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Authors: Heather Rainier

Summer's Indiscretion (20 page)

BOOK: Summer's Indiscretion
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Holding her firmly in his grasp, Kemp lashed her clit with his tongue as she squirmed and bucked against his mouth. The dual assault on her breast and her pussy increased a thousandfold as she became aware of what Kemp and Ace were doing. Grasping her hips as he did, Kemp had spread her ass cheeks open. Gentle, wet fingers applied lubricant to her clenching asshole in preparation for what was to come.

Ace smoothed more lubricant on her asshole and began a slow, circular massage. She gradually acclimated to the forbidden feel of his callused fingers there. Kemp’s tongue slipped into her pussy opening, and combined with what Ace was doing, their attentions sent her over the edge. Her cunt clenched on his tongue, and she cried out as another orgasm came upon her. Wave after wave of undulating pleasure coursed through her body until she was like putty in their warm, sensual hands.

She heard them quietly conversing and realized she must have been drifting in bliss.

“Feel good, darlin’? Relaxed?” Kemp asked as he smoothed stray locks of hair from her forehead.

She nodded and took his hand when he offered it. He helped her sit up and drew her to him where he now reclined on his back with a couple of throw pillows propping him up. Feeling her strength quickly returning, she straddled his thighs and began pressing kisses up his torso until she reached his lips. She heard movement behind her and panted softly against Kemp’s lips when Ace drizzled lubricant into the crack of her ass and then smoothed it around. She had no doubt she was well lubricated and appreciated their loving care. Ace poured some in Kemp’s hand, and he applied it to her pussy and his cock as well.

After wiping his hands off on a towel that Ace must’ve brought at some point, Kemp asked, “Ready, darlin’?”

Summer nodded and pressed her slick cunt to the length of his cock. She closed her eyes and smiled, memorizing the sensation and this moment. His cock felt so hot and hard sliding against her lips, and he groaned in pleasure and gazed at her as she sat up on him. She brushed her hair from her face so it trailed down her back in a wild, tangled mass. Crossing her hands behind her head to counterbalance her movements, she gave him a lap dance. He growled happily as he rested his hands on her hips and allowed her to set the pace as she slid back and forth over the tremendous length of his cock. He groaned and flexed his hips trying to get his cock inside her but she changed direction and swirled her pussy on him, gently twisting her hips from side to side like a belly dancer would, only in slow motion.

Ace joined them on the cushion, and her pussy convulsed when his fingertips slid down her cleft to her asshole again. He used her movements to massage her asshole and finally breached it with one fingertip. She moaned and tilted her backside to him, trying to relax to let him in. Soon she was moving as much on Ace’s fingertips as she was on the hard ridge of Kemp’s cock. The sensation was unbelievable as his finger slid deeper before withdrawing and he entered her asshole with two fingers.

“That’s good, kitten. Let me in. Do you like it?”

“I love it.”

Her movements on Kemp became smaller and more focused, and she broke out in a sweat when Ace slid three fingers into her asshole because she knew she was ready for him.

She tilted her hips to allow him easy access and leaned down to kiss Kemp as he grasped her hips. “Ready, darlin’?”

More than ready, she nodded and asked, “Want my pussy?”

“More than you can imagine,” he said with a groan as she rubbed her wet cunt against the head of his cock in a teasing, kissing motion. She pressed her mound against him, and he flexed his hips to position his cock just inside her opening. He felt huge and hot stretching her tight as he slid in just a bit.

He reached up to her and stroked her cheek as she panted with wanting. She opened her eyes and looked into his as he softly said, “I love you, Summer.”

The emotion she saw there made her chin quiver a bit as she replied, “I love you, too, Kemp.”

Ace murmured, “You were made for us, kitten. I love watching you take his cock. You’re so wet and your sweet, little pussy looks beautiful with his cock disappearing inside of you.”

“Oh, if you think that’s something you should feel it. Baby, you’re huge, but you feel so good!” Kemp’s cock was stretching her tight, but each time he withdrew and thrust, he slid more easily as she adjusted to him. She arched her back and flexed her hips, taking more and more of him until she was seated on his hips with all of his enormous length inside of her.

“Darlin’, it’s so good. You’re so hot and sweet inside.”

In thanks she smiled and flexed again like she had when she’d given him a lap dance earlier. Kemp nodded at Ace and then said, “Darlin’, Ace wants in your ass now. Stop moving until he gets inside you. I want to last and it feels too good when you move like that.”

“So, you like my pussy?”

