Suleiman The Magnificent 1520 1566 (39 page)

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Authors: Roger Bigelow Merriman

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Ferhad Pasha, 34-35, 56; execution of, 77

Fetvas, 170

Flowers, Turkish love of, 202

Francis I, King of France, 2, 32, 63, 81; desires crusade against Moslems, 36; opposes Charles V, 45, 48; defeated at Pavia, 82; forms Franco-Turkish alliance, 127-144, 219, 220; makes treaty with Henry

vra, i 39

Franco-Turkish alliance, 226, 229, 279

Frangipani, Christopher, 80, 128

Frangipani, John, 88, 99, 100; envoy to Suleiman, 129-133

Frederick II (Stupor Mundi), Emperor, 3

Frederick III, Emperor of Austria, 42

Fregoso, murder of, 226-227

Frundsberg, George, 134

Galata, Genoese colony at, 19 Galawdewos, Negus of Abyssinia,

254-256 Gallipoli, Orkhan occupies, 8; Lore-

dano destroys Ottoman fleet at, 13 Gerba, Dragut seeks refuge in, 275;

surrenders to Turks, 276-277 Ghazali Bey, 34, 53, 61 Gibraltar, Turks attack, 225 Giustiniani, John, 17 Goa, Portuguese take, 245 Gonzaga, Ferrante, 222 Gonzaga, Julia, 213 Gospel, League for the Defense of

the, 115

Government, Turkish system of, 148-157, 160-174

Gozzo, Knights of St. John acquire, 73; Dragut defeats Knights of St. John at, 275

Gran, Suleiman captures, 105, 269

Grand Dragoman of the Porte, 165

Greece, recaptures Constantinople, 3, 6; Mohammed II controls, 20

Gritti, Andrea, 109

Gritri, Ludovico, 101-102, 103, 105, 109, 124,125; diplomatic representative of Suleiman in Hungary, 257-259

Grosswardein, treaty of, 260-261, 262

Guardian and Protector of the Holy Cities, see Selim, Sultan

Gulbehar, Sultana, 183

Guns, defense and fall of, 116-117

Hafside dynasty, 206, 207, 213

Hafssa Khatoun, mother of Suleiman, 27

Hajji Halifa, quoted on Venetians, 220; on siege of Algiers, 228; on Salman Reis, 246

Halicarnassus, see Budran

Hapsburg, House of, power of, 43,

45> 47 Harem, the, under Suleiman, 180-

186 Hassan (Barbarossa), attacks Oran,

278-279; at Malta, 283 Hassan Aga, 227, 228 Henry III, King of England, 3 Henry VIH, King of England, 2,

32, 44, 81, 135; Francis I makes

treaty with, 139 Herzegovina, Mohammed II annexes,

20 Hieronymus of Zara, heads mission

to Suleiman, 120-123 Hoberdanacz, John, 102-103 Holy League, formation of, 221 Honeine, Doria captures, 210


Humayun, Emperor, 247; Tahmasp aids, 243

Hungary, Bayezid I defeats, at Nico-polis, n; drives Ottomans under Murad II from Servia, 14; checks advance of Turks, 39-40; decline of, 41-43; Charles V intervenes in, 47; Suleiman attacks, 52-59, 84-96, 103-108, 264-267, 260-270, 287-290; seeks aid against Turks, 79-8 4

Hunyadi, John, drives Ottomans from Servia, 14; defeated at Varna and Kossovo, 14-15; defeats Mohammed II at Belgrade, 19

Ibrahim Pasha, 72, 103, 104, 109, 161, 219, 236, 258; rise of, 76-77; recalled from Egypt, 79; in second Hungarian campaign, 85-86, 91; defeats rebels in Karamania, 97; Laski interviews, 102; receives envoys of King Ferdinand, 110-112; quoted on Charles V, 113; described, 121-122; receives ruby ring from Francis I, 133; death of, 184-185; first Persian campaign, 237-238

Iconium, 4

Immortal, the, see Abd-ul-Baki

Isabella I, Queen of Castile, 43, 44

Isabella, Queen of Hungary, 207, 265, 270; Zapolya marries, 261; death of, 273

Ismail I, Shah, 23, 35; Selim defeats, at Chaldiran, 24; death of, 78, 235-236

Ismid, 5, 7

Isnik, 5, 7

Jagello, Ladislaus, King of Hungary, 42, 47

Jajce, or Yaicze, 80, 97

Janissaries, 30, 31; creation of, 7; revolt of, under Murad II, 15; Selim

reorganizes, 24; under Suleiman, 74-75, 78-79, 104, 154-15^ ""

