Supernatural--Cold Fire (15 page)

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Authors: John Passarella

BOOK: Supernatural--Cold Fire
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The nagging guilt gnawing at him, he hurried down the stairs and exited through the kitchen into the garage, jumping into his silver Prius. He pressed the button on the garage door opener clipped to the sun visor, tapping his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel as the wide door trundled open. He turned on the ignition and waited.

The garage door stopped halfway up, maybe high enough for the Prius to squeeze through but just as likely to scrape a layer of paint off the roof, assuming the main spring didn’t snap and drop the door on the car like a guillotine blade as he tried to shoot through the gap.

He recalled the safety sensor on the door, which stopped it from closing if something blocked the infrared beam traveling from one side of the door to the other. That stopped the door from closing on a person or an object left in the door’s path. But in this instance, the door was on the way up, not down. Nevertheless, he jumped out of the car and checked the sensor on both sides to make sure nothing obstructed the invisible beam. Everything seemed fine, so he climbed back into the Prius and pressed the button a second time, which brought the door down without a hitch.

“Okay, let’s try this again,” he said aloud as he pressed the button a third time. Once again the door rumbled its way up and… stopped again, lower than before. This time, if he hoped to escape the confines of the garage while inside his car, he’d have to crash through the door like a Hollywood stuntman. Another button press to close the door.

“Fine,” he said. “You don’t want to work, don’t work.”

Once again he exited the car, but this time he pulled the overhead release cable to switch the chain from motor operation to manual. If he could just get the door open tonight he’d call a repair service in the morning.

Bending at the knees, he gripped the door handle and tugged upward, nearly stumbling when the door remained closed. It hadn’t budged an inch. He glanced up at the main spring, checking for a break but finding none. All the cables were intact. Nothing seemed wrong. He tugged again, grunting with the effort. The door creaked, but wouldn’t budge.

Immediately, he thought of backup plans. He’d need to take a cab to work the next morning and as for picking up dinner tonight, he had three options. Have the food delivered, which would add another delay, borrow Olivia’s red Honda Civic, parked out front, or take Jesse’s Prius, parked across the street.

He leaned into his car through the open driver’s side window and snatched his keys out of the ignition—and caught a strong scent of gingerbread. He inhaled deeply. Always loved the smell. Took him back to his childhood, eating gingerbread cookies fresh out of the oven. But the last thing he expected to smell in his garage, or any garage for that matter, was gingerbread. He’d passed through the kitchen two times since he came home and hadn’t smelled anything baking and, as far as he could recall, the oven hadn’t been turned on. So how—?

He’d already started toward the door, to call up to Jesse to ask for his car keys, when he noticed movement in the corner of the garage.

Turning, he saw her standing there, in dirt-smeared tatters, and immediately assumed a homeless person had somehow snuck into their garage and had been hiding among the shelves, ladders, bikes and lawn care supplies. His reflexive fear and sudden sense of violation left no room for sympathy. Whatever he glimpsed in that moment was not a homeless person—its otherness defied classification.

Head bowed slightly within a matted tangle of long, straggly hair, her claws—yes, claws—twitched in anticipation. In that moment, his prior fear at the sight of an intruder was distilled into the primal variety, a deep-seated revulsion to this inhuman entity wearing a human mask. With a strange jerk of lateral motion, she blocked his access to the kitchen door.

Backing away, toward the closed garage door, his intent to place the Prius between him and whatever the clawed thing was, Brandon’s gaze traveled from her strangely hunched torso to her lowered face, a need to identify what stalked him in his own home.

As her head rose ever so slightly, Brandon caught a glimpse of dark, sunken eyes that seemed to boil with hatred beneath the surface, the tension of a coiled spring in her taut features.

Briefly, he considered calling out for help, but what if that brought Jesse or Olivia running to the garage? He could yell to them to call the police, but they might still come to investigate. He had the undeniable sense that any exclamation on his part would trigger an attack. With the garage door stuck, his only option was to put the car between them and then, when she circled to pursue him, escape through the kitchen door.