His green eyes twinkled, and he said, “I love your pussy. Now hold still.”

A hot shiver passed through her when Ace’s hands caressed her back. He came closer and kissed her shoulder and the blunt tip of his cock nudged at her asshole. “I love you, Summer. You amaze me, letting us do this the first time. I want it to be good for you.”

He pressed against the tight ring of muscle, and she concentrated on relaxing for him. The hot shivers returned as his cock made headway in her ass, and she groaned passionately as he slid past her resistance. His slippery cock entered her ass a little at a time, until she finally felt his hips against her ass, and she whimpered at being so completely possessed by them. Her clit throbbed and ached, and she was dying to move against them but waited for them to take the lead.

“Relax, darlin’. Hold on to me.”

She rested her cheek against Kemp’s chest and clutched his biceps as Ace withdrew a tiny bit and pressed into her ass then repeated the motion. The sensation was unbelievably erotic. With each withdrawal he pulled out a bit farther before pushing back in until he was moving freely in and out.

Just as she was able to process the sensation coherently, Kemp began to move beneath her. She held on to him tightly as her clit brushed against his length and his pubic bone. She was stretched so tightly between them she felt every stroke of his cock against her clit.

She crooned and said, “I need to come. Oh, baby.” The flurries of orgasmic sensation built up in her pelvis explosively. Like a runaway train, there was no stopping it. “Oh!”

“Yes. Come for us, kitten,” Ace ground out behind her, sounding like he was in mortal pain. He gripped her hips tightly, and their movements sped up a bit. The sensation against her clit was just enough, and she cried out as the orgasm crashed around her, sending her body into overdrive. She moved and bucked with them in a frenzy as another orgasm followed quickly after the first one.

Kemp tilted his head and arched his back as he cried out. He thrust hard against her a couple more times before his body tightened up, and he held her hips pressed firmly to him. Kemp was decadent and ruggedly sensual as he came. She watched him intently, hoping to never forget this moment.

Ace pressed his lips against her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her torso as he thrust into her ass. She loved how tightly he held on to her and reveled in his sounds of unadulterated pleasure. He pressed his lips to her shoulder, and she could tell when his orgasm struck because he growled and his body shuddered forcefully. He thrust a few more times and then pressed his forehead to her shoulder and caught his breath.

They stayed like that for a minute or two, just catching their breath. Summer wanted to wallow in the feeling of being so well loved. One man beneath her, the other on top and behind her, with their cocks still firmly planted inside her. The sounds of crickets and the occasional cicada filled the night air, along with intermittent birdsong.

“You okay, darlin’?” Kemp asked as he caressed her temple. She released his biceps after realizing she still held them very tightly and gasped when she saw ten neat, little semicircles on both of his biceps where she’d gripped them so hard.

“I’m sorry. That must’ve hurt.”

Kemp closed his eyes and smiled. “I felt so good everywhere else I didn’t even notice, darlin’. Are you okay?”

Bliss felt like it oozed from her pores, and she gave him a happy smile. “That was beautiful.”

Ace groaned and said, “Uh-huh,” against her shoulder. He finally sat up and slowly withdrew from her tingling ass and used the hand towel to wipe the lubricant from her ass cheeks. “Let’s get cleaned up and get you home. You were perfect, kitten.”

“The feeling is entirely mutual, handsome.”

Reluctantly, she allowed Kemp to help her slide off his cock, and she sat up. She stretched her arms over her head and sighed luxuriantly. When she opened her eyes, it was to find that both men watched her raptly, warmth in their gazes.

Kemp murmured, “And she’s all ours.”



* * * *



Lydia trudged up the stairs, her footsteps echoing faintly on the metal steps. She’d hoped to be out of this low-rent motel by now. It had been the best she could afford when she realized she might be stranded in Fort Stockton for a while.

Then sweat trickled down her back, even though the sun had already set hours before. The July heat was like a suffocating blanket. The news she’d just gotten about her car only added to her misery. The mechanic had promised he could get her elderly Karmann Ghia fixed and running well enough for her to make it out of Fort Stockton once she paid the price he’d quoted. She fought the trapped feeling that threatened to overwhelm her.

She wanted out of Fort Stockton pretty badly, and the repair would all but wipe out the money she’d saved. But she was determined to make it on her own without help from her brothers. So far, whenever they called she’d managed to sound like everything was fine and she was happy with where she currently was. She was up a creek without a paddle if they ever paid a surprise visit.

