Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy (12 page)

BOOK: Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy
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Releasing the breath she hadn’t been aware of holding, she smiled and advanced into the room.  “Thank you for these.  I like them all.  This is my favorite.”


His hand went automatically to her waist.  He caressed her from waist to hip to buttocks.  “Ah, you look as sexy as I imagined.”  He pulled her flushed against him, “So, so sexy.”


“Oh, Kyle,” she gasped before he took her mouth.


“Mm, so good, Babydoll, let me grab a quick shower.  You go ahead get in bed, it doesn’t matter which side you choose.  I am good with either side.”  Kyle grabbed his shaving kit bag and a pair of boxers before going into the bathroom.


Out of habit Ashley chose the side closest to the bedroom door.  She went to her bag and removed her gun.  She placed it in the nightstand on her side of the bed.  Although she didn’t wear a gun while on vacation, Ashley found since the time she first qualified to carry a gun she hadn’t been able to sleep without being within arm’s reach of one.

She lay down and tried to get comfortable.
 Now that she and Kyle sleeping together was a reality, she was assailed with nerves.  She had read about sex and knew the mechanics but had no real experience. It was like the Californians and Floridians who had never experienced snow.  They knew of it, what it looked like but never experienced it.  Ashley prayed she was going to be enough to please someone as handsome and sexual as Kyle.


Before her nerves completely took over, Kyle came out of the bathroom.  He was gorgeous.  His powerfully muscled chest was bare and hairless, smooth sleek muscles moved beneath his skin as he moved, coming to the bed and getting in on the other side.  Ashley watched his every move. His pecs and biceps were exceptional and he had the perfect 6 pack.  His body was well defined, cut like an athlete.  


He moved to the middle of the bed, taking her in his arms, “Hey, beautiful.”  He kissed her tenderly on the lips.


“Hey.”  She was breathless.


His eyes were dark and heated.  “I’d really like to take my turn for 20 questions but my body is in overdrive being this close to you.”  He caressed her from shoulder to hip.  “I’ve wanted you for so long, baby.”


He kissed her neck, leaving a wet trail from her earlobe to the tops of her breasts.  She moaned and gripped his shoulders.  “Kyle.”


“I love the way you say my name.  It gives me goose-bumps just like your singing did.”  He slowly pulled one of her bra straps down, pulling the lace down to reveal a breast with an aroused nipple. “Damn, Babydoll, your nipple is hard already.  I haven’t even touched it yet.”  His tongue tip flicked across the harden peak.  


Ashley arched off the bed, gasping his name.  Her hand moved to his head, threading her fingers through his soft hair.  “Kyle, please!”


Kyle shifted, going between her legs that had opened as soon as his tongue touched her nipple.  “Oh, baby, you don’t have to beg me.”  His big hand took hold of her plump breast and his mouth took her nipple, drawing on it hard, his teeth took a nip and his tongue soothed and then he repeated.


Ashley trembled and squirmed.  She felt her juices flowing into her panties.  As he suckled her the urge to move was too strong to ignore.  Her legs went around him, gripping.  She thrust her pelvis into his, feeling his large erection against her.

As if he was waiting for that particular sign, Kyle moved in counter point, grinding their groins as he removed her bra.
 “So hot and responsive, Babydoll, I can feel your heat and wetness through our underwear.”  His voice had gone deeper and raspy.  Grinding urgently against her, he pushed her now bare breasts together, laving her nipples with a clever tongue.


Ashley held on to his shoulders for the sensual ride he was taking her on.  Her hips thrust constantly now, keeping up with his pace.  Her hand caressed from his shoulder to his buttocks where she gripped him, pulling him to her frantically.  She was so excited she knew she was about to come just from the attention he gave her breasts.


One of his hands reached into her panties, finding her sopping wet he groaned.  “You’re soaked.  Is this for me baby?”




He released her long enough to get rid of both their underwear and go between her legs.  His wide shoulders forcing her legs open wider.  His fingers trailed the thin strip of hair at the top of her sex.  He opened her nether lips.  His fingers stroked her slit before one blunt, large finger began to slowly penetrate her.


Ashley began to come even before Kyle had his finger all the way inside her.  She screamed her release. Kyle continued to thrust his finger, feeling her walls close tightly around his invading digit.  “Yes, that’s it, Babydoll, give me all that yummy come.”  At his words, she felt his tongue take flickering swipes before replacing his finger.  Ashley cried out again, gripping his head, holding him to her as she humped his face and he tongue fucked her.


As she started to come again, Kyle reached up and pulled on one of her nipples, making her release that much more intense.  She went over the edge with one last scream.


