Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy (5 page)

BOOK: Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy
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“No, Ashley will be riding with me.”
 Kyle’s tone made it clear this was not a suggestion.

“Gotcha,” He turned back to Ashley.
 “Mack, enjoy your vacation.”  He gave her a quick hug, winking.  “You haven’t lost it.  Not even a coma can keep you down.”

“Thanks, Jose.
 Will I see you tomorrow night at the club?”

“Are you kidding, the only date you will give me?
 I am there!”  He waved and turned back to handling his business.

Kyle was back to scowling.
 He walked around the front of the SUV to the passenger door and opened it for Ashley.  “Get in.”  Again, it was not a request.

His opening the door for her gave her pause for a few seconds but she got in with the strange sense of liking Kyle opening her door.

He closed the door and went around to the driver’s side.  He got in and started the engine.  Kyle waited for Ashley to put on her seatbelt.  When she didn’t, he reached over her to do it himself. His hand accidently brushed against her breast.  When she gasped he froze for a second before clicking the belt. To hide his nervousness Kyle quickly snatched up his sunglasses from the dash where he threw them when he first arrived, putting them on he pulled the SUV onto the street.  

They had been driving in silence for several minutes when Ashley spoke quietly.
 “Sir, I am sorry I disobeyed your order.”

Kyle glanced at her, taking his eyes off the highway for a few seconds.
 “Are you?”

Ashley was confused with this milder version of Director Strong.
 Usually after she ‘pulled one of her stunts’, he would be livid.   And, where was the yelling?  Instead of yelling and threatening her with dire consequences, he was quiet, and gentlemanly.  He saved her life, protected her when that scumbag called her derogatory names, allowed her to help get the kids situated, opened her door for her; she couldn’t think of a single person whoever opened a door for her since she entered adulthood, and he put her seatbelt on as though she was precious cargo.

Ashley knew she was reading too much into his actions but they were so close to some of her dreams about Kyle (he was always Kyle in her dreams) that she wasn’t sure she wasn’t imagining things.
 She turned in her seat.  He still looked the same, just as handsome as ever.  Maybe she was asleep.

 His deep voice did things to her insides.  He kept his attention on the road so she continued to observe him.  

His good looks were distracting.
 She wasn’t sure what he was asking, “Sir?”

He gave her another quick glance.
 “Stop sir-ing me.  Why did you do it?”


“Ashley, if you call me sir or Director Strong one more time, I won’t be responsible for what I do.”
 His voice was closer to his yelling pitch but not quite.  

Now she was getting angry again.
, why shouldn’t I call you sir or Director Strong, it is who you are to me?”

Kyle snatched his glasses off, throwing them on the seat with a quick angry motion.
 “Oh, I don’t know, how about, an hour ago we had our tongues down each other’s throats and you were fondling my dick?”

He was definitely yelling now.
 Ashley was shocked at what he was yelling but not at the actual yelling.  Ashley clamped her mouth shut, tamping down her inappropriate response.

“I’ve always thought you were highly intelligent.
 You keeping your mouth closed right now just proved it.”

Chapter 3

Ashley stretched in her chair.  She put the final touches on her report.  It had been a couple hours since Director Strong—oh, no, wait, she was supposed to call him Kyle now.  She rolled her eyes, yeah, right. Like that was going to happen—dropped them off.  Still silent, they had walked side by side until they reached the hallway where their paths diverged, him to his office and she to the shared offices of the other agents.  

Ballistics had returned her weapon a few minutes ago.
 Standing, she quickly checked it before putting it back into the holster at her hip.  Gathering her personal items from her desk, she got ready to leave.  Just then her cell clipped to her waist rang.

Smiling at the display, she answered.
 “Hey lady, what are you up to?”

“About 5’ 8” and you?” was
 Catlyn Lyte’s habitual response.

“About an inch shorter,” Ashley laughed.

“Well, you can’t have it all.  You’ll just have to be satisfied with being gorgeous and skilled.”

“Ha, ha,
 whatdaya want already?”

“I’m just calling to make sure you aren’t backing out of coming to Newburgh on Sunday.”

“Cat, I said I’d be there and I will.”  Ashley knew there was a little bite in her tone.

“Mack, you ok?
 I was only joking.  I know you’ll be here.  I was actually calling to check what time you’re arriving.”  Catlyn had a knack of picking up on others’ moods.

Sighing, she sat back down.
 “Sorry, I am just a little touchy right now.  I did a bad thing.”

“Oh, Ashley, you didn’t?”
 Catlyn’s voice had her mothering tone.  

“See, what had happened was…”
 Ashley did their long standing joke.

“What’d you do?”
 Catlyn asked even though she could probably guess.

“I swear, I am all healed and feel fine.
 I can do my job.”