She walked down the row of shabby motel-room doors until she arrived at the doorway of her rented room. Tilting her head back to ease the tired, sore muscles in her neck, she reached in her pocket for her keys. She was about to insert the key in the lock when she noticed the door was ajar. Her heart skipped a beat.

Oh, what now!

She cautiously pushed the door of her small hotel room open and gasped at what she found. Everything was gone. Just…

She paused and looked again at the room number screwed on the door to make sure she had the right room. It was her room, and she knew it because the pleasant scent of lavender lingered in the air, masking some of the musty odor of the now-bare old motel room.

Her heart froze in her chest, and cold chills spread over her skin as she closed the door and rushed to the bed. She knelt and looked under it, reaching for the Ziploc bag she kept hidden in the box spring of the full-size bed. She found nothing and searched more diligently, thinking perhaps she’d placed it in a different spot after putting yesterday’s tips in it. No. It was gone.

Crouching there in her shabby waitress uniform, it didn’t take much to collapse in a heap. She cried wearily for a few minutes. A glint of something caught her eye, and she reached inside the torn cover of the box spring.

Her lip quivered when her fingers came into contact with the metallic object. She hadn’t lost everything. The beautifully formed sterling silver bracelet Chance Carlisle had given her rested in her hand. Even though it was foolish of her to think it, she wished more than anything in the whole world that he was with her right now. Not so he could save her or anything like that, but because being around him made her happy. She felt safe around him. Right now she didn’t feel safe at all.


Chapter Twenty

Thunder rumbled as they made the drive home that night. Ace’s body simmered with a mix of anticipation tempered by satisfaction. It was almost confusing to feel that way. On the one hand, he’d just made love with the woman he’d always hoped would become a part of his life and he’d come so hard he’d seen stars. But with her snuggled up next to him in the back seat of Kemp’s Escalade, his cock was hardening again, readying for another opportunity to make love to her.

Summer was beautiful, fun to be around, and gloriously sexy. She loved both him and his best friend unashamedly. She was like a siren, her voice and touch drawing him on a deep, earthy level. He was passionately in love with her and wanted her with them always.

Ace looked out the rain-spattered windshield, relieved that the rain had waited until after their outdoor tryst, and saw when Kemp directed his gaze in the rearview mirror at them. Ace could see enough of his friend’s profile to catch the small smile that crossed his face.

Summer hadn’t known Kemp long enough to realize the change she had affected in him. He was relaxed and prone to joke and smile more often. Ace could also tell that he was sleeping better and knew that Summer had something to do with that as well.

Her fingertips strayed through the front placket of his button-down shirt, and he smiled in the dark as she stroked his chest. Her head rested on his shoulder with his arm around her, holding her close. He loved the way she snuggled to them and wanted nothing more than to take care of her tonight. To take care of her forever. She tilted her head and looked up at him, and he took the opportunity to kiss her gently before she returned her head to its resting place.

Lost in his thoughts, he was relieved when Kemp finally pulled onto his private driveway and proceeded up the hill. He’d known a good deal when he found that house, but it had never felt so completely right as it did when he’d brought her home. Ace hoped she abandoned her plan for moving into the upstairs rooms of the shop and that she would come to see this place as her home.

Kemp parked in the garage, and Ace opened his door. The scent of rain permeated the air as the garage door slipped closed again and he helped Summer from the back seat.

In the kitchen, he removed his phone from his pocket and realized that he’d never turned the volume back on after they’d left the shop. He hadn’t wanted to take the chance that his phone would ring while they were busy that evening.

There were three messages, one right after the other from Duke.

Kemp looked questioningly at him, and he said, “I have to check these messages. I’ll meet you upstairs in just a few minutes.”

Summer turned a querying look to him. “Is everything all right?”

“I think so, kitten. Duke wouldn’t call and leave three messages in a row at this hour unless it was important.” Concern showed in her eyes, and he kissed her brow and said, “No matter what it is, it’ll keep until the morning. I’ll just call him back so he won’t worry.”

She nodded, and Kemp took her hand as they climbed the stairs. Ace flicked his finger over the touch screen of his phone and put it to his ear to listen to the messages first. All good news. He dialed Duke’s number.

“Hey, Duke. I don’t want to know how you managed it.”

Duke chuckled on the other end. “You owe me hazard pay for collecting those DNA samples.”

“I’m just glad you caught the similarities.”

Ace smiled as he climbed the stairs two minutes later. He decided to save the news for in the morning, not wanting to distract Summer and Kemp from the night to come.

