Authors: Lori King
Chapter 7
arley assumed her submissive pose as she waited
in the middle of the bed, feeling more confident and comfortable even though it
was still new to her. She knew that Lex planned to spank her, and damned if she
wasn’t dripping with anticipation. The silent exchange in the shower had been
powerfully intimate. She’d showered with men before, but never in such a
blatantly control-driven way. His hands on her hadn’t been just washing away
the sweat and lust from their earlier encounter; they were also branding her
skin with his desire to possess her. It was that ownership that both terrified
and intrigued her.
Tonight was supposed to be a temporary
walk on the wild side, just to see if BDSM held the same power over her in
reality that it did in her fantasies. It wasn’t intended to turn into a
relationship, or a life-altering power exchange, but hearing him make demands
of her, and feeling her body grow mushy with the need to submit made her
How would Lex react if he knew
she wanted to see him after tonight? Would he laugh at her growing attachment,
or would he collar her? And how fast did a Dom collar his sub anyway?
A chuckle drew her attention
across the room where Lex had re-entered deliciously nude. He moved toward her
with power and purpose, and she shivered under his knowing grin.
“You’re thinking too much,
princess. When you’re submitting to your Dom you shouldn’t be thinking about
anything, but him. Focus your mind on the pleasure and the freedom I can give
He opened the duffel bag that
still sat on the end of the bed, and withdrew several things; a vibrator, a
soft looking plastic dildo, and smallish butt plug that were all still in their
packages. He made quick work of opening them, and wiping them down with some
sort of wet wipes that were also in the bag.
Catching her eye, he lifted his
eyebrow at her in question. “What is it Marley?”
“Uh…what are you doing, Sir?”
He gave a big sigh, and shook his
head, “I’m preparing the toys I plan on using on you tonight. The wipes are
antibacterial, so that the items are clean for our safety.”
“But they’re brand new, what’s
the point?” She asked without thinking, and grimaced at his pointed frown.
“Five. Yes, they’re brand new. That
doesn’t make them clean, and I have no desire to leave here with some sort of
infection because of an unsanitary toy.”
She didn’t ask what the five was
for, because she was afraid she already knew the answer. Twenty-five swats didn’t
sound so bad. She’d have her ass in his face after all, and how many men could
concentrate long enough to count to twenty-five with a woman’s ass wiggling in
front of them?
Lex removed several bundles of
rope and Marley’s stomach tumbled. She didn’t relax again until he put them
back in the bag, to be replaced by some sort of paddle and a wicked looking set
of metal circles that were linked together by a smaller metal loop.
Spreading all of his carefully
prepared toys on the night table alongside the unopened bottles of water from
earlier, Lex took the bag and pushed it to the floor at the end of the bed.
Then he walked his naked ass across the room to the desk that sat against one
wall and pulled out the wooden desk chair. Taking a seat, he curled his finger
at her, indicating she should come to him.
Rising as seductively as
possible, she began to move his direction, only to be stopped by the word, “Crawl.”
“Seriously?” she asked without
thinking. He couldn’t be serious. There was no way he wanted her to crawl
across the massive room on her hands and knees. “Like a child?”
The hard look in his eyes when
she stood frozen in place instead of following his command, assured her that he
was very serious. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt more humbled, as
she slowly dropped to her knees and proceeded to crawl across the soft carpet. Grown
women didn’t crawl to their men, they walked proudly, right?
A quick glance at his face, and
she changed her stance on what grown women would do for their men. The hard
look was gone, replaced by intense, burning lust. His eyes were bright in the
dimly lit room, and he spread his thighs as his cock thickened and stood
straight again. So he really enjoyed seeing her crawl, huh?
Upping the ante, she added a
little more sway to her hips, and moved her hands closer to her body so that
her hanging tits were squeezed and pushed forward each time she moved. Laughing
with glee in her head, she smugly reached his side and found her submissive
pose again.
~ ~ ~
Lex knew the moment Marley
thought she’d regained control of their little scene, and it rankled. It
figured she would be a quick study and try to top from the bottom.
