Read Sugar Valley (Hollywood's Darkest Secret) Online

Authors: Stephen Andrew Salamon

Tags: #hollywood, #thriller, #friendship, #karma, #hope, #conspiracy, #struggle, #famous, #nightmare, #movie star

Sugar Valley (Hollywood's Darkest Secret) (63 page)

BOOK: Sugar Valley (Hollywood's Darkest Secret)
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“Because, I’m not going.” She stopped her
words, turned her head so he couldn’t see her face, and abruptly
formed a plan in her mind once again: a plan to make Jose bring her
celebrity career back. With her head still turned, and the plan
that formed in her thoughts, she smiled, and added, “Um, I also
fired my agent today.”

“Why aren’t you going to your premiere? And
why the hell did you fire your agent?” Jose was flustered, his mind
not being able to comprehend her motives for doing such a thing to
her agent. He tried to figure out why she would do it before she
explained, and still stalked toward the back of her head, waiting
for her turn around and show him her eyes.

Julienne’s lies started to form even more in
her mind, becoming verbal as she answered, “Well, I knew you were
going to get the part in the movie, and I knew that you would need
my help and guidance with it. Since the movie begins filming in
February, I had to decide whether I wanted to just abandon you for
a few days by going to the premiere, or stay by your side. I chose
to stay by your side.” She ceased her smile, turned it into a sad,
depressed, sincere look, and faced Jose finally; her acting was
great. Julienne’s lies grew larger in number, adding, “I fired my
agent because I decided to take a break from Hollywood and help out
someone I care for.”

Jose slowly got up from his knees, grasping
onto her hand, and asking, “Why did you do all that for me? What
did I ever do for you?”

Julienne knew she was winning his trust and
even his love at that moment. Through his guilty words showed
Julienne his conscience, and how he felt guilty for her putting
this great career on hold for him; only if he knew it was a lie.
She looked up at him and said the greatest lie of all, the lie that
would make Jose follow her plan for fame, the plan that Jose didn’t
know and might never know of. “Because I love you. And I know you
love me, that’s what you did for me.”

He gently caressed her face. Feeling the
white, silken drapes blowing at his flesh, he spoke, “I love you

Julienne stared at Jose and thought about
what her agent said to her, those words of truth that she didn’t
want to hear. The evil built up inside of her as she thought of the
next words she would say to him, making sure to be careful before
she spoke. Julienne knew the words she spoke had to be gentle but
yet not suspicious; she realized Jose was a very smart man, and he
would catch on to her plan very easily. She got up from the bed and
began walking toward the bathroom. Entering it, and staring at her
image in the bathroom mirror, Jose followed her into the bathroom
and watched her face, gazing at her reflection off of the vanity.
Taking a deep breath, after careful thinking, she looked at his
reflection and questioned, “How about having me as your agent?”

“Why would you want to be my agent, Julienne?
You have enough work to do with your acting.”

Julienne realized her words were a little too
suspicious, so she tried, and thought about the button she pushed
to make Jose turn evil to the eyes of his friends. That’s when she
responded, “Um, because Darell already has an agent, and he’s
getting a lot more money for this movie than you. Also, Damen
already has an agent, and his agent will probably get him in a lot
of films. When it comes to you, Jose, you don’t have an agent, and
I, myself, feel that I’m the best person for the job.” Julienne
turned around to face the real image of Jose and grasped onto his
hand. “Also, because I love you,” she added, knowing the words were
false to her ears but true to his.

“Alright, I mean, if you really want to be my
agent.” Jose exited the bathroom while shutting off the lights. He
walked to the bedroom light switch and turned it off, that’s when
Julienne exited the bathroom also. They both lay down in the bed,
with Julienne staring at him, knowing that her plan worked, and
would guide her to completing the final plan she had, furthering
her career with his help.

“Alright, and you don’t have to pay me
either. I just want to be around you everywhere you go,” Julienne
said. Jose turned the lights back on by reaching his hand over to
the nightstand and pulling on a brown string that connected to her
Victorian lamp.

He was confused, saying, “I have to pay you

Julienne smiled in her mind; that was what
she wanted him to say. She lay next to him and snuggled against her
pillow, announcing, “Well, alright, if you insist. I’ll get the
paperwork ready next week.”

