Read Stripped Bare Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Erotica, #Short Novel, #Ellora's Cave

Stripped Bare (11 page)

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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“It’s what I do,” Shep said and shrugged.

“I know,” Stace said. “But I also have a feeling that you don’t call Ally in on all your cases. You’re too protective of her. You did that for me didn’t you?”

He nodded his head. “You’re pretty special, Stace. I’m not sure what it is about you. No, that’s not true. It’s everything about you. I couldn’t walk away if I wanted to, which I don’t.”

“I don’t want you to either,” Stace replied.

“That’s good since I just took told Jack I was taking some vacation time to stick around and see what I could do to help you,” Shep smiled.

“And what did Mr. Madigan say?” Stace asked.

“He said to be sure to let him know when I convinced you to come back with me to Legacy,” Shep chuckled. “He said you had a job when you wanted it as long as we promised he wouldn’t find us going at it in an office somewhere.”

Stace laughed. “Why would he think something like that?”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about this wild Madigan-Daniels family that I’m lucky enough to be a part of,” Shep said. “But I’m hoping you’re willing to stick around and find out.”

“I’d like that,” she said. “I’d like that a lot.”

Chapter Ten


It had been a long two weeks and Shep had been beside her the entire time. Chloe spent four days in the hospital and then was released to come home. They had laughed, cried and talked for hours and hours. Stace felt like she was getting a fresh start at life.
Her sister, Shep and an open job offer that would allow her to work close to home doing what she enjoyed and was good at.
But her sister was ready now for Stace to leave, to get out of her hair.

Chloe had decided to take the rest of the semester off from school and return next term. She was still dealing with some things but these were things that Stace couldn’t help her with, that only Chloe could work through. Stace had to respect that and not press her sister.

Tomorrow Stace was leaving again but this time she was only going a few towns over. After spending almost a month with Shep, Stace knew that she was falling in love with him. She also knew that he was feeling something similar for her though neither of them had spoken the words yet. But she had agreed to stay with him while she looked for a place of her own. Chances were she’d never find that place.

She was going to work for Midnight, Inc. and was really looking forward to it. There was such a dynamic between the guys who worked there and she was happy to become a part of it. Ally and Blake had come over when Chloe came home from the hospital and Chloe had held Ally close and cried as she thanked the woman for finding her. They had shut the door and talked for over an hour and whatever Ally had said must have helped as Chloe seemed to relax a lot afterward.

Tonight Stace and Shep had the house to themselves as Chloe had decided to take her best friend up on the offer to stay at Nicole’s apartment. Stace figured that Chloe might be able to share things with Nicole that perhaps she wouldn’t with Stace. Nicole was like a sister to Chloe and Stace respected the bond that the two women shared. Plus this was the first time that Chloe had left the farmhouse since her release from the hospital. This could only be another step toward full recovery from the ordeal she’d been through.

Stace looked up when Shep walked through the door of her bedroom. They’d been sharing the room and Stace liked seeing their things mixed together on the dresser and in the bathroom. So far they were very compatible when it came to sharing close quarters and she hoped that it stayed that way. Tomorrow they would officially be living together even if they weren’t saying that yet.

“Ally and Blake invited us over for dinner tomorrow night,” Shep said as he shut the door behind him. He crossed to sit beside her on the bed and stroked a hand down her leg before bending to take his socks and shoes off. “I told them that we’d let them know once I talked to you.”

“You didn’t just agree?” Stace asked admiring his physique again as she stood and removed his shirt tossing it carelessly to the floor. The man had an amazing body and she couldn’t imagine ever becoming immune to his sex appeal.

“Well, no,” Shep said grinning at her. “It’s not just me, it’s us. So I said that I’d talk to you first.”

He said it as though it should be obvious but it was special to her. She’d dated guys before who had just decided for them and told her what they were doing. But she’d known from the start that Shep was different. She remembered when she’d asked him if there was a woman in his life and that little pause that made her think that there could have been. She’d figured out that it was Ally. Not that Shep was in love with Ally, but that he had desired what Ally and Blake shared. She’d caught the longing in his eyes. And when it came to Shep, Stace could imagine sharing that type of bond with him.

