Read Summer of Frost Online

Authors: L.P. Dover

Tags: #romance, #love, #magic, #fairies, #mythology, #fae, #love triangle, #dark sorcerer, #land of the fae, #summer court, #winter court, #faerie courts, #forever fae

Summer of Frost (26 page)

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I arched off the bed and gasped, “You’re
killing me, Drake.”

He shook his head. “No beautiful, you’re
killing me. I almost lost it feeling you clench around my fingers.
I like knowing my touch brings you pleasure.”

“It brings more than pleasure,” I revealed,
throwing him on his back on the bed, straddling him. “It drives me

I was the one starved and hungry as I
savagely descended upon his lips, tasting and biting. While rubbing
my sensitive breasts along his chest, I moved my core over his
straining cock, teasing him.

Drake gripped my hips and growled, “I want
to be inside you, now.” His tone implied he was about to lose
control, and as much as I wanted to torment him I couldn’t. I
needed him too much.

I lifted my hips slowly, only letting the
tip of his erection graze my opening, before I gently lowered
myself onto his pulsating cock. “Is that better?” I whispered

He held my hips, rocking me gently back and
forth, going slowly until my body accommodated to his size. He
filled me completely, stretching me, but I needed more. Digging my
nails into his shoulders, I slammed down on him as hard as I could.
Drake bucked underneath me and took in a sharp breath. “I’m not
going to last long with you doing that.”

“You said it yourself earlier. Your need is
too great to go slow … well, so is mine.”

To stop him from speaking, I captured his
lips and imprisoned his tongue with my own. My body rocked hard
against him, and I could feel his cock straining with the first
taste of orgasm. I rode him until the tingling in my core exploded
all around me, clenching tight around his shaft until he couldn’t
hold out any longer. He gripped my hips harder and bit into my
shoulder as he came. The pain from his bite was arousing and made
the aftermath of my orgasm that much sweeter as tiny tremors racked
my body. Slowly, I stopped my hips from moving and collapsed on top
of him, satiated and breathing hard.

The mist of water from the wall around us
sprinkled us with cold dew. It sizzled across my heated skin, which
was now the color and warmth of Drake’s, not the pale and cold skin
of the Winter Fae. When I focused on the swirling mist, I realized
it wasn’t water sprinkling us, but magic, the magic of our land.
Still connected, I sat up slowly and watched the blue swirling
magic of my court flow through the room.

Each court was different with its changes.
Calista and Ryder got their crowns, Meliantha and Kalen got their
glittery skin and tattoos, but I wondered was going to happen to me
and Drake. Drake was already a Summer Fae, so I knew whatever was
going to happen was going to happen to me. My body looked normal,
except for my golden skin that used to be pale. Although, when I
glanced down at Drake, I knew it wasn’t so.

Drake grabbed my face with both hands and
pulled me down to him, searching frantically over my face. He was
amazed, shocked, and utterly surprised. “What is it, Drake? What do
you see?” He opened his mouth and closed it, and then did it again.
“What is it?” I asked again.

“It’s amazing,” he breathed, staring at me
in awe.

I searched around the room for a mirror, and
of course there wasn’t one. I had to know what would cause him to
look at me like that. Only when I saw my reflection in the wall of
water did I understand. Sitting up slowly, I slid off of Drake’s
body and walked toward the girl staring back at me in the water.
What I saw in the reflection was nothing like I expected. My mouth
was wide open in shock, but my eyes … my eyes were no longer the
same. As crazy as it sounded, I touched my face to make sure it was
real, and blinked to see if my eyes would change back. They

“What does this mean?” I asked quietly,
talking to myself.

Drake came up behind me and kissed my cheek.
“It means, my Queen, that I’m no longer alone or one of a kind in
our land. With this change you’ll be as fierce as me and definitely
one to be feared. Your cunning mind along with this gift will make
you a scary thing to behold.” He smiled at me in the reflection.
“The Summer Court has just gained another queen, and another …

My breath hitched at hearing him say it out
loud. In that moment, Drake’s eyes mirrored mine. His gray eyes
with the slit-like pupils stared back at me just like my green ones
stared back at him in the reflection. My eyes were brighter, more
dangerous, hiding the massive beast that lurked beneath.

“I wonder what I’m going to look like, if
I’ll be the same color as you or a different type of dragon
altogether. How do I go through the change?”

“I’ll show you how to do everything, don’t
worry, and I’m sure you’re going to be a beautiful dragon. I never
imagined I’d have another dragon to fly with after being alone for
so long.” He padded over to the bed and took a seat, watching me in

“How do you get your eyes to change back?” I
asked curiously.

Drake shrugged and smiled mischievously at
me. “When your emotions are heightened it brings the dragon closer
to the front. In this case, we were both sexually aroused and it
looks like you still are. That might be why they haven’t

I smirked, and raked my gaze over his still
hard body. “I could say the same for you, you know.”

“You’re right.” He nodded, beckoning me
toward the bed with a crook of his finger. “It’s my time to make
love to you.”

The blue mist swirled around the room,
bringing a whole new surge of energy, fueling me with desire. I
glided back to the bed, ready to be devoured by my king, lover, and
husband. Once I got into reaching distance, Drake grabbed my wrist
and pulled me to the bed. Lowering me onto my back, he settled
himself beside me.

