Sugar Rush (Offensive Line #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Sugar Rush (Offensive Line #1)
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November 23rd

Mad Batter Bakery

Los Angeles, CA


Lilly’s hand feels impossibly small in mine. Delicate and warm, even in the cold morning air. She’s taking a rare break from work to walk with me. It’s only fifteen minutes, but I’m grateful for it. I needed to see her. It’s why I came down to the bakery at six in the morning on my day off. I could be sleeping in. I could be in my sweats in front of the TV, shamelessly catching up on
The New Girl
, but instead I got up at dawn and came down here just to hold her hand for fifteen minutes. Well, that and to taste her tongue for seven minutes of heaven on the sidewalk in front of a sex shop. My morning wood has had a revival since then. I was hoping the walking and the cold would help lay him down, but that sugary scent that lingers in Lilly’s hair after a morning of baking is working overtime on my libido. He will not go quietly. He wants loud, hot, and sweat soaked. He wants hands in hair and teeth grazing skin.

I don’t blame him. I’m looking at Lilly in her tight jeans and oversized coat, and I’m thinking about that night on the couch. The wet, slick feel of her against me in the shower. It’s been over a week since that night and kissing is all we’ve done since. Maybe I’ve had roaming hands, yeah, but it’s the most innocent groping I’ve ever conducted, I swear. I’m taking it slow like she wants and it’s good because she’s worth the wait. For once sex isn’t the endgame for me.

Added bonus, my right hand is getting one hell of a workout.

“Are you hungry?” Lilly asks innocently. “I put apple fritters out just before you got to the store. They’re probably still warm.”

I smile, squeezing her hand gently. “You remembered my favorite.”

She laughs, her voice simultaneously rough and soft. “You eat like five of them every time you ‘help’ in the mornings. You’re a little transparent.”

“What’s your favorite?”

“My favorite donut?” She thinks about it for a second, her shoulder bumping mine as she walks. “Raspberry filled. Glazed.”


“How is that sexy?”

“Raspberries are always sexy.”

“I thought that was strawberries.”

“It’s both.”

She smiles to herself, shaking her head.

“What?” I prod.

“You have a fruit fetish. I don’t know why that surprises me.”

“I don’t have a fetish.”

“You have a small fetish.”

“I don’t think you know what ‘fetish’ means.” I stop, tugging on her hand to pull her back the other way. “Come on. We’ll go back to the sex shop and I’ll teach you.”

She laughs, letting herself be pulled easily into my arms. “I’m never going in a sex shop with you. I can see the headlines now. My mom would cry.”

“Do you see any paparazzi around here?”

Lilly searches the street, the sidewalk across from us, finally bringing her eyes back to mine. “Nope. Not today. But they’ve started circling. John said there were six outside the shop during your game yesterday.”

“Whose fault is that?”


“Yours!” I laugh. “You gave me chocolate dicks to eat!”

She blushes furiously. “I didn’t think you’d eat them on television! I thought it would be a private joke.”

“I don’t have private jokes.”

Her eyes cloud with the sky, darkening. It’s getting colder instead of warmer as the morning moves on. Thin, gray clouds are rolling over the weak yellow sun. It feels like rain is in the air.

It also feels like she’s pulling away, even though she hasn’t moved. She does this whenever my fame comes up. She gets wiggy. Nervous. She says it’s because of what happened to her brother with Cassie Carlyle, and I wish I knew how to explain to her that I would never do that. I won’t ghost her. Not in a million years. She doesn’t understand that I’m just as vulnerable as she is right now. That this is new territory for me.

She has no idea she could hurt me far worse than I could ever hurt her.


“Hmm?” she replies distractedly.

I reach out to run my fingers through her hair, smoothing it away from her face as the wind tries to hide her from me. “Tell me a secret and I’ll keep it.”

She chuckles faintly. “What are you talking about?”

“I want you to trust me. I want you to feel like there’s some part of this that’s not on the table for the public, but you’ve gotta give me a chance. You’ve gotta give me something private to let me prove that I can keep it private.”

She looks away, her eyes falling to the sidewalk where litter dances by in the wind, tumbling and spinning. She’s focused somewhere else, following that blue scrap of paper, but she leans her head into my hand. It’s a strange set a gestures, like she’s pulling away and burrowing in at the same time. Like she’s torn in so many ways that I wish I could understand.

“Is there anything that’s yours that you don’t share?” she asks quietly.

“My dad,” I answer immediately. “I never talk to the press or the team about him. No one knows his name or where he is.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah. I found him when I was in college. I went to meet him.”

