Stripped - Complete Series (10 page)

BOOK: Stripped - Complete Series
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“Just how did you know about that anyway?” Rebecca asked, quelling a groan as she sipped on her drink to stall for time.

“When I didn’t hear from you after the date, I rang the brothers the next morning. They calmly informed me that you were still asleep in bed and would probably be with them the rest of the weekend. When you still failed to call me up since then, I put two and two together and guess what I got?”

Rebecca rolled her eyes expressively at Diane’s suggestive wriggling of eyebrows. “Okay, I know what you’re dying to ask. Did I do it? Did I sleep with Alec and Tristan? That’s what you want to know isn’t it?”

“Well, yes. I won’t lie that I’ve heard tiny rumors about their…preferences. You know, that they were into some kinky stuff. Women will talk, you know. I just never thought they’d rope you in, as it were,” Diana said teasingly. “Well, how was it? Did you get to sleep locked in a cage beneath their bed or what?”

“Oh please.” Rebecca turned away while concealing a hot blush. She hadn’t realized that Alec and Tristan’s private tastes were such open knowledge. Not that their penchants in sex were anything to be ashamed of or hide, but she felt a twinge of jealousy thinking of the other women they may have shared what they did with her the past weekend, women only happy to spread stories about their ‘kinky preferences’.

“There was no ‘cage beneath their bed’ as you so blithely put it,” was Rebecca’s dry reply. “The brothers aren’t that sinister.”

Not that she could tell just after one hot weekend of fun and games
, Rebecca mused. After all, there was still that one room at their house they still hadn’t let her see yet.

‘Yet’? Did that mean she was interested in continuing with what they’d started? She still had a trial week ahead. Despite herself, Rebecca shivered internally.

“So?” prompted Diane. “Is that all you’re willing to divulge? Come on, spill.”

Diane’s curiosity was somewhat amusing, though Rebecca wondered if she shouldn’t be mad at her best friend, instead amused by her. After all, Diane had arranged the whole evening knowing full well just what the brothers were into.

Still, there was a side of Rebecca that knew she should be
Diane for this particular hook-up…

At last, Rebecca sighed as she placed down her glass to face Diane’s riveted gaze.

“I really don’t feel like going into the wild, smutty details - but I’ll confess one thing though…The weekend with Alec and Tristan was the most incredible, intense sexual experience I’ve ever had,” Rebecca breathed, her voice and expression taking on a dreamy state.

And in an instant, her mind flashed back to the events of just some time ago…


“Thank you for deciding to stay, Rebecca,” Alec said. “And for giving us your trust. We’re going to have a wonderful time this weekend and, as long as you do whatever we say, you’ll experience things that will make last night dim in comparison.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded faster. Now that she’d consented, her fearfulness had seeped in in bit by bit, like the tiny drops making a tiny ocean. These two brothers…obviously they weren’t used to the word ‘no’. She’d picked on that trait early enough, right from the moment they’d won her into coming back home with them after the club. And then getting her to spend the night – a night of chaotic ecstasies and abandoned lusts, not soon to be forgotten.

The brothers’ single-minded dominion should make her exhibit far more caution than she’d shown so far, yet here she was, ready to prolong her time with them.

Ever proprietary, they’d seen to it she had no excuse to leave. Everything was to be provided to make it easier for her to decide to stay.

Now Rebecca was waiting to discover if it had been the best idea, or her greatest mistake.

“I’m not so sure I can do this,” she suddenly hedged, standing there and rubbing her palms down her dress. “Before last night I’d never been tied up or blindfolded or even spanked. I’m a bit nervous of what’s going to happen next.”

“Don’t be nervous,” Alec said. “You
do this. You’ve enjoyed things thus far – just let your fears go and I promise you…you’ll come to crave the games we’ll play. Will you let Tristan and I have control this weekend?”

She expelled a shaky breath. “I guess I’ll try. I’m just as worried of panicking and spoiling everything as I am of what will take place.”

