Suddenly Dirty (4 page)

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Authors: J.A. Low

BOOK: Suddenly Dirty
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“Okay y’all, rock, paper, scissors, who goes in and talks to Vanessa?” Finn says, as soon as the door closes behind her.

Yep, we are chicken shit; most men can’t handle crying women. We all huddle around in a circle, our hands ready. Fuck, I am out first, hate that game I always suck at it. “Christian you should go; she’s your best friend,” I encourage, hoping he’d save me.

“No way, I might be the reason she’s upset. I don’t want her to yell at me or give me sad eyes. Her sad eyes kill me.”

“Good luck, buddy,” Oscar says, slapping me so hard on the back that it propels me forward towards the door. Damn fucking Viking; doesn’t know his strength sometimes.

I walk out of the hotel room flipping them all the bird as I go. Nodding to our security guys perched outside our suites, I ask, “Which way did Nessa go?”

They point towards her room.

Begrudgingly, I walk towards her room knocking twice on the door, but no answer. Turning back to the security guys silently asking them are they sure? They nod again. “Ness, it’s me, Evan, can you let me in?”

I hear movement behind the door, then Vanessa opens it. She’s kicked off her heels and her eyes are puffy. Leaving the door open for me she walks away.

“Are you okay, Ness?” I have never seen her so defeated.

Walking over to the couch, dropping hard into the cushions, she looks exhausted.

“Why do men cheat?” She asks, turning her head towards me as if I know the answer to the question she is asking.

“Many reasons, I suppose. Why, did someone cheat on you?” I stay out of Vanessa’s love life. Christian is the one that sticks his nose into her business. I didn’t realize she was seeing anyone. Vanessa is like a sister to us. After all these years working with us, if some punk has fucked her over he will have to deal with Dirty Texas.

Vanessa shakes her head. “No, it’s Sienna, my best friend from home. She caught her husband with his ex during her birthday party.”

What a prick, cheating on your wife during her birthday party, that’s low.

“I never liked Beau. How can you tell your best friend you hate her husband? She loved him, Evan. She put up with his stuck up family with a smile on her face for the past ten years. They were always telling him he could do better, that he should have married his ex. Guess they were right, because he was cheating on her with that bitch. How could he do that to her?”

Her face is red with anger. At least she’s not crying anymore. Vanessa pulls out her phone thrusting it at me. “How the fuck can you cheat on her, look at her Evan, she is stunning.”

Pulling the phone back so I can see what she looks like, my eyes widen. This woman is gorgeous; a knockout. Blonde hair curled, pulled back in a messy bun, tendrils falling around her long neck. The deep V of her black dress is dipping low, showing off her amazing tits; they would fit perfectly in my hands. Shit, now is not the time to think dirty thoughts about this woman. She looks shorter than Ness, but her curves are filling out her black sequin dress perfectly. I wouldn’t mind exploring those curves with my lips. Fuck, I think, shaking my head – stop thinking these things. She’s wearing a happy smile on her face, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. My eyes trail further over her; the dress she is wearing is short, showing off a pair of toned, tanned legs. What I wouldn’t give to have them wrapped around my waist. Fuck, what is wrong with me? I hand back the phone to Vanessa before I get into any more trouble with my thoughts.

Her eyes are on me, ignoring the phone. “Who would cheat on that, Evan?” She asks, stabbing the phone with her finger.

I had to agree, but still you never know what happens behind closed doors. Being hot doesn’t mean you’re immune to cheating. It sucks; I found this out the hard way, women can cheat just as much as men. “Is that her husband?” The dark headed guy who has his hands all over her; making me feel jealous that he gets to touch her.

“No, that’s Derrick, her other best friend. He’s gay; Beau hates him too. The man looks like a supermodel, I get why he would be jealous, but that man prefers dick and lots of it.” She chuckles softly. “Sorry, Evan I’m babbling.”

“No, you’re not, it’s fine,” I tell her, giving her a smile as I glance at the phone again, taking in Sienna’s smiling face. “And yeah, she’s hot.”

Vanessa’s smile widens. “She’ll kill me for mentioning it, but she has such a crush on you.”

Well now, I like the sound of that.

Vanessa flicks through her phone again. “This is the bastard.”

It’s a picture of a blonde guy with his arm around Sienna. He looks like an Abercrombie and Fitch model, all preppy and shit. Dressed in cream pants, boat shoes and a white button-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up. He must spend his days sailing on a yacht; you could see the old money oozing from his pores, just like the rich oil boys from back home in Texas.

“He’s a lawyer, all slimy and shit,” Vanessa says, crinkling her nose. This made me laugh.

I continued flicking through more of the photos on her phone. The rest were of Sienna and Derrick; dancing, laughing, drinking and by the looks of things, having a great time. She looked so happy, it’s sad to know how the night ended; my hands fisting in anger for her.

“She’s divorcing him, thank God.”

My ears are standing to attention over this little bit of information. It doesn’t matter if she is single though, there are a number of things standing between us. One: there is an ocean between us, two: she is Vanessa’s best friend and three: she is going to have baggage. Just stick with the groupies Evan.

“She’s lucky to have you on her side, Vanessa.”

Giving me a weak smile, she asks. “Do you think the boys would mind if I go to Australia for Christmas? I want to surprise her; I hate that I am not there for her.”

“If they do, then I will just punch them in the balls.”

Laughing she knocked my shoulder with hers, “Thank you, Evan, for listening. I appreciate it even though I know you lost at rock, paper, scissors.”

She made me laugh. Ness knows us so well.

“I’ll miss your birthday.”

