Sunlight (3 page)

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Authors: Jill Myles

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sunlight
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“None but Rapunzel, but ye’re not her,” he repeated. “Because I’ve seen Rapunzel kiss her prince, and it was no’ like you kissed me.”

That poor woman had to kiss that guy? Ugh. “No?”

“No,” he said flatly. “And I doubt very much that Rapunzel even knew I was alive.” Oh. Poor Rapunzel. She was missing out on a visual treat. “She must have terrible taste in men, then.” A hint of a smile curved his mouth, before he fisted a hand in her hair. “Yet ye wear her face, and ye’re cursed like her. So tell me what is going on, and give me a reason not to kill ye.” Kill her? Hope slapped his hand away and glared. “Like I chose to be here? I’ll have you know I was dropped into this situation.”

He leaned back, eyeing her skeptically. “Were ye now?”

“Yes, I were,” she said, emphasizing the words. “I don’t expect you to believe me, but I was dropped here by my fairy godmother, thank you very much.”

“Fairies?” He snorted. “Children’s stories.”

She threw her hands up in the air. “I give up. Okay, fine. I hit my head on the chamberpot really hard and it scrambled my wits. Is that better?”

“That does no’ explain your kiss–”

“It scrambled my wits and turned me into a wild, shagging minx. Happy?” His gaze dipped to her face and his fingers stroked her cheek. “And did it turn ye into a wild, shagging minx?”

A hot flush crept through her body. “No one here to shag…except you.” Good God, was she flirting with this man? He’d threatened to kill her just a moment ago. Studying him, she realized that it was just a bluff. He’d no intention of killing her. If anything, he looked amused by her.

Puzzled, but amused. Like he couldn’t figure her out but wanted to.

And that was fine with her, because she wanted to know all about him, too. A twinge of guilt reminded her that Muffin had put her in this fairy tale and in the fairy tale, Rapunzel married the prince.

But…she’d worry about that later. Right now, she had a gorgeous man in front of her, with big, lickable, brawny arms, and a tanned, taut body. A divine face and thick hair. Great teeth.

And here she had a delicious, healthy body of her own and a rapidly rising libido.

And she wasn’t about to waste all this on the prince.

So…why not take what she wanted? Her hand flattened on his chest and she stared at it, at the broad expanse under her fingertips. And she slid her hand lower, to his waist, brushing over the fabric. The muscle underneath was flat. She bet he didn’t have an ounce of flab anywhere.

“What are ye doin’, woman?”

But she’d noticed his breath had quickened and he wasn’t exactly pulling away, was he? “I’m hitting on you,” she told him softly. “Are you interested?”

He said nothing.

A bold idea flashed through her mind and she dropped her hand lower, cupping him. He was erect already, hot and hard even through the fabric. “Looks like you’re interested.” Was that purring voice hers? How…delicious.

“Are ye seducing me, then?” His hands went to the shoulders of her dress and stroked down them, as if he were waiting for a signal to start touching her in better, more exciting places.

She gave a little shrug of her shoulders, enchanted by the thought. Her, a wanton seductress. How fun.

“We don’t have to tell anyone,” she said, and bit her lip. “Or are you turning me down?”

“I’d be a fool,” he said, his hand moving to tilt her chin up. He lowered his mouth towards hers, and whispered, “And I am no fool.”

And he kissed her hot, wet, and deep. She moaned in response. God, this man could kiss like a demon.

Her fingers curled tighter around his cock and she felt him jerk in response.

This was so wicked of her. What was she doing?

Who cared?

She was in someone else’s body–someone else’s very healthy body. She could do what she wanted, and right now, she really, really wanted to have sex.

Moreover, she wanted to have sex with this man. Why not take the car out for a test drive? Kick the tires a little? See what she could do?

Of course, they didn’t have condoms. At least, she was pretty sure there were no condoms around here.

Did it matter? Maybe she’d get Muffin to magic her some if she ever showed up again. For now, she’d take her chances.

Hope had a second chance at life and she was all about taking chances at the moment.

His kiss deepened and she felt him thrust into her hand, and her own thighs quivered in response. A little moan escaped her throat.

“Yer sweet,” he told her. His hand closed around her throat. “But how do I know this isn’t a trap?”

She stared up at him, ignoring the hand wrapped around her throat. It wasn’t tight, wasn’t menacing.

