Read Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty Online

Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #anthology, #m-m romance

Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty (8 page)

BOOK: Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty
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ROMMY AND JULES by Xara X. Xanakas

Dear Santa,

I've been very good this year (you know, depending on who you ask...) and I was hoping for a pet.

I know cats and dogs don't normally get along, but these two seem to be doing just fine. Do you think I've earned a little love this year?

{PHOTO INSERT:  Two handsome young men cuddle naked on a white bed with a white fur blanket pulled up their waists; each is tattooed on his bicep – one has a wolf’s head and the other cat footprints.}


Rommy smiled as Jules started purring against his chest, the low vibrations tickling his skin. He curled up to rub his cheek along the close-cropped black hair and wondered to himself.

‘How did we wind up here?’

One minute, he had treed the big tomcat, and it seemed as if he had his tongue down his throat the next.

Jules had been strutting past his yard for months, tail held high, swishing in the air as he went about slowly driving Rommy out of his mind. Solid black fur, except for that intriguing white puff at the end of his tail. He looked like someone had held him by it to dip him in paint. The huge green eyes would zero in on Rommy as he would pass on the sidewalk.

Jules the man was no less striking. The close-cropped black hair only accented the luminous green eyes. Long black eyelashes drew your attention to them, and you were sucked in. Rommy tried to deny the attraction, but he would always notice Jules. Taking out the trash, mowing the yard in nothing but a pair of loose cut off sweats, climbing the ladder to clean out the gutters, Rommy noticed the man every day.

He knew he shouldn’t do anything about the magnetic pull he felt toward his neighbor. There was a reason for the phrase “fighting like cats and dogs.”

Today, when Jules began his prance, that tail swishing, reminding Rommy of that hot, tight ass he’d been trying to ignore, he snapped. He shifted and took after the tomcat. Jules took refuge on a high branch in the tree between their houses. His tail puffed up, looking like a raccoon’s, and all the hair along is spine stood at attention. His ears flattened against his head, and he aimed a low, wailing howl down at Rommy.

Rommy paced around under that tree, barking his fool head off. He was biding his time. The cat had to come down at some point.

‘When he does, he’s mine,’ Rommy thought.

Rommy watched in horror as the cat backed himself out on a branch and lost his footing. The cat tumbled out of the tree, head first, rushing toward the ground.

Jules righted himself mid-air, and sure enough, landed on his feet. It didn’t cause any damage, but it did sting and send shockwaves through his system.

Both men shifted to their human forms, grateful the magic allowing them to shift returned their clothes. Suddenly appearing on the street could attract enough attention, appearing buck-naked could be disastrous.

“Hey man, are you all right?”

“What the fuck do you care?” Jules was yelling.

“That was a big fall. Maybe you should sit down.”

“Why the fuck did you do that?” Jules was sputtering and flailing about.

Rommy hid his smile as Jules continued to berate him. He couldn’t help but admire the fire in those green eyes, making them shine like emeralds in a jeweler’s case. Though he was several inches shorter than Rommy’s six feet, he had broad shoulders, tapering to a narrow waist, a hot, tight ass Rommy couldn’t ignore anymore, and an impressive basket for a man his size. A circle of paw prints running around his bicep peeked out from the short sleeve of his t-shirt as he waved his arms up at the branch he fell from.

“And another thing….”

“Huh?” Rommy’s thoughts had drifted during Jules’ tirade.

Jules stared at Rommy.

“You son of a bitch.”


They stared at each other, a playful smirk on Rommy’s face, sheer confusion on Jules’. Their words sunk in, and the most adorable, incredulous look crossed Jules’ handsome face. Rommy couldn’t help it. He pulled his neighbor into his arms and kissed him. Jules stiffened in his arms, but released a sigh, parting his lips and relaxing into Rommy’s arms.

“Finally,” he breathed against Rommy’s mouth.

Frantic groping, grinding, and kissing drove both men to the brink. If they didn’t get off the street soon….

Rommy pulled out of the kiss.

“Your place or mine?” A cheesy smirk played on his lips.

“Mine. I know where I keep the lube.” Jules pulled out of Rommy’s arms and rushed up the sidewalk to his house, pulling off his t-shirt and swishing that hot, tight ass Rommy was done ignoring.

