Sultry Groove (Reckless Beat #4) (4 page)

BOOK: Sultry Groove (Reckless Beat #4)
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Any. Minute. Now.

“Ha. Ha. Ha. You’re quite funny for a fairy.”

She raised a brow. From a pixie to a fairy. Was that an improvement?

“I was actually searching for you.” He stepped closer, making her retreat toward the nearby tree. “I thought you might’ve left without sayin’ goodbye.”

Really? He was looking for her? She masked the thrill his admission elicited behind a mask of indifference. “And miss out on the opportunity for another one of your swoony compliments? No way.”

This time he didn’t chuckle, he continued to grin, reading her, concentrating harder and harder on her face, almost shattering her temporary confidence into pieces. “You are the perfect distraction, do you know that?”

Distraction? Maybe this conversation would make more sense when he was sober. She lowered her gaze, unable to withstand his potent scrutiny. “Ohhkay…”

He took another step, the hint of his aftershave drifting forward, almost making her reach on her toes to follow the masculine scent in the air.

“So, Red, are we going to get up close and personal?”

“Umm.” Time to stop. He was already in her personal space, making it uncomfortable to breathe in a needy type of way. As much as she liked playing house, there was no future to this teasing. “I don’t think—”

“In the music video.”

. Of course.

His grin was too damn proud and charming. He taunted her, tried to push her out of her comfort zone. He was succeeding. “I’ve spoken to your label as well as Leah. They’ve given me the freedom to create what I think is appropriate as long as it has a sexy, romantic feel.”

“So we
be getting close and personal.” His voice dropped to a husky murmur, skittering over her nerves like a lover’s caress.

The tightening of her nipples announced what her mind tried to deny—she wasn’t as immune to sexual advances as she used to be. It had been too long since she’d been admired. Even longer since she’d slept with a man. Her last relationship had fractured the same day she asked to be released from her dancing contract with pop artist Jaxon Sharpe. All that heartache seemed like a lifetime ago, even though it was only eleven months.

“Yes.” She licked her lips, unable to stop the motion, seeing as he kept glancing at her mouth. “Very close.”

“Like this?” He raised a devilish brow, stepping closer. Their feet now inches apart. His champagne-scented breath drifted over her cheek, down her neck, tingling every nerve along the way.

“That’s what the label ordered,” she whispered, and gripped the branch behind her waist for stability. “Leah only gave me a copy of the song tonight, so I’ll have to listen to it first before I can confirm exactly what we’ll get up to.”

She was trying to match him, seductive purr for seductive purr. Clearly, he had more determination to win this sparring match. Her flirtatious mojo deserted her. She didn’t appreciate the unfamiliar position of being the one acting like a deer in headlights at temptation. He was drunk, for heaven’s sake.

He shuffled closer, placing his hand beside hers on the branch, his knee brushing her inner thighs. Heat burst to life in her core with embarrassing potency. Men weren’t supposed to have this effect on her. She wasn’t the swoony type. It was meant to be the other way around, with men falling to their knees for her affection. It used to be, anyway.

“So, we could end up like this?” He leaned in, his mouth hovering a breath away.

All she could do was nod. Her nipples throbbed. The once forgotten tingle of arousal between her thighs made her want to rub her legs together to alleviate the ache.

“Maybe,” she muttered, or at least tried to. In reality, it was a squeak.

The interest in his eyes held her immobile. It seemed like an eternity since she’d been wanted, or wanted to be wanted. Her body was alight with need, waiting, not willing to be denied.

“Would it make things complicated if I kissed you?” His knuckles brushed her right hip, his lips so close she could almost feel them.

“That depends.” Her voice was husky, her breathing labored. He would be a good lover. She’d had enough of her own to tell. His confidence spoke of his capabilities. There was no doubt in his eyes, or fumbling in his approach. He was in control of this seduction, no matter how drunk he was.


She swallowed and moistened her lips again. “If things between us will be awkward afterward. We still need to be able to work together.”

He hit her with a devilish grin, one full of sexual promise. “Red, it’ll be more awkward if we don’t.”

She shouldn’t be contemplating kissing a heavily intoxicated man. She shouldn’t, yet the thought of her cobweb-riddled vagina made her open her mouth and spew forth these stupid comments. It was only a kiss. It wasn’t like she could sleep with him.

Her stomach clenched at the thought and reality began to seep in. She shook her head. This game she played wasn’t right. She was acting like the woman she used to be, not the person she’d become.

