Sucker Punch (TKO #4) (8 page)

BOOK: Sucker Punch (TKO #4)
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Chapter 14





Howard glares at me as I walk into Lou’s. Hell, how does he know? I’m positive he does. He must suspect something because he has eyes and ears literally everywhere. I’m ready to defend myself no matter what. I didn’t insinuate the fight, the asshole did.

“Austin, my office now,” he says firmly.

I keep my head held high as I walk past Lance. He has a strange look on his face. I know he doesn’t realize anything that’s happened. I haven’t talked to him.

I step into the office and shut the door like he instructs me to. I begin to open my mouth and tell him just what happened but he shuts me down. “You haven’t been part of the family for long, but I distinctively remember explaining the rules to you.”

“Yes, sir.” I hang my head. “But, Howard—”

“But Howard nothing. You know what you did was wrong. Now, before I decide the disciplinary action, would you care to explain?”

He sets his hands on his desk and stares at me. This is my time to tell him the truth and I am beyond ready. “I took the girl I like on a date. We went and ate burgers. When it was time to leave, some asshole started calling me a freak.” My eyes begin to water. I can’t believe I’m about to cry right now. “I told him to leave me alone but he kept on. I just couldn’t take it. I should have walked away but I didn’t. I knew being different wasn’t going to be easy, but I wasn’t ready for that.”

Howard sighs and looks at me. I wipe a lone tear from my eye and wait for what he has to say. “Did you throw the first punch?”

“Yes, sir, I did. He tried to hit me back but I caught his arm and threw him on the ground. I didn’t hit him again after.”

“I don’t condone fighting outside of here in any form, but I’m glad you stood up for yourself. It’s not going to be easy, and assholes like him are everywhere. I’ll let this one slide, but if it happens again, I won’t be so nice.”

“Thank you so much, Howard. I swear, it won’t happen again.”

“I’m trusting you. Don’t let me down.” He stands and opens the door. Lance nearly falls over, completely unprepared for it. “You were listening, weren’t you, Lance?”

“I was. That’s bullshit, Austin. I’m glad you did something about it.”

“Thanks, man,” I tell him, hoping he stops this conversation before Howard changes his mind and decides to punish me.

“I wish I could have seen your moves.” Yeah, he isn’t dropping it.

Howard clears his throat, reminding us why we’re here and it’s time to get to work. I grab my phone and text Paige before putting on my glove. Lance and I spar continuously.

“So, show me your kick ass moves from last night.” Lance grins.

“No,” I deadpan. “But if you insist, I’ll recap in case you didn’t hear me tell Howard. Basically, I punched him in the face before grabbing his shirt and throwing him to the ground. I may have also sunk my foot into his chest.”

“And I missed this? Holy shit, you really are badass!” He gets all giddy, jumping around like a kid in a candy store.

“I know I’m not supposed to street fight and I’m not trying to brag, but he had to be put in his place,” I say, more to myself than to him.

I look at the old clock on the wall after a while and notice it’s around lunch time. I wonder if Paige has replied yet. I go check my phone and saw she answered my first message. We exchange a few texts and she tells me she’s on lunch. I reply but she doesn’t. I guess she went back to work.

Garrett comes walking in late and explains Raegan wasn’t feeling well this morning so he stayed with her until her stepmom could come by. He asks how my sparring has been going. Lance opens his big mouth and tells him all about the fight last night. Garrett raises his eyebrow and I confirm it all. His eyes widen and even he tells me he would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed.

“Hey, Raegan told me she saw your car last night. You’re driving again?”

“Last night was the first time since the accident. I took Paige on a date and apparently y’all live in the same complex,” I tell him.

“Oh yeah, Raegan told me she met her the other day. Helped her carry a few bags to her apartment.”

“Looks like we may all be seeing more of each other.” I grin.

“Well, you know y’all are always welcome. Except for now since Raegan is sick. She must have a stomach bug. She’s never sick.”

“Or you may have implanted your seed into her again.” Lance grins. I burst out laughing.

“Who the fuck talks that way?” Garrett laughs too.

“I do, got a problem?”

“No sir.” Garrett doubles over. When he stops laughing he looks at me. “Ready for a real sparring partner?”

“I sure am.” We get ready to begin. I know he and Lance both have fights coming up. Hopefully all the sparring they’ve done with me is helping them.




I get home and go straight to the shower. Ruston wasn’t up last night and he asks about the date. Once again, I go through all the details. He’s seething when I tell him what the guy said to me, but I assure him I more than took care of it. His eyes sadden and he meets my gaze. “This is all my fault, Austin.”

“We’ve been through this before, Rus, it’s not. Unfortunately, things like this are going to happen.”

“I have a date scheduled with Tam but I can cancel if you want to hang out.”

I laugh as I tell him, “Ruston, go on your date. I’m glad you two made up. I’ll be fine, I swear. I’m just probably going to talk to Paige later and watch a movie.”

“Okay but only if you’re sure.” He stares, waiting for me to crack.

“I’m positive. Have a good time and tell Tam I said hey.”

