Summer Beach Reads 5-Book Bundle: Beachcombers, Heat Wave, Moon Shell Beach, Summer House, Summer Breeze (145 page)

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When they heard the raised voices coming from the den, Charlotte and Suzette exchanged a worried glance. Then Charlotte helped Suzette up off the living room sofa, and together they made their way into the kitchen. The den was off the kitchen, and they could overhear the argument without being caught gawking. Suzette sank onto a chair while she listened, and Charlotte paced the floor. Glorious had diplomatically removed herself to her own quarters, as she often did when tempers flared in the family. Charlotte saw Suzette’s face fall as they overheard the cause of the argument. Teddy, drunk again. The second time in less than a month.

Uncle Kellogg ambled in, drink in hand, nodded at Charlotte, and continued into the den. Soon she heard her mother shouting—about
sweet cakes?
Her mother wasn’t making any sense at all. Then Charlotte’s father stormed from the room, passing through the kitchen without seeming to notice Charlotte or Suzette, and then her mother flashed through, her face violently flushed. Charlotte had never seen her mother look so angry. Uncle Kellogg left the den next, casting an
embarrassed smile at Charlotte, and went into the hall and up the stairs, no doubt to inform his wife of Teddy’s latest infraction.

Finally, slowly, Teddy emerged from the den into the kitchen. When he saw Charlotte and Suzette, he grinned sheepishly, stuck his hands in his jeans pockets, leaned against the refrigerator, and said, boyishly, “Oops.”

“For, God’s sake, Teddy, it’s not funny and you’re not cute!” Charlotte snapped.

To her surprise, Suzette spoke up. “It’s this family.”

Charlotte gawked at Suzette. “What?”

“It’s this family. Teddy stayed sober when he was with me in Arizona. We come here, and he gets drunk.”

Charlotte started to retort, then bit her tongue. She was aware that Aunt Grace and Mee and Uncle Kellogg had come down the stairs and were hovering in the hall, listening, and she would be damned if she was going to add one more argument to the ongoing fray.

“I’m going out to see what shape the table’s in,” Charlotte said.

“I can tell you what shape it’s in,” Teddy announced gaily. “It’s trashed.”

She didn’t dare look at him. “Then I’d better move it. I don’t want my customers to find
where the farm stand was.”

She stormed through the mudroom, out the door, and up the drive way. It was a long walk, but she needed it to help her calm down. Things had been going so well, she’d been loving this summer, she’d felt pleased with herself, even a bit virtuous, to be involving Suzette in the garden, to give her work that made her feel useful and part of the family and provided money, as well, to buy whatever little things she wanted. And it had been fun, having Teddy back. He was so lively and entertaining. During dinners, while Aunt Grace and Uncle Kellogg and the Ms had all the sparkle of a congregation of pilgrims, Teddy had brightened the room with anecdotes about his day at the antiques shop. He did fabulous impersonations, and when he got going he could be hysterical. Even the Ms laughed. And Charlotte’s mother had been so happy, having Teddy back and with a grandchild on the way. Why did Teddy have to ruin things? Was
Suzette right? Was it being around his family that caused him to fall off the wagon?

She arrived at the end of the drive. There, right where she always had her farm stand, was the old Jeep, its hood up, its grille crushing the wooden table against a tree trunk. She could see that the table was broken in half, and splinters and cracks razed the surface. Fury ignited inside her. Somehow it seemed so
Certainly it was an ugly, destructive sight, and she chewed on her knuckles as she circled the Jeep, checking out its condition. Its tires had ripped two muddy streaks in the cool green grass.

She climbed into the Jeep. Teddy had left the key in the ignition. She turned it, and the battery kicked, but nothing else happened. She sat there for a moment, feeling utterly defeated. Suzette’s words echoed in her mind. “It’s this family.” Perhaps Suzette was right. Maybe there was something slightly off about her family—but no, that wasn’t true. Oliver was pure and simply wonderful. Of course, Oliver never stayed at Nona’s house in the “bosom of the family” for more than a couple of days at a time. So—had Oliver escaped, and in this way also avoided any sins that being with this family caused? Charlotte remembered her great transgression; her entire body flushed with heat as she thought about it. She had been so bad, so wrong, and it would not have happened if she had not worked at the bank, which was another way of being right in the heart of the family. But she also had to admit, at least to herself, that she did have a rebel streak, and so did Teddy. She loved her family, truly she did, but all her life she’d felt an urge to mutiny, if only she could do it without hurting anyone else.