He tilted his pelvis into her, and the illusive hardness of his erection grazed her pubic bone.
Sweet Jesus.
She sucked in a breath, closing her eyes briefly at the desire fighting to overcome her hesitation. Pleasure or pain. How long could she fight the need to walk away? How long could she ignore the need for affection?

It’s only a kiss.

“I need to get you out of my system before we start,” he continued. “Because… I sure as shit won’t be able to dance like this.”

Her fingers itched to grasp his flesh, to wrap around the hardness of his shaft and stroke until he moaned.
Damn it
. She was meant to be the sober, level-headed one, yet her emotions were malleable under his desire. He had her strung tight, ready to snap.

She needed to stall. To gain some space. Her damn feet wouldn’t move. All she could think about was inching closer, resting her hand on the defined muscles of his chest, and gripping his gym-junkie sized bicep. Her infatuation was going to get her in trouble. At the very least, it would threaten the contract she had to work with him over the coming weeks. It was imperative she pull her head out of the lust-filled clouds and set the course straight. “What if one night doesn’t sate your need?”

She was such a fucking moron.

He brushed his lips against hers, the lingering touch scorching her mouth. “I already know it won’t. But let’s pretend for now, and work out the rest later.”

Sean closed his
eyes, sinking into the kiss. He cupped the side of her face in his palm and rested the champagne flute in his other hand against her waist. The image of her pixie face beamed back at him from his mind, her large brown eyes gleaming in the moonlight. The more their tongues tangled, the more the vision faded, until the dark irises turned to a lighter shade of hazel, and her strawberry-blonde hair changed to midnight black.


He broke the kiss, shaking the image of Sidney from his thoughts and the pain from his chest. He’d gone half an hour without thinking of his best friend’s fiancée. A fun, flirty thirty minutes which Red was responsible for. He didn’t want to drift back to his obsession. He wanted the pixie in his arms. Her wild hair tangled between his fingers, her gentle lips on his body, her throaty moans echoing off his penthouse walls. She was a beautiful distraction. One he planned on consuming himself with until the desire for Sidney wore off.

Red blinked up at him, the darkness returning to her cheeks. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have encouraged that.”

He answered by weaving his free hand through the hair at her nape and tugging, baring her throat, making her gasp. For a moment, he wondered if he’d scared her, then the flash of fire in her eyes made him burn. He kissed her again. This time harder, parting her lips with his tongue and tangling with her own.

Fuck his fascination with Sidney. Fuck the compulsion and the delusions. Fuck the lack of recognition he received for his contribution to Reckless Beat. He needed to get over that shit.

“I want you,” he murmured into her mouth. The alcohol in his veins taunted him to take her. Here. Up against the tree. To sink himself into her sweet little body any way, anyhow.

She whimpered, her delicate fingers clinging to his shoulder. Her kiss grew demanding, punishing. Such a tiny little thing forcing him to lean harder into her to take control. He was lost. His limbs pulsing, some more than others. His brain addled from intoxication, and his dick wanted to run a sprint when the rest of him knew it needed to be a marathon.

He wanted so badly to drown in the feel of her. To lose himself in pleasure.

“Sean,” she whispered, releasing her grip on his arm. “Wait.”

He ignored her, tugging harder on her hair, grazing his teeth against her lower lip.

.” This time she shoved him, making him stumble back.

Christ. What had he done? She brushed away something at her waist and slid her fingers lower, gliding her hand cautiously over the material from her hip to her knee.

He eyed the champagne flute in his grip.
He may be plastered, but he knew he hadn’t consumed the liquid that had once filled his glass. No, this drunken drummer boy had spilled it all over her.

“I’m sorry, Red.” He lowered to one knee, resting the glass on the lawn before reaching out to wipe the liquid from her left leg.

“Don’t.” She slid back, her face a mask of annoyance as she tried to squeeze liquid from the hard material of her corset. “Please leave it alone.”

Drops of champagne fell to the ground, each one stabbing him with guilt. He was such a pathetic fuck-up right now. “I’m sorry.”

She ignored him and continued righting her clothing. “I better get going.”

Damn it to hell.
“I’m sure Sidney has some spare clothes you could wear.” He hung his head the moment his lips said the haunting name. Everything always reverted back to her. The unforgettable Sidney Higgins. Why the heck couldn’t he get her out of his mind?

He reached for Red again, placing his hand on her thigh in the hope of wiping away some of the moisture. Before he could slide his palm lower, she gasped as if he’d struck her and slid out of reach.