He followed the sound of a moan and a giggle into the bathroom and discovered Kemp and Summer in the big shower. Kemp had her reclining on the bench with one of her calves draped over his shoulder as he used the shower massage on her pussy. Her cheeks were flushed, and judging by her whiny moan, Kemp was teasing her clit with the spray. The phone calls temporarily forgotten, he stripped out of his clothing and joined them.

“Is Kemp teasing you, kitten?”

Summer pouted prettily, “Yes.”

Kemp bent down to lick her clit, and she whimpered with need. He went back to teasing her as he looked up at Ace and grinned devilishly. Yeah, Summer had been really good for Kemp.

Ace lathered up and washed his hair and his body. His dick grew harder with each of Summer’s cries as Kemp brought her closer and closer to orgasm.

“Please, I need you.” Her whispered plea shot a bolt of lust straight to Ace’s cock, and he shut the water off on his showerhead as Kemp did the same thing. Ace helped her rise from the bench and enveloped her in a thick, fluffy towel. They dried off quickly, and Ace went into the bedroom to turn down the sheet and comforter.

Kemp followed behind him, carrying Summer in his arms as she kissed his neck and his jaw. He laid her gently on the bed, and they climbed in with her after switching off the bedside lamps. The single flickering candle on the dresser, which he’d lit on his way into the room, provided the only illumination.

Her skin glowed in the dim light, and he pressed a kiss to her silky, sweet-scented shoulder. She turned to her left hip and leaned toward him for a kiss as Kemp scooted in behind her. Ace kissed her and cupped her breast, gently squeezing her delicate warm flesh, enjoying the weight of it in his palm. She looked up at him as he brushed damp tendrils of hair from her forehead and smiled. She closed her eyes and gave a blissful-sounding sigh. He liked knowing he was partially responsible for that sound.

Kemp brushed her long hair from her neck and pressed a kiss there then trailed his fingertips down her arm then crossed over to her abdomen and continued the light, teasing touch to her mound. She shuddered and giggled with delight at his touch, and Kemp smiled at him, evidently pleased with her reaction.

Ace caressed her cheek and asked, “How do you feel, Summer? Are you sore?”

Summer smiled up at him again, her eyes filled with warmth and love, and replied, “I feel fine. My ass is tingling and I’m probably not going to want anyone in there again tonight, maybe not even tomorrow, but I’m definitely ready for more. If you’re game, that is.”

Ace looked down at his cock, which was hard as nails, drawing her gaze as well. “I think this removes all doubt about whether I want to fuck again.”

She closed her soft hand around his dick, and he growled at the sexy, earthy sound that came from her. “Oooh. You’re very hot and hard.”

His dick pulsed at her words and twinged almost painfully as she stroked his length. He stroked her warm hip and palmed her ass as Kemp’s fingers delved into her pussy, stroking her clit, judging by her panting sigh of pleasure.

Kemp murmured, “Darlin’, you’re so wet. So you want Ace to fill your sweet pussy with his cock?”

She shuddered and moaned then whispered, “Desperately.”

Ace slid his hand down to the back of her thigh and guided it over his until she was opened so he could nudge her wet cunt, which felt incredibly hot and slick against the head of his cock. He resisted the urge to plunge in and teased her with small back-and-forth motions against her lips while he caressed her ass and hip. Her sounds were uninhibited and passionate as he brushed his cock against her swollen clit, and she began to squirm restlessly in his grasp.

Kemp shifted behind her to make room as Ace pressed her hip so she could recline on her back. She shifted willingly and smiled up at Kemp as she reclined against his chest and he stroked the full swell of her breast with his fingertips. Ace kissed her and positioned himself between her opened thighs, enjoying the soft, welcoming cradle of her body. He stroked her clit gently while spreading her lips and nudged his cock at her entrance. Her swollen pussy was slick and tight as he pressed against her. He bit his lip as her trembling, hot flesh acquiesced to his entry and he slid into her sweet, silky cunt.

She moaned and flexed against him, and though he’d intended to take it easy on her, sliding in by minute degrees, he couldn’t stop himself as he slid into her in one smooth stroke. He panted and fought for control as he felt her pussy convulse and she trembled beneath him. Her pussy muscles gripped him tightly, and she crooned as she undulated beneath him. He buried his face against her throat and breathed in her clean, womanly scent, pressing a kiss to the sweet spot beneath her ear. Trying to maintain self-control, he thrust against her and withdrew almost completely.

“Oh, Ace!”

He thrust and withdrew again, gently pressing deeper, tilting his hips so that his cock rubbed against her G-spot with every stroke. She clutched his biceps and then wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Does it feel good, kitten?”

