Sunset Ridge (7 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #Contemporary, #MM, #Gay, #Cowboys

BOOK: Sunset Ridge
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The longer Gray stroked Ram’s cock the harder it became. Evidently Ram’s body was ready to put the discussion behind them for the moment and get down to what it had craved since meeting the handsome silver-eyed man.

Giving in to his body’s desires wasn’t difficult. Ram knew they would continue the conversation later, but for now he really needed to know the intimacy that only came with being inside someone. He thrust his leg between Gray’s thighs and leaned in for a kiss. As he explored Gray’s mouth, the need inside him continued to grow. Kissing was definitely the magic key to jumpstart Ram’s libido.

When Gray began grinding his erection against Ram’s upper thigh, Ram rolled Gray under him. Breaking the kiss, Ram insinuated himself between Gray’s legs, spreading them further apart. He sat back on his heels and stared down at all the delicious skin he couldn’t wait to lick and kiss. “You’re somethin’ else.”

“I could say the same,” Gray replied, reaching out to flick the silver hoop with his finger.

The action sent shivers up Ram’s spine. He reached down and pinched Gray’s nipples, testing the water. Although they’d spent hours on the phone and chatting via the Internet, their relationship hadn’t progressed past handjobs and blowjobs. Ram wondered if Gray’s chest was as sensitive as his own.

Gray arched off the bed. The harder Ram squeezed the man’s pebbled nubs, the louder Gray moaned. Ram moved to brace himself on his hands as he took one of Gray’s nipples between his teeth. He didn’t bite hard enough to leave a bruise but it was tempting.

“Oh, God,” Gray groaned. He wrapped his legs around Ram’s waist as he pushed against Ram’s shoulders.

“Want me to stop?” Ram asked, leaning away from Gray.

“Yes—no. Hell, I don’t know what I want more, your dick or your hands on me.”

Ram rolled to the side and reached for the bottle of lube. He coated his fingers with the slick stuff before leaning over for a kiss. As his tongue mapped the inside of Gray’s mouth, Ram found Gray’s tight pucker. After spending several moments rimming the soft skin with his index finger, Ram pushed slowly inside.

Without breaking the kiss, Gray reached for the bottle of lube. Moments after Ram had moved his way up to two fingers inside Gray, he felt Gray’s slippery palm coat his cock with lube.

Ram pulled his tongue out of Gray’s mouth and moaned. “I usually try to show a little more finesse with my partners, but I can’t think of anything but gettin’ inside you.”

Gray gave the silver hoop a slight tug. “I’m dying to know what this feels like.”

“Your wish is my command.” Ram withdrew his fingers and fit himself on top of Gray. Positioning the head of his cock at Gray’s hole, Ram began to work his length inside. The grimace on Gray’s face as his body stretched to accommodate Ram’s girth had Ram backing off.

“No. I’ll be okay in a minute.”

“A minute’s a long time when you’re hurtin’.”

“Do it again,” Gray pleaded.

Ram applied more slick to his cock. When he breached Gray’s opening the second time, the initial four inches went in relatively smoothly. Ram studied Gray’s face as he slowly began rocking in and out of Gray’s body. “You still okay?”

“I’m good.” Gray spread his legs further apart, urging Ram to go deeper.

By the time Ram had filled Gray to the hilt, it took every ounce of his control to give Gray time to adjust to the invasion. He tried to think of anything to keep his mind off the desire to fuck Gray as hard and fast as he could. With his eyes closed tight, Ram thought of the picture hanging over the mantel. Pulling the shades of yellow, red and brown to the forefront of his mind, he imagined himself sitting beside Gray in the twin rockers that looked like they’d been there for years.

“You didn’t fall asleep on me, did ya?” Gray asked, running his hands down Ram’s back.

“Just trying to give you time.”

“I’ve had years of time. I need something completely different at the moment,” Gray said around a chuckle.

Ram withdrew several inches of his length before pushing back inside. “Okay?”

“More. You don’t have to baby me, goddammit.”

Taking Gray at his word, Ram started fucking him with everything he’d held back. After several minutes, Ram sat back and grabbed the man’s ankles, guiding the pale legs to rest over his shoulders. The new position allowed Ram to plunge even deeper. Within moments he was hammering Gray’s ass at blinding speed.

“I can’t… Ram!” Gray was the first to come, splashing white seed onto his own stomach.

Free to finally give in to his own climax, Ram stared down at his partner. With a wild grunt he buried himself inside Gray and let the wants of his body override his need to make it last.

Ram collapsed, burying his face against Gray’s sweaty neck. He closed his eyes as he slowly came down from the erotic high of fucking Gray. He felt relaxed for the first time since receiving the phone call from his uncle about his mom.
All he wanted was to spend the night in Gray’s arms.

Beside the bed, Gray’s cell phone began to play the latest song by Brad Paisley. Ram’s plan was to ignore the intrusion, they were an hour from the ranch anyway, but Gray began to squirm, trying to get out from under Ram.

“I need to get that,” Gray explained as he untangled himself. He grabbed his jeans off the floor and unclipped the phone from his belt. “Gray,” he answered.

Ram rolled on to his back and stared up at the beamed ceiling. Annoyed didn’t begin to describe his sudden mood. He’d given up precious hours to be with Gray because he knew if they were going to move forward he needed to make the time, but a simple phone call had spoilt their time together. Listening to Gray talk to Georgia, it was obviously another problem with Raleigh. With the phone cradled between his ear and his shoulder, Gray pulled on his underwear.

