Read Stupid Cupid Online

Authors: Melissa Hosack

Stupid Cupid (4 page)

BOOK: Stupid Cupid
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His expression was one of amusement. “I already told you.
I’m here to see you, not your apartment.”

She couldn’t keep the unease from her face despite his
assurances. “But…you’re so wealthy.”

He chuckled at that. “I’ve had a few centuries to build my
fortune. You’re still a baby. No one expects you to have it all figured out

“A few centuries?” she squeaked. “Wow. You are far too old
for me.” She squinted as she appraised him. “Obviously you’ve stopped aging if
you’re more than a century old. What are you exactly?”

“I’m Fae.”

“Fae? As in like a fairy?”

“Something like that.”

“Where are your wings?” She peered at his back as if there
was a possibility she might have somehow missed them.

His booming laugh filled her tiny apartment. “I’m Fae, not a

’s eyes
narrowed. “Sorry. I’m not up on my folklore. I never expected to need it.”

“Most humans don’t. The majority of you spend your lives
seeing what you want to see, believing what you want to believe. Shutting out
the supernatural is a habit ingrained since birth. It takes a really special
woman to break past such things and open her eyes to the world beyond.”

’s heart
fluttered at his praise. His romantic comment about love finding him
persistently nagged at her awareness. Unable to help herself, she moved toward
him. Her body behaved as if it had a mind of its own. She crossed the tiny
living room and practically fell into his arms. Her hands went to his face and
she pulled him down for a desperate kiss. Her mouth opened under his, imploring
him to reciprocate.

His response was instantaneous. He grasped her waist and
pulled her toward him. Though his mouth became demanding, his hands were
gentle. He smoothed them along her waist, curved one behind her back to hold
her close.

’s arms
slipped around his neck and she arched against him. Her hands trembled as the
hard plains of his body pressed against her. She’d never been more attracted to
a man in her entire life, and it wasn’t just because he looked like a Greek
God. It was his personality, his benevolent nature.

Valen spent his life making others happy while putting his
own happiness on the backburner. He was selfless and good, qualities harder to
come by than one would think.

Never breaking contact with his lips, she fumbled with his
belt buckle. She knew she was high on adrenaline after watching him in action,
but she didn’t care. Romance, lust, and desire were in the air, and she needed
an outlet. He was standing in front of her as a living temptation, and she
didn’t have the willpower to resist.

Once she had his belt undone, she fumbled frantically with
the zipper of his dress pants. Her hand disappeared inside the fabric the
instant it was parted.

Valen gave a strangled sound caught between arousal and
surprise. “
His hand buried in her hair, and his kisses became downright frantic.

She cupped him in her palm and felt her knees go weak at the
sheer size of him. Every physical aspect of this man was perfect. From his
bronzed gold tan to his rock-hard abs, he was like an ancient Deity. “I’ve
never had sex with someone this pretty before,” she confessed somewhat

He pulled back to look down at her. His eyes momentarily
closed as she squeezed him through his briefs, but he quickly regained focus.
“Shouldn’t I be the one saying that?”

“Wouldn’t it be a little presumptuous of you to assume
you’re getting sex?”

“Isn’t it presumptuous of you?” he shot back.

paused, her
expression becoming thoughtful. “Are you going to have sex with me?”

Valen eyed her from head to toe in appreciation. “Oh,

She smirked with confidence. “Then it isn’t presumptuous.”
As she spoke, she moved her hands up to unbutton his lilac-colored dress shirt.
She exposed a smooth expanse of chest dusted with blond hair. She ran her
fingers through those soft curls before returning her attention to his

As she did this, one of his hands ventured up her ribcage
until he was able to cup a breast. “If you didn’t have your hand on my dick, I
would be giving you a dirty look right now. Taking your hand and these fabulous
breasts into consideration, I’m going to let that double standard about me being
presumptuous slide.”

giggled. Her
hand stroked along his hard length, teasing as she worked him into a heightened
state of arousal. “You should see them out of the dress.” Her voice was almost
a challenge, causing her cheeks to heat with a blush at her bold statement. She
wasn’t usually this forward with men, but something about him brought out the
confidence in her.

Valen gave a groan low in the back of his throat. His cock
twitched with excitement as he lifted her dress over her head at the less than
subtle offer.

She shook out her blonde tresses once they’d been freed of
the dress. With her free hand, she grabbed one of his and brought his large
palm forward to return it to her breast. “Go on. Feel them.”

He showed no hesitation whatsoever as he squeezed and
caressed. “You need to get rid of the bra, too. I want them bare.”

“And you need to get rid of your pants and boxers. I want
your cock bare.”

Valen gave a growl of desire. Stepping back slightly, he
grabbed his pants and boxers and dropped them both to the floor. His erection
sprang up to arch teasingly toward her.

A sensual whimper escaped
’s throat at the sight. She ran her
hands along his chest and shoulders. She purposefully ignored the area she
wished to touch the most, teasing both of them.

“I did what you asked,” he said huskily. “Now give me what I

A pleased grin spread across her lips. “Whatever you want.”
Reaching behind her, she used two fingers to undo the hooks of her bra. She let
the garment drop to the floor, leaving her in only her panties and the heeled

Valen eagerly stepped forward and lifted a breast in his
hand. “God, you’re beautiful.” He lowered his head to tenderly kiss along the
top of her breasts. “Much prettier than me, I assure you.”

Despite being shamelessly naked in front of him,
blushed at his
words. She’d never had a man touch her with such revere.

