Summer at the Shore (Seashell Bay Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Summer at the Shore (Seashell Bay Book 2)
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He grimaced. “Jesus, Morgan, I didn’t mean—”

She held up a hand. “It’s fine, Ryan. Really.” She flashed him a smile. “We shouldn’t be getting this heavy anyway. We’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves.”

His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “We can blame it on Kristi.”

“Yes, let’s. And speaking of Mrs. Buckle, mark my words, that woman is hot for you, husband or no husband. You’re only sleeping about twenty feet apart, so I’d advise you to keep your door locked at night if you want to avoid a midnight visit.”

This time, the smile did reach his eyes. He slid an arm around her waist. “If I wanted company, Kristi’s not the woman at Golden Sunset I’d want in my room.” His arm tightened around her waist, gently pulling her against his naked torso.

Morgan froze, staring at him. The slowly building heat in his gaze sure didn’t look like a joke, nor did the arm around her waist feel like just a friendly gesture—not when she was plastered against all that warm, brawny muscle. And honest to God, she hadn’t a clue how to react.


His eyebrows ticked up, then he sighed and withdrew his arm. “Sorry. I made you uncomfortable.”

“You just kind of surprised me.” Morgan swallowed past a lump in her throat. God, she didn’t want him to let her go. “But we seem to be making a habit of this, don’t we?”

He smiled wryly. “If twice constitutes a habit.”

She sucked in a deep breath and decided it was time for some frank talk. “You know I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling the same, Ryan. Like practically every minute since I saw you on the ferry.”

“I hear a ‘but’ coming.”

How could she explain how terribly vulnerable she felt? Between her father’s death, her worries for Sabrina, and her insecurity about her own future, she was close to being an emotional basket case. How could she possibly risk a summer hookup with Ryan? That would lead to a world of hurt down the road—especially since he’d just made it blazingly clear that he avoided long-term commitments.

“But I’m . . . I’m not there emotionally, Ryan. I don’t think I could handle it, no matter how much I might want to. I’m kind of a wreck right now.” She briefly nestled her face against his shoulder. “I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t be. I get where you’re coming from.” Ryan gave his head a shake. “I’m just finding it damn near impossible to ignore all this crazy chemistry between us. Hell, sometimes it feels like I’ve got a grenade inside me.”

Boy, that was exactly how she felt. If Ryan grabbed her and kissed her now, she’d probably be lost. They’d end up naked on this pebbly beach, getting busy in plain view of every boater sailing down the channel.

It was appalling how much she wanted that.

“The chemistry exists all right,” she said. “Like a hurricane exists. I just don’t think I want to find out what happens when we get sucked into the vortex.”

Ryan studied her, but Morgan couldn’t read his expression. Then his gaze shifted away. A moment later, when he slid his arm around her shoulder, his light touch felt like that of a buddy offering comfort. “I understand. I just hope I haven’t screwed up our friendship.”

Moved by his consideration, Morgan slid her arm around his waist. For a moment longer, they quietly leaned into each other like the old friends they’d always been.

Chapter 11

organ’s head had started to droop minutes after Ryan pushed the kayak away from the beach. Before they reached Pumpkin Knob, she’d slumped all the way forward, giving in to exhaustion. He’d nudged her awake once, but she’d blearily muttered something unintelligible and nodded off again. Since she was strapped into the kayak with her paddle stowed and wasn’t in an uncomfortable position, Ryan decided to let her doze. The combination of the alcohol, the heat, and the gentle rolling motion of the kayak had clearly been too much for her.

He’d insisted she relax on the journey back to Seashell Bay and let him do all the work. She’d protested, of course, but he could see the relief in her eyes. Even with freeloading a ride home, she would no doubt feel the effect of all the paddling by tomorrow morning.

The image of Morgan stretching in a long, hot shower, trying to work out the kinks in her muscles, was pretty much driving him nuts. In his mind, he was right behind her in that shower, doing his level best to relax that
oh-so-sweet body of hers. It was a picture he couldn’t shake loose, no matter what he tried to think about.

At least Morgan had finally admitted in words what her body language had been telling him since the day he arrived. She wanted him as much as he wanted her but just couldn’t bring herself to let down her self-imposed barriers. She was clearly afraid of wanting more from him than he could give, and then having to watch him head off from Seashell Bay yet again.

But the way he looked at it, he and Morgan had this insane attraction that just wouldn’t quit. Fighting every day to ignore it was just going to make it worse for both of them, so why bother? They could scratch the itch and still be careful enough of each other’s feelings to make it work. After all, they were both clear on the limitations of each other’s lives, so why not have some fun? Morgan damn well needed and deserved that, and Ryan figured he was the guy to give it to her. With all the pressures on her now, a risk-free fling was exactly what the doctor ordered—not some intense, emotional affair that would only confuse things and make her life more complicated.

Besides, flipping back the pages to some we’re-just-friends mode would be like trying to stuff toothpaste back in the tube.

The return crossing of Hussey Sound had passed quickly with Ryan paddling hard all the way, his rhythm falling into the smooth and automatic stroke that placed him in the zone. As he passed the B&B’s small floating dock, he slowed to a crawl and got ready to jump out and push the kayak up onto the beach. The sun had dipped low behind them.

