Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series) (16 page)

Read Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series) Online

Authors: Aneesa Price

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #werewolves, #fae, #voodoo, #paranormal erotica, #adult romance, #erotic paranormal, #paranormal series, #romance series, #adult paranormal romance, #coffin girls

BOOK: Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series)
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Sylvain rose to greet her when she arrived at
their favorite tree in the meadow. “I wondered if I was being stood
up,” he said before kissing her thoroughly. Sophie sighed with
relief at the touch and leaned into him, throwing all the pent up
frustration she had been harboring.

“Whoa,” Sylvain broke the kiss and grinned at
her, “we’d better stop or I won’t be able to.”

Catching his meaning, Sophie grinned back.
“Okay, change the topic. Tell me of your latest royal

Sophie heaped his favorites onto a plate and
handed it to him. She liked knowing these little things and time
together, again, had allowed her to gain these minor insights. She
sat with her back to the tree trunk, her plate on her lap and
looked at him to focus on what he was saying. Thus far, in the
conversation, sultry images had warded off her ability to listen
and she’d only caught snippets of what he had actually said.

It was a mistake to look at him. Images of
his face filled with passionate release sneaked in; turning her
thoughts to the wicked delights, he was more than capable of
! She had a strong need for this man.

“Sophie,” Sylvain called, interrupting her

“Yes, yes,” Sophie responded. “That’s an
excellent idea.”

“What’s an excellent idea?” he asked,
bemusement making his blue eyes twinkle.

“Taking the fae children on excursions into
the human world. That’s what we’ve been chatting about.”

Sylvain chuckled and tipped her chin up
affectionately with a finger. She saw that finger between Arianna’s
legs, bringing her to climax. Having his finger on her face, an
affectionate gesture he’d employed many times before, sent thrills
throughout her body. Biting back a moan, Sophie moved away and
forced a smile on her face. Distance. They needed distance.

“I’m not that hungry. Let’s go for a walk,”
she suggested. “I’m sure that there are many delights in the
hollow. Why don’t you show me something I’ve never seen

Sylvain, clearly amused, replied, “I aim to

Oh Lordy, thought Sophie. I know. I’ve seen
and felt exactly that. He gave her an arm to hook into to. Sophie
couldn’t exactly refuse without being rude, although the close
proximity to him after her peeping Tom experience made her

“What’s going on? You’re a bit preoccupied.
Did the lesson with Arianna not go well?” Sylvain asked after a
while. They’d walked away from the village and into a part of the
hollow that resembled a coastal region. The ground had become white
sand jotted with wildflowers and protruding rocks.

Navigating the rock-strewn path gave her the
time to come up with an answer. She couldn’t exactly tell him that
the image coupled with Arianna’s ‘alternate lessons’ had her
wanting to jump his bones. Being alone with him and physically
close heightened her awareness, making it hard to breathe and speak
normally. Hell, she didn’t think she’d had an innocent thought the
entire time she’d been with him.

“The lesson went well,” Sophie responded,
concentrating on the ground. “I had quite a few revelations,

“That sounds interesting. Is that what you’ve
got your mind on?” Sylvain glanced at her, “You know, we don’t have
to do this. If you’d rather go back to the village and be alone, I
wouldn’t take offence.”

“Oh no,” Sophie replied. “I’m sorry. I’m
being rude.”

“Not at all,” Sylvain shook his head, “being
an empath isn’t easy.” The way in which he said it, was
disconcerting. It seemed that he knew more than he was letting on.
“Come on,” he took them off the path, “I’ve got something to show

Sylvain was fine. Sophie shook her head in
self-derision. She’d been so preoccupied with sex lately that her
mind was playing tricks on her. She followed him through closely
clustered pines, and down a verge that led to the beach. She
stopped for a moment, breathed in, and relished the salty twang in
the air. “This is beautiful.” Before her lay, an ocean of sparkling
waters the color of sapphires. It was bluer than the Mediterranean
and calmer than a babe in sleep. “Is that?” she pointed towards a
brown object diving into the water from a rock. “What is that?” she

“A selkie,” replied Sylvain, looking at the
giant seal-like creature. “There are many other magickal creatures
here and my hollows offer them a place of safety, from humans and
less peaceable supes.” He slanted a glance at her and was pleased
to see the tension she’d displayed had momentarily dissipated.
“Come, we’re nearly there.”