Lilly’s brow creases, her eyes returning to mine. I lower my hand from her head to her shoulder, wrapping my arms around her loosely. “I thought you said you never met him.”

“No, I said I never got to know him, and I didn’t.” I take a deep breath, filling my chest with air to ease the tightness growing inside it. “On spring break my sophomore year at North Carolina I told my mom I was going to Mexico with guys from the team. I didn’t, though. I lied to her and she still doesn’t know about it. No one knows but me and my dad.”

“And you met him?” she asks, stepping deeper into my arms, raising her hands to my chest.

I clear my throat briskly. “Yeah, I met him. He’s a drunk in Chicago. He works maintenance for a hotel out there. Sits in a basement drinking Jack straight from a coffee mug and waits for shit to go wrong so he can swoop in and fix it, if he’s sober enough. When I found him he was drunk as hell. He didn’t understand who I was, so I got a room at the hotel and waited for the next day. In the morning when he came in to work he was coherent. He knew me right away.”

“Was he happy to see you?”

“Yeah,” I admit listlessly. “He was. He said he’d wanted to meet me for years but my mom made him swear to stay away until he sobered up. He never did so he never came back.”

“That’s really sad.”

“He’s a sad guy. He’s pathetic. He hates his job, hates his life. I felt bad for him. I told him we should keep in touch but he said we couldn’t. He told me meant that promise to my mom about getting sober before getting to know me and he said he was going to keep it. He said he was going to quit drinking that day.”

Lilly shakes her head. “He didn’t, did he?”

“No. I haven’t heard from him since I left Chicago that day. That was years ago.” I absently lean forward, pressing a slow kiss to her forehead. I breathe in the sweet scent of her hair, pushing out the memory of stale alcohol and sweat. “And that,” I whisper against her hair, “is a secret that nobody knows. One that no one else will ever know.”

Her arms go around my waist, hugging me tightly. It feels good. Solid. Comforting. It’s a scary thing, to tell her about my dad, but I think it’s a scary thing for her to trust me, and I want that more than anything. I know that to gain trust you have to give it, and I just gave her all of my aces. It’s a gamble I’m hoping will pay off.

She stands there with me for too long. Longer than her break. Longer than normal people should. She stays still in my arms like a statue on the street, a work of art, and I start to wonder if I’ve gambled and lost. I start to worry that I’ll never know what it takes to get closer to her.

That I lost her before I ever won her.

When Lilly finally speaks, her voice is smaller than a petal, “My dad has Alzheimer’s.”

But her words are larger than a mountain.

I open my mouth, struggling to find the right response.

Turns out there is none.

“How old is he?” I ask, completely thrown.

“Forty-seven,” she speaks quietly against my chest. “It started showing up a few years ago. It was little stuff at first. He’d forget where he put his keys. What he ate for breakfast. Then he couldn’t remember pictures we had around the house. There was one in the hall of us at Disneyland when I was in middle school. A couple years ago Mom found him standing in there staring at it and when she asked him what he was doing he started crying. He said he couldn’t remember the trip. He tried so hard but he couldn’t. After that it started happening faster. Bigger things, like how to get to work. Which car was his in the parking lot.” She pauses. I feel her take a bracing breath under my arms. “Last year he forgot my name. Two weeks later when I came into the house carrying groceries he started calling me by my mom’s name. Linda. He’s done it ever since.”

“Every time you see him?”

“No. Not every time. There are good days and bad days. The day you played the Panthers, that was a good day. We watched the game together as a family. I told him about you. That I’d met you and that you were funny. Sweet even. He was happy.” Her voice cracks. She sniffs roughly once. “He was my dad that day.”

I run my hand up and down her back slowly. “But there are bad days?”

“Yeah. Like last Sunday I couldn’t go over there. He had a bad week. He was freaked out because he knew he was forgetting things but he had no idea how much he’d forgotten. On days like those he doesn’t know me. He gets me confused with my mom. I look a lot like her when she was my age.” She shudders, her shoulders pitching forward like she’s going to be sick. “He came into the kitchen one day when I was in there. He thought I was Mom. He spun me around and he—he kissed me on the mouth. I was so freaked out I didn’t know what to do. I just stood there while he kissed me. While
licked my lips and groaned. When he let me go he told me I was as beautiful as the day he married me. He told me he loved me.”

“Shit, I—“ I don’t know how to finish that sentence. I’m stunned into silence, a rare state for me.

“I told my mom about it and she cried. We both sat there and cried and cried. We said we’d never talk about it again, but I’ll never forget how embarrassed and ashamed I felt. How ashamed I still feel now.”

