Super Powereds: Year 1 (47 page)

Read Super Powereds: Year 1 Online

Authors: Drew Hayes

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Super Powereds: Year 1
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“I thought I might grace one of these lucky gals with the pleasure of my company on the dance floor,” Nick said.

“And I thought we might be needed to tend to the wounds after he gets slapped silly,” Vince joined in.

“One time, one time I got slapped at Halloween and you punks won’t let it go,” Nick said.

“She slapped you with a Bible, man. That’s the sort of thing that sticks in people’s minds,” Alex reminded him.

“Fascinating as you boys are, could you proceed with Nick’s slapfest elsewhere? No men are going to want to approach us if we’re already surrounded by other guys,” Alice said, proving just how little she knew about real world courting and the opposite sex.

“I don’t mind if they hang out,” Mary countered.

“Maybe not, but that hunky guy in the tank top who’s been eyeing you will. Priorities, sweetheart, seriously,” Alice said, taking Mary’s hand and dragging her away from the boys.

“There is no hunky guy in a tank top, is there?” Mary asked as she was pulled.

“Oh no, there is. He’s just making eyes at a trampy blonde in the corner,” Alice explained.

Mary glanced over and noticed the girl.

“She’s dressed like everyone else. What exactly makes her trampy?”

“The fact that the hot guy is looking at her instead of us.”

* * *

“And again we have sausage fest,” Nick said with a sigh.

“It’s easy to correct, though; let’s go hit the dance floor and grab us some hotties,” Alex pointed out.

“Not a bad idea-”

“Hey guys! Vince! Alex!” The boys turned their heads to find Thomas jogging over to them from the entrance.

“Hey, what’s going on? Did you get my message?” Vince asked.

“I didn’t know you left one, so no,” Thomas said, shaking his head. “Stella took my and her other friends’ phones after gym. She said we were all going out tonight to have some fun or she’d crush them.”

“That’s certainly... aggressive,” Hershel said after some hasty vocabulary scrambling.

“That’s Stella, she doesn’t take no for an answer. It was well-intentioned, though. If she hadn’t done it we’d have all stayed in and licked our wounds instead of going out,” Thomas said, a slight defensiveness in his voice.

“You keep referencing ‘we’ but you’re the only one here,” Nick said.

“Oh yeah, the girls went to go check their purses at the front counter,” Thomas explained.

“Thank the lord, you brought more women,” Nick said.

“I did, and actually I think they’re coming out now if my vision serves me well.”

Sure enough, Stella’s trademark blonde braids appeared around the same corner Thomas had come from, Violet following close behind, and Camille looking around nervously at the end of the line. They spotted Thomas and the others and began making their way over, with the exception of Camille, who suddenly went stock still and had an intense inner debate before finally following suit.

* * *

“Don’t I know you?”

“Aren’t guys the ones who are supposed to use that line?” Alice replied.

“No, I’m serious,” said the speaker, a brunette who had been walking past them. She had shoulder-length hair and an infectious smile. “We had poli-sci together last semester. You were the chick with her hand always in the air."

Alice studied the girl for a moment. She did indeed look familiar, and now that Alice was thinking, there had been a similarly cheery voice echoing through the class from time to time.

“I think you’re right,” Alice admitted. “I’m Alice.”

“I’m Natalie,” Natalie said. “But everyone calls me Bubbles. So, how’ve you been?”

“Um, good, I guess,” Alice said. “You know, passed the class, now on to new ones. You?”

“I’m doing awesome! I managed to squeak by that one and my math class, and I only barely failed Shakespearean literature, so it’s way fewer classes than I thought I’d have to be retaking. Aside from that, I went skiing with my family over break and that was sooooo much fun. Then there was Christmas and I mean, seriously, who doesn’t love Christmas? Plus I’m out tonight with my new roommate and his best friend and just having a crazy good time. The guys are so cute out here, right? So who’s your friend?”

“I’m Mary, and I think I can see why they call you Bubbles. You certainly have a cheerful attitude.”

