Stronghold (Stronghold 1) (46 page)

BOOK: Stronghold (Stronghold 1)
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It wasn't unlike Andrew to say
something like that, but the tone in which he said it - there wasn't any
laughter or teasing in his voice at all.  Not quite a warning but... just

Andrew turned his back and walked
down the bar to a couple of Doms that were sitting down there, obviously
deciding whether they wanted to drink and socialize or head over to the Lounge
area where a couple of the submissives were gathering.  Adam felt nothing
but relief that he no longer had to do that. 

No, instead he got to spend his
evening with the delightfully enchanting little submissive in front of him.
 Who was wearing her leather straps again.  He stifled the impulse to
take off his shirt and cover her up.  In the past he would've said that he
liked it when a submissive showed off her body, that he enjoyed the spectacle,
but Angel did seem to bring out the worst of his possessive qualities.  

"So what were you two
talking about?" he asked, his curiosity aroused by Andrew's unusual

A little line appeared in the
center of Angel's eyebrows, she swiveled around on the bar stool to face him,
tilting her head back and to the side, somehow simultaneously being both cute
and sexy.  "He said I reminded him of his ex-girlfriend, Kate."

Incredulous, Adam shot a look
down the bar at Andrew, but the man was fully involved in the conversation that
he'd started up with the two Doms down there.  

"He what?"

"He said it was a good
thing," she offered up.  Which only made Adam feel even more off

He muttered under his breath and
Angel poked him in the stomach.  "What?"

"I can't remember the last
time Andrew actually said Kate's name."

"Oh..."  Angel
seemed to think that over for a minute, chewing on her lower lip, while Adam
tried to gather his thoughts.  "He said it was because I made him
laugh by saying silly shit, and that she used to try to do that."

"Yeah, she did."
 He was just shocked that Andrew was willing to remember anything good
about her.  They'd all liked Kate and the outrageous comments she'd made,
right up until the day that she'd ripped Andrew's heart out and made him out to
be a monster.  But no one really talked about that, or her, anymore.
 Least of all Andrew. 

"So... are we going to
play?"  Angel asked, almost wistfully, and Adam shook himself.  

Now was not the time to get
contemplative over Andrew's past relationship or his current issues with any
kind of commitment.  It was pretty obvious that he had no intention of
talking to Adam about it or he wouldn't have walked away the second Adam showed
up.  The poor guy was probably as shocked as Adam was that he'd even
brought Kate up.

Somehow, Adam wasn't entirely
surprised though.  Shocked, but not surprised.  Angel seemed to have
that effect on people, especially guys; Q was right that she made them feel
relaxed.  So relaxed that even the most stoic of them would end up
dropping tidbits of their lives that they didn't mean to.  He remembered
how he'd inadvertently brought up Brian and the issues he had with his parents
and their divorce, something that normally would take him months to even
mention to someone new.  

Definitely time to get her into a
room to himself, before she ended up drawing out any more revelations from
poor, unsuspecting Doms.  Maybe he could set her on Olivia later for
amusement’s sake and see if Angel worked as well on her.

"Actually sweetheart, I
think you're going to jail."  Adam grinned at Angel's sudden
confusion, stroking his fingers along the bare expanses of skin that her outfit
made so readily available to him.  "For public indecency."


Angel couldn't stop her giggling
as Adam led her downstairs to the Dungeon.  She was relieved that he'd
arranged for a private room this time.  Not that she didn't like the
Dungeon, but considering that this was their first time playing at Stronghold
as a couple she was glad that they were going to have some privacy because she
was feeling a little nervous.

Excited too, though.  Although
some part of her brain was still pondering over Adam's reaction to her and
Andrew's conversation.  She was dying to know what had happened between
Andrew and his ex; there was obviously a lot more to the story than a simple
break up if Andrew really hadn't even said her name for a really long time.
 But she couldn't really concentrate on that because Adam kept giving her
the most wicked looks that was making her belly fizz. 

He looked absolutely delicious in
the black leather pants and the white button down that he was wearing; the
outfit should have looked incongruous, but it fit him perfectly.  Buttoned
up, in control, and incredibly sexy.  Yep, that pretty much described him.

The Dungeon wasn't very full yet,
but Adam steered her right into jail.  Closing the door behind him, he
took the opportunity to shutter the view through the window as well, giving
them complete privacy.  

Turning, he looked her up and
down, leering a little bit and she giggled again.  Adam shook his head at
her.  "No laughing, ma'am, public indecency is a serious charge.
 Now get that exposed ass of yours behind those bars."

Feeling almost like a little kid,
Angel practically skipped into the jail portion of the room and turned around
as Adam closed the door behind her.  

"Now what?" she asked,
feeling a little confused since he was on one side of the bars and she was on
the other.  

Adam just laughed.
 "Haven't done much role playing before, have you?"

"Nope.  Never even
thought about it."  She twisted her hands in front of her and looked
around the stark room as Adam settled down in the chair next to the desk.
 "So, are you the Sheriff or something?"

"Or something."

"So uh... are you going to
let me out of here?  Or just sit there staring at me?"

"I don't know, sweetheart.
 You're not giving me much of a reason to let you out of there.  Can
you think of anything you might be able to do to help motivate me?"
 The teasing grin that Adam gave her was at complete odds with the stern
tone of voice he was using. 

Okay... she could do this... role
play was basically just acting, after all.  Going up to the bars closest
to his desk, she gripped on in each hand and rubbed her breasts against the
cold steel.  Behind the small patches of leather, she could feel her
nipples hardening as she licked her lips.  Adam's eyes glowed, but he just
leaned back, putting his feet up on the desk as if he couldn't care less what
she was doing.  

