Summer of Promise (43 page)

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Authors: Amanda Cabot

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riting any book requires a lot of research, and this one was no exception. Three visits to Fort Laramie, dozens of books, and hours of internet browsing provided the foundation, but there were still gaps in my knowledge. Fortunately, three women generously gave of their time and expertise to fill in those gaps.

I owe much gratitude to:

Kayce Lassiter
, who took time from her own writing schedule to answer my seemingly endless questions about horses. Kayce has been an immense help, not just for this book but also for the Texas Dreams trilogy. Thanks to her, I know now what ailing horses should be fed and how to deal with an injury, not to mention hundreds of other details of equine life.

Peggy Griffin
, who answered my online plea for information about snakes. I appreciate Peggy’s not laughing at my total ignorance about reptilian behavior, at least not when I could hear her. Not only did she tell me what a snake might have done, but she suggested a plausible reaction for my heroine.

Sandra Lowry
, librarian at Fort Laramie National Historic Site, who provided myriad details of life at the fort in 1885 and whose meticulous research kept me from putting my hero in the wrong uniform.

Kayce, Peggy, and Sandra, you have my heartfelt thanks.

Dreams have always been an important part of
Amanda Cabot
’s life. For almost as long as she can remember, she dreamt of being an author. Fortunately for the world, her grade-school attempts as a playwright were not successful, and she turned her attention to writing novels. Her dream of selling a book before her thirtieth birthday came true, and she’s been spinning tales ever since. She now has more than twenty-five novels to her credit under a variety of pseudonyms.

Amanda is a member of ACFW, a charter member of Romance Writers of America, and an avid traveler. She married her high school sweetheart, who shares her love of travel and who’s driven thousands of miles to help her research her books. A few years ago they fulfilled a longtime dream and are now living in the American West.

Books by Amanda Cabot

Texas Dreams Series


Paper Roses

Scattered Petals

Tomorrow’s Garden

Westward Winds Series


Summer of Promise

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