Well, fuck.
Ram didn’t make a move to put on his clothes. He waited for Gray to hang up before saying anything. “What’d she do now?”

Gray tossed his phone to the bed and zipped his jeans. “The police picked her up in the park, drinking and making out with some asshole. I have to go into town before they’ll release her.”

“You should leave her there for the night. Maybe it’d teach her a lesson.” Ram moved off the bed and started gathering his clothes.

“I guess Raleigh’s lucky you aren’t me then,” Gray mumbled, picking up his phone. “You don’t have to go back with me. Stay here and get some sleep.”

Ram shook his head. “If I’m not going to be with you I might as well go back to the hospital.”

Gray gave Ram a quick kiss. “I’m sorry about this.”

“Whatever. You have to do what you have to.”

Gray stared at Ram for several moments before stepping back. “I’ll get the horses saddled while you finish getting dressed.”

After Gray made a quick trip to the bathroom, Ram was left alone in the cabin that had held so much promise. Maybe he was getting too far ahead of himself. Sure the explosive moments he’d enjoyed with Gray were memorable, but were they enough to pin his dreams on? The longer Ram thought about it, the madder he became. He’d left a damn good job to follow his cock. Maybe he was a bigger fool than he’d ever given himself credit for.

* * * *

By the time Gray left the police station, it was nearly three in the morning. He was tired, out of sorts and aching to be in Ram’s arms. He glanced at Raleigh and shook his head. She was sound asleep. “Wake up.”

When Gray tried to nudge her shoulder, Raleigh groaned and swatted at his hand. “Leave me alone.”

“I don’t think so. We can either do this now or when we get home, but you’re not going to bed until we get a few things settled.” Gray waited, his patience at an all-time low.

Raleigh finally opened her eyes. “I had a couple of beers with my boyfriend. If the cops hadn’t been nosing around you wouldn’t even have known it.”

Gray’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. The man they’d arrested was six years older than his niece. “What the hell are you doing going out with a twenty-three-year-old? I’ll be surprised if they don’t charge him with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”

Raleigh crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you really want to know, or is all this leading up to a speech about how you don’t want me to end up like my mother?”

Gray glanced at Raleigh’s profile for several seconds before looking back at the road. He knew Rebecca’s abandonment had been hard on Raleigh, but the girl was starting to use it as an excuse whenever she got out of line. Although Gray felt bad about the way his sister had treated her daughter, he was tired of paying for Rebecca’s mistakes.

“I’m sorry you were given a crappy mother, but I’m tired of you using it to get what you want. I’ve been right here for most of your life, and I’ve done everything in my power to make up for my sister. But don’t you think it’s time you started taking responsibility for your actions?”

“My actions? Are you talking about Todd or what I do with every other man who steps foot on Sunset Ridge?”

Gray pulled under the ornate ranch sign and stopped the truck. He turned off the engine. “I want names.”

It was obvious by the wide smile on Raleigh’s face that she was enjoying herself. Gray only ever talked to her about the basics of sex. If Raleigh was trying to embarrass him into dropping the subject, she was about to be sorely disappointed. “Did you hear me?”

“I heard you,” Raleigh replied. “Would you like the names of your employees or your customers?” As she asked the question, Raleigh looked over Gray’s shoulder.

“You’ve never been a good liar,” Gray told her.

“I’m not lying. I’m the biggest slut in Pulaski County next to my mother. Just ask your new manager.”

Telling lies about herself was one thing, but Gray drew the line when his niece started telling stories about other people. He leaned over until his face was right in hers. “Now you listen to me. This is going to stop right here. I don’t know what I’ve done to make you think you can get away with acting like you are, but I won’t stand for it. Consider yourself carless for the next month. You’ll take the bus to and from school. When you get home you’ll go to your room and stay there until dinner, after which you’ll do the dishes.”

“You’ve got to be kidding. Georgia gets paid for doing the dishes.”

Staring at his niece, Gray wondered how he could undo years of indulgence without doing more harm than good. He wasn’t without blame, but his father had accomplished the bulk of the spoiling. Despite everything, when Gray looked at Raleigh he saw the little girl who was abandoned by her mother at such a young age.

Gray took a deep breath. Yelling at Raleigh wasn’t the answer. He needed to find a way to get through to his niece without pushing her away. Perhaps Georgia could help? “I’ll let Georgia help you with the dishes as long as you show her respect.”

Raleigh rolled her eyes. “Can’t one of the ranch hands take me to school at least? The bus is completely disgusting.”

“We’ll see how you’re doing after the first week. If you’re helping Georgia like you’re supposed to, I’m sure I can get someone to drive you into town for school.”

When Raleigh didn’t reply, Gray made no move to start the car. “This is where you say thank you,” he finally reminded her.

“Thank you? I’m supposed to thank you for grounding me?”

“You’re damn lucky I’m going easy on you. Cut your losses and say thank you before I decide to tack something else on to your punishment.”

“Thank you,” Raleigh grumbled.

Baby steps, Gray reminded himself.

* * * *

Ram skipped breakfast the next morning and was already busy at work when his cell phone rang. He looked at the display and took a deep breath before answering. “Ram.”

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