Stuck On You (13 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Harper

BOOK: Stuck On You
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She’d said it had been a while. It had been three damn months for him and then a few days of real torment around her. There was no way in hell this was going to be over in one shot. In fact, he solemnly vowed, right there inside his head while she watched with that worried frown on her face, that he was going to make her forget those receipts. Hell, she was going to forget math completely.

But he just nodded.

“I need to finish up, change into my jeans.” She tilted her head and peered up at him through her eyelashes. It was damn cute.

“I’ll just meet you upstairs then.”

She nodded. He hoped the beautiful pink color of her face was about excitement, not nerves. He wasn’t completely relaxed about the whole situation himself. A good scotch would totally mellow him out. He was glad again that he’d decided to give that up. Besides, this was not the right occasion to go for mellow.

He didn’t touch her, didn’t kiss her, didn’t squeeze her hand. He nodded, stepped around her, and made his way out of Viva Las Vegas. He needed space and control to make it to the elevator without embarrassing himself. He hoped every evil intention, warm thought, and sensitive concern showed in his eyes. That was going to be the best he could manage until later, much later.


Chapter Six

outside his door again. This time she memorized the details as she tried to calm her breathing. How she’d missed the starfish wearing dark sunglasses peeking out from behind the palm tree in the corner before she had no idea. He was waving one arm and seemed to be saying, “Go on. Knock. You know you want to.”

And she did. She just wished she felt more confident about how it would all turn out. Fourteen years ago, she’d had sex with a high school boyfriend. And enjoyed every minute of every time they’d managed to sneak away together—until the home pregnancy test stick turned blue, matching the boyfriend’s face when she told him. He’d handed her five hundred dollars to pay for an abortion, hit the road to Knoxville, and had probably graduated with a degree in pre-business mogul. Not that she’d know since she hadn’t heard from him since. She’d given up her scholarship to the University of Tennessee to stay home, have a baby, work, and slog her way through night classes.

Now was so not the time to be thinking about that. The starfish seemed to agree.

Laura ran her hands down her jeans and knocked before she could talk herself out of it.

When KT opened the door this time, she was disappointed to see that he’d changed out of the tux. He was also wearing more clothes than the first time she’d visited him here. She bent down to pick up the to-go order she’d packed up and lectured herself on ladylike behavior and decorum. When he wrapped his hand around her wrist to yank her inside, she felt a little bit more certain that this was going to turn out exactly as she’d hoped.

“I was afraid you’d changed your mind.” He closed the door. “I expected you sooner.”

Laura set the bag down on the desk. “I’ve probably been standing outside your door for five minutes.” She pointed at the bag. “Your burger may be cold now.”

KT looked inside the bag. “Are you hungry?”

“I don’t think I can eat.” Laura licked her lips as she looked around for the right place to put her purse. Somehow, it felt like letting go of her security blanket. KT saved her the trouble. He slid the strap down her arm and set it on the desk, right on top of her neat stack of work. “Don’t mess up my piles.”

His lips twitched as he saluted. “Yes, ma’am.”

He slid his hands in his back pockets and rocked back on his athletic-sock covered heels.

She pointed down. “When I come to work, you greet me at the door half-dressed. But now, tonight, you’re ready to what, slide on your shoes and go running?”

He wiggled his toes. “My feet got cold. And that’s not the same as getting cold feet.”

She muttered, “Nope, that’s me.”

He straightened and then held out his hand. “No worries, Lola. We’ve got time.” When she managed to look up at his face in an effort to judge his mood, she couldn’t see one ounce of disgust or impatience. He was just . . . KT, happy enough in the moment.

“We can have a burger, watch a movie, maybe fondle some receipts and then—”

Laura interrupted his easy-going ramble by pressing her lips against his. She tentatively nipped his lip and then smiled against his mouth as she felt his arms wrap around her to settle at the small of her back. With his arms around her, she felt safe. And brave. She could do this. She’d done the hard part now. They had the spark. All she had to do was fan the flame.