Her cell phone rang, and she jumped. She’d forgotten she had it in her pocket. She answered and heard Coop’s voice.

“Hey, you. Where are you?” His lazy voice was full of laughter.

“Oh, Coop. Gosh, what time is it? I’m out at the end of our driveway.” In the background, she heard a woman’s voice. “Where are

“In your living room. Having a drink with Mee. I walked over on the beach. We decided it would be fun to drive to the theater in your
family’s old Chrysler convertible.” When she didn’t respond immediately, he prompted. “Remember?”

“Oh, Coop!” Charlotte hit herself in the forehead. “I didn’t really forget, it’s just that Teddy had an accident—”

“I’ve been hearing all about it.”

“Well, he smashed up my farm-stand table, and I need to get it cleared out and find a new table to use. I’m sure we have one somewhere in the house, probably in the attic—”

“Look, forget about that for now. We should be leaving any moment. I hate being late for the theater. It’s just rude.”

“Oh, Coop.” Charlotte paced around the wrecked Jeep as she talked. “Coop, I can’t go. I’ve got to get this mess cleaned up before tomorrow morning.”

“But hey, come on, I bought tickets! And there’s the benefit party afterward. You don’t want to miss that. It only happens once a year.”

“I know, I know, it will be great, but Coop—”

“Look, Teddy made the mess, let Teddy clean it up.”

Charlotte snorted. “Right, because Teddy is so responsible.”

“Come on, Char,” Coop urged, his voice silky, “take an evening off. Everything will get done sooner or later, and who is it really going to hurt if a few people have to wait until nine instead of eight to get their lettuce?” He laughed. “You need to put things in perspective.”

Charlotte hesitated. She wanted to remind him that her customers were flighty, fickle. If what they expected wasn’t there when they had made the effort to drive out into the country, they would be miffed and simply go somewhere else. She needed to build a reputation of reliability. She didn’t want any of them to see this jumble of wrecked wood and steel where her charming farm stand, portraying serenity and health, should be.


In the background, she heard a woman speaking. Perhaps her mother, offering to help find a new table?

“Listen,” Coop said, his voice still easy and light, “Mee just said she’d go to the theater with me. This way I won’t waste the tickets and you can stay here and do whatever you need to do.”

Charlotte found herself looking at her cell phone, as if it had suddenly zapped her into an alternate universe.

Suddenly Mee’s voice was on the phone. “You won’t mind, will you, Charlotte? Coop can take me to the party, and maybe I’ll meet some nice eligible bachelors!”

Charlotte understood the tacit message:
I’m not trying to steal your man.
“No, Mee, I don’t mind. Have fun.”

Coop’s voice came on again. “Good luck with your stand.” He clicked off.

“I phoned the tow truck!” Teddy came sauntering down the drive, waving at her. “They’re on their way.”

Charlotte gawked at him. She was exhausted and hungry and thirsty and confused and angry, she felt rumpled and grimy and overheated and rejected, and there Teddy was, ambling along with his good looks and his easy innocent smile. For that moment, she pure and simply hated him.

“Teddy,” she said, and she was on the verge of tears, “Teddy, you
drove drunk.

“Maybe I wasn’t so very drunk.” Teddy continued to smile as he leaned on the Jeep. “Maybe it was a Freudian thing, like most of the things in our family. Sort of semi-on-purpose. Maybe I resent the fact that you’ve stolen Suzette from me and made her part of your world.”

Suzette?” Charlotte threw her hands out in exasperation. “No, Teddy, I’m not buying that
at all.
You’ve seen way too many psychiatrists, and you’ve learned how to warp their theories to suit your transgressions. You were drunk. Just drunk. Admit it.”

Teddy shrugged, and his smile faded. “I’ll admit it. But I have to say there is something about this family that would drive a saint to drink.”

