in favor of guzzling down the black tar in my cup. I slowly savor the feeling of warmth pouring down my throat until it hits my gullet like the bombardment that was dropped last year. Shaking out my limbs, I do a couple of jumping jacks to get the blood flowing and immediately start to feel better. Sweet caffeine, you are and will remain the one and only love of my life.

“You’re like a freaking crack addict taking a hit,” John says with a revolted expression. I just flip him off, because, hello? How the hell would I be able to function without my caffeine fix?

“We leave in five.”

I snatch the box of cereal from John as I walk out and hear him curse behind me, but I just ignore it and shove some oats into my mouth. Chowing down a good three handfuls, I toss the box on the coffee table next to our supply packs. Strapping my thigh holster on my left leg, I load my hunting blade along with four kitchen knives into the loops. Next is the shoulder strap for my 9mm. Checking the safety, since I don’t want to add an extra hole in my ass, I shove a spare gun in the back of my pants. I fill the pockets of my cargo pants with granolas, the oat cereal, a water canteen, ammo and a flashlight before I’m ready to go.

When I reach the courtyard, I see that Cory and Sarah are already waiting for the sendoff. Sarah runs over and hugs me as if it’s the last time she’ll ever see me again. I respond in kind, because there does happen to be the miniscule chance that my awesomeness is too much for the wheezers to resist. John receives the same treatment from Sarah when he finally arrives.

“We’ll be back by sundown,” I promise her when she pulls back with tears streaming down her face.

“Stay safe,” Sarah demands while wiping at her eyes. “Or I’ll drag your stupid asses out of hell, just so I can kick it all the way back in.”

“Aye, aye baby sis,” John replies with a salute. “We shall return with our stupid asses fully intact.” Sarah giggles, just like John intended, before heading back upstairs.

“You take care of her,” I say to Cory. “If anything happens to her, it’s on you.”

He jerks his chin in the affirmative with his solemn expression firmly in place. After almost a year of friendship, I know that Cory would give his life to protect another’s. But he’s especially protective of Sarah’s for some odd reason, who the hell knows? Maybe she reminds him of his great aunt Sally or some shit, I don’t care so long as it gets the job done. And he will, since he hasn’t failed us yet.

John steps up to the gate with his knife and takes out the two stragglers who decided to be spend the night at our humble abode, how sweet of them to wait? I unlock the gate before slowly removing the chain to reduce any unnecessary noise. Handing off the chain to Cory, I take a deep breath and release it before stepping out of the courtyard. Doing a thorough visual sweep of the area, I motion John forward and we leave the safety of home base.


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