Janus Krai, see Zapolya, John

Jem, Sultan, 22

Jem, Prince, 73

Jerid, 201

Jezirat, the, Selim acquires, 24

Joanna, mother of Charles V, 44

Julius III, Pope, 255, 271

Jurisic, Niklas, 109, in, 116-117

Kaffa, 27; Suleiman governor of, 28

Kaisar-i-Rum (Emperor of Rome), see Mohammed II

Kanuni, El, see Suleiman (the Magnificent)

Kanun-Nameh, 147, 148, 160

Kanun-nameh, Misr, 159

Karamania, 97; Murad I defeats, 10; Murad II defeats, 13; Mohammed II reduces, 20

Karasi, Orkhan captures, 7

Katibi Rumi, see Sidi All Reis

Katzianer, Hans, 260

Kay-Kubad, Sultan, 4-5

Kaziaskers, 169*1".

Kazis, 1691!.

Kemal, Mustafa, see Mustafa Kemal

Kemal Pasha Zadeh, 199; quoted on bridge across the Drave, 86-87; on battle of Mohacs, 91-92, 93, 95, 96; on Francis I, 132

Khaireddin (Barbarossa), 37, 46, 48, 207; commands Turkish fleet, 139-142; ravages western Mediterranean, 208-210; admiral-in-chief of Ottoman fleet, 212-214, 215-219, 220, 222-226, 229-230; Charles V attempts to win, 219-220, 222, 226, 229; death, 229, 274

Khan, significance of the title, 145-146

Kharaj, the, 162, 170

Khurrem, see Roxelana, Sultana

Kiuprilis, 290


Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, 21, 51, 6o~6i, 72-73, 126, 127; Dragut attacks strongholds of, 275

Knights Templars, 126

Knolles, Richard, 61

Kolosvar, Diet of, 271

Komorn, Suleiman captures, 105

Korkud, son of Bayezid II, 28

Kossovo, Murad I defeats Christians at, 10; second battle of, 15, 39

Kullar, the Sultan's slave family and nobility, 150 ft", and 175 if

Kurdistan, Selim acquires, 24

Kurtoglu, corsair, 62, 67

La Foret, Jean de, French ambassador to Turkey, 141-143

La Goletta, 226; Charles V besieges and captures, 216, 217, 218

Lamberg, Count Joseph von, 109, in

Laski, Hieronymus, 100-102, 135; envoy of Ferdinand to Porte, 262, 263-264

Laughing One, the, see Roxelana, Sultana

La Valette, Jean de, Grand Master at Malta, 276, 282, 283, 284; defeated by Turks at Gerba, 276-277

Lebanon, surrenders to Selim, 25

Legislator, the, see Suleiman (the Magnificent)

Leo X, Pope, 32, 37, 49, 84; urges crusade against Moslems, 36, 38

Lepanto, Turks routed at, 285

Loredano, destroys Ottoman fleet at Gallipoli, 13

Louis VII, King of France, 126

Louis IX (St, Louis), King of France, 126, 216

Louis XI, King of France, 126

Louis XII, King of France, 127; despatches expeditions against Moslems, 36

Louis the Great (of Anjou), King

of Hungary, 8-9 Louis II, King of Hungary, 32, 43,

53, 55, 81; marriage, 56; death,

93; *34

Louise of Savoy, sends mission to Suleiman, 128-129

Ludovisi, Danielle de*, quoted on Suleiman, 191

Lusatia, annexed by Hungary, 42

Lutfi Pasha, Grand Vizir, 185, 219, 221

Luther, Martin, 55, 83-84, 105; challenges authority of Charles V, 48

Lutherans, no, 121, 264; Charles V arranges truce with, 115

Madrid, Treaty of, 131 Maghzen, 231 Magnesia, see Manissa Magnificent, the, see Suleiman (the

Magnificent), Sultan Malabar Coast, Portuguese attack,

243-244; Turkish expedition to,

245-249 Malta, Knights of St. John acquire,

73; Dragut repulsed at, 275; Turks

attack and sign peace with Christians, 280-285

Malvezzi, Giovanni Maria, 269, 271 Mamelukes, 3, 5; Selim defeats, near

Aleppo, 24-25 Manissa, 14; Suleiman governor of,


Manzikert, battle of, 4 Maria, Queen of Hungary, 81 Marignano, battle of, 127 Martinengo, Brescian engineer at