While she quaked uncontrollably and a wonderful weakness went through her, Kyle kissed his way up her body.  Reaching her mouth he thrust his tongue deep, devouring it as he did her pussy.  Ashley moaned, tasting herself on his lips and tongue.


Slowly she opened her eyes.  He was looking down at her with a satisfied smile.  “What?”

He shook his head.
 “Nothing, I just love the way you come, although I am not sure Jack and Catlyn didn’t hear some of your wonderfully vocal release.”


Ashley shut her eyes, “Oh, no!”  She covered her face with her hands.  “Do you really think they heard me?”

Seeing her embarrassment Kyle lied.
 “I was only teasing, baby.  We are 3 doors down from theirs and the walls are pretty thick.”  


“Oh, good, I’d die of embarrassment if they heard me.”  She smiled up at him.  “It’s kinda hard to keep quiet when you touch me.  It feels so incredible.”


Kyle laughed.  “Oh, I don’t mind the noise at all.  In fact I love it, gets me even harder.”


At the mention of his hard on, Ashley became aware of his full erection against her stomach.  Smiling she reached down and grabbed his dick.


Kyle gasped.  “Careful, there Babydoll, I am ready to explode.”


She tested his length and strength with a stroking hand.  “Man, you’re huge.”  She pushed at his shoulder, getting him to lay back.  She stroked him from his thick base to the slimmer head.  His head looked like an arrow head.  Perfect for aiming, his shaft was pale and a blue vein ran his entire length.


Following her urge, she licked him.  Her tongue followed the vein and slowly circled the head, gathering the pre-cum on her tongue and swallowing.  “Mm, you taste so good.”  She flicked her tongue tip into the hole at the top of his penis.  Then she slowly began to pull him into her mouth, sucking hard while a hand slide up and down on the lower part of his shaft.


“Fuck!  Oh, God, baby,” Kyle’s hands pulled at her hair, undoing the neat braid and threading his fingers through it, gripping her head.  “Ooh, yeah, fuck, that’s so good.”  


Ashley was getting wetter from sucking Kyle.  She felt him pulsing in her hand and against her tongue. She hummed as she began to suck faster as Kyle began thrusting up into her mouth almost too fast for her to keep up.  “Yes, Babydoll, suck me so good. Just like that!  I am gonna come!”


Ashley doubled her efforts when she felt his thighs tighten and his shaft seem to get bigger.  Kyle gave a ragged growl.  “Ashley, I can’t hold back.  Are you going to swallow, I can’t…”


Ashley moaned and continued to suck him, her hand moving as quickly as her head bobbed up and down.  He gave another masculine groan before his body jerked and Ashley felt warm come squirt to the back of her throat.  Two more heated squirts overflowed her mouth.  Her stroking gentled to a stop and she licked at the come that escaped her mouth.


Kyle collapsed to the bed, pulling her up into his arms against his chest.  “Sweetheart, to use your words, that was incredible.”

She smiled.
 “Could you tell it was my first blowjob ever?”


Kyle looked at her.  “I don’t kiss and tell and I never compare but all I have to say about that is I am so glad your mine and I am your first.”


She tilted her head.  “You know you’re my first everything; kiss, oral sex both giving and receiving.” She reached up and kissed him softly on the mouth without the heated passion, “My first everything!”


His eyes deeply probed hers.  “And, you’re my 


They kissed slowly.  A loving exchanged, defining their commitment to each other.

Kyle pulled the covers over them, turned off the light on his nightstand and settled her against his chest.
 “Goodnight Ashley.”


“Goodnight Kyle.”  

Chapter 7

Ashley’s gut reaction and habitual readiness had her on her feet with her gun in her hand, safety off before she was completely awake.


As she walked towards the bedroom door, Kyle’s nightstand light came on.   “Ashley, wait!”

She looked at him over her shoulder.
 He tossed one of his t-shirts at her and reached in his nightstand and pulled his gun.  Ashley had forgotten she was naked.  She took the precious seconds to pull the shirt on, as an alarm continued to scream throughout the house.   It was what had woken her up.  

She started towards the door again.
 Again Kyle stopped her this time with a hand on her arm pulling her back.  “You stay here.”


“But, I—“


“Goddamnit, Ashley, I don’t have time for this.  Jack could need help.  You stay here, I mean it!”


Knowing Jack and Catlyn could be in trouble Ashley nodded and stepped back.  Kyle who had donned a pair of boxers silently left the room with his gun at the ready.


Kyle encountered Jack at the top of the stairs.  He too had a gun.  “What is it?”


“Someone has tripped an alarm on the property outside.”  Jack talked over the alarm.


“Why didn’t you turn off the alarm?”