I close my eyes, feeling like a fucker for asking her to talk about this. I had no idea and now that I know the worst part is that there’s nothing I can do to make it better for her. Nothing but hold her and tell her, “It’s not your fault. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“It was my dad, though.”

“It was the disease. It wasn’t you and it wasn’t him. Does he remember it happening?”

She shakes her head against my chest. “No, and I’m glad. It would be too hard for him.”

“The way it is for you and your mom.”

She nods vigorously. Silently.

“Does he remember your brother when he sees him?”

“Every single time.”


She nods again, slower this time. Sadder.

“I’m sorry, Lilly.”

“I’m sorry too.”

“For what?”

“About your dad.”

“I guess we’ve both got daddy issues, huh?” I joke feebly.

I’m relieved when she shakes with a chuckle. “It’s amazing we’re not both on a pole.”

I smile. “I’ve taken pole dancing classes.”

“No shit?”

“No shit. I did it in college to meet girls.”

She leans back out of my hold, wiping at her eyes, trying her hardest not to meet mine. “I bet you were the teacher’s pet.”

I take her face in my hands, tilting it up to look at me. I use my thumbs to wipe away the wetness gathered in her lashes and on her cheeks. I hold her gaze with mine, making sure she sees me. Making sure she knows I see her.

“I’ll keep your secret,” I swear solemnly. “What you told me and what I told you, it’s private. I promise.

She gives me a small grin. “I trust you.”

“Do you mean that?”

“Yes. Do you trust me?”

“With everything that’s mine.”

I lower my lips to hers, kissing her slowly. She tastes like salt and sadness. Like honesty and beauty and so much sweetness I feel myself getting high off the flavor. Off of her and the growing feeling in my chest that pulses and pounds, beating out a rhythm that sounds like her name.




November 27th

Beer ‘N Burger

Los Angeles, CA


They lost last night.

On Thanksgiving Day, with everyone watching.

And they lost big.

Colt was right; he doesn’t take losing very well. He doesn’t get angry, not the way some of the guys apparently do, but he gets depressed. Angsty and a little bit tipsy. On the cab ride to the bar tonight he ranted about all of the ways he could have turned that game around, listing the million different changes that could have happened to bring home the win. Only those million ways aren’t the way it happened. There’s only one way, and it was a loss, a fact he’s having a very hard time digesting, because a—

“Fucking thirty-four to two loss to the Jets is un-fucking-acceptable!” he declares to the table, shouting over music blaring through the bar. It’s Friday night, karaoke night, and the place is packed, the talent on the stage flatter than the beer I’m nursing.

“Oh my God, Funshine Bear, we heard you the first three times,” Sloane groans. “Let it go. It’s over. You lost. Focus on the next game.”

He chuckles scornfully, bringing his beer to his lips. “What next game. Why bother? Season’s over.”

I rub my hand consolingly up and down his back, unsure what to say. Better luck next time? You can’t win ‘em all?

Do you want another beer?

“You guys have four more games,” Hollis reminds him. “Maybe don’t throw in the towel just yet.”

Colt ignores him, probably because Hollis is right and Colt has no interest in leaving this funk he’s in.

Hollis is Kurtis Matthews’ agent, Sloane’s best friend, and one third of the DAK Agency where Colt is represented. Berny Dawe, Sloane Ashford, and Hollis Kane make up the entire agency. Colt explained that Berny’s been an agent for a thousand years, Sloane just started out a couple years ago, and Hollis has been at it for six or seven. He’s a few years older than I am. Dark hair. Great clothes. Kind eyes.

Hollis is a stark contrast sitting next to Colt’s closest friend, Tyus Anthony. I just met him tonight and I’m not sure what to think of him. He sits back in his seat, aloof and biting. Egotistical in a way Colt only dreams of. He’s not a bad guy, though. He’s been really nice to me, if not a little distant. He’s gorgeous with dark skin, dark eyes, and a warm laugh that he reserves almost entirely for Colt.

Sitting next to Tyus is Andreas Castillo. I’ve got nothing on that guy. When he stands suddenly and announces, “I have to take a piss,” it’s the first full sentence I’ve heard him utter all night.

“Have fun!” Colt calls after him.

Andreas looks at him funny, his handsome face drawn, before heading across the crowded room toward the back.

“You give me shit for being down,” Colt bitches at Sloane. “Meanwhile that dude is Tim-fucking-Burton.”

She purses her lips as she watches him walk away. “I feel bad for him. It’s been a rough couple of days. It’s his first Thanksgiving without his family, you guys lost to the Jets—“

“Fucking unacceptable!”