Just then they heard the familiar rattling of the old Chrysler convertible as it came along the drive. The top was down, Coop was at the wheel, Mee in the passenger seat, a scarf around her hair and a gigantic smile on her face.

She leaned out over the door. “Aren’t we just the most glamorous people in the universe?” She blew Charlotte a kiss.

Charlotte laughed and blew a kiss back. It was wonderful seeing her cousin so ebullient and animated.

“I thought
were dating Coop,” Teddy said.

“I am.” Charlotte glared at her brother. “
was going to the theater with him tonight, but instead
have to clean up your mess.”

“Then why isn’t Coop out here helping you?”

“Why should he be? He has tickets. There’s a gala afterward. I’m glad Mee’s going with him.”

“Yeah, right.” Teddy snorted.

Before Charlotte could retort, the tow truck came roaring down the road. Two burly men jumped out, surveyed the wreck, pronounced it not so bad, hooked the Jeep’s bumper to a chain, and rumbled off with the Jeep bouncing along behind. Teddy helped Charlotte lift the broken bits of table away from the tree. They hauled them back to the barn, stashing them next to the half cord of winter wood. They searched Nona’s house and found an old card table that could be used until something better was found. Charlotte preferred a long rectangular shape to a square one, but this would suffice. Teddy helped her lug it out to the road, where they leaned it against a tree in preparation for morning.

As they worked, Teddy sobered up, and his silly, lighthearted mood changed. Charlotte could sense the dark mood sinking into him like a stain.

“Hey, Teddy,” she said, as they walked back to the house. Light was leaving the sky. Birds were calling good night. Even the breeze had settled down. “It’s no tragedy, losing that table, you know. And for what it’s worth, I’m sure you wouldn’t have steered into it if someone had been there, Suzette or me.”

Teddy nodded. “Thanks, sis. I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse. I mean, I
been jealous of how close you are to Suzette.”

“Then you should have talked to me about it. I could have reassured you. I mean, I like her, and we talk about the garden and girly stuff and baby stuff, but Teddy, Teddy—
you’re her guy.
She adores you. The rest of us are just trying to make her feel at home.”

“I don’t want her to feel at home, not here. I hate the way we are,
we’re like a herd of lemmings crawling all over each other.” He sighed deeply. “Well, I love Nona, I do. And I love you, Char.”

“I know that.”

“Oh, well, I guess I love everyone, but I just feel claustrophobic in this family. Everyone’s pressuring me to be something I’m not. I’m so busy trying to escape I can’t figure out where I want to go.”

“But you’ve found Suzette,” Charlotte reminded him. “
person. Don’t be so down on yourself. Most people don’t know what kind of work they want to do. Most people don’t even get to choose.”

“I know, I know, I’m fortunate, I’m rich, I’m educated—” His voice caught the edge of a whine.

“Stop it, Teddy. You’re a husband and you’re about to be a father. You’ve got a place to stay while your wife has her baby, and before long you can all move back to Tucson, or wherever you want. Gosh, you could leave now if you wanted to. No one’s stopping you.”

They reached the end of the drive. Suzette was there, leaning against the big concrete vase with the spilling fuchsia. “Existential crisis?” she asked.

Charlotte gaped. Suzette was continually surprising her. She didn’t look like someone who had ever read Sartre. Before she could answer, Suzette reached out and pulled Teddy to her.

“Let’s get some food into you. Then bed. You’ve got to get up early for work tomorrow.”

Charlotte followed them into the house. Collapsing on the bench in the mudroom, she unlaced her boots, then just leaned against the wall. She was tired. Plus, she had melancholy. She envied Teddy his particular sin. She envied him because everyone knew about it, and their anger or indignation was, if nothing else, a clean, true reaction. Her own offense was still a secret. She couldn’t imagine telling anyone in her family, and there was no reason to; it would only cause hurt and distrust by cracking open a family chasm. Besides, it was over now. It was done. She couldn’t change it. She could only go forward. And what she had done, really, had not been so terribly bad. She was not the devil. She wished she had someone to say, as she had said to Teddy, “Don’t be so down on yourself.”

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