They started down the stairs, automatically falling into side-by-side formation.
 “I want the security company to send someone over.”


“Don’t you think whoever tripped the alarm is gone by now?”  Kyle was doubtful anyone would stick around with the screeching currently sounding, no telling how far it could be heard.  Neighbors may have already called the police and the security company was sure to come.

“We’ll see.”
 Jack slowly opened the front door.




Ashley lasted for as long as she could.  She had taken the time to pull on her sweat pants and sneakers. Then she couldn’t take waiting any longer.  She just was not used to being on the sidelines.

She opened the door and crept slowly down the hall.
 She peeked into Jack and Catlyn’s room. Catlyn was on the bed with a gun pointed at the door.

“Easy partner, it’s me.”
 Ashley came into the room.


“God, you scared me.”  Catlyn lowered her gun.


“Jack asked you to stay here?”  


Nodding Catlyn clarified, “It wasn’t necessary, even though he did say ‘stay put’.  Now that I am pregnant I have no desire to deal with situations that require me to be armed.”


Ashley watched Catlyn lovingly rub her tummy.  It hit her how much Catlyn already loved her unborn child.  Ashley would make sure that nothing would happen to Catlyn and her child.  “Stay put.”  


Ashley closed the door and quietly and swiftly made her way to the stairs.  Taking them quickly she saw that the front door was open.  Walking through the door with her gun aimed she took the outside steps just as a car pulled up behind the other cars, lights flashing.  It was a car from the security firm.


Ashley saw Kyle and Jack talking and circling Kyle’s SUV.  Kyle was swearing a blue streak.  Standing behind Kyle and Jack she saw why he was so upset.  His car’s windows were all shattered including the windshield and all the tires were slashed, in the flashing lights of the security car and the property’s security lights she could see the side panel had also been keyed.


Jack was apologizing to Kyle.  “…I knew there was a chance he might be around.  Interpol and Jason warned us he was in the states and New York specifically.  Don’t worry I’ll pay for the damage.”


Kyle shook his head.  “That’s not necessary I am insured against vandalism.”


Ashley put her gun’s safety on and gently touched Kyle’s back.  “You okay?”


Kyle turned to her.  “Babydoll,” he gave a long suffering sigh, “I thought I asked you to stay in the house.”


Jack excused himself to speak with the security people.


Ashley looked up at him a little sheepishly, “I couldn’t sit still knowing you could be in trouble.”  She put her arms fully around him.  “Please don’t be angry.”


He squeezed her to him.  “I’m not angry with you sweetie.  I knew the chances of you staying inside were slim to nil.”  He waved a hand towards his car.  “I am just disappointed my car got damaged mistakenly for one of Jack’s and Catlyn’s.”


Ashley frowned.  “What makes you think it was mistaken identity?  Maybe the person knew exactly whose car they destroyed.”


“No, sweetheart, it was definitely mistaken identity.  No one knew I was headed here but Mom and this is Jack’s and Catlyn’s residence.  And, as you know there is a threat against Catlyn in the form of her rapist.  He is believed to be in New York.  It’s just his way of torturing and playing with her.  Sick fuck.”


Ashley was surprised.  It had taken her a few years to get Catlyn’s history out of her.  “Catlyn told you about J.T. Dark?”


“No, Jack did.”  He looked at Ashley.  “And before you get upset that he divulged such sensitive information about Catlyn, he wanted to let me know that if I took him up on his invitation to stay here there was the possibility of trouble.  Besides, I think he feels a little more secure having another law official helping him to watch Catlyn’s and his back, especially now that she is carrying his child.”


“I was just surprised.  Catlyn kept that private.  She didn’t tell me about it until after we’d been partnered a few years.”


Looking at Jack converse with the security team, Kyle shook his head.  “He was keeping me company one night by your bedside when you were in a coma.  I told him how I screwed up with you and how I was so afraid I’d never get another chance with you.”  He looked into her eyes when she gasped her surprise.  “Jack told me how he screwed up with Catlyn over 25 years ago and how happy he was to set things right.  He told me to hang in there, that I’d get my chance with you again but not to fuck it up.”


She laughed, “So far so good.”


Kyle kissed the top of her head.  “It’s so much more than good, Babydoll.”


They stood side by side with their arms around each other waiting for Jack to finish with the security company.




Catlyn pushed Jack back into his seat at the kitchen table.  “Honey, I am pregnant not infirm.”


Jack gave in to her insistence.  “I am just nervous.”


Catlyn continued with the preparing of coffee for the three seated at her kitchen table.  “Jack, if you’re this bad in my first trimester, what’re you going to be like at the end of my pregnancy?”


