Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking (131 page)

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Chapter 7

The books and articles by Carey, Chi, Draaisma, Hatano and Inagaki, Keil, Lautrey, Leary, Viennot, and Tiberghien deal with naïve analogies in scientific domains, while those by Bryant, Clement, English, Fayol, Fischbein, Ginsburg, Hudson, Kieran, Kintsch and Greeno, Lakoff and Núñez, Linchevski and Vinner, Nesher, Nunes, Resnick, Schliemann, Schoenfeld, Silver, Thevenot, Tirosh, Vergnaud, and Verschaffel concern naïve analogies in arithmetic. The studies by Bassok, Brissiaud, Gamo, Richard, Sander, and Taabane are relevant to our sections on mental simulations and situations that “do the thinking for us”. Carr, Fauconnier and Turner, Norman, Sander (2008), Serres, and Tricot are relevant to our sections on computers and associated technologies. Aubusson
et al
, Ausubel, Bastien, Bruner, Mahajan, and Richard focus on educational perspectives, while Anderson, Gentner, Spalding and Murphy, and Holyoak and Thagard (and colleagues) are relevant to the section concluding this chapter.

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