Summer Swing (27 page)

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Authors: Delia Delaney

BOOK: Summer Swing
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The night was actually pretty entertaining, and I thought it was especially unique because of the company I was with. Dawn seemed fascinated that Tyse talked to me so much, and later on in the bathroom I had to tell her to quit staring at him.

“He so likes you, Ellie
!” she hissed. “It’s so obvious!

“We’re friends, Dawn. That’s all we see in each other.”

“Maybe for you, but he has a total crush on you!”

I had to roll my eyes. “He’s a nice guy. You’re just not used to seeing that side of him. I told you he was a lot different once you get to know him.”

not getting to know him,” she smiled. “He spends all his time talking with
, not me.”

“Oh brother. If you’d stop hanging on Wyatt long enough, maybe Tyse would have an interest in talking to you. Not everyone is used to seeing you guys all over each other in public.”

“Well I’m sure Tyse is just jealous he can’t do that to
!” she laughed.

“Okay, if you’re gonna make this awkward for me, I think we should just go home.”

“You make it awkward for yourself by not admitting that Tyse is hot for you.”

“Because he’s not.”

!” she hissed again. “Get real, sweetie. You are such a beautiful girl! How could he not be attracted to you? You come to these things all the time and this is the
I have ever seen you
get hit on a single time.
The guys here
e at you because you’ve got your own personal bodyguard
sitting right next to you!”

I had to smile. “Yeah, it has been kind of nice,” I replied. “I can actually do my work without getting interrupted a dozen times.”

She rolled her eyes. “Well at least Tyse is having a good time with it. All he has to do is look at a guy long enough and it makes them focus on the big screens instead.”

“Nice,” I laughed. “I wish I had that power.”

“I’m glad you think this is funny, but I’m only thinking about you and Gage.”

“What about me and Gage? How does being here affect my relationship with Gage?”

“I don’t
I just don’t want to see anything come between you. I don’t want there to be a problem because Tyse
wishes he could snag Gage’s girlfriend.”

“Oh gosh, t
hat is not going to happen. Look, Dawn… I know you’re just looking out for me, but there are some things about Tyse that you just don’t understand. I wish I could explain it to you, but I can’t. For now let’s just have fun as a group of friends, okay? Well, besides the married couple, we’re all a group of friends.”

She smiled, seeming pleased with the clarification, and we walked out to re-join the guys at our table. The funny thing was that there were two girls standing there talking to them.

Dawn gave me a look and I shrugged my shoulders.

“Feel like breaking their hearts?” I asked her.

She smiled, but I could tell she was a little ticked that Wyatt seemed to be talking and smiling with one of the girls. Tyse was just sitting with his arms resting on the table, not even appearing to acknowledge them. It was kind of
because the girl that was standing closest to him seemed like she’d been dismissed, and she was awkwardly trying to get in on the other girl’s conversation with Wyatt.

“Hmm, which one should I punch?” Dawn growled.
“The blonde bimbo, or my husband?”

“Neither. Let’s just sit down and observe the awkwardness.”

She only took a step forward, so I assumed she agreed. Wyatt’s back was to us, so Tyse saw us
just before
sat down at
the table. I decided to just look at both girls for as long as it took to get a reaction. The one that was standing next to Tyse backed off even further, but the other one that was flirting with Wyatt took a few seconds longer. First she eyed Dawn, and it was pretty apparent that Dawn was
willing to say something if she had to. But the girl glanced at me staring at her too, and she decided to mumble some sort of departing remark and

“Man, Ellie, if looks could kill,” Wyatt said to me. Apparently he hadn’t notice Dawn glaring at the girl, too. “Why don’t you give Tyse a chance next time.”

“Tyse?” Dawn scowled. “Uh, he wasn’t the one

“I was not ogling,” Wyatt chuckled. “The poor girl totally flopped her attempt at a pick up line. I was only trying to be nice so she didn’t completely humiliate herself.” Dawn didn’t look convinced so he added, “Hey, I even said that I was married. Didn’t I?” he asked Tyse.

Tyse slightly nodded his head, and Dawn seemed to soften. Then she commented about what nerve that girl had flirting with a married man, and she and Wyatt kissed and made up. I ignored it all by watching the boxing match on the big screen, and Tyse seemed to do the same.

All in all the night was pretty fun, but the fact that I got home around midnight was probably the worst part. I hated getting up so early for work, especially when I
hadn’t slept very well for the few hours I’d tried
. I seemed to be pretty slow the next day, but thankfully my job kept me at my desk for
the most part

The bad thing was that I noticed Doug with Belinda Martin several times throughout the day. Belin
da held the same position as me
a lot of the legwork for the station. I knew she was also being considered for the position to fill in for the afternoon show
’s maternity leave
. I couldn’t help but feel a bit competitive, and because Belinda had
never been very friendly to me, I seemed to think the worst of the situation.

After the third time seeing Doug and Belinda laughing together in his office, I was ready to take a lunch break. However, I was currently helping Miranda with some research, and I knew I was kind of stuck for a while.
Twenty minutes later my desk phone rang and Beth told me there was someone
here to see me.

“Tall, dark and handsome, with a side of toughness—t
hat’s all I have to say,” she whispered.