“—and now his ex-wife is in labor, giving birth to another man’s baby.” She looks around the table. “We couldn’t leave him alone tonight, right?”

“No, you’re right,” Trey agrees. “But maybe bringing him to a bar wasn’t the best idea.”

Hollis nods solemnly. “You’re right. We should be at a strip club.”

“That’s worse, but not by much. Alcohol isn’t really the best thing for a depressed man.”

“Bullshit,” Colt counters. “It’s the only thing to give a depressed man.”

“You’re not depressed. You’re sullen. It’s different.”

“He’s not even drinking,” Sloane reminds Trey, talking about Andreas.

“That’s true.”

Colt’s phone vibrates violently on the table. He looks at it briefly before shoving it across the table to Sloane. “It’s my mom. Talk to her for me.”

She frowns down at the Kodiak yellow phone between them. “No.”

“Yes. She’ll know I’ve been drinking if I text her back and she’ll be worried if I don’t.”

“Have Lilly text with her.”

“Mom’s gonna want to talk about the game and Lilly doesn’t know fuck all about football.” He rubs my leg under the table, looking at me repentantly. “Sorry, Hendricks.”

I shrug, unperturbed. “Nothing to be sorry about. It’s true.”

Sloane swipes up the phone and taps away at the screen. “If I’m going to manage your personal life too, you’re gonna owe me a raise.”

“Your services will be reflected in your Christmas bonus.”

“I can’t wait.”

“You’ll love it. It’s gonna be a big one.”


“Cock full of Christmas cheer.”

“You mean ‘chock’ full?” Hollis asks, his words nearly drowned out by the applause filling the bar. The man behind the mic is mercifully finished.

Colt shrugs. “Sure. Why not?”

Sloane glares at him. “If your idea of a Christmas bonus is to give me a dick pic, your next endorsement deal will be for penis implants, ‘cause I’ll break your shit clean off.”

“She’ll do it, man,” Trey tells him. “And if she doesn’t, I will.”

“Sorry to disappoint you both,” Colt drawls, leaning back to throw his arm around my shoulders, “but my dick is off the market. The only person getting a picture of it this Christmas is Lilly.”

I frown. “That’s not—no. Do not give me that for Christmas.”

“Not even a little one? Wallet size?”

“So life size?” Tyus asks.

“Fuck you, Anthony.”

“I’d rather get nothing,” I tell Colt. “But thanks. That’s a very… it’s thoughtful. Very thoughtful.”

He snatches up his beer with his free hand. “You people are impossible to shop for.”

“Jewelry,” Sloane tells him frankly. “We like jewelry. The sparkly kind.”

Colt looks at me sideways. “Is that true? Should I get you jewelry for Christmas?”

“The mic is open!” A woman announces on the stage, trying to amp up the room. “Who’s next?!”

I shake my head at Colt. “You don’t have to get me anything for Christmas.”

“That’s a yes,” Sloane informs him certainly.

Colt grins. “Is she right?”

“I don’t know,” I laugh uncomfortably. The entire table is looking at me, waiting for me to pick a Christmas gift from Colt friggin’ Avery. It’s awkward as shit. “I do my Christmas shopping at Target, not Cartier. I honestly don’t know much about jewelry. I don’t wear it very often because it gets in the way in the bakery. If I’m wearing a bracelet or a long necklace they could get caught in the mixer. There was this guy at a big bakery in San Francisco last year who had his wedding ring on and it got caught in a machine and tore his finger clean off. It went into the batter and they…” They’re all still watching me, more intently now than ever, and I suddenly realize I’ve pulled a Rona; I got nervous and started rambling. Oversharing. “Never mind. Yes. Jewelry is great.”

“For fuck’s sake man, do not get her jewelry,” Hollis tells Colt sternly.

“Definitely don’t get her a ring,” Sloane adds, twirling one of her own on her slim finger, a distant look in her eyes.

“What about earrings?” Colt asks me lightly. “Is there any way earrings could gruesomely mutilate you at work?”

“Not that I know of,” I laugh.

“Then that’s what I’ll get you.”

“You don’t have to get me anything.”

“I’m not getting you
I’m getting you earrings.”

“Or you’ll ask Sloane to go out and get them since she’s managing your life now,” I tease.

Sloane chuckles. “You’d be better off.”

Colt shakes his head before pulling me closer to his side. “No. I’ll get them for you myself.”

“You don’t have to—“

“Get you anything. I heard you. And you didn’t have to come here tonight when you’ve gotta work early in the morning, but you did because I asked you to.”

me to.”