“Aw, that is so nice, thank you,” Bubbles said. “Yeah, that’s what everyone thinks at first, but no, that’s not why they call me Bubbles. I got my nickname cause I have the cutest ability ever. I can make bubbles appear all over the place. It makes for some awesome foam parties like you wouldn’t believe. I mean, last year my friend Jenny and I went to this kegger and-”

“Wait, I’m sorry to cut you off, but I need clarification,” Alice said. “What do you mean you can make bubbles appear?”

“I can make them appear,” Bubbles replied. She raised open her hand and sure enough, bubbles began glistening into existence a few inches above it. “I can do all sorts of sizes and numbers of them, too. I’m really good at it.”

“So you’re... a Super?” Alice said, more out of disbelief than as a genuine question.

“Yup! You should meet my roommate. His ability is even cooler. He’s a Powered, though, so he can’t really do it on demand, but it’s still super neat. Come on, I’ll introduce you!” Bubbles declared, virtually bouncing off toward a lounge room.

“I don’t think it’s the best idea for us to be seen with Supers who are out in the open with their abilities,” Mary whispered.

“No, it is definitely a bad idea. But I didn’t know there were any Supers here outside of the HCP. And to be honest, I never met another Powered. Cheery McChatter isn’t my first choice for a hanging out companion either, but I’m not sure I can walk away from this without seeing at least a little bit more. Can you?” Alice whispered back.

Mary couldn’t.



Camille couldn’t believe she’d let herself wind up in this situation. She should have just let Stella crush the phone instead of strong-arming her out tonight. It wasn’t just Stella and Violet forcing her that had convinced her to leave the dorm, though; it was a desire to get away from the events of the day. She didn’t want to sit at home and brood all night so she thought going out with her friends, even to a place she had zero desire to be, would at least get her mind off the encounter with Vince.

Seeing as Vince was now standing only a few feet away from her, that plan had failed about as horrifically as was conceivably possible. The others were talking and figuring out where to go next, but Camille was just trying to maintain and hold it together. Every now and then she would catch Vince’s eyes darting over to her. She reassured herself it was okay each time. He didn’t remember her. She might look familiar, but there was no way he would place her. It had probably just been another day for him, and it was all so long-

“Hey!” Vince said, snapping his fingers and looking at Camille. “I just remembered where I know you from.”

Camille let out a very soft, very high-pitched squeak and turned bright red.

* * *




“Leave me alone,” Camille cried softly, curled up in a ball on the concrete. She’d just wanted to walk down to the pool, the day was so hot. She should have known better. Of course the other kids would be out with the same idea. Of course they would see her. She felt so stupid as she lay there, waiting for them to tire of throwing sticks and insults at her. She hoped it wouldn’t be much longer; usually by now an adult would have come by.

“My daddy says Supers are a menace,” Billy yelled at her, hurling a good-sized branch. Thankfully his small arms hadn’t yet learned to aim well.

“They’re Heroes,” Camille yelled back. She shouldn’t have done that, she regretted it the minute she did. She should have just laid there and been quiet while they assaulted her. Now it would be worse.

“Nuh uh,” Rick said, dropping his own stick and walking over to her. Billy might be the leader, but Rick was the enforcer, always willing to walk the extra mile of pain where others would shy off. “Only a few of them are Heroes, and they don’t fix everything the others mess up.”

“I’m sorry,” Camille sobbed.

“You’re a freak,” Rick said kicking her once in the back. This was new; they’d never gotten close to hurt her before. It was tentative: Rick was testing the waters. He kicked her once more. A whole new world of possibilities was opening up before his cruel little eyes. It seemed girls weren’t immune to being hit the way everybody tried to teach him. There was no magical force stopping him from kicking the freak just like she was a boy. He did it again just to reinforce the point. She let a cry slip past her lips when he did it this time. A smile began to form on his face. It lingered there for only a moment before a set of knuckles crashed into it, fracturing his jaw and knocking out several teeth in the process.

“Whhhoduhhelllls,” Rick gurgled from his bloody mouth, trying to pull himself up from the ground. Camille opened her eyes as well, curiosity at the sudden silence that had fallen over her tormentors. Both the downed torturer and the saved victim looked up and saw the boy who had saved her. It was an image that would stay with both of them for the rest of their lives.

