Read Stroke of Sapphire Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Romance

Stroke of Sapphire (16 page)

BOOK: Stroke of Sapphire
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Feeling fierce and possessive, he leaned forward, the change in position driving his cock even deeper, and cupped her breasts. Her nipples were more red than pink and puckered tight. He lightly pinched the nubs and her pussy spasmed around his shaft. Stars exploded in his mind, like fireworks or gunfire. He released her breasts and clamped his hands around her hips, holding on for dear life. Only Sapphire anchored him to the here and now.

He growled and began to fuck her hard, keeping his thrusts short and fast. His balls felt as if they were bound with shrink-wrap, his dick swelling until he could barely move within her.

His orgasm shot from his balls, up his shaft and out through the tip. And it was endless. He had no idea how long he held her there, her legs draped over his shoulders, his head bowed as he tried to catch his breath.

When he finally looked at her, she had one arm over her face and her lips were parted as she sucked air into her lungs. Carefully, he lowered her legs from his shoulders and removed his dick. He was still hard and she flinched slightly.

He frowned, hoping he hadn’t hurt her. Then she lowered her arm and gifted him with a sleepy smile. There was no other woman as giving as Sapphire. How he’d gotten lucky enough to find her was beyond him, but he was sure as hell keeping her now that he had her.

He lifted her into his arms, walked around to the side of the bed and yanked down the covers, depositing her carefully on the sheet. Leaving her briefly, he went to the bathroom, cleaned up and then ran a soft cloth under warm water. Carrying the cloth back to the bed, he ran it over her arms and chest before cleaning between her thighs. She sighed but didn’t object.

He tossed the damp cloth onto the floor and crawled into bed beside her, tugging her into his arms. Sapphire was already asleep.


He was still holding her tight when they woke the next morning. She smiled sleepily at him and he kissed her, letting their lips glide together, his tongue trailing over her bottom one. “Good morning, babe.”

“Good morning.” She rubbed her hand over his chest and his dick jumped.

He grabbed her hand and kissed the finger wearing his ring and then her wrist, which was covered in the bracelet. “I love you.” The words were out of his mouth before he’d even realized he was going to say them. He stiffened, but then slowly relaxed. It felt right to say them. He’d never said them to another woman and never would. Sapphire was the only woman for him. She accepted him as he was and he trusted her to stay with him through thick and thin.

Maybe there were a lot of things he couldn’t control in this world, but one thing he knew he could always count on was Sapphire’s love.

She buried her face against his chest and gave a suspicious sniff. He shifted position until he could see her face and frowned at the tears welling in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” Tension thrummed through him. Didn’t she want him to love her?

She shook her head and flung her arms around his neck. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is right. I love you too.”

He smiled then, knowing he’d been right to say the words. She needed to hear them as much as he did. “How about we get a shower and some breakfast.”

“Sounds good.” She swiped at her eyes, dropped a kiss on his lips and crawled out of bed. He admired her naked ass for a second before joining her in the bathroom and the shower.

An hour later, they were sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee when Jake’s phone rang. He checked the caller ID and answered when he saw it was Dolan. “Yeah.”

“Looks like your boy is in trouble. It’s all over the front page of the newspaper.”

“Is it now?” Jake felt a broad smile crossing his face.

“He’s going to be busy for a long time. He might even go to jail.”

“Thanks for your help, man. Check your account today for final payment.”

“Will do. If you need me again, just call the new number. This phone is history.” The call ended and Jake tucked his phone back into his pocket. He’d dump his phone later, making sure to leave parts of it scattered all over the city. He and Dolan had met briefly yesterday and exchanged new numbers so they could keep in touch.

“What was that about?” Sapphire took a bite of her toast, munching it as she waited for an answer.

Jake rubbed his thumb over the ring he wore on his pinky. It was his reminder, his promise to always protect the woman he loved, and to be honest with her. “Seems as though Ivan Gregor is in trouble. Apparently it’s all over the news this morning.”

“Serves him right.” He was amused by her fierce reaction, even though he knew he shouldn’t be. Sapphire had a deep sense of justice and that’s what this was, plain and simple.