“You coming? Or are you just breathing heavy?” Jules’ taunt broke Rommy out of his trance. With a snarl, he took off to follow. Jules squeaked and ran through his front door, leaving it open on his way to the stark white living room at the back of the house. He pulled the shaggy white blanket off the couch on his way to the thick pile rug on the floor near the windows. Sheer white curtains diffused the bright sunlight.

By the time Rommy made it in, Jules was naked, lube and condoms on the floor next to him. He stopped in his tracks. The vision waiting for him took his breath away. The soft white light surrounding Jules’ golden skin made the man look like an angel. The green eyes bored into his soul, adding to the ethereal quality of the being waiting for him – HIM – on the floor.

“You gonna stand there all day?” Jules’ voice was low, husky with desire. The look of pure lust on his face made all Rommy’s blood rush south in a hurry, making him dizzy. He swayed a bit, taking in the sight of his debauched angel.

Jules leaned back on one elbow and bent his knees, putting his feet flat on the floor. He let one knee fall to the floor, opening himself, and stroked his long shaft, pulling the foreskin forward and back over the head with his left hand. His eyelids sank lower, the green eyes cutting into Rommy like lasers. He poked his tongue out to lick his lips. Rommy stood, rooted to the spot, unable to stop watching the show.

Jules shifted his hips a little, and moaned as a bead of pre-cum leaked from the tip of that beautiful cock. He brought is hand up and wiped it on his lips, and Rommy heard another moan. He was a little surprised to realize it had come from him. When Jules leaned all the way back to the floor and brought his right hand around to tug on his balls, Rommy finally moved. He crossed the distance in three long strides and knelt next to Jules, not wishing to impede his progress. The sight of him stroking and fondling himself was just too gorgeous. Rommy leaned forward and took that open mouth in a kiss, licking along those full lips, tasting that bead of pre-cum on them. He groaned and thrust his tongue into Jules’ mouth, reveling in the friction caused by slightly rough tongue he found waiting for him. He rocked his hips along the side of Jules, careful not to dislodge either hand from their important task. He watched, fascinated, as the foreskin moved back and forth. His mouth watered at the thought of taking that into his mouth, tasting every bit of anything Jules had to offer. His eyes feasted at they slowly traced back up the expanse of the body laid out before him.

“I think you’re overdressed, dog boy.” Jules’ voice was breathy and low. Rommy leaned forward and took one perfect brown nipple into his mouth. Jules hissed and arched his back, trying to push more of himself into Rommy’s mouth.

Rommy smiled at the reaction and pulled back to flick his tongue over the tightened bud. Jules squirmed under him, pulling faster on his cock. His hips started bucking as Rommy kept up the assault on the nipple in front of him.

Rommy pulled back to admire the flush crossing Jules’ face. The pure bliss on his face stopped his heart for a second, and he reached out to wrap his hand around the base of Jules’ cock. Jules bucked and trembled for a second, then he brought his right hand up to wrap around Rommy’s neck and pull him down for a searing kiss. He continued bucking into Rommy’s hand, and Rommy continued rocking into Jules’ hip.

Finally, Jules let go of his erection and put both hands on the hem of Rommy’s t-shirt.

“Off. Need skin,” he panted. Rommy pulled back a little to kiss him, then stood. He stepped back a few feet, still taken with the picture of debauchery on the floor waiting for him. He met Jules’ eyes, only losing them for a second as he pulled the shirt over his head. Then he hooked his thumbs into his waistband to push his shorts and briefs down. His heavy cock bounced with its newfound freedom, and his balls hung low and full under a neatly trimmed nest of dark hair.

Jules rose to his knees and crawled to Rommy. He kissed Rommy’s thighs from knees to the crease where they met his groin, rubbing his razor-stubble whiskers along them. He ran his tongue along that crease and down the thick length in front of him. Rommy grunted and shuddered in front of him. Jules ran his tongue under the pinched foreskin at the tip, and Rommy growled as his cock grew rigid. When Jules took the entire length down his throat, Rommy groaned with pleasure. Jules bobbed his head a few times, then Rommy pulled out. Jules looked up, the question clear in his eyes.

Rommy leaned down to push on Jules’ shoulders. “Lay down.”

Jules leaned back as Rommy’s heavy body covered his. He ran his hands up Rommy’s back from his hips to the nape of his neck and back down as Rommy nipped, licked, and kissed his neck. Jules bucked up into Rommy with each bite, and Rommy ground down with each pass of Jules’ nails down his back and ass.