“A total basket case,” Jack pushed his hair back with an agitated hand.


Catlyn brought the cups of coffee over on a small circular serving tray.  “Well, calm down papa to be.  You’re making mama to be nervous.”


“Yes, ma’am!”  Jack kissed her hand as she sat next to him.


Ashley noted that Catlyn served everyone but herself.  “Not having any coffee, Cat?”


She shook her head and rubbed her belly.  She had been doing that a lot.  “None for me, I want to eat and drink healthy for the little one here, just in case my age becomes a factor.”


Jack shook his head.  “Sweetheart, you heard the doc, you’re as healthy as they come and have the body of someone in their 20s.”  Jack winked, “I can certainly confirm that.”






Kyle laughed.  “Don’t worry Catlyn we’re ignoring him.”


Ashley smiled, watching the other couple.  They were cute together.  But beside that, they were totally committed to each other.  It was seen in every move, look, touch they made.  She wanted that kind of deeply loving commitment with Kyle.  She looked at him watching them too and wondered if he also wanted a relationship like Jack’s and Catlyn’s.


As if he sensed her scrutiny, he turned to look at her.  Taking her hand in his, he kissed it and then winked.  Ashley knew then that they were definitely thinking the same thing.  She gave him a big smile and squeezed his hand.


“So, are we going to go back to bed for a couple hours more sleep or do you want to get ready for the beach?”  Jack took a sip of coffee as he caressed Catlyn’s back.  “Kyle you can help me get the ‘Garding Lyte’ ready to sail.  It’s at the Newburgh Yacht Club Landing.”

“You have a yacht, chief?”
 Ashley was excited.


“Yea, a 44’ Helia Catamaran.”


“Nice, love the name.”  Kyle said smiling at Catlyn.  “I imagine Jack takes guarding his light very seriously.”


“Yes, he does.  He has since we were kids.”  She looked lovingly at Jack.


Jack lowered his head, “Yeah, I did real great when we were kids.”  His sarcasm and self-loathing dripped from his words.  “I dropped the ball when it was most important.”


Catlyn cupped his face.  “None of that, I mean it.  There is no way you could have known and as soon as you did you’ve been protecting me!  I won’t have you speaking poorly of my child’s father.”  She smiled and kissed his lips.


Jack smiled, looking deeply into her eyes, his good humor restored.  “Yes, ma’am.”


Ashley hopped up with infectious enthusiasm.  “I say, forget sleep.  Let’s hit the water!”




The ladies were lounging on the deck in chairs, an umbrella protecting them from the bright sun.  The men were at the captain’s wheel.  


“With the exception of Jack, I have never seen a sexier body than Director Strong’s.  Who knew he had all that under those suits of his?”


Ashley laughed.  “If I didn’t see how ga-ga in love you are with Jack and how you drool over his body every time he walks pass, I’d take exception to that observation.”


Catlyn giggled, getting the men’s attention.


Kyle looked at the women relaxing with a cool drink, giggling and talking happily like teenagers.  “If we weren’t out on the open water, I’d be worried about all that laughing.”


“Ha, I know what you mean.”  Jack pushed his sunglasses up.  “I love seeing Catlyn so happy.  It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that beautiful real smile.”


Kyle nodded.  “Yes!  She was always so pensive.  I used to think it was because she was a profiler.  You can’t tell by looking at her that she suffered such a trauma in her life.”


“I am so glad she’s healed.  I still have nightmares about the day I found her beaten, broken and bloody body at that school.  I could have lost her then at age 15.”  Jack made a turn sharply, the yacht performed expertly, turning on a dime.  “When I think about that bastard and all he’s done to her, I want to kill him.  He had better pray Interpol, and the other various agencies that are after him find him first.”


Kyle put a hand on Jack’s shoulder.  “Don’t worry, we’ll get him.  And, I won’t let anyone near her that looks even remotely suspicious.”


“Thanks for doing this for me.  I know my invitation had an ulterior motive, but I would die if that psychopath ever got his hands on her again.”


“No thanks needed.  And if you had told me the real reason for the invite, I wouldn’t have turned it down at first.”


“It wasn’t the only reason I invited you.  I wanted you to take a vacation with us.”  Jack spared him a glance.  “Dude, you were wound so tight I thought you were going to  explode, besides, after all that anxiety and worry over whether or not Mack was going to make it, I knew you needed rest, relaxation and fun!”


Kyle smiled.  “Ashley has made me happy but I don’t think I can relax too much around her.  She 
relaxes, so I can’t.  I want her to ease up some on this vacation.”


Jack gave him a teasing smile and lowered his voice, “Last night sounded like you were on the right track to getting her to relax.”

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