“I don’t think we need to worry about him any longer. He’s got his hands full dealing with other issues and his entire life is going to come under the microscope for a long time to come. He’s going to want to keep his nose as clean as possible to stay out of jail.” Of course, Jake planned to watch the situation carefully and if he felt Sapphire was in danger, he’d take more drastic measures. For now, he felt as though the problem had been dealt with.

“What are your plans for today?” he asked her.

She sipped her coffee and he could practically see the wheels turning in her head. “I thought I’d start planning a wedding.” She smiled at him. “How do you feel about a double wedding?”

“Works for me. Whatever you want.”

She got out of her chair and came around the table to sit in his lap. “Oh, I see what you’re up to. Agree to whatever the little woman wants and just get fitted for the tux.”

“Guilty.” He held up his hand. “I don’t care what you do as long as it makes you happy.”

“You make me happy.” She kissed him but pulled away before he deepened it. “None of that right now. I’ve got a ton of work to take care of and a wedding to plan.”

He growled and playfully patted her butt. “Later.”

“Definitely later,” she agreed. Then she grabbed her phone and hit a number on her speed dial. “Good morning, Topaz. How do you feel about a double wedding?”



Sapphire stood on the magnificent grounds of her parents’ home in upstate New York, admiring the lights twinkling in the trees, the soft music drifting out of the snow-white tent and the murmur of voices all around her.

Strong arms wrapped around her from behind and pulled her against a hard chest. “Happy?”

She looked up at her new husband and smiled. “Completely.” She lifted her hand and admired the plain platinum band that nestled next to her diamond ring. The bracelet she’d made wrapped around her wrist, sapphires sparkling in the light. “You?”

Jake pressed his face against her curls and kissed her head. “More than I ever thought possible.”

Her heart skipped a beat before settling again. In the weeks leading up to the wedding, Jake had started opening up more with her, telling her some things about his past. He’d always be more self-contained than most, but that was okay. He loved her. His telling her that was the same as saying he trusted her, and that meant everything to her.

“Topaz and John look happy.” That was an understatement. Her sister was practically glowing and John looked as proud as a peacock.

“They do, but not as happy as us.” He nipped at her ear, making her shiver.

“Your grandfather is having fun. I think he’s hitting on Mrs. Whittaker.” Sadie Whittaker was her family’s former housekeeper. She’d been retired for ten years, but was still a close family friend.

Jake chuckled. “Wouldn’t surprise me. Granddad’s still got a lot of life in him.”

That was an understatement. Bernard Knight had driven up from Brooklyn in his ’68 Camaro last night. He was fit and spry and looked like a man closer to sixty than eighty-two. She’d met him for the first time several weeks ago and knew where Jake had inherited his stubborn streak. Mr. Knight lived his life by his own rules and paid no mind to what others thought.

“Look, Mom and Dad are dancing.” She pointed at her parents as they took to the dance floor as if they owned it. Her father twirled her mother around while she laughed.

“They can move.” Jake rocked her from side to side. “Did I tell you how gorgeous you look in your dress?” She felt something hard prod her backside and knew Jake was getting aroused.

“You didn’t tell me, but I guessed you liked it.” She rubbed her butt against his growing erection.

“Tease,” he complained. “I know we’re not getting out of here for at least another hour.”

“You’re not having fun?” She turned in his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Oh, I’m having fun, but I’ll definitely have more later.” He started to kiss her, then stopped. “Shit.” He turned her so she could see Topaz and John walking toward them. “Don’t move,” Jake warned her and she barely kept from giggling as he kept her strategically placed in front of him to hide his obvious arousal.

“You left the party.” Topaz shot Jake an accusatory look. John simply rolled his eyes.

“Actually, I was the one who left,” Sapphire offered. “I just wanted a moment to let it all sink in.”

Topaz smiled and then twirled around in a circle, arms extended. “We’re married. Can you believe it?”

Sapphire enjoyed her sister’s enthusiasm. From the moment she’d suggested a double wedding, Topaz had thrown herself into the preparations with undisguised glee.

“Here comes the other Jewel,” Jake whispered in her ear. Sapphire peered around Topaz to see their sister Emerald coming toward them with her husband in tow. Jackson kept one arm around his wife as they approached. Emerald had stood as matron of honor for both of them. Jackson had stepped in to act as best man for both grooms.