“If this is your spot, why is there a path? I
would’ve thought that it’s secret.” Sophie inquired. Sylvain was
leading her down steps that had been carved into the rock with a
makeshift handrail flanking it on each side as it made its way down
to the beach.

“It is my spot, but it isn’t secret. I don’t
pull rank often, but with this I did. I need a place, just one in
each hollow, where I can go to and be silent. A place, I know I
will not be disturbed.”

“And you’re okay taking me there?” Sophie
asked, surprised.

“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t,”
Sylvain smiled at her and her pulse leapt.

Sylvain noted that her eyes turned red and
that they remained so. Her preoccupation with her revelations was
still evident. He was dying to know what they were, but respected
that magick was private and needed space. When and if she was ready
to fill him in on what had happened in her lessons, she would.
Halfway down the stairs was a landing that led to a hole.

Sophie peered into the hole then around them
on the landing but couldn’t find an entrance. The hole itself
showed a glimmer of water far below and little else. “How do we get

“We’ll have to teleport,” he said, “but I
need you to close your eyes. I want it to be a surprise. Will you
trust me?”

“Of course,” Sophie said, intrigued.

Sophie closed her eyes and moments later felt
stones crunch beneath her shoes. Sylvain stood next to her and
squeezed her hand, “Open your eyes.”

Sophie gasped in delight. “
Mon Dieu! C’EST
!” They were in a large cave filled with light coming
through a circular hole above. It was the same one they’d stood at
moments before. The light streaming through illuminated the entire
cave, emphasizing the jewel tones around them. They stood on an
island in the middle of a sea in shades of tanzanite and sapphire
blue. The walls of the cave gleamed like hematite the darkest of
volcanic rock and the plants that littered the island burned bright
red, orange, yellow, and deep green. The island was tiny and
consisted of two different parts as though two islands had been cut
in half and the halves were then combined. The side they stood on
consisted of the gleaming stones; their shimmering hinted that they
were more than ordinary rock. The other side was laden with white
sand, which was only broken by the occasional plant.

Sylvain had not spoken since her exclamation.
Sophie looked at him and saw him glow. His eyes were closed and he
seemed to be absorbing energy from the place. She joined him in his
exercise and closed her own eyes, breathing in deeply. It was
peaceful and comforting. The only sounds disturbing their
meditation was the lapping of the water hitting the rocks and shore
and their own breathing. Sylvain’s haven was unchanged by human or
supernatural hands; a perfect slice of paradise.

“It is the most beautiful place I’ve ever
seen. Thank you for sharing this with me, Sylvain.”

“It is my pleasure,
ma petite chérie,”
Sylvain grinned. “I’ve never brought anyone here before and no
being is allowed here either. No mermaids, no selkie, and no fae
are allowed to swim here. This is my place to think, to be a man
without any of the responsibility that comes with my title.”

“Sylvain without the masks,” Sophie

“Yes,” he smiled. “I’m glad you can see

At Sophie’s request, they explored the
island. It was so small, it went by quickly, and Sophie dragging
Sylvain to different things and asking for explanations occupied
most of the time. Then reality hit her. It was just them and the
quiet of the isolated cave. No likelihood of fae stumbling upon
them, no courtly demands on Sylvain and no empath training - only
them and an oversupply of erotic thoughts. Seeking distraction,
Sophie went to the edge of the shore and trailed her fingers
through the water. "It’s warm like bathwater,” she exclaimed, still

“It’s a place of magick,” Sylvain

“I thought the whole of the hollow was,”
Sophie stated.

“Yes, it is,” Sylvain clarified. “But, just
as the human world has places more magickal than others, so do the
fae hollows.”

“Makes sense,” Sophie conceded. “What’s the
most magickal place?”

Sylvain hesitated for an instant, and then
replied, sitting down next to her as he did. “The joint court of
the Seelie and Unseelie. It is pure fae. Pure magick. It is a place
of origins.”

“From what you’ve said, I assume that you
don’t go there often,” Sophie noted.