Tristan moved forward and she looked to him, seeing the dark gleam in his grey eyes as he seemed to compel his will into her. “There is one thing you can do that could help you get into the spirit of playing our submissive for the weekend. You’ve agreed to do whatever we say and to let us do whatever we want to you. Immerse yourself in your given role by thinking of us as, and calling us, ‘
’ for the rest of today.”

Both brothers watched her and Rebecca did all she could to hide her inner struggle with the seed now planted in her mind. The word Master…how loaded it seemed; with threat, promise, veneration.

Did she really want to think of herself as a slave?

However; she was enticed by the thought of having no control of what was about to happen. Since last night she’d had to feel so many emotions; tremendous arousal, anticipation, fear and embarrassment. She’d arrived at the bar hoping to meet someone new and had ended up with an introduction to sensations that surpassed all others she’d encountered.

She still wanted that experience. In that bed last night; the blindfold and restraints, the helplessness had powered a mind-blowing release.

Could she forgive herself if she didn’t let herself discover an even wilder sexual high?

Through it all, she had to find out. Besides, it was just for the weekend. If it ended up a bad one, she’d simply discontinue, Rebecca finally decided.

“I’ll try to do everything that’s asked of me, Master,” she said, to Tristan and then to Alec as her gaze turned to him.

Alec nodded his approval. “Good. You won’t regret it.”

Rebecca gulped, thinking to herself,
I sure hope not. Because I’ll have no one to blame but myself for going along with this so far.

“You can take off your dress now,” Alec said, sending shockwaves through her frame.

Apart from a surprised blink, Rebecca didn’t hesitate. She pulled her dress off above her head, and deftly took off her bra and panties. Two pairs of gleaming eyes followed her movements in a thrilling, empowering yet shiver-inducing manner, as she finally stood naked.

It was then she noticed that Tristan moved from behind her and now held two items in his hands. A dog collar and a lead chain. Oooh

“This is all you’ll need to have on for the rest of the day,” Tristan informed her.

They wanted her to wear a dog collar?
When Tristan came to stand in front of her, his expression questioning, Rebecca balked. She could just leave, dammit.

But she was already naked. Also…remembering how being restrained and blindfolded had heightened her excitement last night, she reckoned this might have much the same effect.

Not like it was an unattractive collar; it actually looked quite stylish, like someone who wanted to accessorize would wear.


“Rebecca?” Tristan quizzed, brow arching at her hesitation. “Will you put on the collar or not?”

“Of course, um, Master,” she said through a parched throat. “I was just caught off guard that’s all.” And then she put the collar around her neck. Even if there was no one else but them to see her, she still felt self-conscious; carnalized. And turned on as hell.

Now what?

As if reading her mind, Tristan said, “We’ll start off with some role play. You, Rebecca are my pretty little property.” So saying, he fastened the silver chain lead to her collar. “And as your owner, I’ve invited someone, Mr. Alec to collaborate with us in our scene. You are to please him as you would please me. He’s going to want to do a lot of things to you and as your Master, I’m going to let him.”

“Okay,” Rebecca let out on a breathy whisper, only just thinking to add, “Master.”

Rebecca felt so excited to be gratifying what seemed to be some fantasy of theirs. She liked it already. Yes, even with the collar and lead, which was quite a pretty one, all shiny chain.

She watched with teeth buried in her bottom lip as Tristan took off his shirt. His grey eyes twinkled and showed a depth of danger she was used to by now.

Tristan unbuttoned his jeans though kept them on. Then he went to settle on the sofa, legs splayed wide and pulling gently on her lead. Since he was seated, Rebecca found herself having to get on her knees and crawl to Tristan while he pulled out his burgeoning cock with his free hand.

Rebecca was already starting to shiver as she from the corner of her eye saw Alec silently begin to undress. In front of her sprang Tristan’s beautiful cock and she didn’t wait to be told but took him in her hands and reached out with her tongue and lips.