Again her claws twitched.

His throat utterly dry, he implored, “Don’t… don’t do this.”

Not a flicker of reaction to his words. Nor had he really expected any. The creature seemed beyond reasoning.

As he reached into his jacket pocket, considering the idea of blind-dialing 911 on his cell phone, he took a cautious step back. And another. A third brought him to the corner of the Prius. One more and he could—

With a raspy roar, she leapt into the air and dashed across the roof of the car, her dirty bare feet with claw-like toenails thumping lightly across the silver metal with the sound of a distant drum.

Startled, he had a split second to notice her strange, malformed abdomen before she shoved him forcefully against the garage door, which groaned under the stunning impact, its hinges creaking.

Woozy, he tried to run and wondered why his legs refused to cooperate. Another moment passed before an intense burning sensation registered, prompting him to look down. She hadn’t simply shoved him against the garage door, she’d sunk her claws into him, ripping him open from the bottom of his ribs to his groin, slicing through his clothes, skin and muscle in that first attack.

One clawed hand pinned him upright against the garage door. Otherwise, his legs would not have supported his own weight. He watched in mute horror as her other clawed hand tore into his abdomen, slashing through his organs, slicing and tugging out his intestines. She brought slimy handfuls of organs and flesh to her mouth, gulping greedily. Lower, her swollen abdomen undulated each time she swallowed.

He stared down at the ruin of his body. It looked as if a bomb had exploded in his stomach. The pain was excruciating, a flare of white fire at the center of his consciousness, with rapidly encroaching darkness crumbling the corners of his vision, reducing his whole world to agony and the promise of nothingness.

Slowly, her face rose into his rapidly diminishing field of vision.

He saw his own blood dripping from her cracked lips and pointy teeth.

Then her sunken eyes met his through the veil of her matted hair, but before he could make sense of her half-rotted visage, she shrieked and her blood-drenched claws shot toward his face, digging into his eyes, gouging deep and slamming his head repeatedly against the garage door as she ravaged both sockets.

This new pain was a mere echo of what he’d experienced moments ago, like a memory of recent pain and then an impression of how pain might feel and then only numbness, the sounds of her devouring his flesh fading to wet murmurs and finally silence in his new dark world. Just as, one by one, his senses had abandoned him, his consciousness scattered into bits of disconnected thought, like fireworks fading in the night sky, until the last pinpoint of hope winked out…


One moment tears of grief rolled down Brianna Green’s cheeks; the next she flashed a smile of pure, unadulterated joy. Back and forth, from one extreme to the other. To Dean it was an unfathomable rollercoaster of emotions, how one person could sustain devastation and elation in such close proximity. But even when she smiled at Kiara, her infant daughter, the tears continued to flow.

She held the swaddled baby in her lap on the sofa, while seated next to her brother, Malik, who had taken her to LMC in her husband’s absence. To hear Brianna tell it, Malik hadn’t left her side since Elijah’s fatal accident.

Back in their Fed suits, Dean and Sam sat facing the sofa from across a coffee table in matching chairs. Despite taking time to change, they had left the Blue Castle Lodge before Castiel returned from his own interview. But they could compare notes later.

“I blame myself,” Brianna said, pressing her thumbs into the baby’s tiny hands. “I shouldn’t have texted Elijah. I knew there was nothing he could do in Evansville. But… I was so excited. I wanted to let him know and for him to meet us at LMC.”

“You can’t put this on yourself,” Sam said. “Elijah chose to respond. And from the police report, he only texted a three-letter reply.”

“He was so good about not using the cell phone while driving,” Brianna said. “But I must have seemed frantic instead of excited. He probably worried about me… about us.”

Sympathetic, Sam said, “We don’t know if that one brief text caused the accident.”