With a growl, Rommy began working his way down Jules’ body. He licked and nibbled at both nipples, then dragged his tongue across Jules’ torso, tracing the lines of his abs. He stopped when he got to the nest of soft black hair at the base of Jules’ cock. He breathed in the musky scent, then ran his tongue down the crease of Jules’ leg to his balls. He sucked one in his mouth, gently tugging on the delicate skin. Then he repeated with the second before dragging his tongue behind them to the soft skin of the perineum, and further to the glorious hole of that hot, tight ass Rommy would never again ignore.

He grabbed Jules behind the knees and pushed them up to get better access, then he swiped the flat of his tongue across it. Jules bucked and hissed with pleasure. He did it again, and he had to hold the writhing body down. He traced the wrinkles of it with the tip of his tongue before finally pushing into it. Jules trembled and pushed back against him. Rommy’s nose was buried in Jules’ balls, and he nuzzled them, sniffing deeply. Jules purred, and his cock started tapping Rommy’s forehead in time with his heartbeat.

“Be a good neighbor,” Jules whined. “Please fuck me already.”

Rommy chuckled against the hole, and pulled his mouth back to lap at Jules’ balls, taking them into his mouth again, then worked his way down the cock that had been trying to get his attention. Jules closed his eyes and moaned.

Rommy never took his mouth off Jules as he grabbed the lube and slicked his fingers. He hissed when Jules groaned and pushed back against his fingers. He hollowed his cheeks, sucking hard as he carefully pressed two fingers into that hot, tight ass Rommy was now powerless to ignore.

He thrust his fingers into Jules in time with the rhythm of his head bobbing on Jules’ cock. Jules bucked and thrust and tried to both fuck Rommy’s mouth and himself with Rommy’s fingers. Finally Rommy couldn’t stand it anymore. He pulled off Jules’ rod and leaned back to look into eyes that had gone glassy and hazy in his passion. Jules reached out to him, and Rommy found a condom pressed into his hand. He looked back at Jules, who licked his lips and nodded.

“Please.” Jules was panting, the muscles of his abdomen moving up and down in a fast tempo. Rommy’s hands shook as he tore open the package. He pulled his foreskin back and rolled the condom down his own leaking cock. It was a tight fit, and he was glad for it. He didn’t think he would last too long once he was finally seated, so the extra pressure at the base helped control his need. He used a little more lube on the outside of the condom, then he lifted one of Jules’ legs by the ankle and positioned the head at Jules’ opening.

“Ready?” His own voice was dark with hunger. Jules licked his lips again and lifted his other leg to wrap around Rommy’s waist and bucked against the cock nudging his hole.

Rommy started pressing in slowly. He felt the ring resist, then it finally loosened to allow the head to pop through. Jules sighed with relief and pressed back further, urging Rommy to fill him completely. At last, he was buried balls-deep in that hot, tight ass Rommy couldn’t believe he had ignored for so long.

He rocked forward, impaling Jules and stretching him open further by trapping his thigh between their chests. He leaned forward to kiss Jules, and thrust at the same time.

Jules threw his head back when Rommy hit that spot. Rommy pulled back and did it again, causing Jules to see stars. He kept at it until Jules was reduced to a series of hoarse guttural grunts. The friction of Rommy’s groin against Jules’ trapped cock was exquisite, and he was panting and keening into Rommy’s mouth.

Rommy pounded into Jules until he felt that tingling beginning at the base of his spine. As his balls started to tighten up, he reached between them to grab Jules’ cock. Jules was so close to the edge, it only took a couple of strokes before he let out a high yowl, spilling hot over Rommy’s fist. His channel slammed tight against Rommy’s sheathed cock, and he dragged Rommy into orgasm with him. Rommy howled as he filled the condom, thrusting forward with short, erratic movements.

Spent, Rommy collapsed onto Jules, tilting slightly to support some of his boneless weight. They panted against each other for long minutes as Rommy softened and began to slip out. He reached down to hold the condom as he pulled out of Jules, then he tied off the latex and dropped on top of the t-shirt he tossed aside earlier. He rolled onto his back and pulled Jules on top of him. Both men sighed contentedly.

“Now that’s what I call doggie style.” Jules settled his head against Rommy’s chest, closed his eyes and started purring. Rommy settled back and allowed himself to drift in the warm feeling.

BOOK: Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty
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