Sunshine and Shadows (28 page)

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Authors: Pamela Browning

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Sunshine and Shadows
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The Keeping Secrets Series

Book Four

Excerpt from

Touch the Stars

The Keeping Secrets Series

Book Four


Pamela Browning

Award-winning Author

dreamed of making love to you, Juliana, many times. But knowing how you feel about what I do for a living, I have been afraid to care for you too deeply. Yet I think you have stronger feelings for me than you let on."

Stephen plunged ahead, groping for the right words.

"You need not tell me your emotions, Juliana, but I must tell you mine. Please believe me when I tell you that I love you."

Her rapid intake of breath interrupted him.

"Loving is not something I do often," he continued. "But if anything happens to me, I would want you to know that Stephen Andrassy truly loved you."

In her mind's eye, Julie pictured Stephen setting out on the wire over the great Tallulah Gorge, sliding one foot forward, then the other, his balancing pole shifting carefully from side to side. He was concentrating mightily, an expression of intensity on his face, and he would have to walk so far until he reached the other side, so very far.

"I can't bear it," she blurted out. "I can't stand to think about it!"

"About my love?" Stephen said, holding her hands fast. "So now I have made my great declaration and you cannot stand to think about it. Dearest Juliana, do you have any idea how that makes me feel?" He was teasing her.

"No, no, the Gorge! You treat it so lightly, but how do you think I'll feel when you're out there, suspended in space? Stephen, how can you put me through this?"

"It is the way I live. I'm made to walk the wire."

He drew a deep breath and went on. "Juliana, I would like to think that someday there might be a chance for us to have a life together. Do you—do you think it would ever be possible for you to love me?" He tipped a finger beneath her chin and forced her eyes to meet his.

"You care, don't you? Admit it, Juliana! You love me as I love you, do you not?"

"I don't think I could have a future with a man who walks the wire," murmured Julie.

Yet how could she live without this man, this wonderful man, who had so easily become the heart and soul of her shattered family.

Stephen pulled her close until her body touched his. All her senses seemed enhanced, and a quiet exhilaration made her heart leap with happiness. He bent his head until their lips touched, and then she was clasping him to her as though she would never, ever let him go.

But even as their kiss deepened, she knew she would have to say goodbye. He was going to risk his life to walk across Tallulah Gorge tomorrow.

But not before they had one night of total bliss...

Touch the Stars

The Keeping Secrets Series

Book Four


Pamela Browning


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Touch the Stars

from your favorite eBook Retailer,

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Pamela Browning grew up on the Loxahatchee River where her grandparents lived.

"I learned to swim in that river, to paddle a canoe, and to clean the fish I caught," she says. Lots of times, Pamela read a book on a bench under the Australian pines overlooking the peaceful river. She included that bench in
Sunshine and Shadows

"When I was a kid, I wondered why the authors of the books I read never wrote about the beautiful Loxahatchee," she says. "Now I know that they just hadn't found it yet."

She always knew that when she grew up and became a writer, the Loxahatchee would figure prominently in her work. That's why she used it as the setting for Lisa's home in
Sunshine and Shadows
, the third book of her Keeping Secrets Series.

The Everglades setting for Faith Mission is modeled on an actual school for migrant workers' children that she visited years ago.

"The school wasn't far from Jupiter, Florida, and somehow it seemed right to combine the two settings as a background for Lisa and Jay's story," she says. "The nearby ocean and beach provide an extra touch of romance."

She hopes you'll look for her other books in the Keeping Secrets Series:
Through Eyes of Love, Ever Since Eve,
Touch the Stars.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13


A Note from the Publisher

Excerpt from TOUCH THE STARS (The Keeping Secrets Series, Book 4)

Meet the Author

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