“Ashley, it doesn’t matter.
 The man is your boss.  If he says you’re on the desk then you ride the desk.”

“I know he’s my boss.”
 Ashley grunted between clamped teeth.

There was a telling pause on the other end of the line.
 “Director Strong is a very handsome man, very virile.”

“Hey, woman, who’re you calling virile?
 The only virility you should be concerned about is mine.”
Ashley could hear Chief Gard’s voice coming through the line.  He must be very close.  It was confirmed when his question was followed by smacking sounds and Catlyn’s girlish giggle.

“Sorry Mack, Jack just walked in… Honey, stop, I’m talking to Mackenzie.”
 Catlyn’s voice wasn’t very convincing.

There was more rustling noise and then Ashley heard Jack’s voice even clearer, “Hey, Mackenzie, still coming Sunday?”

“Yes, as I just told your fiancée, I will be there.”

Jack laughed.
 “I thought you’d find some excuse not to come since Kyle is coming too now.”

 When?” Ashley was floored.  Kyle had told her Jack had issued him an invitation also.  But, she didn’t think he would actually take Jack up on it, especially after she told him she was definitely going to be there.

“He’s arriving on Sunday too and staying through to the wedding.”
 Ashley could tell Jack was enjoying letting her know of Director Strong’s plans.  “Hmm, wonder what made him change his mind since he declined when I first gave the invitation?”

“Shush, Jack.”
 Catlyn’s voice was in the foreground again.  “Don’t pay any attention to him Mack.  We’re happy to have you both.”

Ashley could hear Jack’s laughter receding into the background and something that sounded like ‘clueless couple’.
 She sighed.  “Well, this explains why he didn’t chew me out and write a 10 page reprimand to put in my file.  He’s going to make me pay for disobeying him by ruining my vacation.”

“Don’t be absurd.
 Director Strong wouldn’t purposefully ruin someone’s vacation.  Though, I wouldn’t put that 10 page written reprimand pass him.  Be prepared for that one.”

“Thanks a lot.
 I am hanging up on you now.  I am leaving here around 8 in the morning so I should see you guys around dinner time.  It’s about 7 hours to Newburgh from Richmond.”  She could hear Catlyn’s laughter as she clicked end on her cell.  

Ashley had re-gathered her things when the phone on her desk rang.

“Ashley, may I see you in my office, please?”
 Director Strong’s voice was deep and sexy.

“Is this a request, sir?”
 Ashley purposefully used the form of address he told her not to use.

The notable silence told her he was aware of her dig.
 “My office now agent,” then there was nothing but dead air.

Hanging up slowly, she replaced her things back on her desk.
 Her angry strides ate up the distance between their offices very quickly.  His personal assistant’s desk was cleared and the outer light was off.  Not pausing to knock, Ashley stormed through the door.  She didn’t stop until she stood directly in front of his desk.

He was seated, signing a piece of paper.
 He finished what he was doing and then put the pen down. Looking up into her eyes, he waved a hand towards his visitor’s chair.  “Have a seat, Ashley.”

“I’d rather stand, sir.”
 Stubborn should have been her middle name rather than Anne.

Kyle silently rose, circling the desk.
 Taking her hand he led her to a couch on the far side of his office. He repeated, “Have a seat, Ashley.”

His eyes flashed with a non-verbal message, telling her he wasn’t going to take her refusal lightly again. Removing her gun from her hip, she placed it on a side table.
 Crossing her arms under her breasts, she reluctantly sat down.

Kyle looked at her for a few seconds before pacing several times and then pausing to study her. He started to talk.
 “First, I want you to know that I put your name on the mission board and told Sanchez you had my approval to be in the field today.”

Ashley’s eyebrows climbed to her bangs.
 She couldn’t have been more shocked if he had told her she was the new Director of the HCD, his voice grew stronger.

“Second, this conversation is now between
, not the Assistant Director of the FBI/BAU-HCD and Supervisory Special Agent.  It’s between Kyle Michael Strong and Ashley Anne Mackenzie.”

He pinned her with a look.
 He seemed to want some sort of acknowledgement so Ashley nodded her understanding.  He cleared his throat and continued speaking, “Bunny Bencroft and I are no longer a couple.  We were actually on a hiatus from being a couple.  We have been for about a month and today we decided to go our separate ways, making it official.”

He paused.
 His crystal blue eyes were penetrating. He watched her closely as though he were waiting for a sign.  When all she did was stare back at him, he walked over to her, kneeling in front of her.  

He took her hand gently in his.
 He looked down at her raw knuckles.  Then to Ashley’s utter amazement he brought her hand to his lips, kissing her misused hand, first across the injuries on her knuckles and then soft fluttering ones to her open palm.