“I hadn’t been there in the last 3,000 years,
until a week ago when I met with my sister,” Sylvain replied.
Sophie noticed the longing in his voice. He did a good job hiding
it, but she’d gotten to know his mannerisms, and the slight change
in tone that would match his moods.

“You hadn’t stopped smiling since we got
here, until now,” Sophie detected. “I’m sorry to have changed

“Don’t fret,
ma chérie
,” Sylvain
smiled, gently. “The issues within the Seelie and Unseelie courts
are not your fault.” He stood up and held a bikini out to her.
“Let’s swim.”

“That was quick work,” Sophie laughed. “You
weren’t kidding when you said that this is a place of strong

She took the bikini from him. When she raised
a brow at the tiny pieces of material he laughed. “Humor me. I did
bring you to my favorite spot.”

“Emotional blackmail,” Sophie retorted.
“Fine, I’ll wear this if you were as little. In fact, if I have to
wear a string bikini…” Sophie stopped talking, all rational
thoughts having left her mind as Sylvain stood in front of her,
clad in little else, but a pair of tight-fitting Calvin
Klein-styled swimming shorts. It showed loads more than the board
shorts he’d worn in the rasul.
! Now she got to see
those legs too - the same ones that had flexed when ... No, she
thought, shaking her head, going there would not help lower her
current want of him. Feeling her nipples harden, she swallowed.
“Okay, fair enough. Turn around and I’ll change.”

To his credit, he did as she asked, and she
slipped the bikini on. Not waiting for him, she ran to the water’s
edge and dove in. It was bliss. She now understood what she'd read
once about how much like flying diving was. The water rushed past
and around her as she alternated between dipping down into the
little sea and coming up for air.

Breaking the surface she searched for Sylvain
then squealed when he came up behind her and snaked an arm around
her waist. Those fingers, her new fantasy fixation, spanned her
stomach and waist. Sophie exhaled, long and slow, and turned around
so that her arms looped around his neck, resting on his broad,
muscular shoulders. There was such strength in them. It made her
feel safe, secure, and the testament it gave to his masculinity was
an instant turn on. Deep blue eyes met vamp red and said all that
was needed in that moment.

Their mouths met hungrily, devouring each
other, sucking at their shared need as though they were sharing
their essence of being. Tongues slicked, danced, and twisted while
lips locked in this inevitable precedent to carnal bliss.

Running his hands down her back, he pulled
her closer. Sophie did the same. She felt unable to get enough of
him and so she locked her hands in wet hair. Sylvain broke away
from the kiss, ignored her protests, and kissed his way down her
chin, throat, and along her neck to that sensitive spot where it
met with her shoulders. Running his hands down further, he grabbed
her deliciously firm bottom, and squeezed, grinding his throbbing
erection against the slice of heaven it needed to be inside of.
Following suit, Sophie locked her legs around him and began rubbing
against his long, hard erection.

Sylvain brought his hands back to her waist
and moved her off him. “I want you splayed out in front of me so
that I can pay attention to every part of your body.”

Consumed with need, Sophie wanted to protest.
Wanting to get back to feeling him against her, she swam behind him
to shore. Once there, Sylvain conjured a soft picnic blanket, the
size of a California King bed. Sophie lifted a brow in amusement.
Grinning, Sylvain laid her down on the blanket as promised.

“You’re beautiful,” he said reverently,
before lowering his head and capturing her mouth in his. That
re-started the dance of fluttering heart-beats, shared lust, and
promises of absolute pleasure. Sophie forgot about the images she’d
had the entire afternoon of his hands and fingers and what they had
done to Arianna as new and more meaningful visions of what they
were doing at that moment overwhelmed her.

Their movements against each other became
more intense, wilder, and soon her bikini top was removed from her
body without her knowing how it had even happened. His hands sought
out her breasts, first weighing them then gently, and squeezing
while his fingers found and teased her nipples. Sophie arched
against his hands, moaning and pressing herself into them,
effectively breaking off their kiss.

Sylvain skimmed his eyes over her, devouring
the sight he beheld. It was one he had wanted to see since he'd met
her. Sophie lay naked beneath him. She was beautiful and
breathtaking. Her rosy nipples peaked through the cavity his hands
created around her breasts her skin glowed with the sheen of
perspiration. Long lashes caressed her flushed cheeks and her
parted lips moaned for him.

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