Chapter Sixteen




Miranda was fine when I excused myself, and she even insisted that I finally take lunch. I wasn’t going to argue with her, so I grabbed my purse and headed for reception. Tyse was standing by the door like the last time he’d been in, and Beth looked like she wanted to devour him.

“Can you just tell her I’m gay or something?” was the first thing he said when we stepped out the door.

“Sure, if that’s what you want getting around,” I chuckled. “She really is a nice girl, though. A little extreme, but nice.”

, well next time I’m just gonna call

“That’s fine. So, u
h, where are we going?”
We seemed to just start walking
across the parking lot.

“I was hoping you hadn’t eaten yet,” he replied.

it’s now my lunch break

By then we had arrived at his truck and he motioned
me to sit in the passenger’s seat. There were take out containers stacked in between the two seats with a couple of sodas. He sat down in the driver’s seat
and said,
“Well I got Thai food and I was hoping you could eat with me. If
you like then you don’t have to, but I thought I’d try.”

My mouth watered just from the smell of it. “Ah, that’s one of my favorite restaurants,” I admitted.

I thought that’s what I remembered from one of your morning things
, but I wasn’t sure
. I just had to guess
with the food
though, so I got
a variety

“Wow, I am so excited right now,” I replied.

looked at me suspiciously and asked,
“Uh, are you being serious or is th
at your way of making fun of me?

? No, I’m not making fun of you!
This is so awesome. This restaurant is clear across town, so I never have time to go there for lunch. I mean I don’t always eat out for lunch—actually I usually don’t—but I probably do once a week.”

“I’m not keeping you from a dry turkey and spinach sandwich, am I?”

“Uh, yeah, but I can save that for later,” I smiled sheepishly.

He began opening containers and told me to take whatever I wanted.

“Tyse, this is such a cool surprise. I totally needed this today.”

“The sodium?”

“No,” I laughed. “Just…the thought, I guess. It’s nice.”

He took a few seconds to study me. “So it’s true? You’re not having a good day?”

“Huh? How did you hear that?”

“I didn’t. For some reason I just thought you were having a bad day or something, so I just thought I’d come see you.”

It was my turn to study him. “Telepathy? Is that how you pitch no-hitters? You can read what the batter is thinking?”

With a chuckle
he replied, “No. I wish. That would be pretty cool, huh?” We were both quiet for a few seconds as we ate. “So what’s been going on? How come you’re having a bad day?”

I sighed and held up my hand that was still in a cast. “Well if it’s not bad enough with this, I also smashed my other hand in the desk drawer.” I showed him my bruised knuckle
s on my left hand
. “I think I may have been half asleep too, because I
it took a while to realize I even did it

“I shouldn’t keep you out all night anymore,” he smiled.

“I know;
you need to stop that. But that was the first thing. Then I misplaced a couple of files that I needed to work on. I can’t for the life of me remember where I put them. I thought they were on top of my desk calendar, but apparently not.”

“Did someone else move them or take them to look at?”

“I doubt it. No one really touches anyone else’s work except the boss. But I’m sure he didn’t take them because that work isn’t due for a few weeks. But anywa
ys, besides that, I’ve got this
witchy, backstabbing co-worker that would like to scalp me if she could.” He was chuckling, so I added, “I know, I can get pretty vicious, can’t I?”

“Yes, that’s…that’s pretty bad, Ellie. You should tone it down a bit.”

“She’s not very nice.”

“Yeah, well maybe she ate your files.”

I smiled, but it did cause me to wonder. But why would Belinda want to take my work? She didn’t even work on the same stuff that I did, so it wouldn’t do her any good to have my research.

“Anyway,” I sighed. “She’s been chummy with the boss all day, so I think my chances of temporarily filling in a spot on air are probably scratched right now.”

“Oh, I never thought of you as a quitter, Ellie,” he groaned dramatically. “Buck up, sister. You’ve got a lot going for you right now. And if you don’t get the spot this time, maybe there will be a better one that you’re supposed to have instead. Don’t lose hope.”

I looked at him wryly. “So when do you want to start delivering
inspirational thoughts on-air?”

He laughed. “Uh, never. I don’t do well talking to people.”

“That’s not true. You talk to me all the time.”

“That’s different. I feel comfortable around you. I don’t feel like you’re judging me all the time. I feel like I can just be who I am without expecting any criticism or hostility.”

It felt good to hear that, but I
felt guilty at the same time
. “Well, you’re wrong about one thing. I did judge you. The first time I saw you I, uh… I really thought you’d just gotten out of prison.”

He laughed when I hadn’t expected him to. “I did. Well not
out, but
a year ago

“Yeah, but why would I stereotype you like that? It wasn’t fair. Even though you did serve time, it doesn’t define who you are
at all, Tyse, and it wasn’t right of me to determine your personality based on that.”

“Well there’s a difference between forming an opinion about someone right off the bat, and just being cautious in general. You’re a very, uh, beautiful
, and to face two guys in a parking lot like Nate and I… I’m glad you were careful. I know I kind of worry people because of my
, but I’m used to it.
And is it the tattoos?
I don’t really understand why a few tattoos
can intimidate people like that

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