Rhodes, 62-63, 66, 69 Martinuzzi, Cardinal, 261-262, 265,

268, 270-271 Mary, wife of IJmperor Maximilian

1,43 Mary, wife of Louis II of Hungary,



Maximilian I, Emperor, 37, 43, 44, 47

Maximilian II, 286; succeeds Ferdinand, 273

Mecca, Selim wins overlordship of, 24, 25

Medina, Selim wins overlordship of, 24, 25

Mehedia, El, Dragut captures, 275,

276 _

Menavino, Giovanni Antonio, quoted

on Sultan's visit to the harem,

181-182 Mers-el-Kebir, Spaniards capture,

207; Hassan attacks, 278-279 Mihrmah, daughter of Roxelana, 281 Mohacs, battle of, 84, 86-93, i3*ยป *34 Mohammed I (the Restorer), 32;

reign of, 12-13 Mohammed II, 146, 179, 197, 211,

290; reign of, 15-21; besieges

Rhodes, 21, and Belgrade, 52 Mohammed (the Lion), Suleiman

orders execution of, 288 Mohammed Sokolli (Falcon's Nest),

161, 190; attempts to maintain

Turkish prestige, 290 Mohammed of Trikala, murdered at

Siklos, 287

Moldavia, Mohammed II attacks, 20 Moldavia, Prince of, Suleiman defeats, 261

Monastic, Dragut captures, 275 Moncado, Don Hugo de, Khaired-

din routs, 209 Mongols, 3; racial background of,

4; declining dominion of, 5-6 Monzon, truce of, 220 Moors, expelled from Spain, 46, 48;

take refuge in North Africa, 207 Moravia, annexed by Hungary, 42 Morosini, Gianfrancesco, 149; quoted

on Ottoman government, 150 Moslem Institution of the Ottoman

Empire, 148, 168-174 Mosque, Turkish, described, 197-198

Mostaganem, Spaniards routed at,

2 75

Muftis, 169 ff Muley Hassan, 222, 226; Khaireddin

dethrones, 213-214, 215; becomes

vassal of Charles V, 217 Murad I, reign of, 8-10 Murad II, reign of, 13-15; besieges

Belgrade, 52 Murad III, successor of Selim the

Sot, 290 Murad Bey, attempts to take Orinuz,


Muscat, Pki Reis captures, 249 Mustafa Kemal, 291 Mustafa Pasha, 64, 68; leads land

forces in attack on Malta, 281, 282 Mustafa, son of Suleiman, 183, 185-

187, 291

Nagy-Varad, treaty of, see Gross-wardein, treaty of

Navagero, Bernardo, quoted on Suleiman, 191-192

Nicaea, 5, Orkhan captures, 7

Nice, siege of, 229

Nicomedia, 5, Orkhan captures, 7

Nicopolis, battle of, n, 39, 126

Nishanji, 160, 164

Nuremberg, Diets at, 83

Nuremberg, Religious Peace of, 138

One, see Honeine

Oran, Spaniards capture, 207; resists

Turks, 230; Hassan attacks, 278-


Orkhan, Emir, reign of, 6-8 Ormuz, Portuguese capture, 245,

247, 249

Oropesa, Barbarossa ravages, 218 Osman, succeeds Ertoghrul, 5-6 Otranto, Mohammed II storms, 21;

Turks land at, 220 Ottoman, origin of word, 6 Ottoman Ruling Institution, 148,154-



Padishah, 112, 146, and note Palaeologus, Constantine, 17 Palestine, Selim master of, 25 Patriarchate, the, 18-19, 166 Paul III, Pope, 221, 254; urges Charles V to revive crusades, 214-zi5

Pavia, battle of, 81, 82, 102 Peasants' War, 84 Penon de Velez, see Velez de la

Gomera Perenyi, Bishop Francis, quoted on

battle of Mohacs, 90 Persia, Selim invades, 23-14, 29-30; Suleiman's expeditions against, 234, 236-240, 241-243

Pesth, Suleiman enters, 265; Ferdinand besieges, 268 Peter, Brother, envoy to Shah of

Persia, 234

Peterwardein, Ibrahim captures, 85 Philip I, King of Castile, 44 Philip Augustus, King of France,


Philip II of Spain, 285; succeeds Charles V, 276; defends Oran and recovers Velez de la Gomera, 279-280; delays aid to Malta, 284 Philippopolis, Murad I captures, 9 Piali Pasha, 277; directs fleet in attack on Malta, 281 Piedmont, Francis I invades, 142 Piracy, in western Mediterranean,


Piri Pasha, Grand Vizir, 56, 76, 183 Piri Reis, 50 n; fails in attempt on

Ormuz, 249-250 Poland, 14,81; Suleiman renews truce

with, 78

Porphyrogenitus, Constantine, 179 Port Mahon, Barbarossa attacks, 218 Portuguese, compete with Venice in Oriental trade, 41; seek expansion in Orient, 244; aid Abyssinia against Turks, 252-256 Presenda, Luis de, 215

Pressburg, 105 Prester John, 253 Prevesa, battle of, 222-223 Protector of the Holy Cities, see Selim I (the Terrible) Public Baths, 201