“I’d love to have dinner there,” she assured him. “I really like Ally and I’m sure as I get to know Blake better I’ll like him too.” Stace moved to sit on the edge of the bed her bare feet just brushing the floor.

Shep moved over to stand between her thighs, one hand lowering to brush the backs of his fingers over her cheek. “I’m glad to hear you say that.”

She caught his fingers and brought them to her mouth placing a kiss there before running her tongue over one digit. She would never make a man give up a friend because she had jealousy issues. She admitted that it was a little weird to find herself becoming good friends with a woman who had shared a ménage relationship with Shep but stranger things happened in the world. Truth was, Stace genuinely like Ally and the fact that Ally cared so much about Shep.

Shep groaned as she took his thumb into her mouth and sucked on it. “I’ve got something better if you feel like sucking,” he said with that wicked grin. She loved the way his eyes darkened with passion, the ripple of his stomach as she let his thumb pop free and ran her hands up the outsides of his thighs.

“Something just for me, huh,” she said with a smile as she flicked the top button free and leaned in running her tongue over his taut lower abs.

“Only for you,” he moaned in agreement as her hands shoved jeans and boxers down far enough to allow his turgid cock to rise free and proud from the material.

She loved his cock. As far as she was concerned it was absolutely perfect.
Perfect length and so thick.
She leaned in and ran her tongue all along the head licking the drop of pre-cum before rubbing it over the slit in search for more of his unique taste. She moved down the head to let her tongue run over his shaft down to the taut sac that hung below. Carefully she sucked and licked at his balls loving the way he moaned above her.

One hand continued stroking up and down his shaft, the thumb running over his head and rubbing the drops of pre-cum over him. But feeling those drops made her hungry to take them into her mouth again and with teasing licks and nips she moved back up his shaft until she could take the head into her mouth and suck greedily at it.
She could spend
right here licking and savoring Shep.

“You’re killing me, Stace,” he groaned. He wrapped his hands in her hair holding it up out of her face so that he could watch her mouth sucking him. She loved the way he watched her.

He moved his hips and she gripped one hand around the base of his cock as he pressed in and out of her mouth, fucking her. She licked and sucked as he thrust into her mouth loving the way he filled her, the way the head butted against the front of her throat but no further as he controlled the depth of each stroke. If she wanted more she would have to take it from him.

With the next thrust she did just that. Breathing through her nose she swallowed the head into the back of her throat and fought her gag reflex as she held him there for a long moment. She could feel the way his shaft flexed, feel the tremble in his thighs and stomach as he fought to maintain control. Slowly she eased him back out of her throat until just the head remained and she gave it one
more hard
suck before releasing him from her mouth.

He pulled back from her and shoved his jeans and briefs all the way down stepping out of them before pulling her to her feet and reaching for the hem of her t-shirt. She lifted her arms making it easy for him to pull it over her head. He tossed it much the way he had his and then stood back and looked at the black bra he’d uncovered.

“Damn,” he groaned running a finger over one black lace cup. “Do you have the matching panties on?”

She grinned. “Why don’t you check and see?”

He surprised her then by dropping to his knees in front of her and reaching for the top snap of her jeans. He ran his tongue along the skin of her abdomen just above the band of her jeans as he moved his hands to work the zipper. He spread the material wide and eased the denim over her hips and down her legs until she stepped out of them.

His hands spanned her waist as he sat back on his heels and just let his gaze run over her from head to toe. “I love this look,” he said. “You should dress like this more often.”

She shook her head and agreed. “You’re right. I have a red set just like this that would be perfect for my first day at my new job. I think my coworkers would love it.”

Shep growled low in his throat. “I’d have to kill any of them if they saw you like this.”

“You’d have to?” she asked with a laugh.

“If they took one look at you like this I’d have to fight them back,” he said and leaned in to run his lips and tongue over her stomach.