“Congratulations to you both.” Emerald hugged both sisters. “I hope you’re as happy as Jackson and I.” She glanced at her new brothers-in-law. “You both look like you’re getting ready to bolt.” She gave her husband a knowing look. “I recognize the expression on your faces.”

John held up his hand. “Guilty.”

Sapphire glanced up at Jake, but he simply scowled. “We can’t leave for another hour.” She knew then that he was staying for her. If he had it his way they’d already be on their way to the hotel to spend their wedding night. She loved him even more for wanting to do what he thought she wanted.

“One more dance and then we can say goodbye to everyone,” she promised.

“Really? You don’t want to stay longer?” She could see the growing hope in his eyes.

She shook her head. “One more dance and I promise we’ll leave.”

Jake grabbed her hand and started dragging her toward the opening in the tent. “Hurry up, woman.” She ran to keep up with his long strides, laughing as she went. She glanced back to find Emerald holding her sides and laughing while Topaz simply shook her head at them like they were unruly children. Then John grabbed her sister’s hand and started pulling her behind him. Seemed he was following Jake’s lead.

Then they were on the dance floor, whirling in a circle as the strains of a waltz wafted around them. As Jake spun her around, she saw all her family and close friends smiling at them. She smiled up at her husband and knew she’d made the right decision.

“I love you, Jake.”

His gaze turned tender and he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I love you too. Now let’s get out of here.”

About N.J. Walters


N.J. Walters worked at a bookstore for several years and one day had the idea that she would like to quit her job, sell everything she owned, leave her hometown and write romance novels in a place where no one knew her. And she did. Two years later, she went back to the same bookstore and settled in for another seven years.

Although she was still fairly young, that was when the midlife crisis set in. Happily married to the love of her life, with his encouragement (more like, “For God’s sake, quit the job and just write!”), she gave notice at her job on a Friday morning. On Sunday afternoon, she received a tentative acceptance for her first erotic romance novel,
Annabelle Lee
, and life would never be the same.

N.J. has always been a voracious reader of romance novels, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks all vie for her attention. And she doesn’t mind a bit. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.



N.J. welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her
author bio page





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Also by
N.J. Walters


Amethyst Dreams

Amethyst Moon

Anastasia’s Style

Awakening Desires 1: Katie’s Art of Seduction

Awakening Desires 2: Erin’s Fancy

Awakening Desires 3: Capturing Carly

Awakening Desires 4: Craving Candy

Awakening Desires 5: Jackson’s Jewel

Awakening Desires 6: MacNamara’s Lady

Awakening Desires 7: Touch of Topaz

Beyond Shadows

Dalakis Passion 1: Harker’s Journey

Dalakis Passion 2: Lucian’s Delight

Dalakis Passion 3: Stefan’s Salvation

Dalakis Passion 4: Eternal Brothers

Dalakis Passion 5: Endless Chase

Drakon’s Treasure

Ellora’s Cavemen: Dreams of the Oasis IV

Ellora’s Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile IV

Ellora’s Cavemen: Legendary Tails IV

Ellora’s Cavemen: Seasons of Seduction III

Hearts of Fire 3: Seeking Charlotte

Hearts of Fire 5: Entwined Hearts
with Nicole Austin, TJ Michaels & Ciana Stone

Jessamyn’s Christmas Gift

Lady’s Minstrel

Lassoing Lara

Out of Shadows

Project Alpha 1: Embracing Silence

Project Alpha 2: Have Mercy

Project Alpha 3: Sweet Charity

Summersville Secrets 1: Annabelle Lee

Summersville Secrets 2: Heat Wave

Summersville Secrets 3: Lily Blossoms

Tapestries 1: Christina’s Tapestry

Tapestries 2: Bakra Bride

Tapestries 3: Woven Dreams

Tapestries 4: Threads of Destiny

Tapestries 5: Embroidered Fantasies

Tapestries 6: Fabric of Fate

Tempting Tori

Three Swords, One Heart

Tracking Talia

Unmasking Kelly

BOOK: Stroke of Sapphire
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