Raab, Suleiman captures, 105

Reformation, Protestant, 49, 273

Reis (Algiers), 232

Reis Effendi, 160, 164

Restorer, the, see Mohammed I

Rhodes, 26; Mohammed II defeated at, 21; Suleiman conquers, 59-75

Richard Coeur de Lion, 126

Ridania, Selim defeats Mamelukes at, 25

Rincon, Antonio, envoy to Suleiman, 135, 138, 140; murder of, 226-227

Rose of Spring, see Gulbehar, Sultana

Roxelana, Sultana, plots for son's succession, 183-186, 188-189, 291

Ruling Institution, see Ottoman Ruling Institution

Rum, 4

Russia, under Mongol yoke, 3

Rustem Pasha, Grand Vizir, 161, 185, 186, 188, 190, 268

Sabac, 55; falls to Suleiman, 56 Saga za Ab, seeks Portuguese aid

against Turks, 253 St. Sophia, mosque of, 18 Salah Reis, succeeds Barbarossa in

North Africa, 274 Salm, Count Nicholas von, 106, 107 Salman Reis, 246 Salonild, Murad II captures, from

Venetians, 13-14 Sanjak, 165 Sanjak bey, 165 Sarukhan, Suleiman governor of, 30


Schepper, Cornelius, 141, 259; envoy to Suleiman, 120-123

Schrnalkalden, League of, 115, 137

Selim I (the Terrible), 27, 127, 146; reign of, 22-26, 29-30; attitude of Western Europe toward, 36-37; appoints Khaireddin beylerbey of Africa, 208; defeats Persians at Chaldiran, 235

Selim II (the Sot), son of Suleiman, 188-189, 285, 290, 291

Seljuk Turks, overrun Asia Minor, 4; end of empire, 6, 13

Semendria, 29; Ferhad Pasha governor of, 35

Semlin, 52; falls to Suleiman, 57; Suleiman receives John Sigismund Zapolya at, 287

Seraskier, commander-in-chief, 64, 76, 156

Servia, Murad I conquers, 9; Baye-zid I reduces, to vassalage, n; Hunyadi drives Ottomans from, 14

Sheik-ul-Islam, the, 169-170; Suleiman consults, 186-187

Sheri, or Sacred Law of Islam, 146, 147, 158, 169, 170

Sickingen, Franz von, 84

Sidi Ali Reis, defeated by Portuguese, 250-251

Sigismund, King of Hungary, Baye-zid I defeats, 11

Sigismund I, King of Poland, 53, 135

Siklos, Mohammed of Trikala murdered at, 287

Silesia, annexed by Hungary, 42

Sinan the Jew, 216, 275

Singidunum, see Belgrade

Skanderbeg, George, see Castriota, George

Slavery, Turkish system of, 150-154, 175-181

Socotra, Albuquerque seizes, 245

Sofia, Murad I captures, 9

Soller, Turks attack, 278

Soria, Lope de, 133-134

Spahis, 156-157

Spires, Diet of, 84, 105, 268

Stephen, King of Hungary, see Zapolya, John Sigismund

Stuhlweissenburg, Diet at, 99; Suleiman takes, 269

Styria, 128, Suleiman ravages, 118

Suleiman, son of Orkhan, 7-8, 32

Suleiman (the Magnificent), described, 2-3, 32-34, 38-39, 190-193, 277-278, 285-286; early years, 27; governor of Boli and KafTa, 28, 33; governor of Adrianople, 29-30; governor of Sarukhan, 30; accession, 31-32; attitude of Christian Europe toward, 36-39; demands tribute from Hungary, 52-53; first invasion of Hungary, 56-59; conquers Rhodes, 59, 61-75; second invasion of Hungary, 84-96; besieges Vienna, 103-108; campaigns against Charles V, 112-119; forms Franco-Turkish alliance, 127-144, 219, 220; as legislator, 147-148, 157-160, 162-165; constitution of his court, 175-182; his harem, 183-184; family troubles, 183-189; daily life, 193-196; as patron of architects and scholars, 197-199; becomes dominant power in Mediterranean, 206, 210-219, 220-223, 275-276; Persian expeditions, 234, 236-240, 241-243; attempts to gain control of Indian Ocean from Portuguese, 245-252; supports Ug-dunin Pasha in attempted conquest of Nubia, 255; diplomacy with Hungary, 257-259, 262-264, 267-268, 269-270, 272-273; annexes Moldavia, 261; fourth invasion of Hungary, 264-267; returns to Hungary, 269-270; grants five-year truce to Ferdinand, 269-270; attacks Malta and is finally repulsed, 280-285; captures Szi-

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