Her turn to moan as he tortured her with the pleasure of his lips on her skin.
His tongue slid under the edge of her panties and rubbed erotically against the skin there. His hands tugged gently at her panties and she moaned louder as they slid down her thighs and his tongue dipped into the top of her slit. She stepped out of her underwear and widened her stance opening her legs for his easier access.

His husky laugh tickled her skin. His tongue found and fondled her clit while he pushed one finger inside her wet cunt. His tongue, lips and teeth nibbled, sucked and tasted her while his finger became drenched in her juices. She was so wet, so ready, and so close to coming. A second finger slipped inside and she arched her hips out, her body begging for more.

She let her hands slip up her sides until she encountered the lace of her bra. One hand slid back and she unhooked her bra easing the straps down her shoulders. She caught the material in one hand and slipped free of it tossing it atop the pile of their clothes. She ran her hands back up to cup her breasts letting her fingers find her nipples and tug and pinch gently at them.

She felt his eyes on her and looked down to see Shep flatten his tongue out before rubbing it over her clit. She tugged a little harder at her nipples feeling the rise toward orgasm.

“I love watching you touch yourself,” his husky voice rumbled over her clit making her catch her breath.

“I love the look in your eyes when you watch me,” she shared with him. “I want to feel you inside me. I want your cock buried in me when I come.”

He groaned and giving her clit a quick kiss he stood, bending to place a much more thorough kiss on her lips. She loved the way that she could taste herself on his lips, loved the way their tastes combined on her tongue. His arms wrapped around her and she moved with him until the backs of her legs hit the side of the bed again. She broke the kiss gasping for air as he moved his lips down her neck to the top of her shoulders and down to her chest.

She lifted her breasts to him and he took one nipple into his mouth sucking eagerly at it. He moved over to the second nipple and gave it the same sweet treatment before placing his hands over hers and pushing her breasts together. He took both nipples into his mouth at the same time and she cried out as he sucked hard on them driving her need through the roof. She lifted one leg and gripped his hip leaning into him.

He thrust his hips letting his cock slide through her wet slit as he continued to suck and feed at her breasts. He was driving her closer and closer to orgasm. She could feel the tingles over her skin and wanted to feel the firm thrust of his hips as he plunged his magnificent cock deep in her pussy.

“Now,” she managed to gasp. “I need you, Shep.”

He released her and gave her another passionate kiss that stole her breath before pulling back once more. “Hop on the bed, honey,” he said and she turned to crawl onto the mattress intending to flip onto her back in the middle. His hands stopped her cupping her buttocks and squeezing them. “I want you just like this,” he whispered. “I want to feel your ass every time I thrust into the tight grip of your pussy.”

“Yes,” she sighed in agreement wanting to feel the same thing.

His hands never left her as she moved farther onto the bed so that he could join her. She felt the dip of the mattress then the brush of his thighs against the back of hers. His cock bumped against her ass and she arched her back lifting her ass higher before widening her knees for him. She heard the crackle of a wrapper and knew at least he had the presence of mind to protect them. One hand moved and the next thing she felt was the head of his sheathed cock slipping through the slick folds of her cunt. She rocked back against him. His cock lodged against her opening and with a shift of his hips the head slid inside.

“Shep,” she moaned his name, her fingers gripping the covers frantically.

He rocked his hips pushing deeper inside until she could feel the brush of his balls against the bottom of her ass cheeks. They both moaned. It felt so good, so right. His hands gripped her hips and he gave them a squeeze before slowly withdrawing from her rippling pussy. With a hard thrust he filled her to overflowing again and the rhythm was set. Slow, but hard and steady. Each thrust had her that much closer to the edge.

He thrust deep and rotated his hips causing his cock to rub in all the right places making her scream with pleasure. She lowered her head to rest on the bed and her nipples rubbed the comforter with every thrust. Her ass lifted just a bit higher and Shep began a faster pace. It was just what she needed, exactly the way she needed it. She felt the tingle in her body, the ball of pleasure building and building in her womb until it burst like a bomb spreading flaming heat through every inch of her.

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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