When his tongue teased hers, she answered with the lightest touch of her own. This kiss was sweeter than last night’s, and surer. His hands slid into her back pockets so that he could pull her closer, so close that their hips touched and she could feel him against her stomach. He moaned when she slid her hands under his T-shirt. The warmth of his skin and the tickle of chest hair made her smile.

His voice was rough when he said, “That’s nice. I like your hands on bare skin. And I love the smile.”

When he leaned back to catch his breath, the slow squeeze of his hands on her rear made her gasp. The spark had grown into a flame that was melting her doubts and her resistance away. The need that had kept her up most of the night returned with a vengeance and she felt hotter, hungrier.

“Which way are we going, Lola?” His raspy voice next to her ear sent a small shiver down her back and she tightened her hold on him.

“Tonight. That’s all I have for sure, KT, so I don’t want to waste one extra minute on easing my way into this.” Her hands were kneading the bare skin just over the waistband of his low-slung jeans. And she couldn’t stop. His skin was warm and the feel of those muscles moving as he responded to her touch made her restless. Achy. Anxious to feel to his naked chest pressed against hers.

He leaned his head against her shoulder and breathed deep. “Somehow I don’t think a girl who smells like strawberries and laundry detergent does this a lot.”

She shivered again. “Nope. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to do it well.”

KT laughed and the warm puff of air against the nape of her neck sent another shiver through her. He nipped her neck and then soothed it with a hot kiss. “Then let me help you out of those jeans.”

She slipped out of her shoes as he reached for the hem of her sweater. She held her arms up obediently and he pulled it up over her head with a flourish. When he neatly folded it and set it on the dresser next to the television, she crossed her arms over her chest impatiently.

“Very good housekeeping, KT. I wouldn’t have expected that.” And she’d much rather do this in a frenzy of flying clothes. Too much neat folding left her plenty of time to consider her choices.

KT wiggled his fingers. “Pants. Bra. Pants. Bra. Choices, choices, choices.”

His words so closely echoed her thoughts that Laura was convinced they were on the same wavelength. The idea was encouraging and frightening all at the same time. She needed less thinking, more action. Now.

Laura reached down to unsnap her jeans. “If I get a vote, I’m choosing these. They’re probably cutting off circulation at this point.”

“Can’t have that.” He brushed her hands aside and slowly lowered the zipper before he slid his hands inside to push them down her legs. When they pooled around her feet, he knelt to pick them up but he didn’t get them folded. He got sidetracked by her black panties.

Laura waved her hand in front of his face but his eyes were locked on the tiny pink bow front and center. “Hey, KT, I’m about to take my bra off.” He nodded vaguely and Laura laughed out loud. He made everything easier, more fun. Her smile disappeared in a gasp as KT traced a finger over the band of her panties and tweaked the bow before he wrapped both hands around her hips and slid his thumbs under the leg bands. The teasing exploration of his thumbs along the sensitive skin there made breathing impossible.

Desperate for more contact, Laura twisted her arms behind her to unsnap the matching bra and then let the straps slither down her arms. The bra made a soft whisper as it landed on the floor in front of him but KT’s eyes never moved. Laura ran a self-conscious hand over the roundest part of her stomach. “Unemployment wasn’t easy, you know? I think that might be why the jeans are so tight but working in a showgirl costume has made some difference and . . .” Her words trickled to a stop as KT slid both hands in the waistband of her panties and tugged them over her hips and off.

And she wasn’t the least bit self-conscious any more. The look on KT’s face was amazement. Or lusty disbelief. Or worship. His eyes burned a trail from the curls between her thighs over her breasts to her face. “Damn.”

Laura laughed the strangled snort she only did with him. She’d been worried about groupies and actresses and his experience and her inexperience. KT looked like he’d just opened the gift he’d always wanted.

He shook his head. “You’re right. I’m not very smooth, but it’s just . . .” He shook his head again. “You’re so petite and I watch you in that showgirl costume and think I know but I had no damn idea.”

Laura stepped back and watched his hands clench into fists on his thighs. Maybe he wanted to grab her. She hoped so.

“I think you’re wearing too many clothes.”

KT surged to his feet and undressed so quickly that it was like his clothes exploded from his body. His shirt went one way, jeans went the other, and two athletic socks sailed over the television. No underwear. Interesting. She wondered how often KT Masters went commando. From the size of what he was working with, she guessed not often.