Morgan must have sensed the speed change, because
she jerked upright. She reached her arms up, twisted, and stretched, giving him a sweet view of her breasts. Then she looked back at him with a sheepish smile. “Wow, I missed almost the whole ride. Sorry about that.”

Ryan climbed out. “Beer makes you sleepy. That and physical exhaustion.” He gently guided the craft toward the shore until it grounded.

Morgan followed him out and lifted the bow, helping him carry the kayak a few yards past the high tide mark. Just to be on the safe side, Ryan had driven a metal stake deep into the sand and now used it to tie down the tandem. In the heavy dusk, he could barely make out the path that led down the gentle slope from the house to the dock. Proper lighting away from the main house was probably another thing Cal Merrifield hadn’t been able to afford.

Morgan peered up toward the brightly lit B&B. “It’s a good thing I called Sabrina to let her know we’d be late, otherwise she’d be worried that I might be lobster food by now.”

Ryan put a hand on the small of her back and guided her over the pebbled beach. “She knows you’re a good swimmer. Not to mention that you’re in extremely capable hands.”

Morgan grinned over her shoulder. “So I’ve heard, Mr. Modest.”

He nudged her on. “I do know my way around these waters, babe.”

When they reached the path, an overgrown line of flat stones that meandered up to the house, Morgan stopped and turned around. It was dark enough that he could barely make out her expression.

“Ryan, before we go back inside, I just want to say
thank you. Thank you for all the work you’re doing, for being so great with Christian, for dinner last night, and for giving me a wonderful day. I actually felt relaxed for once.”

“Relaxed? Try comatose.”

She gave a husky little laugh. “Well, yes, that too. Anyway, it was a very special day.”

Ryan clenched his fists so he wouldn’t give in to the temptation to pull her into his arms and kiss her stupid. “A special woman deserves a special day.”

Instead of replying, she went up on her tiptoes and leaned forward, resting her hands on his chest, and kissed him softly, fleetingly, on the mouth.

“And you’re a special man, Ryan,” she said in a funny, breathless voice.

For some reason, she stayed in that position, staring up at him.

This close he could see her beautiful face perfectly in the fading light, her eyes wide and her lips parted in unconscious welcome. If she’d glanced away or turned, Ryan was sure his self-restraint would have held. If she hadn’t just stood there inviting him to do something, he wouldn’t have pulled her tight against him and kissed her with every shred of lust and longing he felt for her.

Morgan froze as he claimed her lush mouth. Her hands were wedged between their bodies, primed and ready to push him away. Even in the midst of a kiss that blasted through him like lightning, Ryan expected to get shoved or maybe even slapped.

But it didn’t happen. Morgan’s rigid hands slowly relaxed until they slid down his torso and around his back. At the very same time, she moaned and let him fully in.
He went hard in an instant, almost staggering under the passion arcing between them.

Sweet Mother of God

The kiss was everything Ryan had thought it would be. Every bit as perfect as he’d fantasized since that night last year—the night he realized how badly he wanted to taste her lips, sample all the glories her body had to offer. It had been a long time coming and was all the more thrilling for the delay.

Ryan doubled down on the kiss, tipping her jaw up and adjusting the angle for a deeper taste. He slipped his other hand under her tank top, loving the feel of her baby-soft skin under the roughness of his palms. And Morgan was into it too. Man, was she ever. Instead of breaking away, she pressed herself against his thigh, breathing out a whimper. Now he was so damn hard he could have driven shingle nails with his dick.

He clamped his other hand on her gorgeously rounded ass and pulled her tight against him. Morgan moaned with the sweetest sound of hunger he’d ever heard, and his own burn of desire raced through his blood. The kiss was wet and silky and so hot that he wanted to ease her up against the closest tree and do her right there. Ryan felt like he’d waited forever for this moment, and every cell in his body urged him to take her.

Take what rightfully belonged to him.

The crazy intensity of that thought almost jolted him out of the moment. But Morgan pulled him back in when she hooked a leg around the back of his thigh and snuggled in close. Her sharp nails pressed into his back, and he could feel her hands shaking. When she nuzzled his mouth, then bit down gently on his lower lip, Ryan was
lost. He didn’t think he could pull back from her if a fucking military parade marched down the beach behind them.

Instinctively, he lifted her off the ground, cradling her against him. Morgan broke free from the kiss, clutching at him to keep her balance.

“What . . . what are you doing?” she stuttered.

He swooped in to nuzzle a brief kiss across her parted lips, walking her a few steps over to the small stand of trees just off the path.

“I just want you to be comfortable.” He stopped under the shadow of a tall birch, putting her down and gently pressing her back against the smooth bark of its trunk.

Morgan huffed out a breathless little laugh. “Comfortable for what? Ryan, we shouldn’t be—”

“Shhh, babe,” he said.

She stared up at him, her gaze heavy-lidded, her mouth trembling just a little bit. Even in the deep shadows under the trees, he could read her uncertainty. Sense how vulnerable she was. His brain told him to pull back, but the rest of him wanted to soothe away her worries and the months of sorrow, making her forget everything but the fire burning between them. Stepping away from her now seemed impossible.