He caressed her as if she were a cherished treasure. He
worshipped her body with his soft kisses, his blond stubble scraping along her breasts.
He made her feel like…a princess.

And it was no wonder. She was about to sleep with the most
romantic man on the planet. She was hooking up with Cupid. A laugh of disbelief
escaped her at that thought.

Valen lifted his head to stare at her with his otherworldly
violet eyes. “Something funny?”

She shook her head, her breath catching in her throat at how
unbelievably beautiful he was. “Nothing funny at all.” Taking his face in her
hands, she lowered her mouth to his for a slow, sensual kiss.

Valen stepped in against her, his arms sliding around her
waist. His mouth was tender and gentle. It was obvious he wasn’t intending to
rush their encounter. He moved his hips slowly along hers, his cock rubbing
against the silky material of her panties. “You have no idea how long I’ve been
waiting for you to stumble into my life,” he mumbled against her lips.

“I’m still…”
couldn’t stop kissing him long enough to speak. “Still…very…” She moaned as his
hands traveled over her ass, pulling her harder against his groin. “Very
displeased…with your inability to find…my soul mate,” she continued
distractedly. “You’re not doing…your job…properly…where I’m concerned.”

“Your complaint has been noted,” he said in a low, sexual
tone. As he spoke, he walked her backwards down the hallway, his hand fumbling
blindly for the door to her bedroom. “I’ll pass that on to…customer service…”
He finally found the door. With a quick flick of his wrist and a kick of his
foot, he managed to get it open. “Though honestly, I’m my own customer
service.” His fingers dug into the flesh of her backside as his lips continued
to devour hers. “I run the whole operation, so…customer service is going to
side with me. I can pretty much guarantee that.”

“You’re an ass.” Gripping his tie, she dropped to the bed
and tugged him down with her. “Now fuck me.”

Valen chuckled against her lips. “Yes, ma’am.” She’d already
done most of the work in getting him undressed. All he had to do was lift his
loosened tie over his head and shrug out of the already unbuttoned dress shirt.
As soon as he was free of his clothing, he returned to her. He pressed her down
into the mattress, his cock rubbing against her panties.

wrapped her
legs around his waist, arching up into his grinding hips. Her fingers ran through
his hair as she opened her mouth under his.

He gave a groan of arousal that quickly turned into one of
frustration as his hand slipped off the bed and he lost his balance. Valentine
was a big guy. He was well over six feet tall, and his shoulders were wide and
muscled. He was a man meant for a king sized bed, and hers was…not nearly so

The bed didn’t feel big enough for just her half the time.
Add in a man of Valen’s size and things were cramped.
tried to adjust their position by
sliding up on the bed. All she managed to do was bang the back of her head
against the headboard.

Valen made another growl of frustration and climbed to his
knees. “There’s not nearly enough room for what I want to do to you.”

stared up at
him, her breathing ragged and harsh. “Agreed.”

“We go back to my place,” he demanded.

She nodded, but couldn’t keep the disappointment off her
face. She wouldn’t mind the extra room, but she wanted him now. She wanted to
feel his hands on her body, wanted to feel him inside of her. The delay was not

His next words came as a relief. “After I explode inside
your warm, wet depths.” Gripping her wrists, he pulled her to her knees, turned
her to face the wall, and pressed her hands flat against its surface.

She inhaled sharply at the sudden move and her breath caught
in her throat. Her panties grew wet at his blunt words, and a soft whimper
escaped her as Valen began sliding them down her thighs.

They stopped at her knees, being hindered by the bed, but he
didn’t seem to care. Taking himself in hand, he positioned himself at her
opening. “Last chance to change your mind,” he whispered in her ear.

Her nails dug into the wallpaper and she pressed her
buttocks back against him. “There’s nothing I want more than to have you inside
of me.”

“Me either.” While his lips pressed to the sensitive skin
just under her right ear, he eased his erection into her. He took his time,
slowly pressing himself inch by inch into her opening. He gave her body time to
adjust to his girth. Once he was fully seated inside her, a low groan escaped
his lips.

let her
forehead rest on the wall as she took in his full length. He was much larger
than any man she’d ever been with, but she should have taken that into
consideration judging by his height alone. She’d had concerns at first, but he
was so gentle her body relaxed and willingly took all of him.

“Are you all right?” he whispered softly against the nape of
her neck. He let his lips trail along her hairline, pressing tenderly against
her neck.

She nodded, head still pressed to the wall. “Yeah. You’re

“Thank you,” he said with a chuckle. Placing his hands on
her hips, he began to slowly move in and out of her. His movements were fluid
and smooth. His cock was slick enough with her juices that he glided within her
body with ease. Valen moaned, his breath hot against the back of her neck.

shivered at
the heat coming from his body. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this close or
intimate with a man before. Everything about Valen was warm and sexual. He made
her feel desired, wanted.

Her breath came as a shaky exhale as his left hand inched up
her stomach to cup one of her breasts in his palm. She arched up into him,
rocking her hips to match the rhythm of his.

While he palmed her left breast, his long fingers reached
out to caress the nipple on her right breast. He was such a large man he made
her feel small and delicate. “Let’s make this quick,” he whispered in her ear.
“We can squelch the fire just a bit to give us time to get back to my place.
Then I’ll really show you what I can do.”

bobbed her
head, goose bumps springing to her skin. “Yes.” She braced her hands against
the wall and prepared herself for the hard invasion she knew was coming.

BOOK: Stupid Cupid
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