One corner of his mouth tilted up. “I didn’t want any extra layers getting in the way.”

“But socks? Those are a necessity?”

KT laughed as he scooped her up and settled her on clean white sheets. “Have you seen the news reports about hotel carpets? We’ve probably both got ringworm or malaria or cabin fever now.”

Laura smacked her forehead. “I forgot the condoms. They’re in my purse.”

He tilted his head to one side. “I don’t think a condom will help protect us against any of those.”

She moved to scoot off the bed.

“Fine.” He reached over to the nightstand and picked up a condom. “Here. Inspect one. See, ribbed for your satisfaction.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Think you need the help?”

The slow smile that spread across his face rekindled the ache between her thighs. “Hell, no. I’ve got that under control.”

As he slid between her legs, Laura sighed. “I’m so glad to hear it. I mentioned it’s been a while, right? Don’t tease.”

think teasing was going to be a problem. Losing control and ending it all too soon? Much more likely. Her skin was flawless, a pale pink satin. And her breasts. No push-up bra was needed to fill out the top of her showgirl uniform. And now, instead of preparing to bolt, she looked ready to eat him alive. What a way to go.

“No teasing, but I do think there are some things that need to be taken care of first.” He stretched out on top of her and they both moaned. She was perfect, soft and warm and welcoming. He shifted his chest against her breasts and felt her beaded nipples slide across his skin before she pulled him tighter against her.

“Like what?” She ran her fingers up across his shoulders and one hand tangled in his hair. When she gave a slow pull and lightly scratched her fingernails across his nape, his eyes locked with hers and he was pretty sure he would embarrass himself. Soon.

Her face was flushed and the sight of her swollen lips was damn satisfying. He leaned up to give her a hard, quick kiss before he slid down to make a trail of hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses down her neck and over her collarbone. He moved to settle between her thighs and gave one nipple a quick lick.

He felt that same strum of satisfaction when she shifted restlessly on the bed, her legs tangling with his. “Like I’ve spent some time considering your breasts. Now that I have the chance, I need to get to know them, spend some time memorizing them.” He leaned on one elbow and wrapped his hand around her breast, teasing the nipple with his thumb. “I want to know how you taste.” His hand slid down her side and over her hip as he teased her nipple with his tongue.

She curled a hand around his shoulder. The scratch of her fingernails bumped his temperature up. Pretty soon he’d just go ahead and burst into flames at this rate.

Building tension urged him on and he moved to the other breast. When she arched against him, he rubbed a hand down her side and over the sweet softness of her stomach before he tested the heat between her thighs.

At the first teasing glance of his hand, her legs jerked convulsively around his hips.

“Please, KT, don’t make me wait.”

He sat back and did his best to memorize every curve and the desperate look on her face. Her hair was a wild tangle on the pillow and her breaths were uneven. And suddenly he couldn’t wait any longer. He slid the condom on and then slowly stretched back out over her.

Laura immediately grabbed his hips. “Please.”

KT bit his lip and did his best to slide gracefully into her, but every new inch sent shivers down his spine and he was pretty sure biting completely through his lip was a possibility. When he finally rested against her, he tried to let out a sigh of relief but she shifted under him and it became a moan instead.

He muttered, “Too long. And you’re too . . . damn perfect.” He reached down to the curls between her thighs and teased her with his fingers. He couldn’t hold back a smile at the small whimper that escaped her and their eyes locked.

She gasped a laugh. “God. Please, KT.”

He had every intention of treating her like the amazing gift she was, but as he slowly invaded again she ran a hand down his chest, teasing his nipples and scratching lightly through the hair on his chest. And then every thought he had evaporated. He heard her gasps as he moved his hips against hers and her moan when he hit the right place and the right pace and the tension built until he couldn’t stop to think or listen any more. Her fingernails were a sharp pleasure on his back as his hips jerked against hers and when her orgasm swept over her, she pulled him closer, wrapped her legs more tightly around his waist, and he couldn’t stop. His muscles jerked in hard spasms and he dropped against her as the strength in his arms gave out.

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