“I said don’t!”

He stiffened at the venom in her tone, and not in the groin department. He’d severely fucked up, maybe even ruined her outfit. Clothing care wasn’t his forte. He didn’t have a clue at the damage he’d done.

“I’ll pay to replace them.” He sat on his haunches, watching as her shoulders slumped.

The sound of mingling guests and the live band melted into the background as Red shook her head. He waited for her to speak, to calm the hyperventilating breaths and look him in the eye. It took longer than he would’ve hoped. Then again, he was drunk and time either happened in fast-forward or slow motion. There was no in-between.

“I’m sorry.” She straightened, her hands falling to her sides and a sad smile tilting her lips. “I didn’t mean to overreact.”

“I’ll replace them.”

“No.” She gave a half-hearted chuckle. “It’s not the clothes.”

He waited for her to elaborate. Instead, she held out a hand, helping him to his feet.

“I better get going. I have an early start tomorrow.”

Jesus fuckin’ Christ
. When was he going to catch a break? “Can I at least walk you out?”

“No.” She shook her head. “Stay. I don’t want you to leave the party. I drove here, and the valet won’t take long to find my car.”

He contemplated asking for a ride home. If he stayed, his first task would be finding a waitress for another tray of numbing solace. He’d drink himself into oblivion and back again, and there was nothing Leah could do to stop him.

“I did have fun tonight, though,” she murmured. “I think we’re going to enjoy working together.”

The glowing lights from the marquees bathed her in a magical radiance, her unique hair resting against her shoulders in a gentle wave. He contemplated her features, wondering if she was trying to ease the awkwardness through a few mistruths. He didn’t know her well enough to form a conclusion. Hell, he didn’t know her at all.

“I’m looking forward to it.” He bridged the distance between them, remaining on alert in case he made another wrong move.

“Me too.” Her genuine smile returned, yanking his erection back to life like a dog on a leash.

“You sure you want to leave?”

“Yes.” Her smile grew as she retreated a step. “You’re way too drunk. And I’m way too sober. Not a great mix for complete strangers who need to work together.”

“I’m sobering up.” Kind of. “What if I promise to stop hitting on you?” It wasn’t a vow he was confident of sticking to, but he’d throw it out there nonetheless. He liked this woman. He liked the way she distracted him from all the shit in his life and made it easy to smile.

She snickered. “What’s the fun in that?”

Sean stared at the pixie in front of him, noting the confident curve of her lips. She wasn’t intimidated by him. He probably should’ve been annoyed that his lack of celebrity status in comparison to Mason hadn’t daunted her. Instead, he found it endearing. She wouldn’t wither under his desires. In fact, he had a feeling this little sprite was more than capable of matching him in the bedroom.

“Then let’s go to my place.” He twirled a lock of her hair around his finger. “We can have a whole heap of fun there.” His chest throbbed with every heavy heartbeat, waiting for her reply.

She tilted her head into his touch, her lids briefly closing before her long lashes fluttered open again. “You’re getting ahead of yourself. I admit, I encouraged your behavior, but this isn’t a great way to start a working relationship.”

“Then we don’t have to go anywhere at all.” He sounded pathetic. He couldn’t help it. She was the first woman to set foot on his radar since Sidney hijacked his life.

Red released a bark of laughter, her face brightening with humor. “If you’re looking to get lucky tonight, you really should focus your attention elsewhere. I have early dance classes in the morning and no room for lethargy.”

He could push. He had a million and one lines up his sleeve, only problem was the potency of her smile was fading the more time he spent trying to convince her to stay.

“Hint taken.” He bowed his head in defeat. “Just so you know, there won’t be anyone else for me tonight.”

Her gaze narrowed, searching for insincerity. She wouldn’t find any. This thing with Sidney had been going on for too long. He’d helped her move in with Mason. He’d been a shoulder for her to cry on when she’d been worried about his best friend’s health. Fuck, he’d even stayed in Richmond so he could be on call to give them a hand with their engagement party plans when he should’ve been getting as far away as possible.

He was ready to move on from that at any cost. Red wasn’t merely a distraction, she was hope. He just needed to move at a different pace, and maybe not fuck up the next time they were together.

“Good to know,” she murmured, reaching on her toes to place the sweetest, gentlest kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you at your first dance lesson.”

He inclined his head, devoid of words or expression that wouldn’t end in him pleading for her to stay. Instead, he gripped the tree branch beside him and watched her leave, already counting down the minutes until he’d have her back to steal his focus again.

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