“Oh, honey. I love it!” She held on tightly and thrust back against him with each stroke. She panted, and her moans sounded almost desperate as she moved beneath him. Each stroke into her cunt was pure, sweet heaven, and the way she moved against him ensured he wouldn’t last much longer.

Changing his position, he knelt between her legs and lifted her thighs so he could watch as his cock slid inside her. She palmed her knees and watched him.

“Do you like it, Ace?”

“I love watching your pussy take my cock. You take all of it like you were meant for me, kitten. Beautiful.” He pressed his thumb against her clit and began stroking it in a circular pattern. She closed her eyes and gulped, and he felt her pussy liquefy around him at his touch. It was a heady feeling to know he could affect her like that, and it motivated him to make this as good for her as he could.

He slowed his thrusting, kept up the strumming of her clit, and tilted his hips so he rubbed her G-spot with every stroke. She bit her lip and clenched her hands at her knees until Kemp clasped them with his fingers, giving her something to hold on to. Ace felt it on his cock with each stroke as her pussy muscles tightened more and more.

She rose higher and higher on her orgasmic wave until he was afraid he would hurt her, she’d grown so tight around him.

She whimpered, then pleaded with him, “Please don’t stop, baby! I’m—”

She froze suddenly, and her eyes flashed open as her pussy convulsed in wild, agonizing waves that finished off his self-control.

He looked down at where they were joined together and growled at the drenching evidence of her climax. Every muscle in his body tensed, and he let loose a howl of pleasure as his cock slid to the hilt in her cum and pulsed with each scorching wave of his orgasm.

He knelt there, unable to move, just enjoying the sensation of her quivering body beneath his. Her panting reached his ears, and he looked up as Kemp held her close, his hands still clasped with hers, and kissed her forehead.

Ace withdrew slowly from her, hoping he hadn’t been too rough, both for her sake and for Kemp’s. He pressed a kiss against her mound and worried that he’d taken the last of Summer’s strength for the evening and possibly left Kemp in the lurch. He’d lain there with them, holding her as Ace had fucked her into oblivion, and now Kemp’s massive hard-on attested to his own need for relief. As always, Summer was full of surprises.

She sighed blissfully and kissed Ace on the lips as he lay down beside her. “Thank you, Ace. That was worth the wait. Completely worth it.”

“I’m glad, kitten. Are you thirsty?”

“Yes. A little. Then I want Kemp.”

Kemp tilted his head so he could look down into her eyes. “Are you sure about that, darlin’?” Kemp was clearly caught between his need for release and his need to care for her.

Ace rose from the bed to let them work it out and got a glass of water for her from the kitchen downstairs. When he returned, it was to discover that they had indeed worked it out to their mutual satisfaction. He climbed back onto the bed and handed her the glass as Kemp pressed kisses to her mound. She drained it and handed the glass back to him with a grateful smile.

Between kisses Kemp asked, “Will it bother you if we lick your pussy after the other of us has fucked you?”

She blushed at his straightforward language and glanced from him to Ace and replied, “I’m assuming that if you ask me that question, you must be okay with doing it, so the answer is no. It won’t bother me if the possibility of tasting each other’s cum doesn’t bother you.”

Kemp chuckled and said, “It wouldn’t bother me. I just wanted to make sure first.” Summer gasped as his mouth descended on her primed, wet flesh.

He and Kemp had discussed this very act in private and had both been relieved to arrive at the same conclusion. As long as Summer was in the middle, they didn’t mind the sharing of such intimacies. Their chief concern was pleasing her.

Kemp latched on to her clit and made her moan and wiggle until she was begging for his cock. Ace was glad Kemp used lubricant and made damn sure she was ready before entering her again, knowing she was going to need some time to adjust to the size of Kemp’s enormous cock.

Placing a parting kiss on her pussy, Kemp crawled up her gorgeous body until his dick was nudging at her wet opening. Ace found the wet sounds their bodies made slithering against each other incredibly erotic.

Kemp thrust against her, and his cock slid in and withdrew. Her shaky exhalation said as much as words would as she moved with him on the next inward stroke. She was well prepared, and she easily took more and more of his cock with each thrust. Kemp sat up, lifted her ankles, and placed her heels on his shoulders, allowing for Ace’s unimpeded view as he repositioned on the bed. Kemp’s cock was bathed in the evidence of her arousal, and the voyeur inside Ace enjoyed the scene tremendously.

BOOK: Summer's Indiscretion
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