That sucks, but I’m used to people missing my birthday. Being born on New Years’ Eve makes it that way, but this was more important than my birthday. The boys and I were all heading to Mexico for my 30th.

“It’s all good, probably best you do not witness it.”

Vanessa let out a loud groan. “Fuck, that’s true, I can come home earlier if you want?”

Laughing at her, I say, “No, no, I was joking, I promise we will behave.”

She raises her eyebrow at me not looking convinced.

“Okay, how about I say we will keep it private and not give the paparazzi anything to photograph,” I promised, giving her my best-dimpled smile.

“Fine, I can live with that.” She smiled in return.


“How is she?” Christian asks, as I arrive back into our suite.

“You’re safe, Chris. It was about Sienna; her lame ass husband got busted cheating on her.”

The boys groan their disapproval over that.

“Seriously, that woman is hot. What a dick for cheating on her,” Christian adds.

“Yeah, she’s fucking prime. Dude needs his head read for sure. Vanessa wants to go home at Christmas to be with her.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from V,” Christian adds.

The boys nod in agreement.

“Maybe we should get Isla to organize a massage for Ness, seeing as she is so stressed out.” Axel adds.

Sounds like a good idea.

“I’ve never seen Ness cry before.” Finn adds.

We all agree.

“Let’s try not to fuck up again like last night. Ness doesn’t need any extra shit from us,” Axel suggests.

The boys all agree; no more blowjobs from groupies in public. Save that shit for private.


Later that night, instead of going out we all decided on a quiet night in, so I’m all alone in my room. Grabbing my laptop off the bedside table, I open it and start searching for porn. I find one where the girl has an Australian accent and all I can imagine is Sienna. Fuck, this isn’t good, I imagine her tits bouncing up and down in that little black dress as she rides me. My piercing is rubbing her clit with each slide against my aching shaft. I can hear her moaning with each hard thrust, over and over again until she is screaming. I blow my load quickly by the visuals in my head, I’m a little stunned. I’m going to hell for this. Fuck!

Months Earlier

My life has been one big blur of paparazzi. The media is hounding me; wanting my comments on Beau and Diana. Pictures of them on dates have been leaked to the media recently. Beau’s camp has gone on the long lost love route romanticizing his infidelity. Diana has been very vocal about her love for Beau. I can’t escape it; they are everywhere, on every magazine and newspaper, pictures of their smiling faces attending charity functions together with his family. It’s amazing how quickly I’ve been replaced. I am constantly being harassed by photographers trying to stir up reactions from me as they throw Diana and Beau’s relationship in my face. I’ve had to hire security to keep them away after one particularly nasty incident that led to my tear soaked face spread across the pages of the weekend newspapers.

I was going to have to come face to face with Beau and his lawyers today in regards to our divorce. I wanted this over and done with so I could move on with my life just like Beau has done. Meeting my lawyer outside Beau’s offices, he gave me a quick pep talk before we made our way through the glass doors. The receptionist gave me a timid smile showing us towards meeting room number 5. Seeing Beau, looking handsome in his dark grey suit, wearing the silver tie I bought him, my heart fluttered remembering all the good in him. Trying to calm myself down, I had to tell myself, he’s not yours anymore. You can do this Sienna.

Then I see HIM! My steps falter for a moment. Of course, he would be here this is the best day of his life, watching his son finally get rid of me for good. Sitting in the chair across from the group of imposing men, Beau’s blue eyes look at me greedily as I walk in. I made sure I looked good for that very reason.

“Miss Hayes.” Beau’s father Phillip stands.

I haven’t heard my maiden name in over a decade, it sounded strange to be called that again. I better get used to it. No pleasantries are exchanged. We get stuck right into it.

“We have found some interesting information that has changed this case,” The tight smile that slid across his face told me what I needed to know. I was about to be screwed over.

Beau sat up straighter. “Dad, what are you talking about?”

“Son, be quiet, let me handle this,” Phillip yelled.

Beau sat back, he didn’t argue with him, his eyes flashed to me, he was as lost by his father’s ramblings as I was.

“Looking through your wedding paperwork from Las Vegas …” The grimace that set across his face still there after all these years, “they weren’t filed correctly so your marriage isn’t legal.”

My lawyer spoke up; looking over the paperwork Phillip was waving in my face.

“What the hell is he talking about? Beau?” Panic gripped my body.

“You will not address my son, Miss Hayes,” Phillip snapped at me, silencing the room.

“But as Miss Hayes and Mr. Williams have been living with each other for the past ten years, she is legally his de facto,” My lawyer argued.

Not married? Those words are running around in my mind. Beau and I were never married. Nine years of marriage never existed legally. Numb. I was numb as the lawyers continued arguing around me, it was all white noise to me now.

“Miss Hayes.” My lawyer caught my attention. “Did you hear that?”

Shit, no, I just missed something important.

“Dad, this is cruel, even by your standards.” Beau’s face was red; his knuckles had gone white he was holding them so tight.

I had spaced out at the wrong time. “Can you repeat it again for me?”

My lawyer looked at me, hopelessness in his eyes, shit this wasn’t good.

I listened as my attorney informed me that the houses, cars, and the three buildings that housed my business were all purchased via the family trust, not outright by Beau as I believed them to be. If I were willing to walk away from my businesses and not contest them, I would get a lump sum of money and all my employees would keep their jobs. If I contested them they would close it down, lease out the space destroying everything I have worked on for the past six years. How could I have been so bloody stupid? I trusted my husband. When he said he bought the property I didn’t even check how. Fuck, fuck, fuck. A migraine gripped into my forehead. “What does that mean?” Nausea settled in my stomach

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