“The point is you’re here when I need you and that’s worth way more to me than a few diamonds.”

I feel that traitorous blush on my cheeks, the one he draws out time and time again. The one I can’t hide; my heart on my face instead of my sleeve.

I put my hand on the side of his face to bring his lips to mine so I can kiss him. So I can hide behind him. So I can lose myself in him and the electrical storm that rages through my body whenever he’s near me. The kiss is innocent and light, but the feeling inside me is rich. Thick with so many things that conflict and coil together. Desire, fear, joy.

When I pull away he’s looking down at me with half closed eyes and a small smile on his face. One full of affection that I feel through every nerve in my body. That bubbles up and out of me, making me laugh out of nowhere. But that’s what Colt does to me. He fills me with this impossible happiness that’s so overwhelming there’s nowhere for it to go but up. Up and out and into the air around us, effervescing. Dancing.

“I like you,” I whisper to him.

His grin grows. “Say that again. I like the way it sounds.”

I scoot closer to him inside the booth, my side flush with his, our faces inches apart. “I like you, Colt. I like you very, very much.”

“I like you too, Lilly.” He runs his hand down my back, tangling his fingers in my hair. “I like you very, very much.”

“Come on, guys!” the woman pushes from the stage. “No one is brave enough to take the stage?!”

“Enough to do something crazy with me?” I ask Colt.

His eyes light up with interest. “What’d you have in mind?”

I tip my head in the direction of the stage where a woman with white cornrows is still barking, demanding another victim. “Sing with me.”

Colt laughs, throwing his head back, letting the rich sound pour over me. “Hell no,” he replies, bringing his eyes back to mine. “I’ll do a lot of wild shit, Lilly, but that’s not something you want. Trust me.”

“You can’t be that bad,” I chuckle.

Colt nods emphatically. “Oh, yes, I can. I am. But now I’m interested. Get up there. Sing me something sultry.”

“Like what?”

“Whatever you’re feelin’.”

“What’s happening?” Tyus asks.

“She’s trying to get me to sing karaoke with her.”

“No,” Trey says immediately.

Sloane shakes her head. “Seriously. Please don’t. He sang
a month ago and I’m still recovering.”

“Can you sing?” Tyus asks me.

“Pretty well,” I answer modestly. “I used to do it all the time. Rona and I practically lived at a karaoke bar on Burbank.”

“Why’d you stop?”

I shrug, not sure how to answer that question. There are too many reasons, too many factors that contributed to the fading of Lilly Hendricks to explain right now. “Life,” I answer simply.

Tyus considers me for a moment before nodding to the stage. “Let’s hear it, then. Quick, before this asshole starts popping Pesos into the juke and we’re listening to Garth Brooks for the rest of the night.”

“Do you know any Garth Brooks?” Colt asks me.

I laugh, shaking my head. “He’s not my style. Sorry.”

“Fuck! You were almost perfect. I guess everyone’s gotta have a flaw.”

“Better this than a cult membership,” Hollis reminds him.

“She’s got you laughing less than twenty-four hours after a loss,” Sloane points out. “She’s a fucking godsend, Colt. Don’t you dare start talking about flaws.”

“Go on,” Tyus prods with a small grin. “Show us your pipes.”

“Will you sing too?” I ask.

“I wanna see what kind of act I’m following first.”

“The screen is broken,” Colt warns me. “You won’t have the words.”

“I won’t need them.”

Hollis stands up, cupping his hands around his mouth. “We got a taker!”

“Bring ‘em up!” the woman shouts back happily.

Sloane and Trey shimmy out of the booth to let me out, and I realize I’m actually doing this. I’m going up to the stage to sing in this bar with these people watching. I know I can carry a tune. If I’m not in the mood to be humble, I’ll admit I’m really good, actually. I spent four years in high school beating Grammy Nominee Cassie Carlyle out of roles in school musicals. ‘Really good’ probably doesn’t cover it.

I used to feel good on a stage. Solid and excited. I used to enjoy it, but when I step up here tonight I feel nervous. I realize singing hasn’t felt good for a while now. Not for a year at least. Not since everything went to shit.

I put my hands on the mic. I take a deep breath. I look out over the bar where I find Colt’s eyes watching me intently, a half-grin on his lips, and I feel that feeling that he gives me. That light. That weight. That solid sense of self that I’ve been missing for too long.

I smile back at him. I don’t bother with the music. I pick a song that runs through my mind every time he kisses me. Every time I feel myself falling farther and farther for the man, not the myth.

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