Whispering softly, he asked, “You’re not
upset, are you? About the change I mean. It’s definitely something
to get used to.”

“I’m happy about the change,” I assured him.
“It brings me a lot closer to you because now I’ll understand and
be able to share this part of your life with you.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Now let’s see if we
can get those dragon eyes to disappear for a while.” He winked at
me and climbed over my body, separating my legs with his knee. “I
love you,” he whispered as he lowered his lips to mine, kissing me

His hard cock pressed against my opening,
ready to take me with one hard thrust. Slowly, I wrapped my legs
around his waist and whispered back, “I love you, too.”

Drake kept his eyes on me the whole time he
entered me, inch by inch, deeper and deeper until he was fully
inside. His eyes flickered from dragon to normal with each thrust
and I knew mine were doing the same. He pleasured me and teased me
for the rest of the evening, until we were both exhausted from the
stressful events of the past two days plus the many hours of our
love making. Running my fingers through his hair, I watched him as
he fell asleep. He looked so peaceful, and I knew he’d be waiting
for me in the dream realm, ready for more.

Once my eyes closed, I immediately entered
into the dream realm.



Good evening, Princess,” the evil voice
crooned lazily.

What the …” I was expecting to see
Drake, and was shocked to see Alasdair standing right behind me.
Narrowing my eyes, I scowled at him in disgust. “If you must know,
I’m a Summer queen now. Surely, one of your spies has told you by

Yes, I found out. Congratulations, by
the way. I knew your idiot of an old lover wouldn’t be able to hold
onto you for long.”

With my arms across my chest, I glowered at
him with all the hate in my body I could muster. “Why are you here
in my dreams? I’m sure you can find other people to mess with that
actually give a damn.”

He smiled. “Oh, this is only going to be a
one-time thing, although, I do find your witty banter humorous. I
thought I would gloat a bit and tell you what I’m up to.”

Impatient, I threw my hands up in the air.
“I don’t care what you’re up to. You’re the one who must have
something to prove since you want to throw it in my face. Are you
trying to compensate for something lacking, sorcerer? Frankly, it’s
pretty pathetic.”

His smile instantly left and was replaced
with rage. The next second he had my throat in his crushing grip,
and pulled me to him. “My, my … you sure do have a sharp tongue for
one who’s about to lose everything once I win this battle. See,
this is the reason why I didn’t want another Winter bitch to fuck
around with. You talk too fucking much.”

Thank the heavens for that,” I

He snarled at me and let go. “I’m done
wasting my time with you. Now that I have the scroll, only I know
where it’s located. So this time you won’t have a pathetic weakling
who can tell you where it’s at.”

We’ll figure out something,” I said,

He bellowed, shaking his head. “Keep
dreaming, Your Highness. While you all scramble around like idiots,
I’m building a nice mortal army to destroy you. Just imagine what
it would be like to have all those iron weapons here wreaking havoc
on your weak faerie blood.”

Gritting my teeth, I kept my mouth shut for
fear of giving something away. I had a secret of my own, but there
was no way I was going to gloat about it.

What, no comeback?” he teased. “I
must’ve hit a weak spot for the mighty Sorcha not to have a retort.
Very well then. On this note, I will leave you to your pathetic
existence. Sweet dreams.”

He disappeared quickly, leaving his evil
stench behind as I stood alone in the vacant expanse of my dream.
For now, I would let him think he had the upper hand, but really he
was the one who was going to be made a fool of.



The sound of Drake’s voice called me out of
the dream world. “We have a busy day, beautiful. It’s time to wake
up.” Groaning, I placed my hands over my eyes and rolled over.
“Rough night?” he asked sarcastically.

“Wonderful night … terrible dream.”

Drake got off the bed and snatched his pants
off the floor. “Yeah, it was terrible because I wasn’t in it. I
thought you would come to me last night.” His gaze was playful, but
I could sense he was curious as to why I didn’t show up in his

I sighed. “Trust me, I had no choice in my
dream.” Slowly, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and took a
deep breath. Drake wasn’t going to be happy when I told him the
reason I didn’t visit him was because of the dark sorcerer. He was
still putting on his clothes when I peered over my shoulder. “The
dark sorcerer came to me last night, Drake.”

Drake froze and narrowed his eyes, all
playfulness set aside. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

I nodded. “Yes, and I know it was a real
dream and not something I imagined. Now that he has my power, I
guess he can dream walk, too. Although, he did say it was only
going to be a one-time thing. I guess I can’t really complain about

Frustrated, Drake ran his hands through his
mussed up hair and came to kneel in front of me. He wrapped his
arms around my waist and settled between my thighs. “He didn’t hurt
you, did he? What did he say?”

I kissed him on the lips. “Oh, just the
usual. I have your power, I’m going to take over the world, and
you’re all going to suffer … et cetera. Just the same old stuff he
says every time he threatens one of us. He really wanted to gloat
about the scroll, and how he’s hidden it again where no one other
than him knows where it’s at. What really has me nervous is the
fact he has mortals lined up to fight for him.”

Drake’s eyes grew wide and furious. “What
the fuck? We have to stop him before that happens.”

“I agree. We need to tell everyone, but to
be on the safe side we need it to be only our families, no one
else. We don’t know who’s with us and who isn’t.”

BOOK: Summer of Frost
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