Dean kept silent. As far as he was concerned, Elijah had been distracted by the news of the impending birth and by texting a response. Either that was the direct cause of the collision or the attack itself resulted in his losing control of the car and driving into the oncoming lane. The problem was that they couldn’t offer the latter as a cause because it would sound like crazy talk. Something attacked Elijah in his car and subsequently vanished, leaving no trace. Yeah, there was no way that would sound rational, even to a grief-stricken widow and her overprotective brother.

“The worst part was I didn’t even know… that he was gone,” Brianna said. “The last message from him was that ‘on my way’ and I kept expecting him to show up at LMC. My labor was relatively fast for a first child, only a few hours. I planned for an epidural but it was too late by the time we got to the hospital. Before too long, I had blocked everything out to get through the pain. In the back of my mind, I expected him to be there, eventually. Then, after Kiara came into the world, I was so relieved it was over and she was healthy… I called and got no answer.”

Malik shook his head slowly. “I had a bad feeling something was wrong, but I didn’t say anything to Brianna.”

“Why not?” Sam asked.

“You kidding, man? She already had too much on her plate,” he said. “Way I see it, bad news can wait. Like, it’s not real until you acknowledge it. After that, no going back to the way things were.” He ran the palm of one hand lightly over the baby’s head. “No way Elijah would have missed the birth of his baby girl. When he didn’t show… But I kept quiet. By the time Brianna found out for sure, she had Kiki in her world.”

Kiara had begun to cry, a thready, quivering sound, so Brianna lifted her up and, after a quick smell test, held the baby against her chest. “I sure did, didn’t I, baby girl?”

“She alright?” Malik asked.

“I fed her right before the FBI agents came,” Brianna said. She laid a white cloth over her shoulder and patted the baby, trying to coax a burp out of her. “And she doesn’t need to be changed. Maybe she just wants to be close.”

Malik nodded, and looked back at the Winchesters to finish his thought. “Life takes stuff from you, year after year. But sometimes it gives back. That’s what you hold onto.”

Without a noticeable burp, the infant fell quiet in her mother’s arms and drifted into a peaceful sleep. After exchanging a look with Malik, Brianna passed the baby to him. Malik cradled the baby in his arms, rose gracefully from the sofa and crept upstairs to keep the jostling to a minimum.

Brianna took a deep, shuddering breath and clenched her hands together as if she no longer knew how to occupy them. “She’s a blessing,” Brianna said. “I don’t know how I’d get through this without her. And Malik… he’s so strong, especially when I slip.” She pressed her lips together and shook her head. “But you’re not here to see how I’m getting along. You have questions for me?”

Dean glanced at Sam, who nodded ever so slightly, so Dean took the lead. First he wanted to rule out another possible connection between victims. “You had your baby at Lovering Maternity Center,” he said. “Are you a patient of Dr. Hartwell?”

“I’ve heard good things about her, but no, she’s not my doctor.”

“So you’ve had no interactions with her?”

“No,” Brianna said, confused. “Why?”

“Something else we’re looking into,” Dean said. “Probably unrelated.”

“Okay,” she said, glancing briefly at Sam, who gave an encouraging nod.

Dean continued on a different tack, into delicate territory. “Did you notice any changes in Elijah’s behavior lately?”

“No, not really,” she said and allowed herself a fleeting smile. “Except for the father-to-be nerves, checking that everything was ready, making lists, jumping every time I had an ache or a pain.”

“Any trouble at work?” Sam asked.

She thought for a moment and shook her head. “Other than a cancelled or postponed appointment here or there, everything was the same old same old. He had his routines, doctor office and pharmacy visits, meetings, presentations. Nothing I would call unusual.”

“No competition at work? Promotions on the line?”

“He had his territory,” she said. “But I wouldn’t say he was in competition with anyone. Maybe another pharmaceutical company’s competing product. He never mentioned anything like that. And if he was up for a promotion, he kept it secret.”

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