He was long and lean, with clothes that looked like they hadn’t been washed in weeks, if ever. There was some dirt on his hands and face, his skin tan from all the time spent outdoors. His eyes were a gleaming blue and his hair was curiously colored a metallic silver.

“You don’t hit girls,” the boy said simply. He extended a hand to Camille, who gladly took it and was pulled to her feet.

“Hey, you can’t just punch our friend,” Billy said. The others had been momentarily struck dumb when this strange kid had run across the street of their small suburb and coldcocked Rick, but they were coming round to their senses. One such sense was the ability to realize it was still five of them against one of him.

“He was kicking a girl,” the boy replied.

“Well, now we’re going to beat up both of you,” Billy said, motioning for the others to begin closing in.

The boy looked at the other children, then at Billy, then his blue eyes stared at Camille for several seconds. He turned back to Billy and shook his head.


“What do you mean, no?” Billy asked, confused.

“I mean I can’t let you beat us up. I won’t let you hurt her,” the boy replied with that same unwavering tone. There was no fear, no uncertainty, just a calm denial of what was about to happen.

“You think you can take us all?”


Billy glanced at the others. They were growing restless. This kid wasn’t responding the way others did when confronted with a large group. They were beginning to wonder if something was different here. If he wanted to maintain control, Billy had to act now.

“Fine. Forget the freak, get him!” Billy yelled, charging at the boy. The others hesitated only a moment before doing the same. Billy ran head on, expecting to sink his shoulder into the boy’s gut and drive him to the ground. Instead he felt a fist bury itself in his ear, destroying his sense of balance and sending him sprawling. By the time he was able to right himself and look up it was already over. There were bloody noses and faces on his companions, who were scattered around the ground, but the boy was still standing in the same spot, looking unharmed.

“You don’t hit girls,” the boy said one last time. “Or people like me will stop you.” He turned to Camille. “I’ll walk you home.”

“Thank you,” she said, tears still falling down her face, though she wasn’t quite sure why anymore.

The two walked in silence for the first block or so, the boy naturally silent and Camille uncertain of what to say. Finally she decided to begin with the basics.

“What’s your name?” she asked the boy.

“Vince,” he replied. “Yours?”

“Camy Belden,” she said, preferring the nickname her parents had given her to the stuffy one she’d been born with. “It’s nice to meet you, Vince... what’s your last name?”

“I don’t have one,” he replied. “My dad says he threw his away, so he doesn’t have one to pass onto me. He also says if I grow into a good man he’ll help me find one, though.”

“Oh. That’s... cool,” Camille said, not sure of what to make of such a thing. “How old are you?”

“Nine. You?”

“I’m nine, too,” she said, smiling inwardly. He was the same age as she was. That made her inexplicably happy.

“Neat,” Vince said. “You seem pretty nice. I’m sorry those guys were being so mean to you.”

Camille shook her head. “It’s not about me being nice. They don’t like me because I’m a Super. They say it makes me freak.”

“You’re a Super?” Vince yelped, his voice full of shock.

“Um, yes,” Camille said, kicking herself once more for opening her big mouth. He probably hated them too, and now he would hate her and be sad he’d even bothered saving her. Why did she say anything?

“That’s awesome!” Vince said excitedly. “What’s your ability? Is it cool? How long have you known?”

Camille didn’t quite know how to respond to this. Everyone said being a Super was great, yet everyone she met seemed to treat her badly because of it. Camille was too young to understand something as complex as that level of jealousy, but she could still feel the hatred from it. Vince wasn’t acting that way, though. He really seemed to like it.

“I take away scrapes and bruises by touching someone,” Camille explained. “But then I can also give those scrapes and bruises to other people if I touch them.”

“Oh wow, so you’re sort of an absorber then.”


“It means you kind of take something into yourself, hold it there, then release it when you want to. It’s what my father says I am,” Vince explained.

“You’re a Super, too?” Camille asked.

“No.” Vince’s face fell immediately and his pace slowed down a touch. “I’m just a Powered. I can’t really control my ability at all. I just make batteries go dead or kill the campfire by accident. When it comes out it’s worse, though. I’ve set things on fire by accident three times just this year.”

“I’m sorry,” Camille said.

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