“Do you think Damen found out about me taking
his part in this movie?” Jose questioned as her eyes closed.

She smiled, responding with, “Well, even if
he did find out, you already signed the contract.”

“I know, but I just don’t want to lose him as
a friend.” Jose’s soul returned for that moment and the thoughts of
Sugar Valley left his subconscious for a second, showing his
thoughts what it meant to him.

She looked at him, frustrated at his words;
she wanted him to just forget about his friends. Knowing that
jealousy was the easiest way to break Jose from his goodness, she
questioned, “Um, didn’t you say that Dennis Schultz chose Damen for
his looks and talent, but he chose you because you’re friends with

“You know, I am a better actor than him,
right?” He desperately wanted the jealousy that Julienne caused, to
go away. It hurt him massively, and the feeling was something that
he didn’t want anymore, but Julienne was going to make sure he
constantly received it; this was the only way to mold him into what
Julienne wanted him to be.

“Yes, you are, Jose.” She knew the button she
pressed made Jose’s hatred toward Damen last for only a few hours.
Julienne knew she had to press another button that would allow Jose
to hate Damen even more and longer. Knowing the one button wasn’t
enough, she opened her eyes again, put a lie together, and said,
“Jose, I have something else on my mind, something that really
upset me.”

“I knew it, what else is bothering you,

“Well, besides not going to my premiere and
firing my agent, I also had a little bit of trouble with the
opposite sex.”

Jose sat up in his bed, and spoke with anger,
“What do you mean, did some guy say something to you? Just tell me,
Julienne, and I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

Julienne sat up in the bed as well,
explaining, “Well, you have to promise me first that you won’t
approach him at all. If you love me, you’ll promise me, do you

“Just tell me what happened first. I can’t
promise you something that I don’t know yet,” he replied in a
serious fashion.

“Alright, when we slept over at the apartment
that night.” She paused for a moment, turned her head to face
opposite of Jose’s eyes, and knew that after she finished her
sentence, this should jam that button so far down, that Jose would
never, and could never turn back into what Sugar Valley made him:
innocent. She added, “Um, well, um, Damen did something to me.”

His fists began to tighten, feeling the
jealousy, rage and anger coming toward his sight, feeling the
madness in his fists, wanting the pressure of it to cease by
punching something, he asked, “What did he do?”

“Well, remember when I rushed out of the
apartment, and you were wondering why we were leaving so fast?”
Julienne questioned, grinning with evil to her mouth. She then
wiped the grin off of her face, put serious eyes on, and turned to
face Jose.


“Well, before you woke up, Damen came up to
me and started talking to me. He said that you were a loser and I
should date him instead. That’s when he pulled me toward him and
kissed me on the cheek. Damen told me I would have better sex with
him than you,” she announced, abruptly turning her head away from
Jose’s eyes again and grinning.

He jumped out of bed. The anger was too
great, too large for him to take it in sitting down. He looked out
the window, feeling this anger inside of his body, his fists, under
his flesh, making his blood boil, fume, and feeling the vapors
through his breath, trying his hardest to find some way, or else
some words to say, that would allow his anger to release. But, he
asked instead, “What did you do?”

Julienne was able to create fake tears.
Showing her face to Jose, she answered, “I told him to get out of
my face. I slapped him once in the face and ran out of the
apartment with you. That’s what was bothering me the most

Now, his anger was too large for him to
handle, so he ran out of the room, shouting, “I’m gonna kill

She ran out of the room, following him, and
saying in a low, subtle tone, “Oh shit. Julienne, remember, don’t
screw this one up.”

She ran down her hallway with her nightgown
flying in the wind, hitting the walls, flowing over each step she
took; she resembled a princess, a princess with an evil mind.
Julienne ran in front of him, stopping him in his furious tracks,
and listened to him as he shouted, “I knew he would try something
like this.” She just looked at him, knowing that she went too far
with this lie. She knew, if Jose approached Damen about this
situation that was a lie, then Damen would deny it, and every lie
that Julienne said would come out; Jose had to be stopped.