She inhaled sharply and moaned when he continue to kiss his way up to her neck.
 Trembling, she put her hands to his shoulders.  His tongue swiped the side of her neck and then he lightly sucked on her skin.  

“Mmm, you taste good.”
 He whispered against her throat.  “Sweetheart, can I taste your mouth again?” He was now on his knees on the floor between her legs.  He licked and sucked her neck, waiting for her answer, his hands cupping her hips.

She reached up, threading her fingers through his hair, “K-kyle?”
 She whispered his name.  

He leaned back to look into her eyes, “Yes, sweetheart?”

“Am I dreaming again?”

Enchanted, Kyle smiled.
 “Do you dream of us kissing a lot?”

“Oh, yes!”

He laughed.  “Let’s make our dreams come true.”

Tenderly cupping her jaw, tilting her mouth up to meet his, he gave her the kind of kiss he dreamt about having with her.
 He traced her lips with a questing tongue before licking the inside of her top lip and sucking her bottom one between his.  When she moaned and arched in his arms he pushed his tongue pass her teeth tasting her mouth fully.

After several long minutes in heaven exchanging toe melting kisses with Kyle, Ashley pushed against his chest, breaking off their hot kiss.
 “W-what is this about?”

Kyle took a deep breath, moving to sit next to her on the sofa.
 He took her hand, looking at it.  “Ashley, I’ve been thinking about you…well specifically us…a lot lately.”

“What about us?”
 Her heart slammed in anticipation.

He looked deeply into her eyes.
 His look nearly reduced her to a melted puddle of want and need.  “Can you honestly not feel 

Ashley knew what he meant by ‘it’ but the law official in her needed clarity beyond doubt, “It?”

With a frustrated expelling of air, Kyle stood, looking at her in agitation.  “Ashley, please tell me, it’s not just me.  I think about you constantly, I can feel when you are in the room.”  He raised a trembling hand to her eye level.  “You make me shake with wanting!  I want you in every way I can think of and ways that haven’t been invented yet.”

Taking in her pondering expression, Kyle was getting the feeling he was way off base.
 “God, please tell me I haven’t totally embarrassed myself.”

Ashley stood, now invading his personal space.
 She didn’t stop until her chest touched his torso. Putting a shaking hand to his cheek she whispered, “What took you so long?  I felt 
 the moment you touched me at the auction.”

His eyes widened in shock and then total relief swept through his tightly held body. With his trembling hands he gripped her hips, pulling her closer.
 “I am sorry it took me so long.  I know I am late.  But is it too late for us, for me to make you mine?”

Instead of answering him, she reached up, brushing their lips together sensually.
 Kyle instantly took over the kiss, deepening it until they were breathless.  Her arms were around his neck and his held her around her tiny waist.  “Is this your way of saying no I am not too late?”

Ashley smiled.
 “It’s my way of saying, can I think about it?”

Brow furrowing he questioned, “What’s to think about?
 I want you and you want me, let’s do this.”

Sighing, she stepped out of his arms, “Kyle if it was as simple as chemistry, we would have had sex and called it a day a while ago.”

Thrusting his hands in his pockets he glared.  “What do you need to think about?”

“The obvious, Kyle,” She said as though he should know what she was talking about.

“Well, it’s not that obvious to me, so why don’t you explain.”

“Kyle until a few minutes ago you were just my boss that I had inappropriate dreams about.”
 She stepped back and threw her hands up.  “Other than chemistry, what do we have?”


“I would think that’s the obvious part.”  He watched her closely, wondering her point.

“Yeah, well, it’s not.
 Besides me having a totally heated, sexually aroused system when you come within spitting distance, you are the man that threatens to fire me, yells at me, writes those excellently worded reprimands and tells me that his family is not mine.”

Kyle gritted his teeth, knowing exactly which incident to which Ashley referred.
 It had been about 4 months after their first kiss at the auction.  Ashley had been away on assignment, undercover.  His sister, Nancy and her kids, Holly and Drew had had Ashley over for dinner after her return, making all her favorite dishes to welcome her back, then after, they had family night, a night of board games and rented movies.

Nancy had steadfastly refused to include Bunny in these nights of family fun.
 At the time, mostly because he was having trouble dealing with his feelings regarding his agent, Kyle had disliked the fact that Nancy had included one of his subordinates in family night but not his girlfriend.

And, on that
 particular family night, Kyle had been feeling extra sensitive about the subject.  On a trip to the kitchen to replenish the popcorn and drinks for everyone, he had told Ashley in very specific terms that she was not family, that his family was not hers and in future she should decline any invitation that occurred on family night.

And she had taken the warning to heart.
 She never stepped foot on any Strong property on family night, not even at the insistence of his mother.  Feeling her pain he stepped closer, putting her back in his arms.

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