I walk to the fridge and pull out the some ham and cheese. It’s not easy but I manage to make a decent sandwich. Ruston grabs his keys and says bye as he walks out the door. I lock it behind him and take my sandwich to the couch. I begin flipping through the TV channels as I eat. When I finish my sandwich, I text Paige.


Austin: How was your day?


Paige: It could have been better.


Austin: Want me to come by and see you for a little bit?


Paige: I wish, I’m about to go to bed. I had a tiring day.


Austin: What happened?


Paige: Just a bunch of bullshit, I’m okay though.


Austin: Okay, well I can let you rest.


Paige: You can call me if you want.


I tap her name and the phone only rings once before she picks up. “Hey, Austin.”

“Hey, beautiful. Hearing your voice just made my day.”

“I could say the same thing. Did you really get in trouble earlier?” she asks.

“Yeah, a little, but he let it slide this time. I explained everything to him. We’re not allowed to fight outside of the gym at all or we could be suspended,” I tell her.

I hear a small voice in the background and then it all sorta turns muffled. “Is everything okay?” I ask her.

“Yeah, it was just the TV. I’m watching a movie.” She yawns and I figure I better let her get some rest. I know her job isn’t easy. I couldn’t imagine doing what she does.

“Well, get some rest, Paige. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay. Do you, uh, want to maybe get some coffee in the morning before you head to your gym? I don’t have to work as early tomorrow. I switched a shift with another nurse.”

“Paige, are you asking me out?” I whisper.

“Yes, I am.”

“I’d love to. Tell me where to meet you.”

“I’ll text you in the morning.”

“Goodnight, Paige.”

“Night, Austin.”

I hang up the phone and grin. She initiated this one and I’m fucking elated. I’ll be too excited to sleep tonight. She’s so damn beautiful and I’m not sure what she sees in me but I’m glad she does.









Chapter 15





I just dropped Darla off to my parents’ and told Mom I had a coffee date with Austin. Her grin stretched from ear to ear.

I was worried last night my secret would be revealed. Austin and I were talking on the phone and Darla came walking sleepily into my room and asked if she could lie with me. I was able to play it off as my TV being on. I don’t even have a TV in my room.

My hands clamp up against my steering wheel as I begin driving to a coffee shop near the hospital. I texted Austin the name of it earlier and told him what time to meet me. For some reason, seeing him feels like the first time all over again. He takes my breath away and I feel like a giddy school girl.

I pull up to the coffee shop and notice his car parked a few spots down. I decide to get out of the car and walk in that direction in case he hasn’t gotten out yet. Just as I’m about to approach his car, he steps in front of me, wearing a grin.

I nearly jump out of my skin. “Oh, you about scared me. I was coming to see if you were still in your car.”

“Sorry.” He leans forward to kiss my cheek. “I saw you pull in so I decided it would be a good time to get out.”

I know a few people from the hospital frequent this place but I’m not worried about them right now. I don’t hardly know any of them and it’s not like this coffee date is going to be a big deal. Austin grabs hold of my hand as we walk through the front doors. This is so unlike the burger joint from our date. No one is gawking at us, everyone is just minding their business and enjoying their coffee. We approach the counter and each give the barista our order. I get a vanilla latte and he wants a black coffee. I scrunch up my nose, wondering how people can drink it black. I try to pay for my own, but Austin forces his credit card in front of mine. The poor barista looks so confused as to which one she is supposed to grab. With one final attempt, I push my card forward with such force it slips behind the counter. As the barista bends down to pick it up, I smirk at Austin before looking back at her.

“You can just use that card,” I tell her.

“Fine, you win this time,” Austin whispers in my ear. “Thank you for the coffee.”

“You’re welcome.” I grin, feeling awfully proud of my victory. It’s not every day I’m able to get away with buying coffee for a guy I like.

Austin spots an empty table in the middle of the coffee shop and we go sit down. “Thank you again.”

“Not a problem,” I reply. “So, what were you like before the accident?”

He looks down at his cup for a moment before meeting my eyes. “I was an okay guy. I could have almost anything I wanted with no issues. Before I moved here, I lived with my parents. I got into some trouble and they thought it would be best for me to live with my cousin, and then things got a little better before they got worse.”

I scrunch my brow, wondering what he means. “The accident?”

“Yeah, the accident changed everything for me,” he admits.

My mind begins racing. I wonder if he would have even batted an eyelash at me if we met and he’d never gotten in that accident.

“Tell me a little more about you,” he insists.

My coffee cup nearly slips out of my hands. “Well, you know I’m a nurse. That’s pretty much it, I haven’t led an exciting life.” I nearly shut down on him. I can tell him some things, but I keep Darla tucked far away.

“You’re a good girl, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Austin smiles.

“I guess you could say that,” I reply.

The more I talk with him, the more I like him. There’s something about him. Maybe it is indeed his good looks, but then maybe it’s how courageous he is as a person. Life twisted him all around and he’s still standing, probably stronger than ever.

“Thank you,” Austin says out of nowhere. I finish telling him whatever he wanted to know about me and then took a sip of my latte.

“For what?” I ask him, puzzled. I’m not sure where he’s going with this.

“Thank you for not treating me differently.”