She wasn’t even thinking first of what she was doing. But let her instinct lead the way.
It’s just some role-play
, Rebecca thought.
I get to do what I enjoy, such as suck on Tristan’s hard, thick and impressive cock
. In the meantime, Alec had come up behind her to caress her ass while Rebecca sucked on Tristan with sultry, eager bobs of her head. He tasted so good!

Alec’s hands on her ass were deliciously distracting though. First, he began stroking her buttocks with a searching touch.

Rebecca moaned, while doing her best to take Tristan as deep into her mouth as she could. She stared up into his eyes, now smoky and narrowed into slits of pleasure. She licked circles around his mushroom cap, while she heard Alec murmur appreciatively as he groped her ass.

“Now here’s a really juicy hot piece of ass,” Alec commented. “Really plump and sexy.”

“Spread those legs wider, beautiful,” Tristan said softly as he ran his fingers through Rebecca’s unbound hair. “You wouldn’t want Mr. Alec to miss seeing how wet your cunt gets when sucking my dick, would you?”

How could he tell she was wet
, wondered Rebecca, head whirling. Even she didn’t know how wet she was. Yet Tristan’s tender words did something to her, making her arch her spine and widen her kneeling stance allowing Alec undisturbed view of her deep secrets.

“Hot fuck she’s soaking wet,” groaned Alec, not even touching her pussy yet Rebecca believed him totally. It wasn’t her imagination then, that trickling of moisture running down her inner thigh from her pussy. She really was dripping in sexual heat.

Just then, she felt Alec’s hardness begin to rub against her slick folds from behind. He gently stroked to and fro, his equally formidable cock sheathed in a condom.

“Any chance she can be slutty and let another guy fuck her while she’s sucking your dick?” Alec rasped, keeping in his role of being a ‘stranger’ or guest invited to join in their play. “Always found it sexy as hell, getting my pleasure from a girl’s pussy while her mouth is pleasuring another’s dick.”

Rebecca’s eyes lifted to Tristan’s gleaming gaze as he murmured, “Well beautiful; can you be my little slut and let the nice man fuck that tight, sweet cunt of yours?”

When earlier they’d discussed the scene and how it would go, Rebecca had felt she’d be able to deal things better knowing she could stop if it was too much. And yet…doing something she didn’t like, like crawling and being in a collar, felt like the most erotic submission of all. Now, having to listen to Alec and Tristan speak to her this way gave a shock effect that jarred through her system, making her insides pulsate with impossible arousal. Much as she knew it was a game, she realized that on any occasion it would seem offensive or even degrading. Yet somehow, it hit the right chord within her and switched on so many buttons that made her gasp.

“Whatever you wish, Master,” was her breathless reply.

Tristan then nodded and smiled, as she heard Alec rip open a condom.

“Now this I like,” Alec growled, one hand playing over her pussy, fingering her walls as his thumb flicked over her clit. “The fact that I can get to be nasty with a beautiful, sexy toy and it’s okay.”

Oh shit, Rebecca thought as Alec’s roving fingers slipped away and he rubbed the broad head of his dick along the length of her moistened slit. The friction heightened her arousal and pleasure, making her hungry for more. She sucked more ravenously on Tristan’s cock, delighted by his pleased groan as his fingers tightened on her scalp.

Her next sensation was of Alec sliding slowly into her heat. Almost carefully, like he’d never fucked her before and needed to get her prepared for his engorged size. Right then she felt unusually tight and snug, even as her pussy dripped and drizzled like never before, welcoming his penetration.

She dipped her spine even lower. Something in her really wanted to feel this; to be aware of every hard inch of cock encompassing the soft eager walls of her pussy. Thus she slid her legs wider apart and sent Alec sinking to the hilt into her hot center.

A deep groan from him was all the ratification she needed to know he was right in the place he wanted to be; balls-deep inside her.

At that moment Rebecca found herself in a rainbow-infused bubble; a private happy place brought on by getting to please her two lovers with both her mouth and pussy stuffed with hard, massive dick.

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