Julienne made a desperate attempt to catch
Jose before he destroyed, dismembered, and blew up her evil and
intricate masterful plan, yelling, “No, you can’t tell him
anything. Please, Jose, I just want to put this behind us.”

Jose ran down the grand staircase, shouting,
“Listen, maybe you could put this behind you, but I can’t.”

Julienne ran to the edge of the staircase,
looked down at him, and said, “Baby, maybe we could use this to our
advantage.” Jose stopped on the last stair.

Jose slowly turned around, looked up at her
and asked, “What do you mean?”

Julienne thought of more lies to say, knowing
she couldn’t stop lying now, or everything would come down on her.
But, at that moment, no lies came to her evil-oriented mind, except
for a loss of words. As she gazed off of the staircase, entering
her eyes into his, she spoke with a low, calm voice, “Just trust
me, Jose. One of these days, we could use that incident to our

He sat down on the last stair, asking,

“Listen to me, let’s just go and get your
movie over with. After that’s done, then we could get Damen back
for doing that to me. Please, baby, I know what I’m doing.”
Julienne realized she didn’t know at all what she was doing; all
she wanted Jose to do was hate Damen and Darell. Her wicked mind
didn’t want them in Jose’s life, because she knew they would cause
him to never accomplish his dream. She knew they would never allow
his mind to be strong, the strength he needs to devour Hollywood.
But, the reason why she didn’t turn Jose against Darell yet was
because she knew Darell was already taking drugs. Julienne
discovered it when she saw Darell at the apartment; to her, she
felt Darell wouldn’t last in Hollywood for much longer. Julienne
thought of how she wanted Jose to develop a mind that only thought
of fame, a mind that was addicted to fame, a mind like hers. All
Julienne wanted was to use him, coveting Jose’s good looks to give
birth to her fame again, a rebirth that would allow her to become a
Goddess in Hollywood. She understood that Jose had to develop a
cruel, strong, uncaring, and ruthless mind, in order to be famous
himself, in order to give Julienne her fame back.

As she walked down the staircase, Julienne
thought of how she’d gone too far into this vicious plan, the plan
of achieving fame again. She sat next to Jose on the staircase,
stared at the side of his face and said, “Please, Jose, let’s go
back to bed.”

Jose looked at her beauty and then looked
down again. “Alright, I trust you. But you have to promise me, that
in the future you will allow me to approach Damen about this
situation.” Jose put his head on her lap, adding, “Will you?”

“I promise you, I promise you we’ll both get
Damen back for doing this to me,” replied Julienne before she gave
a sigh of relief. She rubbed her head full of sweat and said in her
mind, Thank God.

They both returned to her bedroom and lay
back in bed.

Jose’s soul vanished and the trance of fame
took over for good. The second button stayed down completely and
locked in place, the button of jealousy, hatred, and envy. As they
both lay in bed, Jose spoke, “I’m a better actor than him, Damen’s

Miss Wells faced away from him, smiled, and
said, “Goodnight, Jose.”

“Goodnight, Julienne.” The anger built up
inside of him again, abruptly showing itself through the thought of
Damen’s face. Julienne’s smile grew more when Jose spoke out loud,
“Damen can go to hell.”

Chapter Fifty-One

Walking slow, consuming every moment,
staring at the beautiful textures that formed on her face, holding
onto her hand, and grasping ahold of every glance she gave him, and
every breath she gave out, he heard, Damen walked with Vivian
through the airport, with thoughts that collided in his mind,
blocking out everything around him, and only thinking of her, on
how she’s leaving him to go somewhere far away.

Maybe I should go with her.

He didn’t want her to go, and she felt it,
the way his eyes would sink down like a ship being eaten by the
sea, she saw in his pupils, everything that he was thinking, and
everything that he wanted at this moment. Sitting down with her and
looking out of a big window, at the airplane which she’s going to
leave on, he got up from his seat and lingered over to the window’s
glass; the thought of going back home went through his mind. Damen
stared at the plane and then stared at Vivian’s reflection, seeing
her walking up to him gently, hugging him tightly as he asked,
“When does your flight leave?”

BOOK: Sugar Valley (Hollywood's Darkest Secret)
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