“Over my lap, sub. You’ve got
twenty-five swats before we can move on for the night.”
Her mouth dropped open, and her
face wrinkled up in a frown of shock. “Over your lap? Uh, can’t we do this with
me bent over the desk the first time? I’m kind of chunky and you might be
uncomfortable with me on your—”
“Did you just call my sub,
chunky?” he snapped, feeling a rush of anger as she belittled herself. Hadn’t
she ever looked in a mirror? She was a fucking goddess amongst commoners.
Aphrodite-come-to-Earth to sow turmoil.
“I-I…well, that is, I mean, I
know I’m not the smallest girl.” She fumbled, and wrung her hands. Her kneeling
position gave him the perfect opportunity to survey her.
She was exquisite in his eyes.
Pale soft skin, long dark hair, ample tits, and full, curved hips and thighs
that parted to reveal paradise between them.
“Slender doesn’t equal beautiful.
Now, I’ll give you one warning because you’re new to this. While you’re with
me, you’re my property,” her head reared up to look at him, as she struggled to
accept that term, but he pushed forward. “You belong to me, and you should know
that I don’t tolerate anyone saying bad things about my property. In this room,
the only opinion that matters is mine. Are we clear?”
Her nose crinkled up and she bit
her lip.
“What is it?” he grumbled,
curious at her clear defiance.
“Are you still set on me being in
your lap, because I still think it’s a bad idea. What if we damage your…er…love
It took less than a second for
his frustrated mood to shatter in light of her words. He laughed loud and long
as she watched him in confusion. When he finally managed to get his laughter
under control, he leaned forward and took her chin in his hand. “It’s not a
love shaft, Marley. It’s a cock. Say the word.”
He thought for a moment that she
was going to resist him again, but it seemed she’d actually set her mind to
quite the opposite. “Cock. We might squish your cock if I try to lie on
your lap, Sir.”
His balls drew up tight as the
word fell from her lips, and he had to battle the desire to focus on the rest
of what she said. “You sat in my lap earlier, and I’m clearly still
functioning, sub. Stop delaying the inevitable. Twenty-five swats, but I swear
I’ll add another five if you so much as speak another word.”
Quickly rising, she rocked her
hips as she moved, and ran her hands over them nervously, before she made her
move. He waited as she worked to carefully drape herself over his naked lap.
Instead of her ass in his face, she was lying with her midsection across his
thighs, and he chuckled at her awkwardness as he lifted her and moved her.
“What the hell?” she cried as her
head dipped toward the floor. She planted both hands under herself, perching
precariously so that her toes were barely touching the ground on the other
side. Her glorious ass was exactly where it needed to be now, and she was
obviously not thrilled about the new position. “Hey, I’m going to fall!”
“Sir. You will address me
correctly, sub, or you won’t sit down for the next week. Now, I’ll let this
infraction slide because you’ve never done this before, but I’m really being
too lenient. Any other Dom would see that as an insult. In the future, this is
how you’ll place yourself if I want to spank your ass. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir.” She grumbled the
words through gritted teeth, and her entire body was taut with tension, but she
didn’t try to get up.
“Good, besides, you’re perfectly
safe. I would never let you fall, Marley.” He curled his body around hers, and
pressed a kiss to the upturned cheeks of her ass. Then he pressed her thighs
farther apart so that he would be able to easily judge whether or not spanking
turned her on.
“What’s your safeword, Marley?”
, Sir.” She
ground the words out between clenched teeth, and he knew she was irritated with
The first swat startled her more
than it hurt her, but her head reared back with indignation on the second. He
finally got a whimper out of her on the seventh, and by the time he reached
fifteen she was crying. Pausing to give his hand a moment of relief, and to rub
the sting from her plump ass cheeks, he dipped his fingers into her pussy and
groaned when he found it slick with juice.