Ryan didn’t even try. “Just relax, Morgan,” he murmured. “Let me take care of you.”

He could tell she was wavering on the knife-edge of retreat. Every muscle in his body went tight, urging him to charge ahead. But he forced himself to go slow and give her time to come along with him.

He moved a hand to stroke up her slender neck and then curled his fingers around her delicate, stubborn jaw.
Ryan loved her jaw. Loved the way it defiantly tilted up when she had the bit between her teeth, ready to battle any obstacle that stood in her path. When he tipped her jaw up and traced his thumb along her full lower lip, she let out a tiny sigh. The hot whisper of her breath drifted over his fingers, and then her eyelids fluttered shut. She opened her lips in silent invitation.

Ryan took it—took her mouth in a demanding, forceful kiss. He went deep, craving her taste, wishing he were deep inside her body at this very moment. Soon he would be, and his need for her had his body vibrating with tension.

She was right there with him. Morgan snaked her hands up between them and wrapped them around his neck. She went up on her toes, pressing into his chest, all the while devouring him with a hunger that matched his own. His erection throbbed, already aching for release, and he couldn’t help nudging against her, letting her know just how much he wanted her.

Through the thin fabric of her tank top, he could feel her nipples go hard. And as much as he wanted to keep kissing her, to drink his fill of her after so many long months—years—of waiting, Ryan couldn’t wait to explore. Morgan had a gorgeous body, slim and strong, with killer curves in all the right places. He couldn’t wait to show her what he could do once he got her stripped naked.

He eased back. Her whimper of protest changed to a moan of satisfaction when he feathered kisses across her cheek to her ear, then down the long line of her neck. Her skin was warm and smooth, tasting faintly of coconut suntan lotion and salt, and the heat of the long summer day. He licked down to the hollow at the base of her
throat, her rapid pulse fluttering under his tongue. When he kissed down to the swell of her breasts, she clutched at his shoulders. For a heart-attack-inducing moment, he thought she would push him away. But instead she arched up and angled her head back, lifting herself to meet his caresses.

When his hands slid down to the hem of her top, she shivered. “Ryan, please,” she groaned, her voice so soft and full of hunger he thought he might explode on the spot.

He rubbed his cheek across the rigid tip of her nipple, poking against the fabric of her top. “What do you want, babe?” he murmured.

“I want . . . you.”

The broken whisper pushed him over the edge. He dropped to his knees on the soft grass and pushed her shirt up around her neck. Even in the near darkness, her skin gleamed pale and smooth, her breasts perfectly framed by a bra that barely contained her generous curves.

“Damn, you’re gorgeous.” He leaned in and rasped his tongue across one of her nipples through the barely there material of her bra, loving the feel of the stiff point under his tongue. Morgan jerked a bit, her fingers digging into his shoulders. When he sucked on her, she let out a moan and seemed to collapse against the tree at her back. Ryan slid his hands to her waist and followed, keeping his mouth on her breast. But he wanted more, he wanted it all, so he reached up and hooked his fingers into the bra cups and pulled them down.

Her beautiful breasts popped free and, for a moment, all Ryan could do was stare as they quivered right in front of him. She was gorgeous, and nothing could have
prepared him for the mind-blowing intensity of how much he wanted her.

He cupped both breasts in his palms and leaned in, taking her in his mouth.

“Ryan!” Morgan choked out, biting back what sounded pretty close to a startled shriek. Her fingernails dug in again, this time no doubt leaving marks on his skin.

For several deliriously fantastic moments, she let him play with her. Ryan’s hands joined the game, stroking as his mouth went from one breast to the other. Morgan’s hands cradled his head as she held him against her chest, her breath coming in fractured sobs.

And still it wasn’t enough. Not even close. He needed to be inside her—right now—as deep as he could go, with her long legs wrapped tight around his hips as he pounded into her.

So hungry to get her naked that he could barely think straight, he broke free and pulled her bra back up. He quickly came to his feet, pulling her shirt down at the same time. Morgan staggered, and he had to grip her upper arms to keep her from tumbling.

“Let’s get out of here,” he rasped. “Go someplace we can be alone.”

The B&B was too small for them to have sex in either his guest room or Morgan’s bedroom, which was right beside Sabrina’s. Maybe they could head down the beach, find some soft sand, and do it under the stars?

Hell, yeah

It sounded perfect—Morgan, naked and writhing beneath him on the beach under the darkening night sky. It was every guy’s summer fantasy coming to life. He’d been having it about her for years.

But then she froze under his hands. He felt the change in her, the stiff set to her muscles, the sensual fog obviously clearing from her brain as she realized what they were about to do. What they’d almost done.

He had to repress the urge to curse long and loud.

She slipped her hands between their bodies and pushed, stepping away from the tree trunk. “Oh, God, I can’t believe this is happening again.” She took another step away, straightening her clothes with hands that visibly shook. “Ryan, this is insane. We
do this.”

BOOK: Summer at the Shore (Seashell Bay Book 2)
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