Just a warning. “You don’t,” she said honestly. “I’m trusting you, too. If you tell on me and say that I’m coming after you like a sex fiend, how do you think that’s going to look on me?” He considered this, staring down at her with suspicious eyes. “Ye’re asking me to make the prince a cuckold.”

“He can’t be cuckolded if we’re not married,” she pointed out. “And we are most definitely not married.” Her hand rubbed up and down his cock.

“Not a trap,” he repeated slowly.

“If you think this is just a trap, I wouldn’t be wet, would I?” Oh Lord have mercy, why was she saying such forward things? This wasn’t like her.

But she had his attention now–his gaze was riveted on her. Her hands went to her skirts and she began to pull them up. “If this was just a trap to get you into trouble then why not…test me?” He raised an eyebrow at her as if she were crazy.

Yeah, she was pretty sure she was crazy, too. But she was also having a lot of fun.

She raised an eyebrow back to him.

He moved forward, then, sliding a hand to the front of her sex, and she gasped in shock at the sensation.

Oh, that had been more intense than she’d expected. The feel of his hand sliding there startled her.

And when his fingers parted her sex and slipped against her pussy, she whimpered.

“You’re wet, aye,” he rasped. “Very, very wet.”

“Does this mean we can be friends now?” she panted, trying not to squirm on his hand. She wanted to ride it, but forced herself to remain still.

“Lass,” he said slowly, a smile curving his mouth. “We’re gonna be a lot more than that.” His hand fisted in her long, silky hair and he tilted her head back, taking her mouth in another hot, slick kiss.

When she was dazed and clinging to him, he pulled away. “Ye sure you want this?” Oh God, did she ever. “Yes,” she breathed.

He leaned in to kiss her again.

“Wait,” Hope said, pressing her hands to his chest. “What’s your name?”

“Callum. My clan is Kincaide.”

“I’m Hope,” she said softly. “Not really Rapunzel. Just stuck in her body.” He gave her a suspicious look.

She waved a hand. “Never mind. Oversharing. Just kiss me again.”

“An’ where shall I kiss ye?” he said softly, and his hand went between her legs again. “Here?” Hope felt weak at the thought. “That sounds…awesome.”

He raised a brow at her words.

“Like a good idea,” she amended. Clearly she was going to have to be careful with what she said.

There was a difference between being Rapunzel and freaking the guy out, and she definitely didn’t want to freak him out.

She wanted to freak him.

“Then take o’ yer dress,” he whispered, kissing her mouth lightly again. “And I’ll kiss ye wherever ye like.”

Her eyes went wide and she clutched the neck of her dress close, thinking hard.

Strip down? Right now? In front of this stranger? He was delicious and sexy and inviting, but still a stranger. “You first.”

“Does that mean ye’ll kiss me wherever I like?” His eyes gleamed at the thought.

Oh…she rather liked that thought too. “Maybe,” she said, a hint of teasing in her voice. “If I like what I see.”

“Oh, you’ll like it,” he said with a chuckle.

Arrogant man. But he stepped backward and quickly tugged his tunic over his head, then tossed his plaid on the ground.

She sucked in a breath at the sight of him. He was…enormous. She’d watched her share of porn and masturbated to the thought of a man touching her, but the sight of a naked man in front of her?

Very different than watching on screen. His cock was enormous, too, long and thick, the head a dark pink that invited her touch. She clasped her hands tight, lest she reach out and grab something that didn’t belong to her.

He seemed to be amused by her reaction. “Shy now, lass?”

She looked up in his eyes–Callum, she reminded herself. He was grinning in her direction, all hard, handsome lines and tanned skin. He was right–she hadn’t been shy before. Why be shy now? Shy wouldn’t get her anywhere. Her boldness had gotten him naked in front of her, and hard with desire.

Hope stepped forward and lightly ran her fingers along his shaft, exploring him with a touch. His skin burned with warmth, and as she glided a finger over his length, she marveled at how soft his skin was– and how hard the shaft was underneath. He groaned at her touch, pulling her in for another hard kiss even as she wrapped her hand around his cock and squeezed.

“Yer turn,” he said to her, and she noticed his breathing was ragged. With lust for her? How…fun.

She ignored his words and continued to squeeze her hand on his cock, her grip light. She flicked her wrist once, stroking up and down his length.

His breath exploded from his throat, and he muttered a curse she didn’t understand.