My eyes widen as I reach out to grab his hand. “You’re not different, Austin. You’re just like everyone else in this room. Even if you had both arms, I’d still like you as much as I do now.”

“You mean that?” he asks quietly.

“Yeah, I do.” I don’t even have to think about the answer. I already know. It’s signed and sealed, I like Austin more than I thought possible.

A thousand questions start running through my head as this attraction seems to grow. How does he feel about kids? Does even like them? Does he want them one day? Maybe kids are a total deal breaker for him. I have no clue and I won’t for a while. I’m happy right now. I’m not quite ready to give that up yet.

We finish our coffee and sit for a little longer before I check my phone and realize I need to get to the hospital soon for my shift.

I push my chair back and walk to toss my empty cup in the trashcan. Austin is behind me and follows me to my car. His lips lightly brush against my cheek as he tells me to have a good day. The blush creeps up my face and I can’t hide it. He’s smirking right in front of me so he knows exactly what he’s doing. He opens my car door and waits for me to get in before he kisses my lips. I want more of his kiss but time is not on my side right now. He breaks the kiss and shuts the door for me. I watch as he walks to his car and I wait for him to drive off before I leave. I just can’t believe I’ve finally met a guy I actually like, but I’m too scared to be truthful with him about my life.

The rest of the day flies by. I was hoping to go home and rest but Nora gets started talking about how she wants a drink and next thing I know, we’re planning a night at home of tacos and of course, margaritas. She wants me to invite Austin over but I have to remind her he doesn’t know about Darla yet.

I run by the grocery store with Darla in tow. Her eyes light up when she sees a can of princess Spaghettios, so I toss that into the buggy for her. She’ll eat taco meat but I just can’t deny that cute face when she pouts. I continue walking through the store to grab the meat, taco seasoning and the shells. Nora insisted she would get everything else we need. I head to the liquor aisle to get a bottle of tequila. She told me she has a bottle of margarita mix at home she hasn’t opened yet, so this works out.

I’m in line to check out when I hear my name from behind me. I turn to see Raegan also in line and her little boy in line. I keep remembering she knows Austin and I’m praying she doesn’t say anything to him.

“Hey Paige, it just seems I see you everywhere now.” She smiles kindly.

“I know, right? Your little boy is so adorable.” He looks just like her. A spitting image.

“Thank you!”

“Mama, I want to see the baby.” Darla squirms in the seat of the buggy. I move out of the way to give her a better view. Her eyes light up when she sees how tiny he is.

“What’s his name?” I ask Raegan.

“This is Lucas.” She introduces him to me.

Darla continues to smile at the baby. “I’m Dawla.” I laugh at how she can’t quite pronounce the ‘r’ in her name.

“Hi Darla, I’m Raegan.”

“Waegan.” Darla grins, showing off her full set of pearly whites.

The line moves forward and now it’s our turn at the register. Darla begins telling Raegan about all of the stuff we are buying. I laugh as I pay for the few things and then tell Raegan and Lucas bye. All the while, I hold my breath and pray she doesn’t slip up anywhere near Austin and tell him my little adorable four year old secret.




Nora is already parked outside of my apartment when I get there. I get Darla out of the car and grab the bags of groceries so we can go inside. We both managed to get a day off tomorrow and we are enjoying ourselves. The tacos are delicious and Darla even announces her Spaghettios are ‘amazing.’ While Nora begins making the first pitcher of margaritas, I give Darla her bath and tuck her into bed. As I walk back into the kitchen, Nora hands me a cup.

“Drink up, Paige.” She grins as she clanks her cup against mine.

The first sip is amazing. I go ahead and tell Nora she can stay here if she needs to. Since we’re both drinking, the last thing I’d want is for something to happen to her on the way home.

“So, what’s lover boy doing tonight?” she asks.

I blush at the mention of him. “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him.”

Her eyes widen in surprise. “You should text him.”

“And why would I do that?”

“To tell him how much you like him.”

“I’m not drunk, Nora. He knows I like him.”

“Maybe you should break down and tell him about Darla. She does need a manly figure in her life.”

Damn Nora and her actual wise wisdom. I won’t tell her she’s right, though. Not at all. “I will tell him one day, Nor, I promise. I want to be face to face with him, though. I need to be able to read his body language when I tell him.”

“Did Brendan get the papers?” she asks.

“Oh my hell, I didn’t tell you. He’s pissed, Nor. Legit pissed. And the asshole said he wants to sign his rights over to me. He wants nothing to do with her,” I whisper. I don’t want Darla overhearing any of this.

“He’s a piece of shit anyway, Paige. Are you going to let him do it?”

I nod my head and take a big sip of my drink. “Yeah, I am. I don’t know how to do that, though. I need to look into it. She deserves so much better than him, Nora. She’s done nothing wrong to him.”

I finish my cup and walk towards the pitcher.

“Austin could be that guy, Paige. Just tell him and give him a chance. He may be more than understanding. Most people nowadays have kids anyway. It’s like some sort of package deal.”

I’m getting all into my feelings and I grab my phone. I go straight to Austin’s name and open the messages. I decide I want to text him.


Paige: I miss you.

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