"Come on officer... I bet I
can think of a bunch of things that you might want in exchange for letting me
out of here."  Unfortunately she couldn't help but giggle again as
she winked at him.  It was just too hard not to feel silly.

Adam shook his head at her,
crossing his arms over his chest, but she could see the amusement in the quirk
of his lips.  "I don't know sweetheart, doesn't look like you have
money on you... that outfit wouldn't allow it."

"I bet we could still come
to some kind of exchange."  She licked her lips again and watched as
Adam shifted, his eyes on her mouth.  "I bet a big, strong Sheriff like
you has a nice big cock that could use some kisses."

When Adam chuckled, it seemed
like he was still in character, unlike her with the giggle that was bubbling up
in her chest.  "Don't see anything too special about a blow job,
sweetheart.  Lots of girls will get down on their knees to get out of
jail.  I think I'm pretty tired of those.  Got anything else to

Angel made a face at him, but he
just grinned so she decided that he was teasing and hadn't really had too many
girls in here begging to give him a blow job.  It was just part of the

Taking one of her hands off the
bars, she ran it over the leather straps, working her way down her body to the
larger (comparatively) expanse of leather covering her pussy.  Adam's eyes
followed her hand down and she could tell that he appreciated her teasing.
 Heck, it was making it a little bit easier to get into the role even
though she still felt like giggling.  She might like acting and improv,
but this was just so far outside her comfort zone that she was caught between
being kind of turned on and feeling really silly.

"Walking around all publicly
indecent has gotten me all wet," she said silkily, tracing the leather
over her mound.  The little cough that Adam gave when she said 'publicly
indecent' was obviously to cover up a laugh.  Ha!  Got him.
 "Would you like some nice, hot pussy, Sheriff?"

Appearing to think it over, Adam
leaned back in the chair with his hand behind his head.  Angel wondered if
he was just pulling her leg, trying to get her to make a jail break.  She
eyed the door.  It's not like it was locked, she probably could... but the
bargaining was kind of fun too.  Plus, she had a feeling that breaking out
of jail would get her some kind of punishment and she didn't actually
be bad unless he gave her no choice.

"As nice as that sounds, sweetheart, I
think I'll pass on that too.  Pussy is easy to get when you're a man of
the law."  Now it was Angel's turn to laugh at his mock-stern tone.
 He sounded like something out of a bad Western.  A bad, dirty
Western.  "I think you're going to have to offer me something more...
interesting if you want out of that cell."

Anal sex.  That's what he was after.
 And he wanted her to offer it up to him on a silver platter.  Her
other option was to jail break.  And who says he wouldn't just take what
he wanted if she did that?

Angel licked her lips again.  It had
been a while since she'd had anal sex, but it was always something that she'd
liked.  Probably because she felt incredibly submissive during anal, there
was just something wonderfully dirty and forbidden about it that made her feel
like she was letting a man do something that he wasn't supposed to.  There
was an intimacy to it, as well.  Even though she really liked anal sex, it
wasn't something she did with every guy that she had sex with. 

But yeah... she really, really wanted to do
it with Adam.  

Time to bargain her ass out of jail.


This kind of foreplay was utter
torment.  Of course, keeping Angel caged up behind the bars was also just
enjoyable.  Especially the expressions that crossed her face as she slid
back and forth between trying to role play and being amused.  Granted,
role play wasn't always his favorite thing in the world, but it was fun on
occasion.  And he was definitely enjoying bargaining Angel down to entry
into that luscious ass of hers.

Seeing her glance at the door to
the jail again, he wondered if she was going to make a break for it.  If
so, then he'd know she wasn't ready to do that with him yet.  Although, of
course, she could always say her safe word too, but he had a feeling Angel
would rather make a jail break than say her safe word.  Most submissives
got a sense of pride out of never having to say it, and a good Dom never pushed
so far that his submissive should feel the need to. 

Angel licked her lips, dragging
her teeth over the plump lower one, and he suddenly knew what her decision was
going to be.

Those bright eyes almost glowed
as she started unsnapping the straps of her outfit.  
Holy shit.
If he'd known how easy it was to take that thing off of her, he definitely
would have ripped the damn, teasing thing off of her before shoving her in the
jail.  Although at that point she might not have made it in.

His cock was pulsing behind his
zipper as he watched her little strip tease, her body swaying gently back and
forth to the music that was always in the background, although he didn't think
she realized that she was doing so.  The straps fell easily away to
crumple onto the floor below her, leaving her completely naked except for those
bright red heels on her feet... and separated from him by the bars.

Adam's arms tensed as he forced
himself to remain still.  

"You got something you want
to offer, sweetheart?"

"Yes Sheriff," she
said, cupping her breasts and pinching her nipples, which were already hard.
 At least he knew he wasn't the only one turned on.  "Sounds to
me like you need a good, tight ass for that cock of yours."

He had to stifle a groan as
electricity seemed to shoot straight through his body.  Angel was going to
offer up her ass to him.  Even though she'd marked it as something she had
experience in on her survey, he knew that it was still something that, for most
women, required a little bit of extra trust.  A little bit of extra
intimacy beyond what regular sex needed.  

Standing up, he went over to the
door of the jail, keeping his eye on Angel as she trotted over to the entrance.

"Alright sweetheart, come on
out, bend over my desk and show me what you have to offer."

She purposefully rubbed herself
against him as she exited the jail, smiling happily although he could see that
she was nervous too.  That little thrill of anticipation, of anxiety in
her eyes with just a hint of fear, was like an aphrodisiac for him.  There
was nothing sexier than a submissive who was aroused, excited and apprehensive
all at the same time.  

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