Pre-cum beaded on his cock. Ooh. Fascinated, she bent down to lick it clean. Saltier than she’d imagined, but erotic.

Callum’s groan of approval was gratifying, as was the hand that twisted in her hair as she knelt. She couldn’t help but run her tongue along the head of his cock, feeling awfully wicked as she did. His hand guided her mouth, and suddenly she was taking him deep into her mouth, his cock gliding against her tongue to butt at the back of her throat.

He thrust again, his hips moving, and she realized that he’d be perfectly happy coming in her mouth in the next moment.

And what was the fun in that?

She pulled away slowly, glancing up at him. “My turn now?” His eyes were fired up, his gaze intense. “Take off your dress.” Hope’s fingers went to the laces at her back, yanking at them. The fabric ripped in her haste, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her dress, after all, and this gorgeous, glorious man was naked in front of her.

Waiting for her.

She tugged at the broken laces until they slithered free, and then she was pulling the thick, heavy gown over her head. She tossed it onto the bed, feeling suddenly breathless and warm. Her hands went to her hair and she smoothed it, feeling nervous. Would he like what he saw? If she was ‘Rapunzel’ now, truly, well, they shared a lot of similarities.

Her breasts were small and high like Hope’s were, and the flare of her hips the same. The rounded curve of her ass the same. In fact, if the fairy godmother hadn’t pointed out the sunlight curse, she could have sworn it was her body.

Except the heart in this one beat strong and sure. That wasn’t hers. And that was exciting, because this body could take all kinds of stress that her last one couldn’t. Stress like exercise, and running…

and nice, sweaty bouts of sex. Just the thought sent a shiver through her.

Callum moved forward, brushing a light finger over her pale shoulder. “Cold, lass? I see your skin dimpling.”

She shook her head and stared up at him, biting her lip. “Just thinking about you touching me.” That slow, wicked smile curved his mouth. “Anywhere in particular?” Oh, mercy. Her breathing sped up at the thought of him touching her. His mouth on her inner thigh.

Moving to her pussy. She grew instantly wet at the thought, her nipples hardening. “Everywhere.”

“I like the sound of that,” he murmured, and placed his big hands at her waist.

His hands felt warm and callused against her skin. It shouldn’t have felt nearly as erotic as it did, and yet she was getting even wetter now that he’d simply placed his hands on her.

“More touching,” she told him, moving in closer. “Better touching.”

“Better touching?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “You’re a bossy lass.” That was because this was a total fantasy of hers come to life. She wanted to enjoy every moment of it.

“Is that a problem?”

“Not at all,” he said, and moved a hand up to cup her small breast. His thumb brushed over the nipple.

She bit her lip, whimpering at how good that felt. Holy moly. She pushed her breast into his hand, wanting more.

He chuckled, and the sound moved over her like honey. “Feel good?”

“Mmm, yes. More.”

“Lie down for me,” he said, nodding at the nearby bed. “I want to explore all of ye.” She practically raced to the bed, climbing in and sitting on the edge, gazing up at him. He was gorgeous naked, a wicked tan line crossing at his waist. His buttocks were a pale shade but she didn’t mind that. It made her think that looking at him was a secret, private pleasure only for her. And she liked that a lot.

His hand brushed over her chin, cupping it. His thumb slid over her mouth. “Lie back, sweet.” She did, her gaze fixed on him.

Callum studied her, still standing over her body. In the candlelight of her room, the shadows played over his cock, making it seem enormous.

Did it…was it supposed to be quite that big? She assumed so, since he wasn’t looking at her with the same nervousness that she was regarding him.

He dropped to a crouch at the side of her narrow bed and grabbed her hips, twisting her on the bed so her legs hung over the edge and at each side of him. “Let’s see your pretty flesh, then.” And he leaned over her, pushing her legs wide apart.

Her entire body quivered. Was he going to give her oral? Sweet Jesus, that was everything she’d dreamed about. “Are you going to taste me?”

He chuckled and leaned in to kiss the inside of one spread thigh. “Impatient, little bossy one?”

“Just checking.”

He nipped at her thigh, his hot gaze on her. “Do ye want me to?”

“Oh yes,” she breathed, her pussy getting slick just thinking about it. Her pulse throbbed through her body, slow and sensual and centered directly between her legs. “It’s only fair.”

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