Stripped Bare

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Authors: Susan Mac Nicol

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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“LOVED it. Matthew stole my heart...but Shane, OMG. I want one of him.”
—JT Cheyanne, Bestselling Author of
Grand Slam

Though two years past, Matthew Langer is still getting over the death of a loved one. He’s steered clear of serious relationships, but when he meets the irascible, dirty mouthed and tempestuous Shane Templar that decision has never been harder. Shane is sexy, warm and funny, and Matthew finds himself trying like hell not to fall for him. Especially when Shane, with his quick wit and hacking skills, is quick to stand up for justice and avenge wrongs. Then Shane strikes at the wrong target, and Matthew realises just how far he’s already fallen. At the threat of losing for good yet another man who has broken through his armour, Matthew finds his heart stripped bare. He must face the demons of his soul or a future without love.

“Unashamedly strong and sexy, this story shows just how fast and fierce love between two men can be. And, boy, does Ms. Mac Nicol know just how to turn up the steam!”
—John Trevillian, The A-Men trilogy.



Susan Mac Nicol

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.

Copyright © 2013 Susan Elaine Mac Nicol

All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

Digital edition created by Maureen Cutajar

ISBN 978-1-938876-68-4

For the people who have gotten me as far as I have:

My family, obviously, for putting up with the fact I totally ignore them when I’m in the “writing zone.”

My work colleagues for joshing me and telling all the new people that start at the company that I am the resident ‘pornographic writer’—it keeps me on my toes when their eyes bug out and I have to explain exactly what I write. It also gives me a smug satisfaction.

My amazing online buddies who have always given me such support, whether just imparting advice or propping me up when I fall down. It’s truly amazing that people you’ve never met can care for you like that.

My guru and treasured editor Jill Limber and the others—Michelle Klayman and Chris Keeslar—at Boroughs Publishing who have believed in me and given me every chance possible to a writer.

The wonderful writing group I belong to, the Talliston Writers Circle, who are, as ever, insane. They definitely need help but are full of support and wise words, especially one who shall forever be known as Grasshopper. And then there’s Despicable Moi, our leader, and his sidekick Turkey Man. (Don’t ask. I couldn’t explain how all this came about if I tried.) My nickname is Whiplash and I won’t be explaining that one either. :)


I have to thank these individuals for their part in bringing this book to fruition—in no particular order of importance, I promise you:

John Trevillian, for his part in being my beta reader and self-professed ‘cultural liaison’ in the world of the gay man and sense-checking my sex scenes as well as offering invaluable advice on the story.

Gabriele Gandlau, for translating my English phrases to German.

Kindle Alexander, J T Cheyanne and John Trevillian for reading the story and giving me wonderful quotes for the cover and quotes page. Ladies and gentleman, you rock.

Jill Limber for her tireless efforts in editing and guiding me to be a better writer. It was Jill’s first foray into the world of the gay male romance and she asked some rather ‘intimate’ questions in her desire to understand some of the plot. We had a few giggles.


Title Page




All Tied Up with Nowhere to Go

Family Trials

Getting to know you…maybe


New Beginnings

Getting to know him

Regret, Remorse and Make-Up Sex

All hell breaks loose

Agreeing the boundaries

It’s all about the money

German sex talk and old friends

More trouble in paradise

Meeting the Zulu

Discoveries and Need

Morning After

Making plans

The Gay Musketeers Ride again

Slow dancing and secrets

Aftermath and tragedy

The journey back

Back together again

Going home

Fatherly visits and more passing out

Redemption and Release

Author’s Notes

About the Author

All Tied Up with Nowhere to Go

Shane Templar watched the man standing by the bed. Shane had no idea how he’d gotten himself into this situation, but he had to admit that this wasn’t the first time. He’d thought he was cleverer than he used to be. He went through a mental checklist as he ticked off the items that had led him into the predicament he now faced.





Pretty smoking hot

Experienced escort

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