“Fuck me, you’re enjoying every
minute of this.” He growled and shoved his fingers deeper, loving the sound of
her gasping for air as she tried to ride his hand from this awkward angle. “Ten
more, princess, and if you’re good, I’ll let you sit on my face while I eat
this juicy pussy.”
He brought his hand down on her
inflamed skin again, this time on the backs of her thighs. Making sure to catch
the sensitive folds of her pussy with the heel of his hand and she screamed.
For one second he was concerned that he genuinely might have hurt her when he
heard her pretty pleas for mercy, but she wasn’t begging him to let her go. No,
she wanted him to let her come.
Triumphant, Lex hurried to finish
the last nine swats as quickly as he could, and then stood with her still
upside down in his arms, and carried her to the bed. He didn’t even give her
time to roll over before he buried his face between her thighs, and drove his
tongue into her gooey center. Her screams of pleasure echoed in his ears,
muffled only by her thighs clamping down on his head.
~ ~ ~
Marley was
losing her mind. The pleasure that crashed through her woke up every single
nerve in her body; from eyelashes to toenails she was a shivering ball of pent
of sexual need. She shouldn’t feel so antsy when she’d just had the orgasm of
her life less than an hour ago, but feeling Lex’s broad tongue warming her
swollen labia was driving her mad.
He took his
time, stroking her from clit to anus, and back, and then dancing just the tip
of his tongue in tight circles over her sensitive hole before probing deeper
into her. Who knew a tongue could reach that far?
Just as she hit
the edge and felt her body letting go, he pulled back, and pinched her ass
cheek hard. The inflamed flesh protested stopping her impending climax in an
“Fucking hell!”
she protested, trying to turn and see what he was doing, only to find herself
flipped over on her side, legs spread, so that one fit neatly between his
thighs, and the other curved around his hip. He could access her pussy and her
ass from this angle, and she tipped her hips to open herself up more, hoping he
would do just that.
“What was that,
sub? You wouldn’t by chance be questioning me, would you?” he asked in a
teasing tone. His face was dark with desire, and she could have sworn his broad
chest had grown as his inner Dominant took control. Shaking her head, she bit
back a grin when his jaw relaxed. “Good, I love seeing your ass pink, but I don’t
want to have to break out the flogger tonight. I’m afraid I’d never get you
back in my bed.”
Before she could
absorb that comment fully, he was reaching across to the bedside table, where
he collected a few of the toys. Holding the big pink jelly dildo carefully, he
used a small tube of lube to wet it down, and then plunged it into her pussy
without so much as a word of warning.
“Oh, my god!”
she gasped, clawing at the bedspread underneath her as she struggled to absorb
the thick dong into her tight cunt.
“Sir. Not god.”
He reminded her, twisting the plastic base of the toy so that it slurped
through her body more easily. It stretched and burned in her passage, but the
hot look in his eyes went a long way toward helping her relax. After a few
seconds she adjusted, and her body pushed back on the soft toy, aching for
To her utter
frustration, he stopped thrusting with the dildo after only a few moments. With
it still submerged inside of her body, he smoothed his big hands over the hot
skin of her ass. His thumbs spread her cheeks wide, teasing at her tight
asshole as he massaged her butt hard. The closer he got to the sensitive ring
of muscles the more she wriggled underneath him, and panted for more.
She squeaked her
surprise when a finger probed her pussy next to the dildo, and then immediately
moved to ring her anus with a combination of her cream and the lube he’d used.
It hit her that
he was going to push her anal play boundary, and she clamped down, tensing her
whole body against the invasion she knew was coming.
“Whoa, easy
little warrior. I haven’t done anything yet. Clenching is a punishable offense
to a lot of Doms, you know? But I personally find it hot as hell to watch your
ass clench down. I can just imagine how fucking tight it would be with my cock
in there.” One of his hands firmly held her clenching ass cheeks apart, while
that juiced up finger wiggled its way into her dark star. There was a stinging
sensation and then a burning stretch, but between the dildo in her cunt, and
his body keeping her legs spread and locked into place, she was helpless to
fight the climax that hit her.